/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //***************************************************** // Class AliEPSelectionTask // Class to determine event plane // author: Alberica Toia, Johanna Gramling //***************************************************** #include "AliEPSelectionTask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliESDHeader.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliAODHandler.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "AliPhysicsSelectionTask.h" #include "AliPhysicsSelection.h" #include "AliBackgroundSelection.h" #include "AliESDUtils.h" #include "AliOADBContainer.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliVTrack.h" #include "AliEventplane.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; ClassImp(AliEPSelectionTask) //________________________________________________________________________ AliEPSelectionTask::AliEPSelectionTask(): AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fAnalysisInput("ESD"), fTrackType("TPC"), fPeriod(""), fUseMCRP(kFALSE), fUsePhiWeight(kFALSE), fUsePtWeight(kFALSE), fSaveTrackContribution(kFALSE), fUserphidist(kFALSE), fUsercuts(kFALSE), fRunNumber(-15), fAODfilterbit(1), fEtaGap(0.), fSplitMethod(0), fESDtrackCuts(0), fEPContainer(0), fSparseDist(0), fHruns(0), fQVector(0), fQContributionX(0), fQContributionY(0), fEventplaneQ(0), fQsub1(0), fQsub2(0), fQsubRes(0), fOutputList(0), fHOutEventplaneQ(0), fHOutPhi(0), fHOutPhiCorr(0), fHOutsub1sub2(0), fHOutNTEPRes(0), fHOutPTPsi(0), fHOutDiff(0), fHOutleadPTPsi(0) { // Default constructor AliInfo("Event Plane Selection enabled."); for(Int_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { fPhiDist[i] = 0; } } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEPSelectionTask::AliEPSelectionTask(const char *name): AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fAnalysisInput("ESD"), fTrackType("TPC"), fPeriod(""), fUseMCRP(kFALSE), fUsePhiWeight(kFALSE), fUsePtWeight(kFALSE), fSaveTrackContribution(kFALSE), fUserphidist(kFALSE), fUsercuts(kFALSE), fRunNumber(-15), fAODfilterbit(1), fEtaGap(0.), fSplitMethod(0), fESDtrackCuts(0), fEPContainer(0), fSparseDist(0), fHruns(0), fQVector(0), fQContributionX(0), fQContributionY(0), fEventplaneQ(0), fQsub1(0), fQsub2(0), fQsubRes(0), fOutputList(0), fHOutEventplaneQ(0), fHOutPhi(0), fHOutPhiCorr(0), fHOutsub1sub2(0), fHOutNTEPRes(0), fHOutPTPsi(0), fHOutDiff(0), fHOutleadPTPsi(0) { // Default constructor AliInfo("Event Plane Selection enabled."); DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); for(Int_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { fPhiDist[i] = 0; } } //________________________________________________________________________ AliEPSelectionTask::~AliEPSelectionTask() { // Destructor if (fOutputList && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()){ delete fOutputList; fOutputList = 0; } if (fESDtrackCuts){ delete fESDtrackCuts; fESDtrackCuts = 0; } if (fUserphidist) { if (fPhiDist[0]) { delete fPhiDist[0]; fPhiDist[0] = 0; } } if (fEPContainer){ delete fEPContainer; fEPContainer = 0; } if (fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC11h")==0){ for(Int_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(fPhiDist[i]){ delete fPhiDist[i]; fPhiDist[i] = 0; } } if(fHruns) delete fHruns; } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create the output containers if (fDebug>1) printf("AliEPSelectionTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() \n"); AliLog::SetClassDebugLevel("AliEPSelectionTask", AliLog::kInfo); fOutputList = new TList(); fOutputList->SetOwner(); fHOutEventplaneQ = new TH1F("fHOutEventplaneQ","fHOutEventplaneQ; Event Plane