]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - PWG/FLOW/Tasks/AliFlowEvent.cxx
patching flow cuts (Panos)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG / FLOW / Tasks / AliFlowEvent.cxx
1 /**************************************************************************\r
2  * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *\r
3  *                                                                        *\r
4  * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project.                                    *\r
5  * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate.              *\r
6  *                                                                        *\r
7  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its   *\r
8  * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted   *\r
9  * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all   *\r
10  * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice   *\r
11  * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims     *\r
12  * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is          *\r
13  * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.                  *\r
14  **************************************************************************/\r
15 \r
16 /*****************************************************************\r
17   AliFlowEvent: Event container for flow analysis\r
18 \r
19   origin:   Mikolaj Krzewicki  (mikolaj.krzewicki@cern.ch)\r
20 *****************************************************************/\r
21 \r
22 #include "Riostream.h"\r
23 #include "TList.h"\r
24 #include "TH2F.h"\r
25 #include "AliMCEvent.h"\r
26 #include "AliMCParticle.h"\r
27 #include "AliCFManager.h"\r
28 #include "AliESDtrack.h"\r
29 #include "AliESDPmdTrack.h"\r
30 #include "AliESDEvent.h"\r
31 #include "AliAODEvent.h"\r
32 #include "AliGenCocktailEventHeader.h"\r
33 #include "AliGenEposEventHeader.h"\r
34 #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h"\r
35 #include "AliGenGeVSimEventHeader.h"\r
36 #include "AliCollisionGeometry.h"\r
37 #include "AliMultiplicity.h"\r
38 #include "AliFlowTrackCuts.h"\r
39 #include "AliFlowEventSimple.h"\r
40 #include "AliFlowTrack.h"\r
41 #include "AliFlowEvent.h"\r
42 #include "AliLog.h"\r
43 \r
44 using std::endl;\r
45 using std::cout;\r
46 ClassImp(AliFlowEvent)\r
47 \r
48 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
49 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent():\r
50   AliFlowEventSimple()\r
51 {\r
52   //ctor\r
53   cout << "AliFlowEvent: Default constructor to be used only by root for io" << endl;\r
54 }\r
55 \r
56 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
57 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent(Int_t n):\r
58   AliFlowEventSimple(n)\r
59 {\r
60   //ctor\r
61 }\r
62 \r
63 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
64 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent(const AliFlowEvent& event):\r
65   AliFlowEventSimple(event)\r
66 {\r
67   //cpy ctor\r
68 }\r
69 \r
70 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
71 AliFlowEvent& AliFlowEvent::operator=(const AliFlowEvent& event)\r
72 {\r
73   //assignment operator\r
74   AliFlowEventSimple::operator=(event);\r
75   return *this;\r
76 }\r
77 \r
78 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
79 AliFlowTrack* AliFlowEvent::GetTrack(Int_t i)\r
80 {\r
81   //get track i from collection\r
82   if (i>=fNumberOfTracks) return NULL;\r
83   AliFlowTrack* pTrack = static_cast<AliFlowTrack*>(fTrackCollection->At(i)) ;\r
84   return pTrack;\r
85 }\r
86 \r
87 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
88 void AliFlowEvent::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(const AliMCEvent* mcEvent)\r
89 {\r
90   //sets the event plane angle from the proper header in the MC\r
91 \r
92   //COCKTAIL with HIJING\r
93   if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"Cocktail Header"))   //returns 0 if matches\r
94   {\r
95     AliGenCocktailEventHeader *headerC = dynamic_cast<AliGenCocktailEventHeader *> (mcEvent-> GenEventHeader());\r
96     if (headerC)\r
97     {\r
98       TList *lhd = headerC->GetHeaders();\r
99       if (lhd)\r
100       {\r
101         AliGenHijingEventHeader *hdh = dynamic_cast<AliGenHijingEventHeader *> (lhd->At(0));\r
102         if (hdh) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( hdh->ReactionPlaneAngle() );\r
103       }\r
104     }\r
105   }\r
107   else if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"Therminator"))   //returns 0 if matches\r
108   {\r
109     AliGenHijingEventHeader* headerH = dynamic_cast<AliGenHijingEventHeader*>(mcEvent->GenEventHeader());\r
110     if (headerH) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerH->ReactionPlaneAngle() );\r
111   }\r
112   //GEVSIM\r
