#ifndef ALIBACKGROUNDSELECTION_H #define ALIBACKGROUNDSELECTION_H // Select events which are not flagged as backgroud // Author Michele Floris // michele.floris@cern.ch #include "AliAnalysisCuts.h" #include "AliLog.h" class TList; class TH2F; class TH1F; class TCollection; class AliBackgroundSelection : public AliAnalysisCuts { public: // Inherited methods AliBackgroundSelection(); AliBackgroundSelection(const char* name, const char* title); AliBackgroundSelection(const AliBackgroundSelection& obj); virtual ~AliBackgroundSelection(); virtual Bool_t IsSelected(TObject* const obj); virtual Bool_t IsSelected(TList* ) {AliFatal("Not implemented");return 0;} virtual void Init(); virtual TList * GetOutput() {return fOutputHist;} // Helper Methods void BookClusterVsTrackletsHisto(const char * trigger_name); void BookDeltaPhiHisto(const char * trigger_name); TH2F * GetClusterVsTrackletsHisto(const char * trigger_name); TH2F * GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoAccepted(const char * trigger_name); const char * GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoName(const char * trigger_name); const char * GetClusterVsTrackletsHistoNameAccepted(const char * trigger_name); TH1F * GetDeltaPhiHisto(const char * trigger_name); TH1F * GetDeltaPhiHistoAccepted(const char * trigger_name); const char * GetDeltaPhiHistoName(const char * trigger_name); const char * GetDeltaPhiHistoNameAccepted(const char * trigger_name); Long64_t Merge(TCollection* const list); // Cuts Setters & Getters void SetCutParameters(Float_t a,Float_t b) {fACut = a; fBCut =b;} void SetDeltaPhiCut(Float_t cut) { fDeltaPhiCut = cut;} Float_t GetCutParameterA() const {return fACut;} Float_t GetCutParameterB() const {return fBCut;} Float_t GetDeltaPhiCut() const {return fDeltaPhiCut;} // TODO: implement cut on global vertex DCA? private: TList * fOutputHist; // contains 2 histo Cluster vs Tracklets and delta phiper trigger type (all and accepted) Float_t fACut; // Cut on y = ax + b in the Cluster Vs Tracklets correlation. This is the "a" parameter of the cut Float_t fBCut; // Cut on y = ax + b in the Cluster Vs Tracklets correlation. This is the "b" parameter of the cut Float_t fDeltaPhiCut; // events with vertex from vertexer Z and DeltaPhi>fDeltaPhiCut are rejected AliBackgroundSelection& operator=(const AliBackgroundSelection&); ClassDef(AliBackgroundSelection, 1); }; #endif