/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliAD.cxx $ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AD (ALICE Diffractive) Detector // // // // This class contains the base procedures for the AD detector // // Default geometry of 2013: 16 modules // // All comments should be sent to : // // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- Standard libraries --- #include // --- ROOT libraries --- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliADhit.h" #include "AliADdigit.h" #include "AliADv1.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliConst.h" #include "AliMagF.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMC.h" ClassImp(AliADv1) //__________________________________________________________________ AliADv1::AliADv1() : AliAD(), fADCLightYield(93.75), fADCPhotoCathodeEfficiency(0.18), fADALightYield(93.75), fADAPhotoCathodeEfficiency(0.18) { // Default Constructor fHits = 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliADv1::AliADv1(const char *name, const char *title) : AliAD(name,title), fADCLightYield(93.75), fADCPhotoCathodeEfficiency(0.18), fADALightYield(93.75), fADAPhotoCathodeEfficiency(0.18) { // Standard constructor for AD Detector AliModule* pipe = gAlice->GetModule("PIPE"); if( (!pipe) ) { Error("Constructor","AD needs PIPE!!!\n"); exit(1); } fHits = new TClonesArray("AliADhit",400); gAlice->GetMCApp()->AddHitList(fHits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliADv1::~AliADv1() { // default destructor } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliADv1::Init() { // Initialise L3 magnet after it has been built Int_t i; if(AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>0) { printf("\n%s: ",ClassName()); for(i=0;i<35;i++) printf("*"); printf(" ADv1_INIT "); for(i=0;i<35;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n%s: ",ClassName()); for(i=0;i<80;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliADv1::CreateGeometry() { // // Create the geometry for the AD arrays // CreateAD(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliADv1::CreateAD() { // here we create AD: ADA & ADC // Get ALICE volume TGeoVolume *alice = gGeoManager->GetVolume("ALIC"); // Define the mother volume for AD TGeoVolume *ad = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("AD"); // Get medium TGeoMedium *medADASci = gGeoManager->GetMedium("AD_NE102"); // AD Scin. TGeoMedium *medADALG = gGeoManager->GetMedium("AD_PMMA"); // lightGuide TGeoMedium *medADAPMGlass = gGeoManager->GetMedium("AD_Glass"); // Glass for Aluminium simulation TGeoMedium *medADAPMAlum = gGeoManager->GetMedium("AD_Alum"); // Aluminium /// ADA Scintillator Pad Measures const Double_t kADATriangleSide = 7.8; // const Double_t kADACellSide = 20.0; const Double_t kADACellThickness = 2.0; // Half thickness const int kColorADA = kGreen; // Creation of the Box's pad new TGeoBBox( "ADAbox", kADACellSide/2.0-kADATriangleSide/2., kADACellSide/2.0, kADACellThickness ); const Double_t boxSide2 = kADACellSide/2.0-kADATriangleSide/2.; new TGeoBBox( "ADAbox1", kADATriangleSide/2., boxSide2, kADACellThickness ); // translation TGeoTranslation *trada2 = new TGeoTranslation( -kADACellSide/2.0, kADACellSide/2.0 - boxSide2, 0. ); trada2->SetName( "trada2" ); trada2->RegisterYourself(); TGeoArb8* sADAtriang = new TGeoArb8( "ADAtriang", kADACellThickness ); for ( int iz = 0; iz < 2; iz++ ) { sADAtriang->SetVertex( 