/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // class AliTrackPoints // // // // used by Anti-Merging cut // // contains set of poits the lay on track trajectory // // according to reconstructed track parameters - // // NOT CLUSTERS POSITIONS!!! // // Anti-Merging cut is applied only on tracks coming from // // different events (that are use to fill deniminators) // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliTrackPoints.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliTPCtrack.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #include "AliITStrackV2.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMagF.h" #include "AliTracker.h" #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliTPCtrack.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TBranch.h" #include "TH2D.h" ClassImp(AliTrackPoints) Int_t AliTrackPoints::fgDebug = 0; AliTrackPoints::AliTrackPoints(): fN(0), fX(0x0), fY(0x0), fZ(0x0) { //constructor } /***************************************************************/ AliTrackPoints::AliTrackPoints(AliTrackPoints::ETypes type, AliESDtrack* track, Float_t mf): fN(0), fX(0x0), fY(0x0), fZ(0x0) { //constructor //tupe - what kind of track points should be calculated //mf - magnetic field in [kG] = [T]*10.0 switch (type) { case kITS: fN = 6; fX = new Float_t[fN]; fY = new Float_t[fN]; fZ = new Float_t[fN]; MakeITSPoints(track); break; case kITSInnerFromVertexOuterFromTPC: fN = 6; fX = new Float_t[fN]; fY = new Float_t[fN]; fZ = new Float_t[fN]; MakeITSPointsInnerFromVertexOuterFromTPC(track,mf); break; default: Info("AliTrackPoints","Not recognized type"); } } /***************************************************************/ AliTrackPoints::AliTrackPoints(Int_t n, AliESDtrack* track, Float_t mf, Float_t dr, Float_t r0): fN(n), fX(new Float_t[fN]), fY(new Float_t[fN]), fZ(new Float_t[fN]) { //constructor //mf - magnetic field in kG - needed to calculate curvature out of Pt //r0 - starting radius //dr - calculate points every dr cm, default every 30cm if (track == 0x0) { Error("AliTrackPoints","ESD track is null"); fN = 0; delete [] fX; delete [] fY; delete [] fZ; fX = fY = fZ = 0x0; return; } if ( ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit) == kFALSE)&& ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTPCin) == kFALSE) ) { //could happend: its stand alone tracking AliDebug(3,"This ESD track does not contain TPC information"); fN = 0; delete [] fX; delete [] fY; delete [] fZ; fX = fY = fZ = 0x0; return; } Double_t alpha,x; Double_t par[5]; track->GetInnerExternalParameters(alpha,x,par);//get properties of the track if (par[4] == 0) { Error("AliTrackPoints","This ESD track seem not to contain TPC information (curv is 0)"); return; } if (mf == 0.0) { Error("AliTrackPoints","Zero Magnetic field passed as parameter."); return; } //Double_t alpha = track->GetInnerAlpha(); Double_t cc = 1000./0.299792458/mf;//conversion constant Double_t c=par[4]/cc; MakePoints(dr,r0,x,par,c,alpha); } /***************************************************************/ AliTrackPoints::AliTrackPoints(Int_t n, AliTPCtrack* track, Float_t dr, Float_t r0): fN(n), fX(new Float_t[fN]), fY(new Float_t[fN]), fZ(new Float_t[fN]) { //constructor //r0 starting radius //dr - calculate