#include "AliFlowAnalysis.h" //________________________________ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // class AliFlowAnalysis // // Flow Analysis // // // S.Radomski@gsi.de // Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*********************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliFlowAnalysis) AliFlowAnalysis::AliFlowAnalysis(): fPartCut(0x0) { //ctor } /*********************************************************/ AliFlowAnalysis::~AliFlowAnalysis() { //dtor delete fPartCut; } /*********************************************************/ Int_t AliFlowAnalysis::Init() { //Initilizes anaysis Info("Init",""); return 0; } /*********************************************************/ Int_t AliFlowAnalysis::ProcessEvent(AliAOD* aodrec, AliAOD* aodsim) { Info("ProcessEvent","Sim AOD address %#x",aodsim); Double_t psi = 0, v2 = 0; if (aodrec) { GetFlow(aodrec,v2,psi); Info("ProcessEvent","Reconstructed Event: Event plane is %f, V2 is %f",psi,v2); } if (aodsim) { GetFlow(aodsim,v2,psi); Info("ProcessEvent","Simulated Event: Event plane is %f, V2 is %f",psi,v2); } return 0; } /*********************************************************/ Int_t AliFlowAnalysis::Finish() { //Finish analysis and writes results Info("Init","Finish"); return 0; } /*********************************************************/ Double_t AliFlowAnalysis::GetEventPlane(AliAOD* aod) { //returns event plane in degrees if (aod == 0x0) { Error("AliFlowAnalysis::GetFlow","Pointer to AOD is NULL"); return -1.0; } Double_t psi; Int_t mult = aod->GetNumberOfParticles(); Double_t ssin = 0, scos = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetParticle(i); if (aodtrack == 0x0) { Error("AliFlowAnalysis::GetEventPlane","Can not get track %d", i); continue; } if (fPartCut) if (fPartCut->Rejected(aodtrack)) continue; Double_t phi = TMath::Pi()+TMath::ATan2(-aodtrack->Py(),-aodtrack->Px()); ssin += TMath::Sin( 2.0 * phi ); scos += TMath::Cos( 2.0 * phi ); } psi = atan2 (ssin, scos) / 2.0; psi = psi * 180. / TMath::Pi(); return psi; } /*********************************************************/ void AliFlowAnalysis::GetFlow(AliAOD* aod,Double_t& v2,Double_t& psi) { //returns flow parameters: v2 and event plane if (aod == 0x0) { Error("AliFlowAnalysis::GetFlow","Pointer to AOD is NULL"); return; } psi = GetEventPlane(aod); Int_t mult = aod->GetNumberOfParticles(); Double_t ssin = 0, scos = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetParticle(i); if (aodtrack == 0x0) { Error("AliFlowAnalysis::GetEventPlane","Can not get track %d", i); continue; } if (fPartCut) if (fPartCut->Rejected(aodtrack)) continue; Double_t phi = TMath::Pi()+TMath::ATan2(-aodtrack->Py(),-aodtrack->Px()); ssin += TMath::Sin( 2.0 * (phi - psi)); scos += TMath::Cos( 2.0 * (phi - psi)); } v2 = TMath::Hypot(ssin,scos); } /*********************************************************/ Double_t AliFlowAnalysis::GetEventPlane(AliESD* esd) { //returns event plane if (esd == 0x0) { ::Error("AliFlowAnalysis::GetFlow","Pointer to ESD is NULL"); return -1.0; } Double_t psi; Int_t mult = esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); Double_t ssin = 0, scos = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetTrack(i); if (esdtrack == 0x0) { ::Error("AliFlowAnalysis::GetEventPlane","Can not get track %d", i); continue; } Double_t mom[3];//momentum esdtrack->GetPxPyPz(mom); Double_t phi = TMath::Pi()+TMath::ATan2(-mom[1],-mom[0]); ssin += TMath::Sin( 2.0 * phi ); scos += TMath::Cos( 2.0 * phi ); } psi = atan2 (ssin, scos) / 2.0; psi = psi * 180. / TMath::Pi(); return psi; } /*********************************************************/ void AliFlowAnalysis::GetFlow(AliESD* esd,Double_t& v2,Double_t& psi) { //returns flow parameters: v2 and event plane if (esd == 0x0) { ::Error("AliFlowAnalysis::GetFlow","Pointer to ESD is NULL"); return; } psi = GetEventPlane(esd); Int_t mult = esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); Double_t ssin = 0, scos = 0; for (Int_t i=0; iGetTrack(i); if (esdtrack == 0x0) { ::Error("AliFlowAnalysis::GetEventPlane","Can not get track %d", i); continue; } Double_t mom[3];//momentum esdtrack->GetPxPyPz(mom); Double_t phi = TMath::Pi()+TMath::ATan2(-mom[1],-mom[0]); ssin += TMath::Sin( 2.0 * (phi - psi)); scos += TMath::Cos( 2.0 * (phi - psi)); } v2 = TMath::Hypot(ssin,scos); } /*********************************************************/