#include "AliEventPoolManager.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; ClassImp(AliEventPool) void AliEventPool::PrintInfo() const { cout << Form("%20s: %d events", "Pool capacity", fMixDepth) << endl; cout << Form("%20s: %d events, %d tracks", "Current size", GetCurrentNEvents(), NTracksInPool()) << endl; cout << Form("%20s: %.1f to %.1f", "Sub-event mult.", fMultMin, fMultMax) << endl; cout << Form("%20s: %.1f to %.1f", "Z-vtx range", fZvtxMin, fZvtxMax) << endl; cout << Form("%20s: %.1f to %.1f", "Psi range", fPsiMin, fPsiMax) << endl; return; } Bool_t AliEventPool::EventMatchesBin(Int_t mult, Double_t zvtx, Double_t psi) const { return EventMatchesBin((Double_t) mult, zvtx, psi); } Bool_t AliEventPool::EventMatchesBin(Double_t mult, Double_t zvtx, Double_t psi) const { // Lower bin limit included; upper limit excluded. Bool_t multOK = (mult >= fMultMin && mult < fMultMax); Bool_t zvtxOK = (zvtx >= fZvtxMin && zvtx < fZvtxMax); Bool_t psiOK = (psi >= fPsiMin && psi < fPsiMax); return (multOK && zvtxOK && psiOK); } Int_t AliEventPool::NTracksInPool() const { // Number of tracks for this cent, zvtx bin; possibly includes many // events. Int_t ntrk=0; for (Int_t i=0; i<(Int_t)fEvents.size(); ++i) { ntrk += fNTracksInEvent.at(i); } return ntrk; } Int_t AliEventPool::SetEventMultRange(Int_t multMin, Int_t multMax) { fMultMin = (Double_t)multMin; fMultMax = (Double_t)multMax; return 0; } Int_t AliEventPool::SetEventMultRange(Double_t multMin, Double_t multMax) { fMultMin = multMin; fMultMax = multMax; return 0; } Int_t AliEventPool::SetEventZvtxRange(Double_t zvtxMin, Double_t zvtxMax) { fZvtxMin = zvtxMin; fZvtxMax = zvtxMax; return 0; } Int_t AliEventPool::SetEventPsiRange(Double_t psiMin, Double_t psiMax) { fPsiMin = psiMin; fPsiMax = psiMax; return 0; } Int_t AliEventPool::GlobalEventIndex(Int_t j) const { // Index returned from passing local pool event index. if (j < 0 || j >= (Int_t)fEventIndex.size()) { cout << "ERROR in AliEventPool::GlobalEventIndex(): " << " Invalid index " << j << endl; return -99; } return fEventIndex.at(j); } Int_t AliEventPool::UpdatePool(TObjArray *trk) { // A rolling buffer (a double-ended queue) is updated by removing // the oldest event, and appending the newest. // // the ownership of is delegated to this class static Int_t iEvent = -1; iEvent++; Int_t mult = trk->GetEntries(); Int_t nTrk = NTracksInPool(); if (nTrk < fTargetTrackDepth && ((nTrk + mult) >= fTargetTrackDepth)) fNTimes++; // remove 0th element before appending this event Bool_t removeFirstEvent = 0; if (nTrk>fTargetTrackDepth) { Int_t nTrksFirstEvent= fNTracksInEvent.front(); Int_t diff = nTrk - nTrksFirstEvent + mult; if (diff>fTargetTrackDepth) removeFirstEvent = 1; } if (removeFirstEvent) { TObjArray *fa = fEvents.front(); delete fa; fEvents.pop_front(); // remove first track array fNTracksInEvent.pop_front(); // remove first int fEventIndex.pop_front(); } fNTracksInEvent.push_back(mult); fEvents.push_back(trk); fEventIndex.push_back(iEvent); if (fNTimes==1) { fFirstFilled = kTRUE; if (AliEventPool::fDebug) { cout << "\nPool " << MultBinIndex() << ", " << ZvtxBinIndex() << " ready at event "<< iEvent; PrintInfo(); cout << endl; } fNTimes++; // See this message exactly once/pool } else { fFirstFilled = kFALSE; } fWasUpdated = true; if (AliEventPool::fDebug) { cout << " Event " << fEventIndex.back(); cout << " PoolDepth = " << GetCurrentNEvents(); cout << " NTracksInCurrentEvent = " << NTracksInCurrentEvent(); } return fEvents.size(); } TObject* AliEventPool::GetRandomTrack() const { // Get any random track from the pool, sampled with uniform probability. UInt_t