]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/gbase/ggclos.F
Some function moved to AliZDC
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / gbase / ggclos.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision 1.2  1997/11/14 17:44:00  mclareni
6 * Make sure the maximum angle is greater than the minimun
7 *
8 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:20:10  cernlib
9 * Geant
10 *
11 *
12 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
13 #if !defined(CERNLIB_OLD)
14 *CMZ :  3.21/04 13/12/94  15.29.27  by  S.Giani
15 *-- Author :
17 C.
18 C.    ******************************************************************
19 C.    *                                                                *
20 C.    *    Closes off the geometry setting.                            *
21 C.    *    Initializes the search list for the contents of each        *
22 C.    *    volume following the order they have been positioned, and   *
23 C.    *    inserting the content '0' when a call to GSNEXT (-1) has    *
24 C.    *    been required by the user.                                  *
25 C.    *    Performs the development of the JVOLUM structure for all    *
26 C.    *    volumes with variable parameters, by calling GGDVLP.        *
27 C.    *    Interprets the user calls to GSORD, through GGORD.          *
28 C.    *    Computes and stores in a bank (next to JVOLUM mother bank)  *
29 C.    *    the number of levels in the geometrical tree and the        *
30 C.    *    maximum number of contents per level, by calling GGNLEV.    *
31 C.    *    Sets status bit for CONCAVE volumes, through GGCAVE.        *
32 C.    *    Completes the JSET structure with the list of volume names  *
33 C.    *    which identify uniquely a given physical detector, the      *
34 C.    *    list of bit numbers to pack the corresponding volume copy   *
35 C.    *    numbers, and the generic path(s) in the JVOLUM tree,        *
36 C.    *    through the routine GHCLOS.                                 *
37 C.    *                                                                *
38 C.    *    Called by : <USER>                                          *
39 C.    *    Authors   : R.Brun, F.Bruyant, S.Giani  *********           *
40 C.    *                                                                *
41 C.    *    Modified by S.Giani for automatic initialization of the new *
42 C.    *    tracking based on virtual divisions (1993).                 *
43 C.    *                                                                *
44 C.    ******************************************************************
45 C.
46 #include "geant321/gcbank.inc"
47 #include "geant321/gcflag.inc"
48 #include "geant321/gclist.inc"
49 #include "geant321/gcnum.inc"
50 #include "geant321/gcunit.inc"
51 #include "geant321/gcopti.inc"
52 #include "geant321/gchvir.inc"
55 C.
56 C.    ------------------------------------------------------------------
57       dimension dx(3),tmpmax(7),ndivto(7),qualit(7),ivoaxi(7)
58       data jfirst/0/
59       save jfirst
60       COMMON /QUEST/ IQUEST(100)
61       COMMON/GCDINA/jphi2,jclow,jchig,jbuff
62 *
63 * *** Stop the run in case of serious anomaly during initialization
64 *
65       IF (IEORUN.NE.0) THEN
66          WRITE (CHMAIL, 1001)
67          CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
68          STOP
69       ENDIF
70 *
71       IF (NVOLUM.LE.0) THEN
72          WRITE (CHMAIL, 1002) NVOLUM
73          CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
74          GO TO 999
75       ENDIF
76 *
79 *
80 * *** Loop over volumes, create default JNear banks as relevant,
81 *      and release unused bank space
82 *
83       IDO = 0
84       DO 80 IVO = 1,NVOLUM
85          JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-IVO)
86 *
87 * *** Check if Tracking medium has been defined
88 *
89          NMED=Q(JVO+4)
91             WRITE(CHMAIL,1003)IQ(JVOLUM+IVO)
92             CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