113   else if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"GeVSim header"))   //returns 0 if matches\r
114   {\r
115     AliGenGeVSimEventHeader* headerG = dynamic_cast<AliGenGeVSimEventHeader*>(mcEvent->GenEventHeader());\r
116     if (headerG) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerG->GetEventPlane() );\r
117   }\r
118   //HIJING\r
119   else if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"Hijing"))   //returns 0 if matches\r
120   {\r
121     AliGenHijingEventHeader* headerH = dynamic_cast<AliGenHijingEventHeader*>(mcEvent->GenEventHeader());\r
122     if (headerH) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerH->ReactionPlaneAngle() );\r
123   }\r
124   //AMPT\r
125   else if (!strcmp(mcEvent-> GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"Ampt"))   //returns 0 if matches\r
126   {\r
127     AliGenHijingEventHeader* headerH = dynamic_cast<AliGenHijingEventHeader*>(mcEvent->GenEventHeader());\r
128     if (headerH) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerH->ReactionPlaneAngle() );\r
129   }\r
130   //EPOS\r
131   else if (!strcmp(mcEvent->GenEventHeader()->GetName(),"EPOS"))\r
132   {\r
133     AliGenEposEventHeader* headerE = dynamic_cast<AliGenEposEventHeader*>(mcEvent->GenEventHeader());\r
134     if (headerE) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( headerE->ReactionPlaneAngle() );\r
135   }\r
136   //Hydjet\r
137   else\r
138   {\r
139     AliCollisionGeometry* header = dynamic_cast<AliCollisionGeometry*>(mcEvent->GenEventHeader());\r
140     if (header) AliFlowEventSimple::SetMCReactionPlaneAngle( header->ReactionPlaneAngle() );\r
141   }\r
142 }\r
143 \r
144 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
145 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliMCEvent* anInput,\r
146                             const AliCFManager* rpCFManager,\r
147                             const AliCFManager* poiCFManager):\r
148   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
149 {\r
150   //Fills the event from the MC kinematic information\r
151 \r
152   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
153 \r
154   //loop over tracks\r
155   for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN<iNumberOfInputTracks; itrkN++)\r
156   {\r
157     //get input particle\r
158     AliMCParticle* pParticle = dynamic_cast<AliMCParticle*>(anInput->GetTrack(itrkN));\r
159     if (!pParticle) continue;\r
160 \r
161     //check if pParticle passes the cuts\r
162     Bool_t rpOK = kTRUE;\r
163     Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE;\r
164     if (rpCFManager && poiCFManager)\r
165     {\r
166       rpOK = rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pParticle);\r
167       poiOK = poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pParticle);\r
168     }\r
169     if (!(rpOK||poiOK)) continue;\r
170 \r
171     AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle);\r
172     pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromMC);\r
173 \r
174     if (rpOK && rpCFManager)\r
175     {\r
176       pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE);\r
177       fNumberOfRPs++;\r
178     }\r
179     if (poiOK && poiCFManager)\r
180     {\r
181       pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);\r
182       fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
183     }\r
184 \r
185     AddTrack(pTrack) ;\r
186   }//for all tracks\r
187   SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(anInput);\r
188 }\r
189 \r
190 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
191 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput,\r
192                             const AliCFManager* rpCFManager,\r
193                             const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ):\r
194   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
195 {\r
196   //Fills the event from the ESD\r
197 \r
198   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
199 \r
200   //loop over tracks\r
201   for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN<iNumberOfInputTracks; itrkN++)\r
202   {\r
203     AliESDtrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN);   //get input particle\r
204 \r
205     //check if pParticle passes the cuts\r
206     Bool_t rpOK = kTRUE;\r
207     Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE;\r
208     if (rpCFManager && poiCFManager)\r
209     {\r
210       rpOK = ( rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) &&\r
211                rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle));\r
212       poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) &&\r
213                 poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle));\r
214     }\r
215     if (!(rpOK || poiOK)) continue;\r
216 \r
217     //make new AliFLowTrack\r