0+iz*4, kADACellSide/2.0, kADACellSide/2.0 ); sADAtriang->SetVertex( 1+iz*4, kADACellSide/2.0, (kADACellSide/2.0)-kADATriangleSide ); sADAtriang->SetVertex( 2+iz*4, kADACellSide/2.0, (kADACellSide/2.0)-kADATriangleSide ); sADAtriang->SetVertex( 3+iz*4, kADACellSide/2.0-kADATriangleSide, kADACellSide/2.0 ); } TGeoTranslation *trada1 = new TGeoTranslation( -kADACellSide+kADATriangleSide/2. , -kADACellSide+kADATriangleSide, 0. ); trada1->SetName( "trada1" ); trada1->RegisterYourself(); TGeoCompositeShape *sADA1 = new TGeoCompositeShape ( "sADA1s1", "ADAbox+(ADAbox1:trada2)+(ADAtriang:trada1)" ); TGeoVolume *vADA1 = new TGeoVolume( "ADApad", sADA1, medADASci ); vADA1->SetLineColor( kColorADA ); /// Light guide Double_t kADALGThickness = 2.0; // Half thickness Double_t kADALGSideScint = 20.0; Double_t kADALGHeigth = TMath::Sqrt( kADALGSideScint*kADALGSideScint - (10.5 * 10.5) ); Double_t kADALGSideCoupling = 3.0; const int kColorADALG = kYellow; // Triangle TGeoTrd2* sADALGtriang = new TGeoTrd2( kADALGThickness, kADALGThickness, kADALGSideScint/2., kADALGSideCoupling/2., kADALGHeigth/2.0); TGeoVolume *vADALGtriang = new TGeoVolume( "ADALG", sADALGtriang, medADALG ); vADALGtriang->SetLineColor( kColorADALG ); // Coupling Double_t kADALGCoupling = 5.0; TGeoTube* sADACouplTube = new TGeoTube( "ADACouplTube", 0, 1.4, kADALGCoupling/2. ); TGeoVolume * vADACoupling = new TGeoVolume( "ADACoupling", sADACouplTube, medADALG ); vADACoupling->SetLineColor( kColorADALG ); TGeoVolume * vADALG1 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly( "ADALG" ); vADALG1->AddNode( vADALGtriang, 1 ); vADALG1->AddNode( vADACoupling, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., kADALGHeigth/2.+kADALGCoupling/2.) ); vADALG1->SetLineColor( kColorADALG ); /// PMT Hamamatsu R5946 Double_t kADAPMR1 = 1.95; // 3.9 cm diameter Double_t kADAPMR2 = 2.15; // + 2 mm?? aluminium case Double_t kADAPMlength = 6.4; // 5 cm PMT + 1.4 socket const int kColorPMG = kWhite; const int kColorPMA = kGray; TGeoTube *sADAPMg1 = new TGeoTube( "sADAPMg", 0., kADAPMR1, kADAPMlength/2. ); TGeoVolume *vADAPMg1 = new TGeoVolume( "ADAPMg", sADAPMg1, medADAPMGlass ); vADAPMg1->SetLineColor( kColorPMG ); TGeoTube *sADAPMa1 = new TGeoTube( "ADAPMa", kADAPMR1, kADAPMR2, kADAPMlength/2. ); TGeoVolume *vADAPMa1 = new TGeoVolume( "ADAPMa", sADAPMa1, medADAPMAlum ); vADAPMa1->SetLineColor( kColorPMA ); TGeoVolume *vADAPM1 = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("ADAPM"); vADAPM1->AddNode( vADAPMg1, 1 ); vADAPM1->AddNode( vADAPMa1, 1 ); /// Sector (Assembly: Scintillator Pad + Light guide + PM ) TGeoVolume *secADA = new TGeoVolumeAssembly( "ADAsec" ); // Add PAD secADA->AddNode( vADA1, 1, new TGeoTranslation( kADACellSide/2.0+kADATriangleSide/2. + 0.05, kADACellSide/2.0 + 0.05, 0. ) ); // Add Light Guide TGeoCombiTrans *transrot = new TGeoCombiTrans( kADACellSide + kADALGHeigth/2.0 + 0.05, kADALGSideScint/2.0 + 0.05, 0., new TGeoRotation("rot",90.,90.,90.) ); secADA->AddNode( vADALG1, 1, transrot ); // Add PM transrot = new TGeoCombiTrans( kADACellSide + kADALGHeigth + kADALGCoupling + kADAPMlength/2. + 0.05, kADACellSide/2.0 + 0.05, 0, new TGeoRotation("rot",90.,90.,0.) ); secADA->AddNode(vADAPM1, 1, transrot); // TODO: Add mechanical support /// Assembling ADA adding 4 sectors // Sectors TGeoVolume *vADAarray = new TGeoVolumeAssembly( "ADA" ); // ^ y vADAarray->AddNode( secADA, 1 ); // | vADAarray->AddNode( secADA, 