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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AOD / AliAODTrack.h
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1#ifndef AliAODTrack_H
2#define AliAODTrack_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
9// AOD track implementation of AliVTrack
10// Author: Markus Oldenburg, CERN
13#include <TRef.h>
14#include <TBits.h>
16#include "AliVTrack.h"
17#include "AliAODVertex.h"
18#include "AliAODRedCov.h"
19#include "AliAODPid.h"
20#include "AliExternalTrackParam.h"
23class AliVVertex;
24class AliDetectorPID;
25class AliTPCdEdxInfo;
26class AliAODEvent;
27class AliTOFHeader;
29class AliAODTrack : public AliVTrack {
31 public:
33 enum AODTrk_t {kUndef = -1,
34 kPrimary,
35 kFromDecayVtx,
36 kOrphan}; // Please note that this flag does not guarantee that the particle is a Physical Primary, it simply identifies the algorithm which was used to filter the track. In general, the following associations are used (check the filter macro to be sure, as this comment may be outdated):
37 //kPrimary: TPC only tracks, global constrained tracks, primary tracks, kink mothers;
38 //kFromDecayVtx: bachelor tracks from cascades, tracks from V0, kink daughters;
39 //kUndef:TRD matched tracks
41 enum AODTrkBits_t {
42 kIsDCA=BIT(14), // set if fPosition is the DCA and not the position of the first point
43 kUsedForVtxFit=BIT(15), // set if this track was used to fit the vertex it is attached to
44 kUsedForPrimVtxFit=BIT(16), // set if this track was used to fit the primary vertex
45 kIsTPCConstrained=BIT(17), // set if this track is a SA TPC track constrained to the SPD vertex, needs to be skipped in any track loop to avoid double counting
46 kIsHybridTPCCG=BIT(18), // set if this track can be used as a hybrid track i.e. Gbobal tracks with certain slecetion plus the TPC constrained tracks that did not pass the selection
47 kIsGlobalConstrained=BIT(19), // set if this track is a global track constrained to the vertex, needs to be skipped in any track loop to avoid double counting
48 kIsHybridGCG=BIT(20)// set if this track can be used as a hybrid track i.e. tracks with certain slecetion plus the global constraint tracks that did not pass the selection
49 };
52 enum AODTrkFilterBits_t {
53 kTrkTPCOnly = BIT(0), // Standard TPC only tracks
54 kTrkITSsa = BIT(1), // ITS standalone
55 kTrkITSConstrained = BIT(2), // Pixel OR necessary for the electrons
56 kTrkElectronsPID = BIT(3), // PID for the electrons
57 kTrkGlobalNoDCA = BIT(4), // standard cuts with very loose DCA
58 kTrkGlobal = BIT(5), // standard cuts with tight DCA cut
59 kTrkGlobalSDD = BIT(6), // standard cuts with tight DCA but with requiring the first SDD cluster instead of an SPD cluster tracks selected by this cut are exclusive to those selected by the previous cut
60 kTrkTPCOnlyConstrained = BIT(7) // TPC only tracks: TPConly information constrained to SPD vertex in the filter below
61 };
64 enum AODTrkPID_t {
65 kElectron = 0,
66 kMuon = 1,
67 kPion = 2,
68 kKaon = 3,
69 kProton = 4,
70 kDeuteron = 5,
71 kTriton = 6,
72 kHelium3 = 7,
73 kAlpha = 8,
74 kUnknown = 9,
75 kMostProbable = -1
76 };
78 AliAODTrack();
79 AliAODTrack(Short_t id,
80 Int_t label,
81 Double_t p[3],
82 Bool_t cartesian,