93          ELSE
94             IF(LQ(JTMED-NMED).EQ.0)THEN
95                WRITE(CHMAIL,1003)IQ(JVOLUM+IVO)
96                CALL GMAIL (0, 0)
97             ENDIF
98          ENDIF
99          IF (BTEST(IQ(JVO),0)) GO TO 80
100          IDO = 1
101          IQ(JVO) = IBSET(IQ(JVO),0)
102          NINL  = IQ(JVO-2)
103          NIN   = Q(JVO+3)
104          NUSED = IABS(NIN)
105          IF (NIN.GT.0) THEN
106 *           reserve enough additional space for sorted volumes
107             IF(NIN.LE.1.OR.NIN.GT.500.OR.IOPTIM.LT.0)THEN
108               NUSED=NUSED+1
109             ELSE
110               NUSED=NUSED+2
111             ENDIF
112          ENDIF
113 *
114          NPUSH = NUSED -NINL
115          DO 90 IN=NINL,NUSED+1,-1
116             JIN = LQ(JVO-IN)
117             IF(JIN.GT.0) THEN
118                CALL MZDROP(IXCONS,JIN,'L')
119             ENDIF
120   90     CONTINUE
121          CALL MZPUSH (IXCONS, JVO, NPUSH, 0, 'I')
122          IF (NIN.LE.0) GO TO 80
123 *
124          IF(BTEST(IQ(JVO),3)) THEN
125             IZERO=1
126          ELSE
127             IZERO=0
128          ENDIF
129          NEL = NIN +IZERO
130          JN = LQ(JVO-NIN-1)
131          IF(JN.EQ.0) THEN
132             CALL MZBOOK (IXCONS,JN,JVO,-NIN-1,'VONE',0,0,NEL+1,2,0)
133          ENDIF
134          IQ(JN-5) = IVO
135          IQ(JN+1) = NEL
136          JN = JN +1
137          DO 29 I = 1,NIN
138             IQ(JN+IZERO+I) = I
139    29    CONTINUE
140          IF (IZERO.NE.0) IQ(JN+1) = 0
141 *
142    80 CONTINUE
143 *
144       IF (IDO.NE.0) THEN
145 *
146 * ***    Perform development of JVOLUM structure where necessary
147 *
148          CALL GGDVLP
149 *
150 * ***    Fill GSORD ordering banks if required
151 *
152 * Modified by S.Egli to allow GGORDQ to find the optimum sorting for
153 * all volumes
154 *
155          IF(IOPTIM.GE.1)THEN
156             WRITE(6,'(A)')' GGCLOS: Start automatic volume ordering:'
157          ENDIF
158          DO 91 IVO = 1,NVOLUM
159             JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-IVO)
160             NIN = Q(JVO+3)
161             ISEARC=Q(JVO+1)
162             IF(ISEARC.GT.0) GO TO 91
163 *           check if sorting not possible or not wanted
164             IF(NIN.LE.1.OR.NIN.GT.500.OR.IOPTIM.LT.0)THEN
165                Q(JVO+1)=0.
166                IF(NIN.GT.500.AND.IOPTIM.GE.1)THEN
167                  CALL UHTOC(IQ(JVOLUM+IVO),4,NAME,4)
168                  WRITE (CHMAIL,1004) NAME,NIN
169                  CALL  GMAIL (0, 0)
170                ENDIF
171             ELSEIF(IOPTIM.EQ.0)THEN
172                IF(ISEARC.LT.0)CALL GGORD (IVO)
173             ELSEIF(IOPTIM.EQ.1)THEN
174                IF(ISEARC.EQ.0) THEN
175                   CALL GGORDQ(IVO)
176                ELSE
177                   CALL GGORD (IVO)
178                END IF
179             ELSE
180                CALL GGORDQ(IVO)
181             ENDIF
182    91    CONTINUE
183 *
184 * ***    Set status bit for concave volumes
185 *
186          CALL GGCAVE
187 *
188 * ***    Compute maximum number of levels and of contents per level
189 *
190          CALL GGNLEV
191 *
192       ENDIF
193 *
194 ********************************************************************************
195 *
196       if(jfirst.eq.0)then
197         jfirst=1
198         call mzlink(ixcons,'/GCHVIR/',jvirt,jvdiv,jcont)
199         call mzlink(ixstor,'/GCDINA/',jphi2,jbuff,jphi2)
200       endif
201       jflag=0
202       nwjvdi=0
203       jphi2=0
204       jclow=0
205       jchig=0
206       jbuff=0
207       if(jvirt.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixcons,jvirt,' ')
208       nwjvir=5*nvolum+20
209       call mzneed(ixcons,nwjvir,'G')
210       if(iquest(11).lt.0)then
211           print *,'No space for jvirt bank'
212       else
213           call mzbook(ixcons,jvirt,jvirt,1,'VIRT',nvolum,nvolum,
214      +              4*nvolum+20,0,0)
215       endif
216       dx(1)=0.
217       dx(2)=0.
218       dx(3)=0.