2, new TGeoRotation("rot",0. , 180.,0.) ); // 4 | 1 vADAarray->AddNode( secADA, 3, new TGeoRotation("rot",180., 0., 0.) ); // ---------------> x vADAarray->AddNode( secADA, 4, new TGeoRotation("rot",180., 180.,0.) ); // 3 | 2 TGeoRotation *rotADA90 = new TGeoRotation("adarot",90,0,0); // here I add ADA to AD volume const Float_t kPosADA = 1700.0; ad->AddNode(vADAarray,1, new TGeoCombiTrans("ada",0,0,kPosADA,rotADA90)); // | if (GetADAToInstalled()) { const Float_t kPosADA2 = 1695.0; ad->AddNode(vADAarray,2, new TGeoCombiTrans("ada",0,0,kPosADA2,rotADA90)); } // Creation of ADC // Get Medium for ADC (in principle is the same as ADA, but I keep the previous variables) TGeoMedium *medADCSci = gGeoManager->GetMedium("AD_NE102"); TGeoMedium *medADCLG = gGeoManager->GetMedium("AD_PMMA"); TGeoMedium *medADCPMGlass = gGeoManager->GetMedium("AD_Glass"); TGeoMedium *medADCPMAlum = gGeoManager->GetMedium("AD_Alum"); /// Creation of assembly of one ADC sector /// ADC Scintillator Pad const Double_t kADCCellSide = 30.; const Double_t kADCCellThickness = 4.0; const int kColorADC = kGreen; new TGeoBBox( "ADCbox0", kADCCellSide/4.0, kADCCellSide/2.0, kADCCellThickness/2.0 ); new TGeoBBox( "ADCbox1", kADCCellSide/4.0, kADCCellSide/4.0, kADCCellThickness/2.0 ); new TGeoBBox( "ADCbox2", 2.5, 5.5, kADCCellThickness/2.0 ); TGeoTranslation *tradd1 = new TGeoTranslation( -kADCCellSide/2.0, kADCCellSide/4.0, 0. ); TGeoTranslation *tradd2 = new TGeoTranslation( -kADCCellSide/4.0 - 2.5, -kADCCellSide/2.0 + 5.5 , 0. ); tradd1->SetName( "tradd1" ); tradd2->SetName( "tradd2" ); tradd1->RegisterYourself(); tradd2->RegisterYourself(); TGeoCompositeShape *sADC1 = new TGeoCompositeShape ( "sADCpad", "ADCbox0+(ADCbox1:tradd1)+(ADCbox2:tradd2)" ); TGeoVolume *vADC = new TGeoVolume( "ADCpad", sADC1, medADCSci ); vADC->SetLineColor( kColorADC ); /// Light guide const Double_t kADCLGThickness = 4.0; const Double_t kADCLGHeigth = 28.95; // Dist from scint to coupling const Double_t kADCLGSideScint = kADCCellSide; // 30.0 const Double_t kADCLGSideCoupling = 4.0; const int kColorADCLG = kYellow; // Triangle TGeoTrd2* sADCLGtriang = new TGeoTrd2( kADCLGThickness/2., kADCLGThickness/2., kADCLGSideScint/2., kADCLGSideCoupling/2., kADCLGHeigth/2.0); TGeoVolume *vADCLGtriang = new TGeoVolume( "ADCLG", sADCLGtriang, medADCLG ); vADCLGtriang->SetLineColor( kColorADCLG ); // Coupling Double_t kADCLGCoupling = 10.0; // Total lenght new TGeoCone( "ADCCouplCone", kADCLGCoupling/4., 0, kADCLGSideCoupling/TMath::Sqrt(2.), 0, 1.4 ); new TGeoBBox( "ADCCouplBox", kADCLGSideCoupling/2., kADCLGSideCoupling/2., kADCLGCoupling/4. ); new TGeoTube( "ADCCouplTube", 0, 1.4, kADCLGCoupling/4. ); TGeoTranslation *tradd3 = new TGeoTranslation(0, 0, kADCLGCoupling/2. ); tradd3->SetName( "tradd3" ); tradd3->RegisterYourself(); TGeoCompositeShape * sADCCoupling = new TGeoCompositeShape ( "sADCCoupling", "ADCCouplBox * ADCCouplCone + (ADCCouplTube:tradd3)" ); TGeoVolume * vADCCoupling = new TGeoVolume( "ADCCoupling", sADCCoupling, medADCLG ); vADCCoupling->SetLineColor( kColorADCLG ); TGeoVolume * vADCLG = new TGeoVolumeAssembly( "ADCLG" ); vADCLG->AddNode( vADCLGtriang, 1 ); vADCLG->AddNode( vADCCoupling, 1, new TGeoTranslation(0., 0., kADCLGHeigth/2.