]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - PWGJE/AliAnalysisTaskJetServices.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGJE / AliAnalysisTaskJetServices.h
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4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7// **************************************
8// Task used for the correction of determiantion of reconstructed jet spectra
9// Compares input (gen) and output (rec) jets
10// *******************************************
12#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
13#include "THnSparse.h" // cannot forward declare ThnSparseF
16class AliJetHeader;
17class AliESDEvent;
18class AliESDVertex;
19class AliAODEvent;
20class AliAODVertex;
21class AliAODVZERO;
22class AliAODJet;
23class AliGenPythiaEventHeader;
24class AliCFManager;
25class AliTriggerAnalysis;
27class TList;
28class TClonesArray;
29class TObjArray;
30class TChain;
31class TH1F;
32class TH2F;
33class TH3F;
34class TProfile;
35class TRandom3;
39class AliAnalysisTaskJetServices : public AliAnalysisTaskSE
41 public:
42 AliAnalysisTaskJetServices();
43 AliAnalysisTaskJetServices(const char* name);
44 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskJetServices();
45 // Implementation of interface methods
46 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
47 virtual void Init();
48 virtual void LocalInit() { Init(); }
49 virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option);
50 virtual void Terminate(Option_t *option);
51 virtual void SetZVertexCut(Float_t f){fVtxZCut = f;}
52 virtual void SetDeltaZVertexCut(Float_t f){fVtxDeltaZCut = f;}
53 virtual void SetPtMinCosmic(Float_t ptMin) {fPtMinCosmic = ptMin;}
54 virtual void SetRMinCosmic(Float_t rMin) {fRIsolMinCosmic = rMin;}
55 virtual void SetMaxCosmicAngle(Float_t angle) {fMaxCosmicAngle = angle;}
56 virtual Bool_t Notify();
58 virtual void SetAODInput(Bool_t b){fUseAODInput = b;}
59 virtual void SetRunRange(Float_t fLo,Float_t fUp){fRunRange[0] = fLo;fRunRange[1] = fUp;}
60 virtual void SetMCData(Bool_t b){fMC = b;}
61 virtual void SetCollisionType(Int_t iType){fCollisionType = iType;}
62 virtual void SetUsePhysicsSelection(Bool_t b){fUsePhysicsSelection = b;}
63 virtual void SetPhysicsSelectionFlag(Int_t i){fPhysicsSelectionFlag = i;}
64 virtual void SetFilterAODCollisions(Bool_t b){fFilterAODCollisions = b;}
66 virtual void SetNonStdFile(char *c){fNonStdFile = c;}
67 Bool_t IsEventSelected(const AliESDEvent* esd);
68 Bool_t IsEventSelected(const AliAODEvent* aod) const;
70 Bool_t IsEventPileUp(const AliESDEvent* esd) const;
72 Bool_t IsEventCosmic(const AliESDEvent* esd) const;
74 Bool_t IsVertexValid(const AliESDVertex *vtx);
75 Bool_t IsVertexValid(const AliAODVertex *vtx) const;
77 Bool_t IsVertexIn(const AliESDVertex *vtx,const AliESDVertex *vtxSPD);
78 Bool_t IsVertexIn(const AliAODVertex *vtx,const AliAODVertex *vtxSPD) const;
79 Int_t GetEventClass(AliESDEvent *esd);
80 Int_t GetEventClass(AliAODEvent *aod);
83 virtual void SetFilterMask(UInt_t i){fFilterMask = i;}
84 virtual void SetMinTrackPt(Float_t f){fMinTrackPt = f;}
85 virtual void SetTrackEtaWindow(Float_t f){fTrackRecEtaWindow = f;}
86 virtual void SetRPMethod(Int_t i){fRPMethod = i;}
87 virtual void SetV0Centroids(TProfile *xa,TProfile *ya,
88 TProfile *xc,TProfile *yc);
90 virtual void SetNTrigger(Int_t n);
91 virtual void SetTrigger(Int_t i,UInt_t it,const char* c = "");
94 Bool_t CalculateReactionPlaneAngleVZERO(AliAODEvent *aod);
95 Int_t GetListOfTracks(TList *list);
98 enum { kAllTriggered = 0,
99 kTriggeredVertex, //1
100 kTriggeredVertexIn, //2
101 kSelectedALICE, //3
102 kSelectedALICEVertexValid, //4
103 kSelectedALICEVertexIn, //5
104 kSelected, //6
105 kConstraints}; //7
106 enum { kRPTracks = 0, kRPVZEROA,kRPVZEROC,kRPMethods};
108 enum { kNoEventCut=1<<0,
109 kPhysicsSelectionCut=1<<1,
110 kContributorsCut1=1<<2,
111 kContributorsCut2=1<<3,
112 kContributorsCut3=1<<4,
113 kVertexTPC=1<<5,
114 kVertexSPD=1<<6,
115 kVertexGlobal=1<<7,
116 kSPDDispersionCut=1<<8,
117 kVertexZCut=1<<9,
118 kVertexRCut=1<<10,
119 kVertexDeltaZCut=1<<11,
120 kTotalEventCuts=(1<<12)-1};
121 enum {kPbPb = 0,kPP,kPbP};
123 private:
125 AliAnalysisTaskJetServices(const AliAnalysisTaskJetServices&);
126 AliAnalysisTaskJetServices& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskJetServices&);