219       ndivst=0
220       ndioff=0
221       ninmax=0
222       do 101 ivo=1,nvolum
223         jvo=lq(jvolum-ivo)
224         call uhtoc(iq(jvolum+ivo),4,NAME,4)
225 *         print *,'VOLUME ',NAME
226 *         print *,' '
227         nin=q(jvo+3)
228         isearc=q(jvo+1)
229 *        if(nin.eq.0)then
230 *          print *,'No daughters.'
231 *        elseif(nin.lt.0)then
232 *          print *,'Divided volume.'
233 *        elseif(nin.le.1)then
234 *          print *,'Only 1 daughter.'
235 *        endif
236  1      continue
237         if(nin.gt.1)then
238          if(jflag.eq.0)then
239           if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then
240             print *,'VOLUME ',NAME
241             print *,' '
242           endif
243          endif
244          if(jflag.eq.1)then
245            q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+1)=itmpq
246            iaxlo=itmpq
247            iaxhi=itmpq
248          else
249            iaxlo=1
250            iaxhi=7
251          endif
252           if(nin.gt.ninmax)then
253            if(jphi2.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jphi2,' ')
254            if(jclow.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jclow,' ')
255            if(jchig.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jchig,' ')
256            call mzbook(ixstor,jphi2,jphi2,2,'PHI2',0,0,
257      +                 nin+20,2,-1)
258            call mzbook(ixstor,jclow,jclow,2,'CLOW',0,0,
259      +                 nin+20,3,-1)
260            call mzbook(ixstor,jchig,jchig,2,'CHIG',0,0,
261      +                 nin+20,3,-1)
262            if(jflag.eq.1)then
263              if(jbuff.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jbuff,' ')
264              call mzbook(ixstor,jbuff,jbuff,2,'BUFF',0,0,
265      +                   nin+20,2,-1)
266            endif
267           endif
268          do 110 iaxis=iaxlo,iaxhi
269           myphif=0
270 *          print *,'Quality search for axis ',iaxis
271           ish=q(jvo+2)
272           if(iaxis.le.3)then
273             call gvdcar(iaxis,ish,0,q(jvo+7),clmoth,chmoth,ierr)
274             if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chmoth.le.clmoth))then
275 *              print *,'Not convenient: abandoned!',iaxis
276 *              print *,' '
277               qualit(iaxis)=10000
278               goto 110
279             endif
280           elseif(iaxis.le.5)then
281             call gvdrad(iaxis,ish,0,dx,q(jvo+7),clmoth,chmoth,ierr)
282              if(iaxis.eq.5)ierr=1
283             if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chmoth.le.clmoth))then
284 *              print *,'Not convenient: abandoned!',iaxis
285 *              print *,' '
286               qualit(iaxis)=10000
287               goto 110
288             endif
289           elseif(iaxis.eq.6)then
290             call gvdphi(ish,0,dx,q(jvo+7),clmoth,chmoth,ierr)
291             if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chmoth.le.clmoth))then
292 *              print *,'Not convenient: abandoned!',iaxis
293 *              print *,' '
294               qualit(iaxis)=10000
295               goto 110
296             elseif((chmoth-clmoth).gt.360..or.chmoth.gt.360)then
297               print *,'(chmoth-clmoth).gt.360.or.chmoth.gt.360'
298             elseif((chmoth-clmoth).eq.360.)then
299               myphif=1
300             endif
301           elseif(iaxis.eq.7)then
302             call gvdthe(ish,0,dx,q(jvo+7),clmoth,chmoth,ierr)
303             ierr=1
304             if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chmoth.le.clmoth))then
305 *              print *,'Not convenient: abandoned!',iaxis
306 *              print *,' '
307               qualit(iaxis)=10000
308               goto 110
309             endif
310           endif
311           if(jflag.eq.1)then
312             q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+3)=clmoth
313             q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+4)=chmoth
314           endif
315           thimot=abs(chmoth-clmoth)
316           thimin=100000.