83 Double_t x[3],
84 Bool_t dca,
85 Double_t covMatrix[21],
86 Short_t q,
87 UChar_t itsClusMap,
88 AliAODVertex *prodVertex,
89 Bool_t usedForVtxFit,
90 Bool_t usedForPrimVtxFit,
91 AODTrk_t ttype=kUndef,
92 UInt_t selectInfo=0,
93 Float_t chi2perNDF = -999.);
96 AliAODTrack(Short_t id,
97 Int_t label,
98 Float_t p[3],
99 Bool_t cartesian,
100 Float_t x[3],
101 Bool_t dca,
102 Float_t covMatrix[21],
103 Short_t q,
104 UChar_t itsClusMap,
105 AliAODVertex *prodVertex,
106 Bool_t usedForVtxFit,
107 Bool_t usedForPrimVtxFit,
108 AODTrk_t ttype=kUndef,
109 UInt_t selectInfo=0,
110 Float_t chi2perNDF = -999.);
112 virtual ~AliAODTrack();
113 AliAODTrack(const AliAODTrack& trk);
114 AliAODTrack& operator=(const AliAODTrack& trk);
116 // kinematics
117 virtual Double_t OneOverPt() const { return (fMomentum[0] != 0.) ? 1./fMomentum[0] : -999.; }
118 virtual Double_t Phi() const { return fMomentum[1]; }
119 virtual Double_t Theta() const { return fMomentum[2]; }
121 virtual Double_t Px() const { return fMomentum[0] * TMath::Cos(fMomentum[1]); }
122 virtual Double_t Py() const { return fMomentum[0] * TMath::Sin(fMomentum[1]); }
123 virtual Double_t Pz() const { return fMomentum[0] / TMath::Tan(fMomentum[2]); }
124 virtual Double_t Pt() const { return fMomentum[0]; }
125 virtual Double_t P() const { return TMath::Sqrt(Pt()*Pt()+Pz()*Pz()); }
126 virtual Bool_t PxPyPz(Double_t p[3]) const { p[0] = Px(); p[1] = Py(); p[2] = Pz(); return kTRUE; }
128 virtual Double_t Xv() const { return GetProdVertex() ? GetProdVertex()->GetX() : -999.; }
129 virtual Double_t Yv() const { return GetProdVertex() ? GetProdVertex()->GetY() : -999.; }
130 virtual Double_t Zv() const { return GetProdVertex() ? GetProdVertex()->GetZ() : -999.; }
131 virtual Bool_t XvYvZv(Double_t x[3]) const { x[0] = Xv(); x[1] = Yv(); x[2] = Zv(); return kTRUE; }
133 Double_t Chi2perNDF() const { return fChi2perNDF; }
135 UShort_t GetTPCnclsS(Int_t i0=0,Int_t i1=159) const {
136 UShort_t cl = fTPCSharedMap.CountBits(i0)-fTPCSharedMap.CountBits(i1);
137 return cl;
138 }
140 UShort_t GetTPCncls(Int_t i0=0,Int_t i1=159) const {
141 UShort_t cl = fTPCFitMap.CountBits(i0)-fTPCFitMap.CountBits(i1);
142 if(cl==0)cl = fTPCClusterMap.CountBits(i0)-fTPCClusterMap.CountBits(i1);// backward compatibility
143 return cl;
144 }
146 UShort_t GetTPCNcls() const { return GetTPCncls(); }
148 Int_t GetNcls(Int_t idet) const;
150 virtual Double_t M() const { return M(GetMostProbablePID()); }
151 Double_t M(AODTrkPID_t pid) const;
152 virtual Double_t E() const { return E(GetMostProbablePID()); }
153 Double_t E(AODTrkPID_t pid) const;
154 Double_t E(Double_t m) const { return TMath::Sqrt(P()*P() + m*m); }
155 virtual Double_t Y() const { return Y(GetMostProbablePID()); }
156 Double_t Y(AODTrkPID_t pid) const;
157 Double_t Y(Double_t m) const;
159 virtual Double_t Eta() const { return -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5 * fMomentum[2])); }
161 virtual Short_t Charge() const {return fCharge; }
163 virtual Bool_t PropagateToDCA(const AliVVertex *vtx,
164 Double_t b, Double_t maxd, Double_t dz[2], Double_t covar[3]);
166 // PID
167 virtual const Double_t *PID() const { return fPID; }
168 AODTrkPID_t GetMostProbablePID() const;
169 void ConvertAliPIDtoAODPID();
