]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/gphys/gcompi.F
Introduced M.Kowalski modifications for very short steps.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / gphys / gcompi.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:21:23  cernlib
6 * Geant
7 *
8 *
9 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
10 *CMZ :  3.21/02 29/03/94  15.41.21  by  S.Giani
11 *-- Author :
13 C.
14 C.    ******************************************************************
15 C.    *                                                                *
16 C.    *  Calculates cross-section in current material                  *
17 C.    *  for COMPTON scattering.                                       *
18 C.    *                                                                *
19 C.    *  The total cross-section of L.Urban is used to estimate the    *
20 C.    *  photon mean free path.                                        *
21 C.    *    It gives a good description of the data from 10KeV to       *
22 C.    *    100/Z GeV                                                   *
23 C.    *                                                                *
24 C.    *    ==>Called by : GPHYSI                                       *
25 C.    *       Authors    R.Brun, L.Urban  *********                    *
26 C.    *                                                                *
27 C.    ******************************************************************
28 C.
29 #include "geant321/gcbank.inc"
30 #include "geant321/gctrak.inc"
31 #include "geant321/gconsp.inc"
32 #include "geant321/gcmate.inc"
33 #include "geant321/gcjloc.inc"
34 #include "geant321/gcmulo.inc"
35       DIMENSION PCOMP(12),P(4)
36       DATA AC,BC,CC/20.,230.,440./
37       DATA PCOMP/ 0.27965,-0.18300,0.67527E+1,-0.19798E+2,
38      +            0.19756E-4,-0.10205E-1,-0.73913E-1,0.27079E-1,
39      +           -0.39178E-6,0.68241E-4,0.60480E-4,0.30274E-3/
40       DATA PI2R2I/2.004275/
41 C.
42 C.    ------------------------------------------------------------------
43 C.
44 C             Energy cut-off above which we ignore COMPTON scattering.
45 C
46       SIG=0.
47       IF(Z.LT.1.)GO TO 90
48       EGAM   = ELOW(IEKBIN)
49       X=EGAM/EMASS
50       IF(EGAM.GT.(100./Z))GO TO 90
51       X2=X*X
52       JPROB=LQ(JMA-4)
53 C
54       DO 20 I=1,4
55          C=1.
56          P(I)=0.
57          DO 10 J=1,3
58             JJ=4*J+I-4
59             P(I)=P(I)+C*PCOMP(JJ)
60             C=C*Z
61   10     CONTINUE
62   20  CONTINUE
63 C
64       SIG=P(1)*LOG(1.+2.*X)/X
65       SIG=SIG+(P(2)+P(3)*X+P(4)*X2)/(1.+AC*X+BC*X2+CC*X2*X)
66       SIG=PI2R2I*Q(JPROB+17)*SIG
67 C
68   90  IF(SIG.GT.0.)THEN
69          Q(JCOMP+IEKBIN)=1./SIG
70       ELSE
71          Q(JCOMP+IEKBIN)=BIG
72       ENDIF
73 C
74       END