317           do 102 in=1,nin
318             iq(jphi2+in)=0
319             jin=lq(jvo-in)
320             call gvdlim(jvo,in,iaxis,clow,chigh,ierr)
321             if(ierr.eq.1.or.(chigh.le.clow))then
322 *              if(ierr.eq.0)print *,'Error in gvdlim: corrected',iaxis
323               clow=clmoth
324               chigh=chmoth
325             elseif(myphif.eq.1)then
326               clowm=clow
327               chighm=chigh
328               sg=sign(1.0,clow)
329               clow=mod(abs(clow),360.0)
330               if(chigh.ne.360.0)then
331                if(sg.le.0.0)clow=360.-clow
332                sg=sign(1.0,chigh)
333                chigh=mod(abs(chigh),360.0)
334                if(sg.le.0.0)chigh=360.-chigh
335               endif
336               if(chigh.lt.clow)then
337                 chightf = clow
338                 clow = chigh
339                 chigh = chightf
340                 iq(jphi2+in)=1
341               endif
342             elseif(iaxis.eq.6.and.myphif.eq.0)then
343              if((chigh-chmoth).gt..01.or.(clmoth-clow).gt..01)then
344                if(clmoth.lt.0..and.clow.gt.0.)then
345                 clow=clow-360.
346                 chigh=chigh-360.
347                 if((chigh-chmoth).gt..01)then
348                   chigh=chmoth
349                   if(chigh.le.clow)clow=clmoth
350                 elseif((clmoth-clow).gt..01)then
351                   clow=clmoth
352                   if(clow.ge.chigh)chigh=chmoth
353                 endif
354                elseif(chigh.lt.0..and.chmoth.gt.0.)then
355                 clow=clow+360.
356                 chigh=chigh+360.
357                 if((chigh-chmoth).gt..01)then
358                   chigh=chmoth
359                   if(chigh.le.clow)clow=clmoth
360                 elseif((clmoth-clow).gt..01)then
361                   clow=clmoth
362                   if(clow.ge.chigh)chigh=chmoth
363                 endif
364                endif
365              endif
366             endif
367             if((chigh-chmoth).gt..01)then
369 *              print *,'iaxis =',iaxis,'protuding daughter',in
370 **              print *,'myphif =',myphif,'myphi2 =',iq(jphi2+in)
371 *              print *,'Dhigh=',chigh-chmoth
372 *              print *,'Dlow=',clmoth-clow
373 ***
374               chigh=chmoth
375               if(chigh.le.clow)clow=clmoth
376             elseif((clmoth-clow).gt..01)then
378 *              print *,'iaxis =',iaxis,'protuding daughter',in
379 **              print *,'myphif =',myphif,'myphi2 =',iq(jphi2+in)
380 *              print *,'Dhigh=',chigh-chmoth
381 *              print *,'Dlow=',clmoth-clow
382 ***
383               clow=clmoth
384               if(clow.ge.chigh)chigh=chmoth
385             endif
386             q(jclow+in)=clow
387             q(jchig+in)=chigh
388             if(iq(jphi2+in).eq.0)then
389              tmpthi=abs(chigh-clow)
390             else
391              tmpthi=abs(chighm-clowm)
392             endif
393             if(thimin.gt.tmpthi)thimin=tmpthi
394  102      continue
395           if((thimin-thimot).gt.1)then
396 *            print *,'thimin.gt.thimot',thimin-thimot,'iax=',iaxis
397             qualit(iaxis)=10000
398             goto 110
399           endif
400           if(thimin.lt.0.04)thimin=0.04
401           tmpndi=2.*thimot/thimin
402           nditmp=tmpndi+1
403 *****          print *,nditmp,' divisions asked for ',nin,' daughters.'
404 *****           if(nditmp.lt.nin)then
405 *****             nditmp=nin
406 *****             print *,'Number of divisions corrected to be = ',nin
407 *****           endif
408 *****          if(nditmp.gt.1000.)print *,'1000 divisions are enough.'
409           ndivto(iaxis)=min(nditmp,1000)
410           if(jflag.eq.1)then
411             q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+2)=ndivto(iaxis)
412            jvdiv=lq(jvirt-ivo)
413            if(jvdiv.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixcons,jvdiv,' ')
414            nwvili=ndivto(iaxis)+ivoaxi(itmpq)+11
415            nwjvdi=nwjvdi+nwvili
416            call mzneed(ixcons,nwvili,'G')
417            if(iquest(11).lt.0)then
418             print *,'No space for jvdiv bank',ivo
419            else
420             call mzbook(ixcons,jvdiv,jvirt,-ivo,'VLIST',0,0,
421      +                  nwvili,2,0)
422            endif
423           endif
424           thisli=thimot/ndivto(iaxis)
425           clslic=clmoth
426           chslic=clmoth+thisli
427           avelis=0.