Q",100,0,TMath::Pi()); fHOutPhi = new TH1F("fHOutPhi","fHOutPhi; Phi Distribution",100,0,TMath::TwoPi()); fHOutPhiCorr = new TH1F("fHOutPhiCorr","fHOutPhiCorr; Corrected Phi Distribution",100,0,TMath::TwoPi()); fHOutsub1sub2 = new TH2F("fHOutsub1sub2","fHOutsub1sub2; EP1; EP2",100,0,TMath::Pi(),100,0,TMath::Pi()); fHOutNTEPRes = new TH2F("fHOutNTEPRes","fHOutNTEPRes; Number of Tracks; Event Plane Resolution",100,0,5000,100,-TMath::Pi(),TMath::Pi()); fHOutPTPsi = new TH2F("fHOutPTPsi","fHOutPTPsi; PT; Phi-EP",100,0,20,100,0,TMath::Pi()); fHOutDiff = new TH2F("fHOutDiff","fHOutDiff; EP; MCEP",100,0,TMath::Pi(),100,0,TMath::Pi()); fHOutleadPTPsi = new TH2F("fHOutleadPTPsi","fHOutleadPTPsi; leadPT; EP",100,0,TMath::Pi(),100,0,TMath::Pi()); fOutputList->Add(fHOutEventplaneQ); fOutputList->Add(fHOutPhi); fOutputList->Add(fHOutPhiCorr); fOutputList->Add(fHOutsub1sub2); fOutputList->Add(fHOutNTEPRes); fOutputList->Add(fHOutPTPsi); fOutputList->Add(fHOutleadPTPsi); fOutputList->Add(fHOutDiff); PostData(1, fOutputList); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::UserExec(Option_t */*option*/) { // Execute analysis for current event: if (fDebug>1) printf(" **** AliEPSelectionTask::UserExec() \n"); // fRunNumber = -15; AliEventplane *esdEP; TVector2 qq1; TVector2 qq2; Double_t fRP = 0.; // monte carlo reaction plane angle if (fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("ESD")==0){ AliVEvent* event = InputEvent(); AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast(event); if (esd){ if (!(fRunNumber == esd->GetRunNumber())) { fRunNumber = esd->GetRunNumber(); AliInfo(Form("Changing Phi-distribution to run %d",fRunNumber)); SetOADBandPeriod(); SetPhiDist(); } if (fUseMCRP) { AliMCEvent* mcEvent = MCEvent(); if (mcEvent && mcEvent->GenEventHeader()) { AliGenHijingEventHeader* headerH = dynamic_cast(mcEvent->GenEventHeader()); if (headerH) fRP = headerH->ReactionPlaneAngle(); } } esdEP = esd->GetEventplane(); if (fSaveTrackContribution) { esdEP->GetQContributionXArray()->Set(esd->GetNumberOfTracks()); esdEP->GetQContributionYArray()->Set(esd->GetNumberOfTracks()); esdEP->GetQContributionXArraysub1()->Set(esd->GetNumberOfTracks()); esdEP->GetQContributionYArraysub1()->Set(esd->GetNumberOfTracks()); esdEP->GetQContributionXArraysub2()->Set(esd->GetNumberOfTracks()); esdEP->GetQContributionYArraysub2()->Set(esd->GetNumberOfTracks()); } TObjArray* tracklist = new TObjArray; if (fTrackType.CompareTo("GLOBAL")==0) tracklist = fESDtrackCuts->GetAcceptedTracks(esd,kFALSE); if (fTrackType.CompareTo("TPC")==0 && fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC10h")==0) tracklist = fESDtrackCuts->GetAcceptedTracks(esd,kTRUE); else if (fTrackType.CompareTo("TPC")==0 && fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC11h")==0) tracklist = GetTracksForLHC11h(esd); const int nt = tracklist->GetEntries(); if (nt>4){ fQVector = new TVector2(GetQ(esdEP,tracklist)); fEventplaneQ = fQVector->Phi()/2; GetQsub(qq1, qq2, tracklist, esdEP); fQsub1 = new TVector2(qq1); fQsub2 = new TVector2(qq2); fQsubRes = (fQsub1->Phi()/2 - fQsub2->Phi()/2); esdEP->SetQVector(fQVector); esdEP->SetEventplaneQ(fEventplaneQ); esdEP->SetQsub(fQsub1,fQsub2); esdEP->SetQsubRes(fQsubRes); fHOutEventplaneQ->Fill(fEventplaneQ); fHOutsub1sub2->Fill(fQsub1->Phi()/2,fQsub2->Phi()/2); fHOutNTEPRes->Fill(nt,fQsubRes); if (fUseMCRP) fHOutDiff->Fill(fEventplaneQ, fRP); for (int iter = 0; iter (tracklist->At(iter)); if (track) { float delta = track->Phi()-fEventplaneQ; while (delta < 0) delta += TMath::Pi(); while (delta > TMath::Pi()) delta -= TMath::Pi(); fHOutPTPsi->Fill(track->Pt(),delta); fHOutPhi->Fill(track->Phi()); fHOutPhiCorr->Fill(track->Phi(),GetPhiWeight(track)); } } AliESDtrack* trmax = esd->GetTrack(0); for (int iter = 1; iter (tracklist->At(iter)); if (track && (track->Pt() > trmax->Pt())) trmax = track; } fHOutleadPTPsi->Fill(trmax->Phi(),fEventplaneQ); } tracklist->Clear(); delete tracklist; tracklist = 0; } } else if (fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("AOD")==0){ AliVEvent* event = InputEvent(); AliAODEvent* aod = dynamic_cast(event); if (aod){ if (!(fRunNumber == aod->GetRunNumber())) { fRunNumber = aod->GetRunNumber(); AliInfo(Form("Changing Phi-distribution to run %d",fRunNumber)); SetOADBandPeriod(); SetPhiDist(); } if (fUseMCRP) { AliAODMCHeader *headerH = dynamic_cast(aod->GetList()->FindObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName())); if (headerH) fRP = headerH->GetReactionPlaneAngle(); } esdEP = aod->GetHeader()->GetEventplaneP(); if(!esdEP) return; // protection against missing EP branch (nanoAODs) esdEP->Reset(); Int_t maxID = 0; TObjArray* tracklist = GetAODTracksAndMaxID(aod,maxID); if (fSaveTrackContribution) { esdEP->GetQContributionXArray()->Set(maxID+1); esdEP->GetQContributionYArray()->Set(maxID+1); esdEP->GetQContributionXArraysub1()->Set(maxID+1); esdEP->GetQContributionYArraysub1()->Set(maxID+1); esdEP->GetQContributionXArraysub2()->Set(maxID+1); esdEP->GetQContributionYArraysub2()->Set(maxID+1); } const int NT = tracklist->GetEntries(); if (NT>4){ fQVector = new TVector2(GetQ(esdEP,tracklist)); fEventplaneQ = fQVector->Phi()/2.; GetQsub(qq1, qq2, tracklist, esdEP); fQsub1 = new TVector2(qq1); fQsub2 = new TVector2(qq2); fQsubRes = (fQsub1->Phi()/2. - fQsub2->Phi()/2.); esdEP->SetQVector(fQVector); esdEP->SetEventplaneQ(fEventplaneQ); esdEP->SetQsub(fQsub1,fQsub2); esdEP->SetQsubRes(fQsubRes); fHOutEventplaneQ->Fill(fEventplaneQ); fHOutsub1sub2->Fill(fQsub1->Phi()/2.,fQsub2->Phi()/2.); fHOutNTEPRes->Fill(NT,fQsubRes); if (fUseMCRP) fHOutDiff->Fill(fEventplaneQ, fRP); for (int iter = 0; iter (tracklist->At(iter)); if (track) { float delta = track->Phi()-fEventplaneQ; while (delta < 0) delta += TMath::Pi(); while (delta > TMath::Pi()) delta -= TMath::Pi(); fHOutPTPsi->Fill(track->Pt(),delta); fHOutPhi->Fill(track->Phi()); fHOutPhiCorr->Fill(track->Phi(),GetPhiWeight(track)); } } AliAODTrack* trmax = aod->GetTrack(0); for (int iter = 1; iter (tracklist->At(iter)); if (track && (track->Pt() > trmax->Pt())) trmax = track; } fHOutleadPTPsi->Fill(trmax->Phi(),fEventplaneQ); } delete tracklist; tracklist = 0; } } else { printf(" Analysis Input not known!\n\n "); return; } PostData(1, fOutputList); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::Terminate(Option_t */*option*/) { // Terminate analysis } //__________________________________________________________________________ TVector2 AliEPSelectionTask::GetQ(AliEventplane* EP, TObjArray* tracklist) { // Get the Q vector TVector2 mQ; float mQx=0, mQy=0; AliVTrack* track; Double_t weight; Int_t idtemp = -1; int nt = tracklist->GetEntries(); for (int i=0; i (tracklist->At(i)); if (track) { weight = GetWeight(track); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ idtemp = track->GetID(); if ((fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("AOD")==0) && (fAODfilterbit == 128)) idtemp = idtemp*(-1) - 1; EP->GetQContributionXArray()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArray()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } mQx += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); } } mQ.Set(mQx,mQy); return mQ; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::GetQsub(TVector2 &Q1, TVector2 &Q2, TObjArray* tracklist,AliEventplane* EP) { // Get Qsub TVector2 mQ[2]; float mQx1=0, mQy1=0, mQx2=0, mQy2=0; Double_t