ranEvt = gRandom->Integer(fEvents.size()); TObjArray *tca = fEvents.at(ranEvt); UInt_t ranTrk = gRandom->Integer(tca->GetEntries()); TObject *trk = (TObject*)tca->At(ranTrk); return trk; } TObjArray* AliEventPool::GetEvent(Int_t i) const { if (i<0 || i>=(Int_t)fEvents.size()) { cout << "AliEventPool::GetEvent(" << i << "): Invalid index" << endl; return 0x0; } TObjArray *tca = fEvents.at(i); return tca; } TObjArray* AliEventPool::GetRandomEvent() const { UInt_t ranEvt = gRandom->Integer(fEvents.size()); TObjArray *tca = fEvents.at(ranEvt); return tca; } Int_t AliEventPool::NTracksInEvent(Int_t iEvent) const { // Return number of tracks in iEvent, which is the local pool index. Int_t n = -1; Int_t curEvent = fEventIndex.back(); Int_t offset = curEvent - iEvent; Int_t pos = fEventIndex.size() - offset - 1; if (offset==0) n = fNTracksInEvent.back(); else if (offset < 0 || iEvent < 0) { n = 0; } else if (offset > 0 && offset <= (int)fEventIndex.size()) { n = fNTracksInEvent.at(pos); } else cout << "Event info no longer in memory" << endl; return n; } ClassImp(AliEventPoolManager) AliEventPoolManager::AliEventPoolManager(Int_t depth, Int_t minNTracks, Int_t nMultBins, Double_t *multbins, Int_t nZvtxBins, Double_t *zvtxbins) : fDebug(0), fNMultBins(0), fNZvtxBins(0), fNPsiBins(0), fEvPool(0), fTargetTrackDepth(minNTracks) { // Constructor. // without Event plane bins Int_t nPsiBins = 1; Double_t psibins[2] = {-999.,999.}; InitEventPools(depth, nMultBins, multbins, nZvtxBins, zvtxbins, nPsiBins, psibins); cout << "AliEventPoolManager initialized." << endl; } AliEventPoolManager::AliEventPoolManager(Int_t depth, Int_t minNTracks, Int_t nMultBins, Double_t *multbins, Int_t nZvtxBins, Double_t *zvtxbins, Int_t nPsiBins, Double_t *psibins) : fDebug(0), fNMultBins(0), fNZvtxBins(0), fNPsiBins(0), fEvPool(0), fTargetTrackDepth(minNTracks) { // Constructor. InitEventPools(depth, nMultBins, multbins, nZvtxBins, zvtxbins, nPsiBins, psibins); cout << "AliEventPoolManager initialized." << endl; } Int_t AliEventPoolManager::InitEventPools(Int_t depth, Int_t nMultBins, Double_t *multbin, Int_t nZvtxBins, Double_t *zvtxbin, Int_t nPsiBins, Double_t *psibin) { // Assign AliEventPoolManager members. (with Event plane) fNMultBins = nMultBins; fNZvtxBins = nZvtxBins; fNPsiBins = nPsiBins; for (Int_t iM=0; iMSetMultBinIndex(iM); fEvPool.at(fNZvtxBins*fNPsiBins*iM + fNPsiBins*iZ + iP)->SetZvtxBinIndex(iZ); fEvPool.at(fNZvtxBins*fNPsiBins*iM + fNPsiBins*iZ + iP)->SetPsiBinIndex(iP); fEvPool.at(fNZvtxBins*fNPsiBins*iM + fNPsiBins*iZ + iP)->SetTargetTrackDepth(fTargetTrackDepth); } } } if (0) { cout << "fEvPool outer size: " << fEvPool.size() << endl; for (Int_t iM=0; iMPrintInfo(); } } } } } return fEvPool.size(); } AliEventPool *AliEventPoolManager::GetEventPool(Int_t iMult, Int_t iZvtx, Int_t iPsi) const { if (iMult < 0 || iMult >= fNMultBins) return 0x0; if (iZvtx < 0 || iZvtx >= fNZvtxBins) return 0x0; if (iPsi < 0 || iPsi >= fNPsiBins) return 0x0; return fEvPool.at(fNZvtxBins*fNPsiBins*iMult + fNPsiBins*iZvtx + iPsi); } AliEventPool *AliEventPoolManager::GetEventPool(Int_t centVal, Double_t zVtxVal, Double_t psiVal) const { return GetEventPool((Double_t)centVal, zVtxVal, psiVal); } AliEventPool *AliEventPoolManager::GetEventPool(Double_t centVal, Double_t zVtxVal, Double_t psiVal) const { // Return appropriate pool for this centrality and z-vertex value. for (Int_t iM=0; iMEventMatchesBin(centVal, zVtxVal, psiVal)) return pool; } } } return 0x0; } Int_t AliEventPoolManager::UpdatePools(TObjArray *trk) { // Call UpdatePool for all bins. for (Int_t iM=0; iMUpdatePool(trk) > -1) break; } } } return 0; }