428           aveave=0.
429           avesta=0.
430           ii=0
431           tmpmax(iaxis)=0.
432           import=0
433           if(jflag.eq.1)ioff=ndivto(iaxis)
434           do 103 i=1,ndivto(iaxis)
435             j=1
436             do 104 in=1,nin
437              if(iq(jphi2+in).eq.0)then
438               if(q(jchig+in).ge.clslic.and.
439      +           q(jclow+in).le.chslic)then
440                 j=j+1
441                 if(jflag.eq.1)then
442                   iq(jbuff+j)=in
443                 endif
444               endif
445              else
446               if(q(jchig+in).ge.clslic.or.
447      +           q(jclow+in).le.chslic)then
448                 j=j+1
449                 if(jflag.eq.1)then
450                   iq(jbuff+j)=in
451                 endif
452               endif
453              endif
454  104        continue
455             inbuf1=j-1
456             if(jflag.eq.1)then
457              if(i.gt.1.and.iq(jbuff+1).eq.(j-1))then
458                if(j-1.eq.0)then
459                  import=1
460                elseif(j-1.eq.1)then
461                  if(iq(jbuff+2).eq.iq(jvdiv+ioff-nposti+2))then
462                    import=1
463                  else
464                    import=0
465                  endif
466                else
467                 import=1
468                 do 234 ijk=2,nposti-2
469                  do 432 kji=2,nposti-2
470                   if(iq(jbuff+ijk).eq.iq(jvdiv+ioff-nposti+kji))then
471                     goto 234
472                   endif
473  432             continue
474                  import=0
475                  goto 235
476  234            continue
477  235            continue
478                endif
479                if(import.eq.1)then
480                  iq(jvdiv+ioff-nposti+nposti)=i
481                  iq(jvdiv+i)=ioff-nposti
482                  goto 145
483                endif
484              else
485                import=0
486              endif
487              iq(jbuff+1)=j-1
488              nposti=j+2
489              iq(jbuff+j+1)=i
490              iq(jbuff+j+2)=i
491              iq(jvdiv+i)=ioff
492              do 144 m=1,nposti
493                iq(jvdiv+ioff+m)=iq(jbuff+m)
494  144         continue
495              ioff=ioff+nposti
496             else
497              aveinc=j+2
498              avesta=avesta+aveinc
499             endif
500  145        continue
501             if(inbuf1.gt.tmpmax(iaxis))then
502              tmpmax(iaxis)=inbuf1
503             endif
504             if(inbuf1.ne.0.)ii=ii+1
505             avelis=avelis+inbuf1
506             clslic=chslic
507             chslic=clslic+thisli
508  103      continue
509           if(jflag.eq.1)then
510              ndioff=ndioff+ioff
511              if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then
512               print *,'words booked =',nwvili,'; words used =',ioff
513               print *,' '
514           endif
516 **             mymyof=0
517 **             do 2 mm=1,ndivto(iaxis)
518 **               myoff=iq(jvdiv+mm)
519 **              if(myoff.ne.mymyof)then
520 **               if(iq(jvdiv+myoff+1).eq.0)then
521 **                 print *,'Lower div =',iq(jvdiv+myoff+2)
522 **                 print *,'Upper div =',iq(jvdiv+myoff+3)
523 **               elseif(iq(jvdiv+myoff+1).eq.1)then
524 **                 print *,'Lower div =',iq(jvdiv+myoff+3)
525 **                 print *,'Upper div =',iq(jvdiv+myoff+4)
526 **               endif
527 **             endif
528 **               mymyof=iq(jvdiv+mm)
529 ** 2           continue
530 ***
531           endif
532           if(ii.eq.0)then
533             print *,iaxis,'=iax: not filled divisions: error!'