218     AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle);\r
219     pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD);\r
220 \r
221     //marking the particles used for int. flow:\r
222     if(rpOK && rpCFManager)\r
223     {\r
224       pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE);\r
225       fNumberOfRPs++;\r
226     }\r
227     //marking the particles used for diff. flow:\r
228     if(poiOK && poiCFManager)\r
229     {\r
230       pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);\r
231       fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
232     }\r
233 \r
234     AddTrack(pTrack);\r
235   }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks)\r
236 }\r
237 \r
238 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
239 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliAODEvent* anInput,\r
240                             const AliCFManager* rpCFManager,\r
241                             const AliCFManager* poiCFManager):\r
242   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
243 {\r
244   //Fills the event from the AOD\r
245   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
246 \r
247   //loop over tracks\r
248   for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN<iNumberOfInputTracks; itrkN++)\r
249   {\r
250     AliAODTrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN);   //get input particle\r
251 \r
252     //check if pParticle passes the cuts\r
253     Bool_t rpOK = kTRUE;\r
254     Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE;\r
255     if (rpCFManager && poiCFManager)\r
256     {\r
257       rpOK = ( rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) &&\r
258                rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle));\r
259       poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) &&\r
260                 poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle));\r
261     }\r
262     if (!(rpOK || poiOK)) continue;\r
263 \r
264     //make new AliFlowTrack\r
265     AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle);\r
266     pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromAOD);\r
267 \r
268     if (rpOK /* && rpCFManager */ ) // to be fixed - with CF managers uncommented only empty events (NULL in header files)\r
269     {\r
270       pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE);\r
271       fNumberOfRPs++;\r
272     }\r
273     if (poiOK /* && poiCFManager*/ )\r
274     {\r
275       pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);\r
276       fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
277     }\r
278     AddTrack(pTrack);\r
279   }\r
280 \r
281   //  if (iSelParticlesRP >= fMinMult && iSelParticlesRP <= fMaxMult)\r
282   //  {\r
283   //    if ( (++fCount % 100) == 0)\r
284   //    {\r
285   //      if (!fMCReactionPlaneAngle == 0) cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = "<<  fMCReactionPlaneAngle << endl;\r
286   //      else cout<<" MC Reaction Plane Angle = unknown "<< endl;\r
287   //      cout<<" iGoodTracks = "<<iGoodTracks<<endl;\r
288   //      cout<<" # of RP selected tracks = "<<iSelParticlesRP<<endl;\r
289   //      cout<<" # of POI selected tracks = "<<iSelParticlesPOI<<endl;\r
290   //      cout << "# " << fCount << " events processed" << endl;\r
291   //    }\r
292   //    return pEvent;\r
293   //  }\r
294   //  else\r
295   //  {\r
296   //    cout<<"Not enough tracks in the FlowEventSimple"<<endl;\r
297   //    return 0;\r
298   //  }\r
299   //}\r
300   //else\r
301   //{\r
302   //  cout<<"Event does not pass multiplicity cuts"<<endl;\r
303   //  return 0;\r
304   //}\r
305 \r
306 }\r
307 \r
308 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
309 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput,\r
310                             const AliMCEvent* anInputMc,\r
311                             KineSource anOption,\r
312                             const AliCFManager* rpCFManager,\r
313                             const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ):\r
314   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
315 {\r
316   //fills the event with tracks from the ESD and kinematics from the MC info via the track label\r
317   if (anOption==kNoKine)\r
318   {\r
319     AliFatal("WRONG OPTION IN AliFlowEventMaker::FillTracks(AliESDEvent* anInput, AliMCEvent* anInputMc, KineSource anOption)");\r
320     exit(1);\r
321   }\r
322 \r
323   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
324 \r
325   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracksMC = anInputMc->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
326   if (iNumberOfInputTracksMC==-1)\r
327   {\r
328     AliError("Skipping Event -- No MC information available for this event");\r
329     return;\r
330   }\r
331 \r