170 void SetDetPID(AliAODPid *aodpid) {fDetPid = aodpid;}
172 void SetPIDForTracking(Int_t pid) {fPIDForTracking = pid;}
173 Int_t GetPIDForTracking() const {return fPIDForTracking;}
174 Double_t GetMassForTracking() const;
176 template <typename T> void GetPID(T *pid) const {
177 for(Int_t i=0; i<10; ++i) pid[i] = fPID ? fPID[i]:0;}
179 template <typename T> void SetPID(const T *pid) {
180 if (pid) {
181 if (!fPID) fPID = new Double32_t[10];
182 for(Int_t i=0; i<10; ++i) fPID[i]=pid[i];
183 }
184 else {delete[] fPID; fPID = 0;}
185 }
187 Bool_t IsOn(Int_t mask) const {return (fFlags&mask)>0;}
188 ULong_t GetStatus() const { return GetFlags(); }
189 ULong_t GetFlags() const { return fFlags; }
191 Int_t GetID() const { return (Int_t)fID; }
192 Int_t GetLabel() const { return fLabel; }
193 void GetTOFLabel(Int_t *p) const;
196 Char_t GetType() const { return fType;}
197 Bool_t IsPrimaryCandidate() const;
198 Bool_t GetUsedForVtxFit() const { return TestBit(kUsedForVtxFit); }
199 Bool_t GetUsedForPrimVtxFit() const { return TestBit(kUsedForPrimVtxFit); }
201 Bool_t IsHybridGlobalConstrainedGlobal() const { return TestBit(kIsHybridGCG); }
202 Bool_t IsHybridTPCConstrainedGlobal() const { return TestBit(kIsHybridTPCCG); }
203 Bool_t IsTPCOnly() const { return IsTPCConstrained(); } // obsolete bad naming
204 Bool_t IsTPCConstrained() const { return TestBit(kIsTPCConstrained); }
205 Bool_t IsGlobalConstrained() const { return TestBit(kIsGlobalConstrained); }
206 //
207 Int_t GetTOFBunchCrossing(Double_t b=0, Bool_t tpcPIDonly=kFALSE) const;
208 //
209 using AliVTrack::GetP;
210 template <typename T> void GetP(T *p) const {
211 p[0]=fMomentum[0]; p[1]=fMomentum[1]; p[2]=fMomentum[2];}
213// template <typename T> void GetPxPyPz(T *p) const {
214// p[0] = Px(); p[1] = Py(); p[2] = Pz();}
215 Bool_t GetPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const;
217 template <typename T> Bool_t GetPosition(T *x) const {
218 x[0]=fPosition[0]; x[1]=fPosition[1]; x[2]=fPosition[2];
219 return TestBit(kIsDCA);}
221 template <typename T> void SetCovMatrix(const T *covMatrix) {
222 if(!fCovMatrix) fCovMatrix=new AliAODRedCov<6>();
223 fCovMatrix->SetCovMatrix(covMatrix);}
225 template <typename T> Bool_t GetCovMatrix(T *covMatrix) const {
226 if(!fCovMatrix) return kFALSE;
227 fCovMatrix->GetCovMatrix(covMatrix); return kTRUE;}
229 Bool_t GetXYZ(Double_t *p) const {
230 return GetPosition(p); }
232 Bool_t GetXYZAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t *r) const;
233 Bool_t GetXYZatR(Double_t xr,Double_t bz, Double_t *xyz=0, Double_t* alpSect=0) const;
235 Bool_t GetCovarianceXYZPxPyPz(Double_t cv[21]) const {
236 return GetCovMatrix(cv);}
238 void RemoveCovMatrix() {delete fCovMatrix; fCovMatrix=NULL;}
240 Double_t XAtDCA() const { return fPositionAtDCA[0]; } //makes sense only for constrained tracks, returns dummy values for all other tracks
241 Double_t YAtDCA() const { return fPositionAtDCA[1]; } //makes sense only for constrained tracks, returns dummy values for all other tracks
242 Double_t ZAtDCA() const {
243 if (IsMuonTrack()) return fPosition[2];
244 else if (TestBit(kIsDCA)) return fPosition[1];
245 else return -999.; } //makes sense only for constrained tracks, returns dummy values for all other tracks