534             print *,' '
535             aveave=10000
536             avelis=10000
537             goto 105
538           endif
539           if(jflag.eq.0)then
540             ivoaxi(iaxis)=avesta
541           endif
542           aveave=avelis/ndivto(iaxis)
543           avelis=avelis/ii
544  105      continue
545           qualit(iaxis)=avelis
547 **      print *,'Max n. of objects per div = ',tmpmax(iaxis)
548 **      print *,'Aver. n. of obj. per not-empty div = ',avelis
549 **      print *,'Average n. of objects per div = ',aveave
550 **            print *,' '
551 ***
552  110     continue
553         if(jflag.eq.0)then
554          tmpq=10000
555          tmpm=10000
556          itmpq=0
557          itmpm=0
558          do 111 iaxis=1,7
559           if(qualit(iaxis).lt.tmpq)then
560            tmpq=qualit(iaxis)
561            itmpq=iaxis
562           endif
563           if(tmpmax(iaxis).lt.tmpm)then
564            tmpqm=tmpmax(iaxis)
565            itmpm=iaxis
566           endif
567  111     continue
568          if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then
569           print *,'nin=',nin,' iax=',itmpq,' ndiv=',ndivto(itmpq)
570           print *,'Max n. of objects per div = ',tmpmax(itmpq)
571           print *,'Average n. of objects per div = ',tmpq
572          endif
574 **         if(isearc.lt.0)then
575 **           jsb=lq(lq(jvo-nin-1))
576 **           iaxor=q(jsb+1)
577 **           ndivor=q(jsb+2)-1
578 **           jsco=lq(jvo-nin-2)
579 **           tmpqor=0.
580 **           tmpmor=0.
581 **           do 133 idivor=1,ndivor
582 **             if(iq(jsco+idivor).gt.tmpmor)tmpmor=iq(jsco+idivor)
583 **             tmpqor=tmpqor+iq(jsco+idivor)
584 ** 133       continue
585 **           tmpqor=tmpqor/ndivor
586 **           print *,'Gsord: iax=',iaxor,' ndiv=',ndivor
587 **           print *,'Gsord: Max n. of obj. per div = ',tmpmor
588 **           print *,'Gsord: Aver. n. of obj. per div = ',tmpqor
589 **         endif
590 ***
591          ndivst=ndivst+(ndivto(itmpq)+ndivto(itmpq)*(3.+tmpq)+10.)
592          jflag=1
593          goto 1
594         else
595           jflag=0
597 **          print *,'nin=',nin,' iax=',q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+1),' ndiv=',
598 **     +q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+2)
599 **          ittmp=0
600 **          iind=q(jvirt+4*(ivo-1)+2)
601 **          do 155 n=1,iind
602 **           jvdiv=lq(jvirt-ivo)
603 **           iofset=iq(jvdiv+n)
604 **           nnobj=iq(jvdiv+iofset+1)
605 **           if(nnobj.gt.ittmp)ittmp=nnobj
606 ** 155      continue
607 **          print *,'Max n. of objects per div = ',ittmp
608 **          print *,' '
609 **          print *,' '
610 ***
611         endif
612         endif
613         if(nin.gt.ninmax)ninmax=nin
614  101  continue
615        nwtota=ndivst+nvolum*5+10.
616        if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then
617         print *,'Computed number of words foreseen = ',nwtota
618        endif
619        nwreal=nwjvir+nwjvdi
620        if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then
621         print *,'Computed number of words booked = ',nwreal
622        endif
623        nwneed=nwjvir+ndioff
624        if(iswit(9).eq.12345)then
625         print *,'Computed number of words needed = ',nwneed
626        endif
627        if(jphi2.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jphi2,' ')
628        if(jclow.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jclow,' ')
629        if(jchig.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jchig,' ')
630        if(jbuff.ne.0)call mzdrop(ixstor,jbuff,' ')
631 *
632 ********************************************************************************
633 *
634 * *** Scan the volume structure to retrieve the path through
635 *      the physical tree for all sensitive detectors
636 *
637        CALL GHCLOS
638 *
639 * *** Books STAT banks if data card STAT is submitted
640 *
641       IF (NSTAT.GT.0)  CALL GBSTAT
642 *
643       CALL MZGARB (IXCONS, 0)
644 *
645  1001 FORMAT (' Severe diagnostic in initialization phase. STOP')
646  1002 FORMAT (' GGCLOS : NVOLUM =',I5,' *****')
647  1003 FORMAT (' Illegal tracking medium number in volume : ',A4)
648  1004 FORMAT (' GGORDQ : Volume ',A4,' has more than 500 (',
649      +        I3,') daughters ; volume sorting not possible !')
650 *                                                             END GGCLOS
651   999 END
653 #endif