332   //loop over ESD tracks\r
333   for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN<iNumberOfInputTracks; itrkN++)\r
334   {\r
335     AliESDtrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN);   //get input particle\r
336     //get Label\r
337     Int_t iLabel = pParticle->GetLabel();\r
338     //match to mc particle\r
339     AliMCParticle* pMcParticle = (AliMCParticle*) anInputMc->GetTrack(TMath::Abs(iLabel));\r
340 \r
341     //check\r
342     if (TMath::Abs(pParticle->GetLabel())!=pMcParticle->Label())\r
343       AliWarning(Form("pParticle->GetLabel()!=pMcParticle->Label(), %i, %i", pParticle->GetLabel(), pMcParticle->Label()));\r
344 \r
345     //check if pParticle passes the cuts\r
346     Bool_t rpOK = kFALSE;\r
347     Bool_t poiOK = kFALSE;\r
348     if (rpCFManager && poiCFManager)\r
349     {\r
350       if(anOption == kESDkine)\r
351       {\r
352         if (rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle,"mcGenCuts1") &&\r
353             rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle))\r
354           rpOK=kTRUE;\r
355         if (poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle,"mcGenCuts2") &&\r
356             poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle))\r
357           poiOK=kTRUE;\r
358       }\r
359       else if (anOption == kMCkine)\r
360       {\r
361         if (rpCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle))\r
362           rpOK=kTRUE;\r
363         if (poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartGenCuts,pMcParticle))\r
364           poiOK=kTRUE;\r
365       }\r
366     }\r
367 \r
368     if (!(rpOK || poiOK)) continue;\r
369 \r
370     //make new AliFlowTrack\r
371     AliFlowTrack* pTrack = NULL;\r
372     if(anOption == kESDkine)   //take the PID from the MC & the kinematics from the ESD\r
373     {\r
374       pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle);\r
375     }\r
376     else if (anOption == kMCkine)   //take the PID and kinematics from the MC\r
377     {\r
378       pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pMcParticle);\r
379     }\r
380 \r
381     if (rpOK && rpCFManager)\r
382     {\r
383       fNumberOfRPs++;\r
384       pTrack->SetForRPSelection();\r
385     }\r
386     if (poiOK && poiCFManager) \r
387     { \r
388       fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
389       pTrack->SetForPOISelection();\r
390     }\r
391 \r
392     AddTrack(pTrack);\r
393   }\r
394   SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(anInputMc);\r
395 }\r
396 \r
397 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
398 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput,\r
399                             const AliMultiplicity* anInputTracklets,\r
400                             const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ):\r
401   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
402 {\r
403 \r
404   //Select the particles of interest from the ESD\r
405   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
406 \r
407   //loop over tracks\r
408   for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN<iNumberOfInputTracks; itrkN++)\r
409     {\r
410       AliESDtrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN);   //get input particle\r
411 \r
412       //check if pParticle passes the cuts\r
413       Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE;\r
414       if (poiCFManager)\r
415         {\r
416           poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) &&\r
417                     poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle));\r
418         }\r
419       if (!poiOK) continue;\r
420       \r
421       //make new AliFLowTrack\r
422       AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle);\r
423           \r
424       //marking the particles used for the particle of interest (POI) selection:\r
425       if(poiOK && poiCFManager)\r
426         {\r
427           fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
428           pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);\r
429           pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD);\r
430         }\r
431 \r
432       AddTrack(pTrack);\r
433     }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks)\r
434 \r
435   //Select the reference particles from the SPD tracklets\r
436   anInputTracklets = anInput->GetMultiplicity();\r
437   Int_t multSPD = anInputTracklets->GetNumberOfTracklets();\r
438   \r
439   //loop over tracklets\r
440   for (Int_t itracklet=0; itracklet<multSPD; ++itracklet) {\r
441     Float_t thetaTr= anInputTracklets->GetTheta(itracklet);\r
442     Float_t phiTr= anInputTracklets->GetPhi(itracklet);\r
443     // calculate eta\r
444     Float_t etaTr = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(thetaTr/2.));\r
445     \r