246 Bool_t XYZAtDCA(Double_t x[3]) const { x[0] = XAtDCA(); x[1] = YAtDCA(); x[2] = ZAtDCA(); return kTRUE; }
248 Double_t DCA() const {
249 if (IsMuonTrack()) return TMath::Sqrt(XAtDCA()*XAtDCA() + YAtDCA()*YAtDCA());
250 else if (TestBit(kIsDCA)) return fPosition[0];
251 else return -999.; }
253 Double_t PxAtDCA() const { return fMomentumAtDCA[0]; } //makes sense only for constrained tracks, returns dummy values for all other tracks
254 Double_t PyAtDCA() const { return fMomentumAtDCA[1]; } //makes sense only for constrained tracks, returns dummy values for all other tracks
255 Double_t PzAtDCA() const { return fMomentumAtDCA[2]; } //makes sense only for constrained tracks, returns dummy values for all other tracks
256 Double_t PAtDCA() const { return TMath::Sqrt(PxAtDCA()*PxAtDCA() + PyAtDCA()*PyAtDCA() + PzAtDCA()*PzAtDCA()); }
257 Bool_t PxPyPzAtDCA(Double_t p[3]) const { p[0] = PxAtDCA(); p[1] = PyAtDCA(); p[2] = PzAtDCA(); return kTRUE; }
259 Double_t GetRAtAbsorberEnd() const { return fRAtAbsorberEnd; }
261 UChar_t GetITSClusterMap() const { return (UChar_t)(fITSMuonClusterMap&0xff); }
262 Int_t GetITSNcls() const;
263 Bool_t HasPointOnITSLayer(Int_t i) const { return TESTBIT(GetITSClusterMap(),i); }
264 UShort_t GetHitsPatternInTrigCh() const { return (UShort_t)((fITSMuonClusterMap&0xff00)>>8); }
265 UInt_t GetMUONClusterMap() const { return (fITSMuonClusterMap&0x3ff0000)>>16; }
266 UInt_t GetITSMUONClusterMap() const { return fITSMuonClusterMap; }
268 Bool_t TestFilterBit(UInt_t filterBit) const {return (Bool_t) ((filterBit & fFilterMap) != 0);}
269 Bool_t TestFilterMask(UInt_t filterMask) const {return (Bool_t) ((filterMask & fFilterMap) == filterMask);}
270 void SetFilterMap(UInt_t i){fFilterMap = i;}
271 UInt_t GetFilterMap() const {return fFilterMap;}
273 const TBits& GetTPCClusterMap() const {return fTPCClusterMap;}
274 const TBits* GetTPCClusterMapPtr() const {return &fTPCClusterMap;}
275 const TBits& GetTPCFitMap() const {return fTPCFitMap;}
276 const TBits* GetTPCFitMapPtr() const {return &fTPCFitMap;}
277 Float_t GetTPCClusterInfo(Int_t nNeighbours=3, Int_t type=0, Int_t row0=0, Int_t row1=159, Int_t /*type*/=0) const;
279 const TBits& GetTPCSharedMap() const {return fTPCSharedMap;}
280 const TBits* GetTPCSharedMapPtr() const {return &fTPCSharedMap;}
281 void SetTPCClusterMap(const TBits amap) {fTPCClusterMap = amap;}
282 void SetTPCSharedMap(const TBits amap) {fTPCSharedMap = amap;}
283 void SetTPCFitMap(const TBits amap) {fTPCFitMap = amap;}
284 void SetTPCPointsF(UShort_t findable){fTPCnclsF = findable;}
285 void SetTPCNCrossedRows(UInt_t n) {fTPCNCrossedRows = n;}
287 virtual const AliExternalTrackParam * GetInnerParam() const { return NULL; }
288 virtual const AliExternalTrackParam * GetOuterParam() const { return NULL; }
290 UShort_t GetTPCNclsF() const { return fTPCnclsF;}
291 UShort_t GetTPCNCrossedRows() const { return fTPCNCrossedRows;}
292 Float_t GetTPCFoundFraction() const { return fTPCNCrossedRows>0 ? float(GetTPCNcls())/fTPCNCrossedRows : 0;}
294 // Calorimeter Cluster
295 Int_t GetEMCALcluster() const {return fCaloIndex;}
296 void SetEMCALcluster(Int_t index) {fCaloIndex=index;}
297 Bool_t IsEMCAL() const {return fFlags&kEMCALmatch;}
