/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ // Author: Andrei Gheata, 31/05/2006 //============================================================================== // AliAnalysysDataSlot - Class representing a data slot of an analysis task. // An analysis slot enforces a certain data type required by the Exec() // method of the analysis task. The slot must be connected to a data // container with data of the same type. // // The class should not be directly created by users - it is created by // each AliAnalysisTask when defining its input/output slots using: // // AliAnalysisTask::SetInput(Int_t index, TClass *type); // AliAnalysisTask::SetOutput(TClass *type); // // An existing data contaner (AliAnalysisDataContainer) can be connected to the // input/output slots of an analysis task using: // // AliAnalysisModule::ConnectInput(AliAnalysisTask *task, Int_t islot, // AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont) // AliAnalysisModule::ConnectOutput(AliAnalysisTask *task, // AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont) // To connect a slot to a data container, the data types declared by both must // match. //============================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliAnalysisDataSlot.h" #include "AliAnalysisTask.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h" ClassImp(AliAnalysisDataSlot) //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisDataSlot::AliAnalysisDataSlot(TClass *type, AliAnalysisTask *task) :TNamed(), fType(type), fParent(task), fContainer(NULL) { // Default constructor. SetTitle(fType->GetName()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisDataSlot::AliAnalysisDataSlot(const AliAnalysisDataSlot &slot) :TNamed(slot), fType(NULL), fParent(slot.fParent), fContainer(slot.fContainer) { // Copy ctor. GetType(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisDataSlot& AliAnalysisDataSlot::operator=(const AliAnalysisDataSlot &slot) { // Assignment if (&slot == this) return *this; TNamed::operator=(slot); GetType(); fParent = slot.fParent; fContainer = slot.fContainer; return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisDataSlot::ConnectContainer(AliAnalysisDataContainer *cont) { // Connect the data slot with a given container. The operation will succeed only // if the type defined by the slot inherits from the type enforced by the container. // The error message in case of failure is posted by the caller. if (!cont || !GetType()) return kFALSE; if (!fType->InheritsFrom(cont->GetType())) { cout<<"Data slot of type "<GetName()<<" cannot be connected to data container "<GetName()<<" of type "<GetTitle()<GetName(), fParent->GetName(), cont->GetName(), cont->GetType()->GetName())); return kFALSE; } fContainer = cont; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TClass *AliAnalysisDataSlot::GetType() const { // Get class type for this slot. AliAnalysisDataSlot *slot = (AliAnalysisDataSlot*)this; if (!fType) slot->SetType(gROOT->GetClass(fTitle.Data())); if (!fType) printf("AliAnalysisDataSlot: Unknown class: %s\n", GetTitle()); return fType; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void *AliAnalysisDataSlot::GetBranchAddress(const char *branchname) const { // Retrieve the address for a given branch. One should always test this before // using SetBranchAddress because the address gets set by the first caller. // Call this in MyTask::Init() if (!GetType()) return NULL; if (!fType->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) { cout<<"Cannot call GetBranchAddress() for data slot of task "<GetName()<<" not pointing to tree-type data"<GetName())); return NULL; } if (!IsDataReady()) { cout<<"Cannot call GetBranchAddress() for data slot of task "<GetName()<<" while data is not ready"<GetName())); return NULL; } TTree *tree = (TTree*)GetData(); TBranch *br = tree->GetBranch(branchname); if (!br) { cout<<"Branch "<GetName()<<" as input of task "<GetName()<<"..."<GetName(), fParent->GetName())); return NULL; } return br->GetAddress(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisDataSlot::EnableBranch(const char *bname, TTree *tree) { // Static method to enable recursively a branch in a tree (why this in not in ROOT?) TBranch *branch = tree->GetBranch(bname); Int_t count = 0; // static Int_t indent = 0; if (!branch) return count; // TString s; // for (Int_t i=0; iGetName(), branch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess)); branch->SetBit(kDoNotProcess, kFALSE); TIter next(branch->GetListOfBranches()); TBranch *branch_sub; // Activate all sub-branches // indent++; while ((branch_sub=(TBranch*)next())) { count += AliAnalysisDataSlot::EnableBranch(branch_sub->GetName(), tree); } // indent--; return count; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisDataSlot::SetBranchAddress(const char *branchname, void *address) { // Set a branch address for input tree. To be called during MyTask::Init() // only if GetBranchAddress() returns a NULL pointer for a tree-type slot. if (GetBranchAddress(branchname)) { Error("SetBranchAddress","Branch address for %s already set by other task. Call first GetBranchAddress() in %s::ConnectInputData()",branchname, fParent->GetName()); return kFALSE; } TTree *tree = (TTree*)GetData(); tree->SetBranchAddress(branchname, address); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TObject *AliAnalysisDataSlot::GetData() const { // Retreives the data from the container if it is ready. if (!fContainer) { //AliError(Form("Data slot of type %s of task %s has no connected data container",fType->GetName(), fParent->GetName())); return NULL; } if (!fContainer->IsDataReady()) return NULL; return fContainer->GetData(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisDataSlot::IsDataReady() const { // Check if data for this slot is ready in its container. if (!fContainer) { cout<<"Data slot of type "<GetName()<<" has no connected data container"<GetName(), fParent->GetName())); return kFALSE; } return fContainer->IsDataReady(); }