128 Bool_t fUseAODInput; // take jet from input AOD not from ouptu AOD
129 Bool_t fUsePhysicsSelection;// decide wether we take into account physicsselction task
130 Bool_t fMC; // true for MC data to allow correct trigger slection
131 Bool_t fFilterAODCollisions; // filter out collision canditates to the AOD
132 UInt_t fPhysicsSelectionFlag; // defines the glag for acceptance of events from physics selection
133 UInt_t fSelectionInfoESD; // slection info bit mask
134 UInt_t fEventCutInfoESD; // event selection info of what is cutted after physics selection
135 UInt_t fFilterMask; // filter bit for slecected tracks
136 Int_t fRPMethod; // method for subevent calculation
137 Int_t fCollisionType; // type of collisions
138 Int_t fNTrigger; // Number of different triggers
139 Float_t fAvgTrials; // Average number of trials
140 Float_t fVtxXMean; // mean x for cuts
141 Float_t fVtxYMean; // mean y for cuts
142 Float_t fVtxZMean; // mean z for cuts
143 Float_t fVtxRCut; // vtx cut in R
144 Float_t fVtxZCut; // vtzx cut in Z
145 Float_t fVtxDeltaZCut; // cut on difference between SPD and Global vtx
146 Float_t fPtMinCosmic; // Minimum pT to be considered as cosmic candidate
147 Float_t fRIsolMinCosmic; // Minimum R = sqrt{deltaPhi^2 + deltaEta^2} to be considered as cosmic candidate
148 Float_t fMaxCosmicAngle; // Max deviation from pi (angle between two tracks) in case of cosmic candidate
149 Float_t fRunRange[2]; // only important for real data for
150 Float_t fCentrality; // ! centrality
151 Float_t fTrackRecEtaWindow; // eta window for rec tracks
152 Float_t fMinTrackPt; // limits the track p_T
153 Float_t fRPAngle; // ! RP angle of the reaction plane
154 Float_t fPsiVZEROA; // ! RP angle from vzeroa
155 Float_t fPsiVZEROC; // ! RP angle from vzeroc
156 UInt_t *fTriggerBit ; //[fNTrigger]
158 TRandom3 *fRandomizer; // ! randomizer
160 TString fNonStdFile; // outputName for replication
161 TString *fTriggerName; //[fNTrigger] array of trigger names
162 TProfile* fh1Xsec; //! pythia cross section is averaged
163 TH1F* fh1Trials; //! trials are added per notify...
164 TH1F* fh1AvgTrials; //! average trials are added per event
165 TH1F* fh1PtHard; //! Pt har of the event...
166 TH1F* fh1PtHardTrials; //! Number of trials
167 TH1F* fh1SelectionInfoESD; //! Masks that satisfy fSelectionInfo
168 TH1F* fh1EventCutInfoESD; //! Masks that satisfy fSelectionInfo
169 TH1F* fh1CentralityESD; //! centrality
170 TH1F* fh1Centrality; //! centrality
171 TH1F* fh1RP; //! RP distribution
172 TH2F* fh2ReducedTrigger; //! reduced trigger count
173 TH2F* fh2CentralityTriggerESD; //! centrality
174 TH2F* fh2CentralityTrigger; //! centrality
175 TH2F* fh2TriggerCount; //! number of fire triggers in each case
176 TH2F* fh2ESDTriggerCount; //! number of fire triggers in each case
177 TH2F* fh2TriggerVtx; //! vtx. position vs. trigger decision
178 TH2F* fh2ESDTriggerVtx; //! vtx. position vs. trigger decision
179 TH2F* fh2ESDTriggerRun; //! fired triggers vs. run number
180 TH2F* fh2VtxXY; //! XY position of VTX were available
181 TH1F* fh1NCosmicsPerEvent; //! Number of coscmic candidates found in event
182 TProfile* fp1RPXA; //! mean XA vs run
183 TProfile* fp1RPYA; //! mean YA vs run
184 TProfile* fp1RPXC; //! mean XA vs run
185 TProfile* fp1RPYC; //! mean YA vs run
186 TProfile* fp1CalibRPXA; // calib mean XA vs run
187 TProfile* fp1CalibRPYA; // calib YA vs run
188 TProfile* fp1CalibRPXC; // calib XA vs run
189 TProfile* fp1CalibRPYC; // calib YA vs run
190 TH2F* fh2RPAC; //! RP A vs C
191 TH2F* fh2RPAT; //! RP A vs tracks
192 TH2F* fh2RPCT; //! RP C vs tracks
193 TH2F* fh2XYA; //! XY correlations VZERO C
194 TH2F* fh2XYC; //! XY correlations VZERO C
195 TH2F* fh2RPCentrality; //! RP vs centrality
196 TH2F* fh2RPACentrality; //! RP vs centrality
197 TH2F* fh2RPCCentrality; //! RP vs centrality
199 AliTriggerAnalysis *fTriggerAnalysis; //! Trigger Analysis to get the background rates etc.
200 TList *fHistList; //! Output list
202 // Provisions for replication
203 static AliAODHeader* fgAODHeader; //! Header for replication
204 static AliAODVZERO* fgAODVZERO; //! vzero for replication
205 static TClonesArray* fgAODVertices; //! primary vertex for replication
206 ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskJetServices,17)