299 Double_t GetTrackPhiOnEMCal() const {return fTrackPhiOnEMCal;}
300 Double_t GetTrackEtaOnEMCal() const {return fTrackEtaOnEMCal;}
301 Double_t GetTrackPtOnEMCal() const {return fTrackPtOnEMCal;}
302 Double_t GetTrackPOnEMCal() const {return TMath::Abs(fTrackEtaOnEMCal) < 1 ? fTrackPtOnEMCal*TMath::CosH(fTrackEtaOnEMCal) : -999;}
303 void SetTrackPhiEtaPtOnEMCal(Double_t phi,Double_t eta,Double_t pt) {fTrackPhiOnEMCal=phi;fTrackEtaOnEMCal=eta;fTrackPtOnEMCal=pt;}
305 Int_t GetPHOScluster() const {return fCaloIndex;}
306 void SetPHOScluster(Int_t index) {fCaloIndex=index;}
307 Bool_t IsPHOS() const {return fFlags&kPHOSmatch;}
309 //pid signal interface
310 Double_t GetITSsignal() const { return fDetPid?fDetPid->GetITSsignal():0.; }
311 void GetITSdEdxSamples(Double_t s[4]) const;
312 Double_t GetTPCsignal() const { return fDetPid?fDetPid->GetTPCsignal():0.; }
313 Double_t GetTPCsignalTunedOnData() const { return fTPCsignalTuned;}
314 void SetTPCsignalTunedOnData(Double_t signal) {fTPCsignalTuned = signal;}
315 UShort_t GetTPCsignalN() const { return fDetPid?fDetPid->GetTPCsignalN():0; }
316 virtual AliTPCdEdxInfo* GetTPCdEdxInfo() const {return fDetPid?fDetPid->GetTPCdEdxInfo():0;}
317 Double_t GetTPCmomentum() const { return fDetPid?fDetPid->GetTPCmomentum():0.; }
318 Double_t GetTPCTgl() const { return fDetPid?fDetPid->GetTPCTgl():0.; }
319 Double_t GetTOFsignal() const { return fDetPid?fDetPid->GetTOFsignal():0.; }
320 Double_t GetIntegratedLength() const { return fTrackLength;}
321 void SetIntegratedLength(Double_t l) {fTrackLength = l;}
322 Double_t GetTOFsignalTunedOnData() const { return fTOFsignalTuned;}
323 void SetTOFsignalTunedOnData(Double_t signal) {fTOFsignalTuned = signal;}
324 Double_t GetHMPIDsignal() const;
325 Double_t GetHMPIDoccupancy() const;
327 Int_t GetHMPIDcluIdx() const;
329 void GetHMPIDtrk(Float_t &x, Float_t &y, Float_t &th, Float_t &ph) const;
330 void GetHMPIDmip(Float_t &x,Float_t &y,Int_t &q,Int_t &nph) const;
332 Bool_t GetOuterHmpPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const;
334 void GetIntegratedTimes(Double_t *times, Int_t nspec=AliPID::kSPECIES) const {if (fDetPid) fDetPid->GetIntegratedTimes(times, nspec);}
335 Double_t GetTRDslice(Int_t plane, Int_t slice) const;
336 Double_t GetTRDsignal() const {return fDetPid ? fDetPid->GetTRDsignal() : 0;}
337 Double_t GetTRDmomentum(Int_t plane, Double_t */*sp*/=0x0) const;
338 Double_t GetTRDchi2() const {return fDetPid ? fDetPid->GetTRDChi2() : -1;}
339 UChar_t GetTRDncls(Int_t layer) const;
340 UChar_t GetTRDncls() const {return GetTRDncls(-1);}
341 UChar_t GetTRDntrackletsPID() const;
342 Int_t GetNumberOfTRDslices() const { return fDetPid?fDetPid->GetTRDnSlices():0; }
343 void GetHMPIDpid(Double_t */*p*/) const { return; } // TODO: To be implemented properly with the new HMPID object
345 void SetMFTClusterPattern(ULong_t mftClusterPattern) { fMFTClusterPattern = mftClusterPattern; } // AU
346 ULong_t GetMFTClusterPattern() { return fMFTClusterPattern; } // AU
348 const AliAODEvent* GetAODEvent() const {return fAODEvent;}
349 virtual const AliVEvent* GetEvent() const {return (AliVEvent*)fAODEvent;}
350 void SetAODEvent(const AliAODEvent* ptr){fAODEvent = ptr;}
351 const AliTOFHeader* GetTOFHeader() const;