446     //make new AliFLowTrackSimple\r
447     AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack();\r
448     pTrack->SetPt(0.0);\r
449     pTrack->SetEta(etaTr);\r
450     pTrack->SetPhi(phiTr);\r
451     //marking the particles used for the reference particle (RP) selection:\r
452     fNumberOfRPs++;\r
453     pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE);\r
454     pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromTracklet);\r
455 \r
456     //Add the track to the flowevent\r
457     AddTrack(pTrack);\r
458   }\r
459 \r
460 }\r
461 \r
462 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
463 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* esd,\r
464                             const AliCFManager* poiCFManager,\r
465                             Bool_t hybrid):\r
466   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
467 {\r
468 \r
469   //Select the particles of interest from the ESD\r
470   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
471 \r
472   //Double_t gPt = 0.0, gP = 0.0;\r
473   Double_t dca[2] = {0.0,0.0}, cov[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};  //The impact parameters and their covariance.\r
474   Double_t dca3D = 0.0;\r
475 \r
476   AliESDtrack trackTPC;\r
477 \r
478   //loop over tracks\r
479   for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN<iNumberOfInputTracks; itrkN++)\r
480     {\r
481 \r
482       if (!esd->GetTrack(itrkN)) continue;\r
483 \r
484       Bool_t useTPC = kFALSE;\r
485 \r
486       AliESDtrack* pParticle = esd->GetTrack(itrkN);   //get input particle\r
487 \r
488       //check if pParticle passes the cuts\r
489       Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE;\r
490 \r
491       if (poiCFManager)\r
492       {\r
493         poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) &&\r
494                   poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle));\r
495       }\r
496 \r
497       if (!(poiOK)) continue;\r
498 \r
499       AliExternalTrackParam *tpcTrack = (AliExternalTrackParam *)pParticle->GetTPCInnerParam();\r
500 \r
501       if (tpcTrack)\r
502       {\r
503 \r
504 //      gPt = tpcTrack->Pt();\r
505 //      gP = tpcTrack->P();\r
506 \r
507         useTPC = kTRUE;\r
508 \r
509         const AliESDVertex *vertexSPD = esd->GetPrimaryVertexSPD();\r
510         const AliESDVertex *vertexTPC = esd->GetPrimaryVertexTPC();\r
511 \r
512         if(hybrid)\r
513           tpcTrack->PropagateToDCA(vertexSPD,esd->GetMagneticField(),100.,dca,cov);\r
514         else\r
515           tpcTrack->PropagateToDCA(vertexTPC,esd->GetMagneticField(),100.,dca,cov);\r
516 \r
517         dca3D = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(dca[0],2)+TMath::Power(dca[1],2));\r
518 \r
519       }\r
520 \r
521       //make new AliFLowTrack\r
522       AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle);\r
523 \r
524       pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD);\r
525 \r
526       //marking the particles used for diff. flow:\r
527       if(poiOK && poiCFManager)\r
528       {\r
529         pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);\r
530         fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
531       }\r
532 \r
533       if(useTPC)\r
534       {\r
535         pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE);\r
536         fNumberOfRPs++;\r
537       }\r
538 \r
539       AddTrack(pTrack);\r
540 \r
541     }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks)\r
542 \r
543 }\r
544 \r
545 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
546 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput,\r
547                             const TH2F* anInputFMDhist,\r
548                             const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ):\r
549   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
550 {\r
551 \r
552   //Select the particles of interest from the ESD\r
553   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
554 \r
555   //loop over tracks\r
556   for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN<iNumberOfInputTracks; itrkN++)\r
557     {\r
558       AliESDtrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN);   //get input particle\r
559 \r
560       //check if pParticle passes the cuts\r
561       Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE;\r
562       if (poiCFManager)\r
563         {\r
564           poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) &&\r
565                     poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle));\r
566         }\r
567       if (!poiOK) continue;\r
568  \r
569       //make new AliFLowTrack\r
570       AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle);\r
571           \r
572       //marking the particles used for the particle of interest (POI) selection:\r