+kADCLGCoupling/4.) ); vADCLG->SetLineColor( kColorADCLG ); /// PM Hamamatsu R5946 const Double_t kADCPMR1 = 1.95; // 3.9 cm diameter const Double_t kADCPMR2 = 2.15; // + 2 mm?? aluminium case const Double_t kADCPMlength = 6.4; // 5 cm PMT + 1.4 socket //const int kColorPMG = kWhite; ////const int kColorPMA = kGray; TGeoTube *sADCPMg = new TGeoTube( "sADCPMg", 0., kADCPMR1, kADCPMlength/2. ); TGeoVolume *vADCPMg = new TGeoVolume( "ADCPMg", sADCPMg, medADCPMGlass ); vADCPMg->SetLineColor(kColorPMG); TGeoTube *sADCPMa = new TGeoTube( "ADCPMa", kADCPMR1, kADCPMR2, kADCPMlength/2. ); TGeoVolume *vADCPMa = new TGeoVolume( "ADCPMa", sADCPMa, medADCPMAlum ); vADCPMa->SetLineColor( kColorPMA ); TGeoVolume *vADCPM = new TGeoVolumeAssembly( "ADCPM" ); vADCPM->AddNode( vADCPMg, 1 ); vADCPM->AddNode( vADCPMa, 1 ); /// Sector (Asembly: Scintillator Pad + Light guide + PM ) TGeoVolume *secADC = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("ADCsec"); // Add PAD TGeoCombiTrans *transrot1 = new TGeoCombiTrans( 3*kADCCellSide/4.0, kADCCellSide/2.0, 0., new TGeoRotation("rot",0.,0.,0.) ); secADC->AddNode( vADC, 1, transrot1 ); // Add Light Guide transrot1 = new TGeoCombiTrans( kADCCellSide + kADCLGHeigth/2.0, kADCLGSideScint/2.0, 0., new TGeoRotation("rot",90.,90.,90.) ); secADC->AddNode( vADCLG, 1, transrot1 ); // Add PM transrot1 = new TGeoCombiTrans( kADCCellSide + kADCLGHeigth + kADCLGCoupling + kADCPMlength/2., kADCCellSide/2.0, 0, new TGeoRotation("rot",90.,90.,0.) ); secADC->AddNode( vADCPM, 1, transrot1 ); // TODO: Add mechanical support /// Assembling ADC adding the 4 sectors // Sectors TGeoVolume *vADCarray = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("ADC"); // ^ y vADCarray->AddNode( secADC, 1 ); // | vADCarray->AddNode( secADC, 2, new TGeoRotation("rot", 0. , 180., 0.) ); // 4 | 1 vADCarray->AddNode( secADC, 3, new TGeoRotation("rot", 180., 0., 0.) ); // ---------------> x vADCarray->AddNode( secADC, 4, new TGeoRotation("rot", 180., 180., 0.) ); // 3 | 2 // | // here I add ADC to AD volume //const Float_t kPosADC = -1902.75; // -1902.75 (with 4cm thick) puts the ADC just next to the YSAA3_CC_BLOCK const Float_t kPosADC = -1900.0; ad->AddNode(vADCarray,3,new TGeoTranslation(0,0,kPosADC)); // add second array if (GetADCToInstalled()) { const Float_t kPosADC2 = -1895.0; ad->AddNode(vADCarray,4,new TGeoTranslation(0,0,kPosADC2)); } // at the end, I add "AD" volume into ALICE alice->AddNode(ad,1); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliADv1::AddAlignableVolumes() const { // // Create entries for alignable volumes associating the symbolic volume // name with the corresponding volume path. Needs to be syncronized with // eventual changes in the geometry. // // ADA and ADC TString volpath1 = "/ALIC_1/AD_1/ADC_3"; TString volpath2 = "/ALIC_1/AD_1/ADC_4"; TString volpath3 = "/ALIC_1/AD_1/ADA_1"; TString volpath4 = "/ALIC_1/AD_1/ADA_2"; TString symname1 = "AD/ADC3"; TString symname2 = "AD/ADC4"; TString symname3 = "AD/ADA1"; TString symname4 = "AD/ADA2"; if ( !gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(symname1.Data(), volpath1.Data()) ) AliFatal(Form( "Alignable entry %s not created. Volume path %s not valid", symname1.Data(), volpath1.Data()) ); if ( GetADCToInstalled() && !gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(symname2.Data(), volpath2.Data()) ) AliFatal(Form( "Alignable entry %s not created. Volume path %s not valid", symname2.Data(), volpath2.Data()) ); if ( !gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(symname3.Data(), volpath3.Data()) ) AliFatal(Form( "Alignable