353 AliAODPid *GetDetPid() const { return fDetPid; }
354 AliAODVertex *GetProdVertex() const { return (AliAODVertex*)fProdVertex.GetObject(); }
356 // print
357 void Print(const Option_t *opt = "") const;
359 // setters
360 void SetFlags(ULong_t flags) { fFlags = flags; }
361 void SetStatus(ULong_t flags) { fFlags|=flags; }
362 void ResetStatus(ULong_t flags) { fFlags&=~flags; }
364 void SetID(Short_t id) { fID = id; }
365 void SetLabel(Int_t label) { fLabel = label; }
366 void SetTOFLabel(const Int_t* p);
367 template <typename T> void SetPosition(const T *x, Bool_t isDCA = kFALSE);
368 void SetDCA(Double_t d, Double_t z);
369 void SetUsedForVtxFit(Bool_t used = kTRUE) { used ? SetBit(kUsedForVtxFit) : ResetBit(kUsedForVtxFit); }
370 void SetUsedForPrimVtxFit(Bool_t used = kTRUE) { used ? SetBit(kUsedForPrimVtxFit) : ResetBit(kUsedForPrimVtxFit); }
372 void SetIsTPCOnly(Bool_t b = kTRUE) { SetIsTPCConstrained(b); }// obsolete bad naming
374 void SetIsTPCConstrained(Bool_t b = kTRUE) { b ? SetBit(kIsTPCConstrained) : ResetBit(kIsTPCConstrained); }
375 void SetIsHybridTPCConstrainedGlobal(Bool_t hybrid = kTRUE) { hybrid ? SetBit(kIsHybridTPCCG) : ResetBit(kIsHybridTPCCG); }
377 void SetIsGlobalConstrained(Bool_t b = kTRUE) { b ? SetBit(kIsGlobalConstrained) : ResetBit(kIsGlobalConstrained); }
378 void SetIsHybridGlobalConstrainedGlobal(Bool_t hybrid = kTRUE) { hybrid ? SetBit(kIsHybridGCG) : ResetBit(kIsHybridGCG); }
382 void SetOneOverPt(Double_t oneOverPt) { fMomentum[0] = 1. / oneOverPt; }
383 void SetPt(Double_t pt) { fMomentum[0] = pt; };
384 void SetPhi(Double_t phi) { fMomentum[1] = phi; }
385 void SetTheta(Double_t theta) { fMomentum[2] = theta; }
386 template <typename T> void SetP(const T *p, Bool_t cartesian = kTRUE);
387 void SetP() {fMomentum[0]=fMomentum[1]=fMomentum[2]=-999.;}
389 void SetXYAtDCA(Double_t x, Double_t y) {fPositionAtDCA[0] = x; fPositionAtDCA[1] = y;}
390 void SetPxPyPzAtDCA(Double_t pX, Double_t pY, Double_t pZ) {fMomentumAtDCA[0] = pX; fMomentumAtDCA[1] = pY; fMomentumAtDCA[2] = pZ;}
392 void SetRAtAbsorberEnd(Double_t r) { fRAtAbsorberEnd = r; }
394 void SetCharge(Short_t q) { fCharge = q; }
395 void SetChi2perNDF(Double_t chi2perNDF) { fChi2perNDF = chi2perNDF; }
397 void SetITSClusterMap(UChar_t itsClusMap) { fITSMuonClusterMap = (fITSMuonClusterMap&0xffffff00)|(((UInt_t)itsClusMap)&0xff); }
398 void SetHitsPatternInTrigCh(UShort_t hitsPatternInTrigCh) { fITSMuonClusterMap = (fITSMuonClusterMap&0xffff00ff)|((((UInt_t)hitsPatternInTrigCh)&0xff)<<8); }
399 void SetMuonClusterMap(UInt_t muonClusMap) { fITSMuonClusterMap = (fITSMuonClusterMap&0xfc00ffff)|((muonClusMap&0x3ff)<<16); }
400 void SetITSMuonClusterMap(UInt_t itsMuonClusMap) { fITSMuonClusterMap = itsMuonClusMap; }
401 void SetMUONtrigHitsMapTrg(UInt_t muonTrigHitsMap) { fMUONtrigHitsMapTrg = muonTrigHitsMap; }
402 UInt_t GetMUONTrigHitsMapTrg() const { return fMUONtrigHitsMapTrg; }
403 void SetMUONtrigHitsMapTrk(UInt_t muonTrigHitsMap) { fMUONtrigHitsMapTrk = muonTrigHitsMap; }
404 UInt_t GetMUONTrigHitsMapTrk() const { return fMUONtrigHitsMapTrk; }
405 Int_t GetMuonTrigDevSign() const;
407 Int_t GetMatchTrigger() const {return fITSMuonClusterMap>>30;}
408 // 0 Muon track does not match trigger
409 // 1 Muon track match but does not pass pt cut