573       if(poiOK && poiCFManager)\r
574         {\r
575           fNumberOfPOIs++; \r
576           pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);\r
577           pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD);\r
578         }\r
579 \r
580       AddTrack(pTrack);\r
581     }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks)\r
582 \r
583   //Select the reference particles from the FMD hits\r
584   //loop over FMD histogram\r
585   Int_t iBinsEta = anInputFMDhist->GetNbinsX();\r
586   Int_t iBinsPhi = anInputFMDhist->GetNbinsY();\r
587   \r
588   for (Int_t iEta = 1; iEta <= iBinsEta; iEta++){\r
589     Double_t etaFMD = anInputFMDhist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iEta);\r
590     for (Int_t iPhi = 1; iPhi <= iBinsPhi; iPhi++){\r
591       Double_t phiFMD = anInputFMDhist->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iPhi);\r
592       Double_t weightFMD = anInputFMDhist->GetBinContent(iEta,iPhi);\r
593     \r
594       if (weightFMD > 0.0) { //do not add empty bins\r
595         //make new AliFLowTrackSimple\r
596         AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack();\r
597         pTrack->SetPt(0.0);\r
598         pTrack->SetEta(etaFMD);\r
599         pTrack->SetPhi(phiFMD);\r
600         pTrack->SetWeight(weightFMD);\r
601         //marking the particles used for the reference particle (RP) selection:\r
602         pTrack->TagRP();\r
603         fNumberOfRPs++;\r
604         pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromFMD);\r
605 \r
606         //Add the track to the flowevent\r
607         AddTrack(pTrack);\r
608         \r
609       }\r
610     }\r
611   }\r
612 \r
613 }\r
614 \r
615 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
616 void AliFlowEvent::Fill( AliFlowTrackCuts* rpCuts,\r
617                          AliFlowTrackCuts* poiCuts )\r
618 {\r
619   //Fills the event from a vevent: AliESDEvent,AliAODEvent,AliMCEvent\r
620   //the input data needs to be attached to the cuts\r
621   //we have two cases, if we're cutting the same collection of tracks\r
622   //(same param type) then we can have tracks that are both rp and poi\r
623   //in the other case we want to have two exclusive sets of rps and pois\r
624   //e.g. one tracklets, the other PMD or global - USER IS RESPOSIBLE\r
626   //TAKEN TWICE\r
627 \r
628   ClearFast();\r
629 \r
630   if (!rpCuts || !poiCuts) return;\r
631   AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType sourceRP = rpCuts->GetParamType();\r
632   AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType sourcePOI = poiCuts->GetParamType();\r
633   AliFlowTrack* pTrack=NULL;\r
634 \r
635   if (sourceRP==sourcePOI)\r
636   {\r
637     //loop over tracks\r
638     Int_t numberOfInputObject = rpCuts->GetNumberOfInputObjects();\r
639     for (Int_t i=0; i<numberOfInputObject; i++)\r
640     {\r
641       //get input object (particle)\r
642       TObject* particle = rpCuts->GetInputObject(i);\r
643 \r
644       Bool_t rp = rpCuts->IsSelected(particle,i);\r
645       Bool_t poi = poiCuts->IsSelected(particle,i);\r
646       \r
647       if (!(rp||poi)) continue;\r
648 \r
649       //make new AliFLowTrack\r
650       if (rp)\r
651       {\r
652         pTrack = ReuseTrack(fNumberOfTracks);\r
653         if (!rpCuts->FillFlowTrack(pTrack)) continue;\r
654         pTrack->TagRP(); fNumberOfRPs++;\r
655         if (poi) {pTrack->TagPOI(); fNumberOfPOIs++;}\r
656       }\r
657       else if (poi)\r
658       {\r
659         pTrack = ReuseTrack(fNumberOfTracks);\r
660         if (!poiCuts->FillFlowTrack(pTrack)) continue;\r
661         pTrack->TagPOI(); fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
662       }\r
663       fNumberOfTracks++;\r
664     }//end of while (i < numberOfTracks)\r
665   }\r
666   else if (sourceRP!=sourcePOI)\r
667   {\r
668     //here we have two different sources of particles, so we fill\r
669     //them independently\r
670     //RP\r
671     Int_t numberOfInputObject = rpCuts->GetNumberOfInputObjects();\r
672     for (Int_t i=0; i<numberOfInputObject; i++)\r
673       {\r
674       TObject* particle = rpCuts->GetInputObject(i);\r
675       Bool_t rp = rpCuts->IsSelected(particle,i);\r
676       if (!rp) continue;\r
677       pTrack = ReuseTrack(fNumberOfTracks);\r
678       if (!rpCuts->FillFlowTrack(pTrack)) continue;\r
679       pTrack->TagRP();\r
680       fNumberOfRPs++;\r
681       fNumberOfTracks++;\r
682     }\r
683     //POI\r
684     numberOfInputObject = poiCuts->GetNumberOfInputObjects();\r
685     for (Int_t i=0; i<numberOfInputObject; i++)\r
686     {\r
687       TObject* particle = poiCuts->GetInputObject(i);\r
688       Bool_t poi = poiCuts->IsSelected(particle,i);\r
689       if (!poi) continue;\r
690       pTrack = ReuseTrack(fNumberOfTracks);\r