entry %s not created. Volume path %s not valid", symname3.Data(), volpath3.Data()) ); if ( GetADAToInstalled() && !gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(symname4.Data(), volpath4.Data()) ) AliFatal(Form("Alignable entry %s not created. Volume path %s not valid", symname4.Data(), volpath4.Data()) ); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliADv1::StepManager() { // // Routine called at every step in the AD // // ADA and ADC static Variables // //static Int_t numStep_ad = 0; // // static Int_t vol_ad[2]; // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADA and ADC ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get sensitive volumes id (scintillator pads) static Int_t idADA = TVirtualMC::GetMC()->VolId( "ADApad" ); static Int_t idADC = TVirtualMC::GetMC()->VolId( "ADCpad" ); // We keep only charged tracks : // if ( !TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackCharge() || !TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackAlive() ) return; // We keep charged and non-charged tracks : if ( !TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackAlive() ) return; Int_t copy; Int_t current_volid = TVirtualMC::GetMC()->CurrentVolID( copy ); // check is the track is in a sensitive volume if( current_volid != idADA && current_volid != idADC ) { return; // not in the sensitive volume } // First read the position, otherwise weird reults! //ecv Double_t s[3]; Float_t x[3]; TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackPosition( s[0], s[1], s[2] ); for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++ ) x[j] = s[j]; // Set detectro type: ADA or ADC Int_t detType = (current_volid == idADA ) ? 0 : 1; // Get sector copy (1,2,3,4) ( 1 level up from pad ) Int_t sect; TVirtualMC::GetMC()->CurrentVolOffID( 1, sect ); // Get Detector copy (1,2) ( 2 levels up from pad ) Int_t detc; TVirtualMC::GetMC()->CurrentVolOffID( 2, detc ); // Sector number // ADA1 = 10-14 // ADA2 = 20-24 // ADC1 = 30-34 // ADC2 = 40-44 Int_t sectorNumber_AD = detType*20 + detc*10 + sect; Double_t lightYield_ad; Double_t photoCathodeEfficiency; if( detType == 1 ) { lightYield_ad = fADCLightYield; photoCathodeEfficiency = fADCPhotoCathodeEfficiency; } else { lightYield_ad = fADALightYield; photoCathodeEfficiency = fADAPhotoCathodeEfficiency; } Float_t destep_ad = TVirtualMC::GetMC()->Edep(); Float_t step_ad = TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackStep(); Int_t nPhotonsInStep_ad = Int_t( destep_ad / (lightYield_ad * 1e-9) ); nPhotonsInStep_ad = gRandom->Poisson( nPhotonsInStep_ad ); static Float_t eloss_ad = 0.; static Float_t tlength_ad = 0.; static Int_t nPhotons_ad = 0; static Float_t hits_ad[11]; static Int_t vol_ad[5]; eloss_ad += destep_ad; tlength_ad += step_ad; if ( TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackEntering() ) { nPhotons_ad = nPhotonsInStep_ad; Double_t p[4]; TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackMomentum( p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3] ); Float_t pt = TMath::Sqrt( p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2] ); TParticle *par = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber()); Int_t imo = par->GetFirstMother(); Int_t pdgMo = 0; if ( imo > 0 ) { TParticle * pmot = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(imo); pdgMo = pmot->GetPdgCode(); } // Set integer values vol_ad[0] = par->GetStatusCode(); // secondary