410 // 2 Muon track match Low pt cut
411 // 3 Muon track match High pt cut
412 void SetMatchTrigger(Int_t MatchTrigger);
413 Bool_t MatchTrigger() const { return (GetMatchTrigger()>0); } // Muon track matches trigger track
414 Bool_t MatchTriggerLowPt() const { return (GetMatchTrigger()>1); } // Muon track matches trigger track and passes Low pt cut
415 Bool_t MatchTriggerHighPt() const { return (GetMatchTrigger()>2); } // Muon track matches trigger track and passes High pt cut
416 Bool_t MatchTriggerDigits() const; // Muon track matches trigger digits
417 Double_t GetChi2MatchTrigger() const { return fChi2MatchTrigger;}
418 void SetChi2MatchTrigger(Double_t Chi2MatchTrigger) {fChi2MatchTrigger = Chi2MatchTrigger; }
419 Bool_t HitsMuonChamber(Int_t MuonChamber, Int_t cathode = -1) const; // Check if track hits Muon chambers
420 Bool_t IsMuonTrack() const { return ( (GetMUONClusterMap()>0) && !fIsMuonGlobalTrack ) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; }
422 Bool_t IsMuonGlobalTrack() const { return fIsMuonGlobalTrack; } // AU
423 void SetIsMuonGlobalTrack(Bool_t isMuonGlobalTrack) { fIsMuonGlobalTrack = isMuonGlobalTrack; } // AU
425 void Connected(Bool_t flag) {flag ? SETBIT(fITSMuonClusterMap,26) : CLRBIT(fITSMuonClusterMap,26);}
426 Bool_t IsConnected() const {return TESTBIT(fITSMuonClusterMap,26);}
428 void SetProdVertex(TObject *vertex) { fProdVertex = vertex; }
429 void SetType(AODTrk_t ttype) { fType=ttype; }
431 // Trasient PID object, is owned by the track
432 virtual void SetDetectorPID(const AliDetectorPID *pid);
433 virtual const AliDetectorPID* GetDetectorPID() const { return fDetectorPID; }
435 // Dummy
436 Int_t PdgCode() const {return 0;}
438 private :
440 // Momentum & position
441 Double32_t fMomentum[3]; // momemtum stored in pt, phi, theta
442 Double32_t fPosition[3]; // position of first point on track or dca
444 Double32_t fMomentumAtDCA[3]; // momentum (px,py,pz) at DCA
445 Double32_t fPositionAtDCA[2]; // trasverse position (x,y) at DCA
447 Double32_t fRAtAbsorberEnd; // transverse position r at the end of the muon absorber
449 Double32_t fChi2perNDF; // chi2/NDF of momentum fit
450 Double32_t fChi2MatchTrigger; // chi2 of trigger/track matching
451 Double32_t* fPID; //! [0.,1.,8] pointer to PID object
453 ULong_t fFlags; // reconstruction status flags
454 Int_t fLabel; // track label, points back to MC track
455 Int_t fTOFLabel[3]; // TOF label
456 Double32_t fTrackLength; // Track length
457 UInt_t fITSMuonClusterMap; // map of ITS and muon clusters, one bit per layer
458 // (ITS: bit 1-8, muon trigger: bit 9-16, muon tracker: bit 17-26, muon match trigger: bit 31-32)
459 UInt_t fMUONtrigHitsMapTrg; // Muon trigger hits map from trigger
460 UInt_t fMUONtrigHitsMapTrk; // Muon trigger hits map from tracker track extrapolation
461 UInt_t fFilterMap; // filter information, one bit per set of cuts
463 TBits fTPCFitMap; // Map of clusters, one bit per padrow; if has a cluster on given padrow which is used in the fit
464 TBits fTPCClusterMap; // Map of clusters, one bit per padrow; 1 if has a cluster on given padrow
465 TBits fTPCSharedMap; // Map of clusters, one bit per padrow; 1 if has a shared cluster on given padrow
467 UShort_t fTPCnclsF; // findable clusters