weight; AliVTrack* track; TRandom2 rn = 0; int nt = tracklist->GetEntries(); int trackcounter1=0, trackcounter2=0; int idtemp = 0; if (fSplitMethod == AliEPSelectionTask::kRandom){ for (Int_t i = 0; i < nt; i++) { weight = 1; track = dynamic_cast (tracklist->At(i)); if (!track) continue; weight = GetWeight(track); idtemp = track->GetID(); if ((fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("AOD")==0) && (fAODfilterbit == 128)) idtemp = idtemp*(-1) - 1; // This loop splits the track set into 2 random subsets if( trackcounter1 < int(nt/2.) && trackcounter2 < int(nt/2.)){ float random = rn.Rndm(); if(random < .5){ mQx1 += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy1 += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ EP->GetQContributionXArraysub1()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArraysub1()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } trackcounter1++; } else { mQx2 += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy2 += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ EP->GetQContributionXArraysub2()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArraysub2()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } trackcounter2++; } } else if( trackcounter1 >= int(nt/2.)){ mQx2 += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy2 += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ EP->GetQContributionXArraysub2()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArraysub2()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } trackcounter2++; } else { mQx1 += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy1 += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ EP->GetQContributionXArraysub1()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArraysub1()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } trackcounter1++; } } } else if (fSplitMethod == AliEPSelectionTask::kEta) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < nt; i++) { weight = 1; track = dynamic_cast (tracklist->At(i)); if (!track) continue; weight = GetWeight(track); Double_t eta = track->Eta(); idtemp = track->GetID(); if ((fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("AOD")==0) && (fAODfilterbit == 128)) idtemp = idtemp*(-1) - 1; if (eta > fEtaGap/2.) { mQx1 += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy1 += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ EP->GetQContributionXArraysub1()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArraysub1()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } } else if (eta < -1.*fEtaGap/2.) { mQx2 += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy2 += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ EP->GetQContributionXArraysub2()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArraysub2()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } } } } else if (fSplitMethod == AliEPSelectionTask::kCharge) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < nt; i++) { weight = 1; track = dynamic_cast (tracklist->At(i)); if (!track) continue; weight = GetWeight(track); Short_t cha = track->Charge(); idtemp = track->GetID(); if ((fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("AOD")==0) && (fAODfilterbit == 128)) idtemp = idtemp*(-1) - 1; if (cha > 0) { mQx1 += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy1 += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ EP->GetQContributionXArraysub1()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArraysub1()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } } else if (cha < 0) { mQx2 += (weight*cos(2*track->Phi())); mQy2 += (weight*sin(2*track->Phi())); if (fSaveTrackContribution){ EP->GetQContributionXArraysub2()->AddAt(weight*cos(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); EP->GetQContributionYArraysub2()->AddAt(weight*sin(2*track->Phi()),idtemp); } } } } else { printf("plane resolution determination method not available!