691       if (!poiCuts->FillFlowTrack(pTrack)) continue;\r
692       pTrack->TagPOI();\r
693       fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
694       fNumberOfTracks++;\r
695     }\r
696   }\r
697 }\r
698 \r
699 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
700 void AliFlowEvent::InsertTrack(AliFlowTrack *thisTrack) {\r
701   // adds a flow track at the end of the container\r
702   AliFlowTrack *pTrack = ReuseTrack( fNumberOfTracks++ );\r
703   pTrack->SetPt( thisTrack->Pt() );\r
704   pTrack->SetPhi( thisTrack->Phi() );\r
705   pTrack->SetEta( thisTrack->Eta() );\r
706   pTrack->SetWeight( thisTrack->Weight() );\r
707   pTrack->SetCharge( thisTrack->Charge() );\r
708   pTrack->SetMass( thisTrack->Mass() );\r
709   pTrack->SetForRPSelection( thisTrack->InRPSelection() );\r
710   pTrack->SetForPOISelection( thisTrack->InPOISelection() );\r
711   if(thisTrack->InSubevent(0)) pTrack->SetForSubevent(0);\r
712   if(thisTrack->InSubevent(1)) pTrack->SetForSubevent(1);\r
713   pTrack->SetID( thisTrack->GetID() );\r
714   return;\r
715 }\r
716 \r
717 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
718 AliFlowTrack* AliFlowEvent::ReuseTrack(Int_t i)\r
719 {\r
720   //try to reuse an existing track, if empty, make new one\r
721   AliFlowTrack* pTrack = static_cast<AliFlowTrack*>(fTrackCollection->At(i));\r
722   if (pTrack)\r
723   {\r
724     pTrack->Clear();\r
725   }\r
726   else \r
727   {\r
728     pTrack = new AliFlowTrack();\r
729     fTrackCollection->AddAtAndExpand(pTrack,i);\r
730   }\r
731   return pTrack;\r
732 }\r
733 \r
734 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------\r
735 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( AliFlowTrackCuts* rpCuts,\r
736                             AliFlowTrackCuts* poiCuts ):\r
737   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
738 {\r
739   //Fills the event from a vevent: AliESDEvent,AliAODEvent,AliMCEvent\r
740   //the input data needs to be attached to the cuts\r
741   //we have two cases, if we're cutting the same collection of tracks\r
742   //(same param type) then we can have tracks that are both rp and poi\r
743   //in the other case we want to have two exclusive sets of rps and pois\r
744   //e.g. one tracklets, the other PMD or global - USER IS RESPOSIBLE\r
746   //TAKEN TWICE\r
747 \r
748   if (!rpCuts || !poiCuts) return;\r
749   AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType sourceRP = rpCuts->GetParamType();\r
750   AliFlowTrackCuts::trackParameterType sourcePOI = poiCuts->GetParamType();\r
751 \r
752   if (sourceRP==sourcePOI)\r
753   {\r
754     //loop over tracks\r
755     Int_t numberOfInputObject = rpCuts->GetNumberOfInputObjects();\r
756     for (Int_t i=0; i<numberOfInputObject; i++)\r
757     {\r
758       //get input object (particle)\r
759       TObject* particle = rpCuts->GetInputObject(i);\r
760 \r
761       Bool_t rp = rpCuts->IsSelected(particle,i);\r
762       Bool_t poi = poiCuts->IsSelected(particle,i);\r
763       \r
764       if (!(rp||poi)) continue;\r
765 \r
766       //make new AliFLowTrack\r
767       AliFlowTrack* pTrack = NULL;\r
768       if (rp)\r
769       {\r
770         pTrack = rpCuts->MakeFlowTrack();\r
771         if (!pTrack) continue;\r
772         pTrack->TagRP(); fNumberOfRPs++;\r
773         if (poi) {pTrack->TagPOI(); fNumberOfPOIs++;}\r
774       }\r
775       else\r
776       if (poi)\r
777       {\r
778         pTrack = poiCuts->MakeFlowTrack();\r
779         if (!pTrack) continue;\r
780         pTrack->TagPOI(); fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
781       }\r
782       AddTrack(pTrack);\r
783     }//end of while (i < numberOfTracks)\r
784   }\r
785   else if (sourceRP!=sourcePOI)\r
786   {\r
787     //here we have two different sources of particles, so we fill\r
788     //them independently\r
789     AliFlowTrack* pTrack = NULL;\r
790     //RP\r
791     Int_t numberOfInputObject = rpCuts->GetNumberOfInputObjects();\r
792     for (Int_t i=0; i<numberOfInputObject; i++)\r
793     {\r
794       TObject* particle = rpCuts->GetInputObject(i);\r
795       Bool_t rp = rpCuts->IsSelected(particle,i);\r
796       if (!rp) continue;\r
797       pTrack = rpCuts->MakeFlowTrack();\r
798       if (!pTrack) continue;\r
799       pTrack->TagRP(); fNumberOfRPs++;\r
800       AddTrack(pTrack);\r
801     }\r
802     //POI\r
803     numberOfInputObject = poiCuts->GetNumberOfInputObjects();\r
804     for (Int_t i=0; i<numberOfInputObject; i++)\r
805     {\r
806       TObject* particle = poiCuts->GetInputObject(i);\r
807       Bool_t poi = poiCuts->IsSelected(particle,i);\r
808       if (!poi) continue;\r
809       pTrack = poiCuts->MakeFlowTrack();\r
810       if (!pTrack) continue;\r
811       pTrack->TagPOI(); fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