468 UShort_t fTPCNCrossedRows; // n crossed rows
470 Short_t fID; // unique track ID, points back to the ESD track
472 Char_t fCharge; // particle charge
473 Char_t fType; // Track Type, explanation close to the enum AODTrk_t
475 Char_t fPIDForTracking; // pid using for tracking of ESD track
477 Int_t fCaloIndex; // index of associated EMCAL/PHOS cluster (AliAODCaloCluster)
480 AliAODRedCov<6> *fCovMatrix; // covariance matrix (x, y, z, px, py, pz)
481 AliAODPid *fDetPid; // more detailed or detector specific raw pid information
482 mutable const AliDetectorPID* fDetectorPID; //! transient object to cache calibrated PID information
483 TRef fProdVertex; // vertex of origin
485 Double_t fTrackPhiOnEMCal; // phi of track after being propagated to the EMCal surface (default r = 440 cm)
486 Double_t fTrackEtaOnEMCal; // eta of track after being propagated to the EMCal surface (default r = 440 cm)
487 Double_t fTrackPtOnEMCal; // pt of track after being propagated to the EMCal surface (default r = 440 cm)
489 Bool_t fIsMuonGlobalTrack; // True if the track is built from the combination of MUON and MFT clusters // AU
491 Double_t fTPCsignalTuned; //! TPC signal tuned on data when using MC
492 Double_t fTOFsignalTuned; //! TOF signal tuned on data when using MC
494 ULong_t fMFTClusterPattern; // Tells us which MFT clusters are contained in the track, and which one is a good one (if MC) // AU
496 const AliAODEvent* fAODEvent; //! pointer back to the event the track belongs to
498 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
499 //--the calibration interface--
500 //--to be used in online calibration/QA
501 //--should also be implemented in ESD so it works offline as well
502 //-----------
503 virtual Int_t GetTrackParam ( AliExternalTrackParam &p ) const;
504 virtual Int_t GetTrackParamRefitted ( AliExternalTrackParam &p ) const;
505 virtual Int_t GetTrackParamIp ( AliExternalTrackParam &p ) const;
506 virtual Int_t GetTrackParamTPCInner ( AliExternalTrackParam &p ) const;
507 virtual Int_t GetTrackParamOp ( AliExternalTrackParam &p ) const;
508 virtual Int_t GetTrackParamCp ( AliExternalTrackParam &p ) const;
509 virtual Int_t GetTrackParamITSOut ( AliExternalTrackParam &p ) const;
511 ClassDef(AliAODTrack, 24);
514inline Bool_t AliAODTrack::IsPrimaryCandidate() const
516 // True of track passes primary particle selection (independent of type)
517 //
518 if (fFilterMap) {
519 return kTRUE;
520 } else {
521 return kFALSE;
522 }
525inline Int_t AliAODTrack::GetITSNcls() const
527 // Number of points in ITS
528 Int_t n=0;
529 for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++) if(HasPointOnITSLayer(i)) n++;
530 return n;
534template <typename T>
535void AliAODTrack::SetPosition(const T *x, const Bool_t dca)
537 // set the position
539 if (x) {
540 if (!dca) {
541 ResetBit(kIsDCA);
543 fPosition[0] = x[0];
544 fPosition[1] = x[1];
545 fPosition[2] = x[2];
546 } else {
547 SetBit(kIsDCA);
548 // don't know any better yet
549 fPosition[0] = -999.;
550 fPosition[1] = -999.;
551 fPosition[2] = -999.;
552 }
553 } else {
554 ResetBit(kIsDCA);
556 fPosition[0] = -999.;
557 fPosition[1] = -999.;
558 fPosition[2] = -999.;
559 }
562//template<> void AliAODTrack::SetPosition(const double *, Bool_t);