\n\n "); return; } mQ[0].Set(mQx1,mQy1); mQ[1].Set(mQx2,mQy2); Q1 = mQ[0]; Q2 = mQ[1]; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::SetPersonalESDtrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts* trackcuts){ if(fESDtrackCuts){ delete fESDtrackCuts; fESDtrackCuts = 0; } if (fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("AOD")==0){ AliInfo("ESD track cuts not possible for AOD analysis; please use SetPersonalAODtrackCuts(); using TPC only track cuts"); fUsercuts = kFALSE; SetTrackType("TPC"); return; } fUsercuts = kTRUE; fESDtrackCuts = trackcuts; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::SetPersonalAODtrackCuts(UInt_t filterbit, Float_t etalow, Float_t etaup, Float_t ptlow, Float_t ptup, Int_t ntpc){ if(fESDtrackCuts){ delete fESDtrackCuts; fESDtrackCuts = 0; } if (fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("ESD")==0){ AliInfo("AOD track cuts not possible for ESD analysis; please use SetPersonalESDtrackCuts(); using TPC only track cuts"); fUsercuts = kFALSE; SetTrackType("TPC"); return; } fUsercuts = kTRUE; fESDtrackCuts = new AliESDtrackCuts(); fESDtrackCuts->SetPtRange(ptlow,ptup); fESDtrackCuts->SetMinNClustersTPC(ntpc); fESDtrackCuts->SetEtaRange(etalow,etaup); fAODfilterbit = filterbit; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::SetTrackType(TString tracktype){ fTrackType = tracktype; if (!fUsercuts) { if (fTrackType.CompareTo("GLOBAL")==0){ fESDtrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2010(kTRUE); fAODfilterbit = 32; } if (fTrackType.CompareTo("TPC")==0){ fESDtrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardTPCOnlyTrackCuts(); fAODfilterbit = 128; } fESDtrackCuts->SetPtRange(0.15,20.); fESDtrackCuts->SetEtaRange(-0.8,0.8); } } //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliEPSelectionTask::GetWeight(TObject* track1) { Double_t ptweight=1; AliVTrack* track = dynamic_cast(track1); if (fUsePtWeight && track) { if (track->Pt()<2) ptweight=track->Pt(); else ptweight=2; } return ptweight*GetPhiWeight(track); } //________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliEPSelectionTask::GetPhiWeight(TObject* track1) { Double_t phiweight=1; AliVTrack* track = dynamic_cast(track1); TH1F *phiDist = 0x0; if(track) phiDist = SelectPhiDist(track); if (fUsePhiWeight && phiDist && track) { Double_t nParticles = phiDist->Integral(); Double_t nPhibins = phiDist->GetNbinsX(); Double_t Phi = track->Phi(); while (Phi<0) Phi += TMath::TwoPi(); while (Phi>TMath::TwoPi()) Phi -= TMath::TwoPi(); Double_t PhiDistValue = phiDist->GetBinContent(1+TMath::FloorNint((track->Phi())*nPhibins/TMath::TwoPi())); if (PhiDistValue > 0) phiweight = nParticles/nPhibins/PhiDistValue; } return phiweight; } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::SetPhiDist() { if(!fUserphidist && (fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC10h") == 0 || fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC11h") == 0)) { // if it's already set and custom class is required, we use the one provided by the user if (fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC10h")==0) { fPhiDist[0] = (TH1F*) fEPContainer->GetObject(fRunNumber, "Default");} else if(fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC11h")==0){ Int_t runbin=fHruns->FindBin(fRunNumber); if (fHruns->GetBinContent(runbin) > 1){ fSparseDist->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(runbin,runbin); } else if(fHruns->GetBinContent(runbin) < 2){ fSparseDist->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(1,2901); // not calibrated run, use integrated phi-weights AliInfo("Using integrated Phi-weights for this run"); } for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ;i++) { if(fPhiDist[i]){ delete fPhiDist[i]; fPhiDist[i] = 0x0; } if(i == 0){ fSparseDist->GetAxis(1)->SetRange(1,1); // neg charge fSparseDist->GetAxis(2)->SetRange(1,1);} // neg eta if(i == 1){ fSparseDist->GetAxis(1)->SetRange(2,2); // pos charge fSparseDist->GetAxis(2)->SetRange(1,1);} // neg eta if(i == 2){ fSparseDist->GetAxis(1)->SetRange(1,1); // neg charge fSparseDist->GetAxis(2)->SetRange(2,2);} // pos eta if(i == 3){ fSparseDist->GetAxis(1)->SetRange(2,2); // pos charge fSparseDist->GetAxis(2)->SetRange(2,2);} // pos eta fPhiDist[i] = (TH1F*)fSparseDist->Projection(3); // Projection on Phi fPhiDist[i]->SetName(Form("phidist%d%d",i,fRunNumber)); fSparseDist->GetAxis(1)->SetRange(1,2); // reset axes fSparseDist->GetAxis(2)->SetRange(1,2); } fSparseDist->GetAxis(0)->SetRange(1,2901);// reset run axis } if (!fPhiDist[0]) AliFatal(Form("Cannot find OADB phi distribution for run %d", fRunNumber)); } if (fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC10h")==0 || fUserphidist){ Bool_t emptybins; int iter = 0; while (iter<3){ emptybins = kFALSE; for (int i=1; iGetNbinsX(); i++){ if (!((fPhiDist[0]->GetBinContent(i))>0)) { emptybins = kTRUE; } } if (emptybins) { cout << "empty bins - rebinning!" << endl; fPhiDist[0]->Rebin(); iter++; } else iter = 3; } if (emptybins) { AliError("After Maximum of rebinning still empty Phi-bins!!!"); } } if (fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC10h") != 0 && fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC11h") != 0 && !fUserphidist){ AliInfo("No Phi-weights available. All Phi weights set to 1"); SetUsePhiWeight(kFALSE); } } //__________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::SetPersonalPhiDistribution(const char* infilename, char* listname) { fUserphidist = kTRUE; TFile f(infilename); TObject* list = f.Get(listname); fPhiDist[0] = (TH1F*)list->FindObject("fHOutPhi"); if (!fPhiDist[0]) AliFatal("Phi Distribution not found!!!"); f.Close(); } //_________________________________________________________________________ TObjArray* AliEPSelectionTask::GetAODTracksAndMaxID(AliAODEvent* aod, Int_t& maxid) { TObjArray *acctracks = new TObjArray(); AliAODTrack *tr = 0; Int_t maxid1 = 0; Int_t maxidtemp = -1; Float_t ptlow = 0; Float_t ptup = 0; Float_t etalow = 0; Float_t etaup = 0; fESDtrackCuts->GetPtRange(ptlow,ptup); fESDtrackCuts->GetEtaRange(etalow,etaup); Int_t ntpc = fESDtrackCuts->GetMinNClusterTPC(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < aod->GetNumberOfTracks() ; i++){ tr = aod->GetTrack(i); maxidtemp = tr->GetID(); if(maxidtemp < 0 && fAODfilterbit != 128) continue; if(maxidtemp > -1 && fAODfilterbit == 128) continue; if (fAODfilterbit == 128) maxidtemp = maxidtemp*(-1) - 1; if (maxidtemp > maxid1) maxid1 = maxidtemp; if(tr->TestFilterBit(fAODfilterbit) && tr->Pt() < ptup && tr->Pt() > ptlow && tr->Eta() < etaup && tr->Eta() > etalow && tr->GetTPCNcls() > ntpc){ acctracks->Add(tr); } } maxid = maxid1; return acctracks; } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliEPSelectionTask::SetOADBandPeriod() { TString oadbfilename; if (fRunNumber >= 136851 && fRunNumber <= 139515) // LHC10h {fPeriod = "LHC10h"; if (!fUserphidist) { // if it's already set and custom class is required, we use the one provided by the user if (fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("AOD")==0){ oadbfilename = (Form("%s/COMMON/EVENTPLANE/data/epphidist.aod.root", AliAnalysisManager::GetOADBPath())); } else if (fAnalysisInput.CompareTo("ESD")==0){ oadbfilename = (Form("%s/COMMON/EVENTPLANE/data/epphidist.root", AliAnalysisManager::GetOADBPath())); } TFile foadb(oadbfilename); if(!foadb.IsOpen()) AliFatal(Form("Cannot open OADB file %s", oadbfilename.Data())); AliInfo("Using Standard OADB"); fEPContainer = (AliOADBContainer*) foadb.Get("epphidist"); if (!fEPContainer) AliFatal("Cannot fetch OADB container for EP selection"); foadb.Close(); } } if (fRunNumber >= 166529 && fRunNumber <= 170593) // LHC11h {fPeriod = "LHC11h"; if (!fUserphidist) { // if it's already set and custom class is required, we use the one provided by the user oadbfilename = (Form("%s/COMMON/EVENTPLANE/data/epphidist2011.root", AliAnalysisManager::GetOADBPath())); TFile *foadb = TFile::Open(oadbfilename); if(!foadb->IsOpen()) AliFatal(Form("Cannot open OADB file %s", oadbfilename.Data())); AliInfo("Using Standard OADB"); fSparseDist = (THnSparse*) foadb->Get("Default"); if (!fSparseDist) AliFatal("Cannot fetch OADB container for EP selection"); foadb->Close(); if(!fHruns){ fHruns = (TH1F*)fSparseDist->Projection(0); //projection on run axis; fHruns->SetName("runsHisto"); } } } } //_________________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliEPSelectionTask::SelectPhiDist(AliVTrack *track) { if (fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC10h")==0 || fUserphidist) return fPhiDist[0]; else if(fPeriod.CompareTo("LHC11h")==0) { if (track->Charge() < 0) { if(track->Eta() < 0.) return fPhiDist[0]; else if (track->Eta() > 0.) return fPhiDist[2]; } else if (track->Charge() > 0) { if(track->Eta() < 0.) return fPhiDist[1]; else if (track->Eta() > 0.) return fPhiDist[3]; } } return 0; } TObjArray* AliEPSelectionTask::GetTracksForLHC11h(AliESDEvent* esd) { // Need to do this hack beacuse only this type of TPC only tracks in AOD is available and one type of Phi-weights is used TObjArray *acctracks = new TObjArray(); acctracks->SetOwner(kTRUE); const AliESDVertex *vtxSPD = esd->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); Float_t ptlow = 0; Float_t ptup = 0; Float_t etalow = 0; Float_t etaup = 0; fESDtrackCuts->GetPtRange(ptlow,ptup); fESDtrackCuts->GetEtaRange(etalow,etaup); Double_t pDCA[3] = { 0. }; // momentum at DCA Double_t rDCA[3] = { 0. }; // position at DCA Float_t dDCA[2] = {0.}; // DCA to the vertex d and z Float_t cDCA[3] = {0.}; // covariance of impact parameters for (Int_t i = 0; i < esd->GetNumberOfTracks() ; i++){ AliESDtrack* esdTrack = esd->GetTrack(i); //carefull do not modify it othwise need to work with a copy // // Track selection if (!fESDtrackCuts->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) continue; // create a tpc only tracl AliESDtrack *track = AliESDtrackCuts::GetTPCOnlyTrack(const_cast(esd),esdTrack->GetID()); if(!track) continue; if(track->Pt()>0.) { // only constrain tracks above threshold AliExternalTrackParam exParam; // take the B-field from the ESD, no 3D fieldMap available at this point Bool_t relate = false; relate = track->RelateToVertexTPC(vtxSPD,esd->GetMagneticField(),kVeryBig,&exParam); if(!relate){ delete track; continue; } // fetch the track parameters at the DCA (unconstraint) if(track->GetTPCInnerParam()){ track->GetTPCInnerParam()->GetPxPyPz(pDCA); track->GetTPCInnerParam()->GetXYZ(rDCA); } // get the DCA to the vertex: track->GetImpactParametersTPC(dDCA,cDCA); // set the constrained parameters to the track track->Set(exParam.GetX(),exParam.GetAlpha(),exParam.GetParameter(),exParam.GetCovariance()); } Float_t eta = track->Eta(); Float_t pT = track->Pt(); if(pT < ptlow || pT > ptup || eta < etalow || eta > etaup){ delete track; continue; } acctracks->Add(track); } return acctracks; }