flag //ecv vol_ad[1] = par->GetPdgCode(); // PDG code vol_ad[2] = pdgMo; // PDG of the mother // Set float values hits_ad[0] = x[0]; // X hits_ad[1] = x[1]; // Y hits_ad[2] = x[2]; // Z hits_ad[3] = p[3]; // kinetic energy of the entering particle hits_ad[4] = pt; // Pt hits_ad[5] = p[0]; // Px hits_ad[6] = p[1]; // Py hits_ad[7] = p[2]; // Pz hits_ad[8] = 1.0e09*TVirtualMC::GetMC()->TrackTime(); // in ns! tlength_ad = 0.0; eloss_ad = 0.0; return; // without return, we count 2 times nPhotonsInStep_ad !!!??? } nPhotons_ad += nPhotonsInStep_ad; if( TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackExiting() || TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackStop() || TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackDisappeared() ) { // Set integer values vol_ad[3] = nPhotons_ad; // brutal correction for ADA_1 if (sectorNumber_AD==11) sectorNumber_AD=0; if (sectorNumber_AD==12) sectorNumber_AD=1; if (sectorNumber_AD==13) sectorNumber_AD=2; if (sectorNumber_AD==14) sectorNumber_AD=3; // same for ADA_2 if (sectorNumber_AD==21) sectorNumber_AD=4; if (sectorNumber_AD==22) sectorNumber_AD=5; if (sectorNumber_AD==23) sectorNumber_AD=6; if (sectorNumber_AD==24) sectorNumber_AD=7; // brutal correction for ADC_3 if (sectorNumber_AD==51) sectorNumber_AD=8; if (sectorNumber_AD==52) sectorNumber_AD=9; if (sectorNumber_AD==53) sectorNumber_AD=10; if (sectorNumber_AD==54) sectorNumber_AD=11; // same for ADC_4 if (sectorNumber_AD==61) sectorNumber_AD=12; if (sectorNumber_AD==62) sectorNumber_AD=13; if (sectorNumber_AD==63) sectorNumber_AD=14; if (sectorNumber_AD==64) sectorNumber_AD=15; vol_ad[4] = sectorNumber_AD; // sector number (scintillator ID) // Set float values hits_ad[9] = tlength_ad; // track lenght inside ADC or ADA hits_ad[10] = eloss_ad; // energy loss Int_t track = gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(); AddHit( track, vol_ad, hits_ad ); // <-- this is in AliAD.cxx tlength_ad = 0.0; eloss_ad = 0.0; nPhotons_ad = 0; } // Do we need track reference ???? // if( TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackEntering() || TVirtualMC::GetMC()->IsTrackExiting() ) { // AddTrackReference(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(), 49); // } } //_________________________________________________________ void AliADv1::AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) { TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits; new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliADhit(fIshunt,track,vol,hits); } //_________________________________________________________ void AliADv1::AddDigits(Int_t* track, Int_t module, Float_t time) { TClonesArray &ldigits = *fDigits; new(ldigits[fNdigits++]) AliADdigit(track,module,time); } //_________________________________________________________ void AliADv1::MakeBranch(Option_t *option) { // Create branches in the current tree TString branchname(Form("%s",GetName())); AliDebug(2,Form("fBufferSize = %d",fBufferSize)); const char *cH = strstr(option,"H"); if (fHits && fLoader->TreeH() && cH) { fLoader->TreeH()->Branch(branchname.Data(),&fHits,fBufferSize); AliDebug(2,Form("Making Branch %s for hits",branchname.Data())); } const char *cD = strstr(option,"D"); if (fDigits && fLoader->TreeD() && cD) { fLoader->TreeD()->Branch(branchname.Data(),&fDigits, fBufferSize); AliDebug(2,Form("Making Branch %s for digits",branchname.Data())); } }