812       AddTrack(pTrack);\r
813     }\r
814   }\r
815 }\r
816 \r
817 //-------------------------------------------------------------------//\r
818 //---- Including PMD tracks as RP --------------------------//\r
819 \r
820 AliFlowEvent::AliFlowEvent( const AliESDEvent* anInput,\r
821                             const AliESDPmdTrack *pmdtracks,\r
822                             const AliCFManager* poiCFManager ):\r
823   AliFlowEventSimple(20)\r
824 {\r
825   Float_t GetPmdEta(Float_t xPos, Float_t yPos, Float_t zPos);\r
826   Float_t GetPmdPhi(Float_t xPos, Float_t yPos);\r
827   //Select the particles of interest from the ESD\r
828   Int_t iNumberOfInputTracks = anInput->GetNumberOfTracks() ;\r
829   \r
830   //loop over tracks\r
831   for (Int_t itrkN=0; itrkN<iNumberOfInputTracks; itrkN++)\r
832     {\r
833       AliESDtrack* pParticle = anInput->GetTrack(itrkN);   //get input particle\r
834       //check if pParticle passes the cuts\r
835       Bool_t poiOK = kTRUE;\r
836       if (poiCFManager)\r
837         {\r
838           poiOK = ( poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartRecCuts,pParticle) &&\r
839                     poiCFManager->CheckParticleCuts(AliCFManager::kPartSelCuts,pParticle));\r
840         }\r
841       if (!poiOK) continue;\r
842       \r
843       //make new AliFLowTrack\r
844       AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack(pParticle);\r
845       \r
846       //marking the particles used for the particle of interest (POI) selection:\r
847       if(poiOK && poiCFManager)\r
848         {\r
849           fNumberOfPOIs++;\r
850           pTrack->SetForPOISelection(kTRUE);\r
851           pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromESD);\r
852         }\r
853       \r
854       AddTrack(pTrack);\r
855     }//end of while (itrkN < iNumberOfInputTracks)\r
856   \r
857   //Select the reference particles from the PMD tracks\r
858   Int_t npmdcl = anInput->GetNumberOfPmdTracks();\r
859   printf("======There are %d PMD tracks in this event\n-------",npmdcl);\r
860   //loop over clusters \r
861   for(Int_t iclust=0; iclust < npmdcl; iclust++){\r
862     //AliESDPmdTrack *pmdtr = anInput->GetPmdTrack(iclust);\r
863     pmdtracks = anInput->GetPmdTrack(iclust);\r
864     Int_t   det   = pmdtracks->GetDetector();\r
865     //Int_t   smn   = pmdtracks->GetSmn();\r
866     Float_t clsX  = pmdtracks->GetClusterX();\r
867     Float_t clsY  = pmdtracks->GetClusterY();\r
868     Float_t clsZ  = pmdtracks->GetClusterZ();\r
869     Float_t ncell = pmdtracks->GetClusterCells();\r
870     Float_t adc   = pmdtracks->GetClusterADC();\r
871     //Float_t pid   = pmdtracks->GetClusterPID();\r
872     Float_t etacls = GetPmdEta(clsX,clsY,clsZ);\r
873     Float_t phicls = GetPmdPhi(clsX,clsY);\r
874     //make new AliFLowTrackSimple\r
875     AliFlowTrack* pTrack = new AliFlowTrack();\r
876     //if(det == 0){ //selecting preshower plane only\r
877     if(det == 0 && adc > 270 && ncell > 1){ //selecting preshower plane only\r
878       //pTrack->SetPt(adc);//cluster adc\r
879       pTrack->SetPt(0.0);\r
880       pTrack->SetEta(etacls);\r
881       pTrack->SetPhi(phicls);\r
882       //marking the particles used for the reference particle (RP) selection:\r
883       fNumberOfRPs++;\r
884       pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE);\r
885       pTrack->SetSource(AliFlowTrack::kFromPMD);\r
886       //Add the track to the flowevent\r
887       AddTrack(pTrack);\r
888     }//if det\r
889   }\r
890 }\r
891 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------//\r
892 Float_t GetPmdEta(Float_t xPos, Float_t yPos, Float_t zPos)\r
893 {\r
894   Float_t rpxpy, theta, eta;\r
895   rpxpy  = TMath::Sqrt(xPos*xPos + yPos*yPos);\r
896   theta  = TMath::ATan2(rpxpy,zPos);\r
897   eta    = -TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5*theta));\r
898   return eta;\r
899 }\r
900 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------//\r
901 Float_t GetPmdPhi(Float_t xPos, Float_t yPos)\r
902 {\r
903   Float_t pybypx, phi = 0., phi1;\r
904   if(xPos==0)\r
905     {\r
906       if(yPos>0) phi = 90.;\r
907       if(yPos<0) phi = 270.;\r
908     }\r
909   if(xPos != 0)\r
910     {\r
911       pybypx = yPos/xPos;\r
912       if(pybypx < 0) pybypx = - pybypx;\r
913       phi1 = TMath::ATan(pybypx)*180./3.14159;\r
914       \r
915       if(xPos > 0 && yPos > 0) phi = phi1;        // 1st Quadrant\r
916       if(xPos < 0 && yPos > 0) phi = 180 - phi1;  // 2nd Quadrant\r
917       if(xPos < 0 && yPos < 0) phi = 180 + phi1;  // 3rd Quadrant\r
918       if(xPos > 0 && yPos < 0) phi = 360 - phi1;  // 4th Quadrant\r
919       \r
920     }\r
921   phi = phi*3.14159/180.;\r
922   return   phi;\r
923 }\r
924 //---------------------------------------------------------------//\r
925 \r
926 \r