points every dr cm, default every 30cm if (track == 0x0) { Error("AliTrackPoints","TPC track is null"); fN = 0; delete [] fX; delete [] fY; delete [] fZ; fX = fY = fZ = 0x0; return; } track->PropagateTo(r0); //* This formation is now fixed in the following way: * //* external param0: local Y-coordinate of a track (cm) * //* external param1: local Z-coordinate of a track (cm) * //* external param2: local sine of the track momentum azimuth angle * //* external param3: tangent of the track momentum dip angle * //* external param4: 1/pt (1/(GeV/c)) * Double_t x = 0; Double_t par[5]; track->GetExternalParameters(x,par); //get properties of the track Double_t alpha = track->GetAlpha(); Double_t c=track->GetC(); MakePoints(dr,r0,x,par,c,alpha); } /***************************************************************/ AliTrackPoints::~AliTrackPoints() { //destructor delete [] fX; delete [] fY; delete [] fZ; } /***************************************************************/ void AliTrackPoints::MakePoints( Float_t dr, Float_t r0, Double_t x, Double_t* par, Double_t c, Double_t alpha) { //Calculates points starting at radius r0 //spacing every dr (in radial direction) // according to track parameters // x - position in sector local reference frame. x i parallel to R and sector is symmetric with respect to x // par - track external parameters; array with 5 elements; look at AliTPCtrack.h or AliESDtrack.h for their meaning // c - track curvature // alpha - sector's rotation angle (phi) == angle needed for local to global transformation Double_t y = par[0]; Double_t z0 = par[1]; Double_t phi0local = TMath::ATan2(y,x); Double_t phi0global = phi0local + alpha; if (phi0local<0) phi0local+=2*TMath::Pi(); if (phi0local>=2.*TMath::Pi()) phi0local-=2*TMath::Pi(); if (phi0global<0) phi0global+=2*TMath::Pi(); if (phi0global>=2.*TMath::Pi()) phi0global-=2*TMath::Pi(); Double_t r = TMath::Hypot(x,y); AliDebug(9,Form("Radius0 %f, Real Radius %f",r0,r)); AliDebug(5,Form("Phi Global at first padraw %f, Phi locat %f",phi0global,phi0local)); Double_t eta = x*c - par[2] ;//par[2] = fX*C - eta; eta==fP2 ; C==fP4 //this calculattions are assuming new (current) model Double_t tmp = par[2]; tmp = 1. - tmp*tmp; tmp = c*y + TMath::Sqrt(tmp); Double_t dca=(TMath::Hypot(eta,tmp) - 1. )/TMath::Abs(c); //Here is old model Cold=Cnew/2. Double_t dcasq = dca*dca; Double_t c2 = c/2.; Double_t cst1 = (1.+c2*dca)*dca;//first constant Double_t cst2 = 1. + 2.*c2*dca;//second constant Double_t factorPhi0 = TMath::ASin((c2*r + cst1/r)/cst2); Double_t factorZ0 = TMath::ASin(c2*TMath::Sqrt((r*r-dcasq)/cst2))*par[3]/c2; for(Int_t i = 0; i 1.0) { AliDebug(1,Form("ASin argument > 1 %f:",ftmp)); ftmp=1.0; } else if (ftmp < -1.0) { AliDebug(1,Form("ASin argument < -1 %f:",ftmp)); ftmp=-1.0; } Double_t factorPhi = TMath::ASin( ftmp );//factor phi od rc Double_t phi = phi0global + factorPhi - factorPhi0; ftmp = (rc*rc-dcasq)/cst2; if (ftmp < 0.0) { AliDebug(1,Form("Sqrt argument < 0: %f",ftmp)); ftmp=0.0; } ftmp = c2*TMath::Sqrt(ftmp); if (ftmp > 1.0) { AliDebug(1,Form("ASin argument > 1: %f",ftmp)); ftmp=1.0; } else if (ftmp < -1.0) { AliDebug(2,Form("ASin argument < -1: %f",ftmp)); ftmp=-1.0; } Double_t factorZ = TMath::ASin(ftmp)*par[3]/c2; fZ[i] = z0 + factorZ - factorZ0; fX[i] = rc*TMath::Cos(phi); fY[i] = rc*TMath::Sin(phi); AliDebug(3,Form("AliTrackPoints","X %f Y %f Z %f R asked %f R obtained %f", fX[i],fY[i],fZ[i],rc,TMath::Hypot(fX[i],fY[i]))); } } /***************************************************************/ void AliTrackPoints::MakeITSPoints(AliESDtrack* track) { //Calculates points in ITS // z=R*Pz/Pt AliITStrackV2 itstrack(*track,kTRUE); Double_t x,y,z; static const Double_t kR[6] = {4.0, 7.0, 14.9, 23.8, 39.1, 43.6}; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { itstrack.GetGlobalXYZat(kR[i],x,y,z); fX[i] = x; fY[i] = y; fZ[i] = z; // Info("MakeITSPoints","X %f Y %f Z %f R asked %f R obtained %f", // fX[i],fY[i],fZ[i],r[i],TMath::Hypot(fX[i],fY[i])); } } /***************************************************************/ void AliTrackPoints::MakeITSPointsInnerFromVertexOuterFromTPC(AliESDtrack* track, Float_t mf) { //makes trackpoints for ITS //for 3 inner layers calculates out of the vector at vertex //for 3 outer ---------------//------------------ at inner TPC static const Double_t kR[6] = {4.0, 7.0, 14.9, 23.8, 39.1, 43.6}; AliITStrackV2 itstrack(*track,kTRUE); Double_t x,y,z; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { itstrack.GetGlobalXYZat(kR[i],x,y,z); fX[i] = x; fY[i] = y; fZ[i] = z; AliDebug(3,Form("X %f Y %f Z %f R asked %f R obtained %f", fX[i],fY[i],fZ[i],kR[i],TMath::Hypot(fX[i],fY[i]))); } for (Int_t i = 3; i < 6; i++) { Float_t ax,ay,az; AliTrackPoints tmptp(1,track,mf,0,kR[i]); tmptp.PositionAt(0,ax,ay,az); fX[i] = ax; fY[i] = ay; fZ[i] = az; AliDebug(3,Form("X %f Y %f Z %f R asked %f R obtained %f", fX[i],fY[i],fZ[i],kR[i],TMath::Hypot(fX[i],fY[i]))); } } /***************************************************************/ void AliTrackPoints::PositionAt(Int_t n, Float_t &x,Float_t &y,Float_t &z) { //returns position at point n if ((n<0) || (n>=fN)) { Error("PositionAt","Point %d out of range",n); return; } x = fX[n]; y = fY[n]; z = fZ[n]; AliDebug(2,Form("n %d; X %f; Y %f; Z %f",n,x,y,z)); } /***************************************************************/ void AliTrackPoints::Move(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z) { //Moves all points about vector for (Int_t i = 0; iLoadgAlice(); Float_t mf = rl->GetAliRun()->Field()->SolenoidField(); TFile* fFile = TFile::Open(fname); if (fFile == 0x0) { printf("testesd: There is no suche a ESD file\n"); return; } AliESD* esd = dynamic_cast(fFile->Get("0")); AliESDtrack *t = esd->GetTrack(entr); if (t == 0x0) { ::Error("testesd","Can not get track %d",entr); return; } Int_t nTrackPoints = 170; AliTrackPoints* tp = new AliTrackPoints(nTrackPoints,t,mf,1.); Float_t xmin = -250; Float_t xmax = 250; Float_t ymin = -250; Float_t ymax = 250; Float_t zmin = -250; Float_t zmax = 250; TH2D* hxy = new TH2D("hxy","hxy",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,ymin,ymax); TH2D* hxyt = new TH2D("hxyt","hxyt",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,ymin,ymax); TH2D* hxyTR = new TH2D("hxyTR","hxyTR",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,ymin,ymax); TH2D* hxz = new TH2D("hxz","hxz",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,zmin,zmax); TH2D* hxzt = new TH2D("hxzt","hxzt",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,zmin,zmax); TH2D* hxzTR = new TH2D("hxzTR","hxzTR",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,zmin,zmax); hxyt->SetDirectory(0x0); hxy->SetDirectory(0x0); hxyTR->SetDirectory(0x0); hxzt->SetDirectory(0x0); hxz->SetDirectory(0x0); hxzTR->SetDirectory(0x0); Float_t x,y,z; for (Int_t i = 0;iPositionAt(i,x,y,z); hxy->Fill(x,y); hxz->Fill(x,z); printf("Rdemanded %f\n",r); printf("tpx %f tpy %f tpz %f Rt =%f\n", x,y,z,TMath::Hypot(x,y)); } rl->LoadTrackRefs(); TTree* treeTR = rl->TreeTR(); TBranch* b = treeTR->GetBranch("TPC"); TClonesArray* trackrefs = new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference", 100); AliTrackReference* tref; b->SetAddress(&trackrefs); Int_t tlab = TMath::Abs(t->GetLabel()); Int_t netr = (Int_t)treeTR->GetEntries(); printf("Found %d entries in TR tree\n",netr); for (Int_t e = 0; e < netr; e++) { treeTR->GetEntry(e); tref = (AliTrackReference*)trackrefs->At(0); if (tref == 0x0) continue; if (tref->GetTrack() != tlab) continue; printf("Found %d entries in TR array\n",trackrefs->GetEntries()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < trackrefs->GetEntries(); i++) { tref = (AliTrackReference*)trackrefs->At(i); if (tref->GetTrack() != tlab) continue; x = tref->X(); y = tref->Y(); z = tref->Z(); printf("Track Ref: x %f y %f z %f\n",tref->X(),tref->Y(),tref->Z()); hxzTR->Fill(x,z); hxyTR->Fill(x,y); for (Int_t j = 1; j < 10; j++) { hxyTR->Fill(x, y+j*0.1); hxyTR->Fill(x, y-j*0.1); hxyTR->Fill(x+j*0.1,y); hxyTR->Fill(x-j*0.1,y); hxzTR->Fill(x,z-j*0.1); hxzTR->Fill(x,z+j*0.1); hxzTR->Fill(x-j*0.1,z); hxzTR->Fill(x+j*0.1,z); } } break; } hxy->Draw(""); // hxzt->Draw("same"); hxyTR->Draw("same"); delete rl; } /***************************************************************/ void AliTrackPoints::Testtpc(Int_t entr) { // This is a former macro converted to member function. // It is used to test the functionality of the class using TPC tracks delete gAlice; gAlice = 0x0; AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open(); AliLoader* l = rl->GetLoader("TPCLoader"); rl->LoadgAlice(); AliTracker::SetFieldMap(rl->GetAliRun()->Field(),kTRUE); l->LoadTracks(); AliTPCtrack* t = new AliTPCtrack(); TBranch* b=l->TreeT()->GetBranch("tracks"); b->SetAddress(&t); l->TreeT()->GetEntry(entr); Int_t nTrackPoints = 160; AliTrackPoints* tp = new AliTrackPoints(nTrackPoints,t,1.); Float_t xmin = -250; Float_t xmax = 250; Float_t ymin = -250; Float_t ymax = 250; Float_t zmin = -250; Float_t zmax = 250; TH2D* hxy = new TH2D("hxy","hxy",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,ymin,ymax); TH2D* hxyt = new TH2D("hxyt","hxyt",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,ymin,ymax); TH2D* hxyTR = new TH2D("hxyTR","hxyTR",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,ymin,ymax); TH2D* hxz = new TH2D("hxz","hxz",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,zmin,zmax); TH2D* hxzt = new TH2D("hxzt","hxzt",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,zmin,zmax); TH2D* hxzTR = new TH2D("hxzTR","hxzTR",1000,xmin,xmax,1000,zmin,zmax); hxyt->SetDirectory(0x0); hxy->SetDirectory(0x0); hxyTR->SetDirectory(0x0); hxzt->SetDirectory(0x0); hxz->SetDirectory(0x0); hxzTR->SetDirectory(0x0); Float_t x,y,z; for (Int_t i = 0;iPositionAt(i,x,y,z); hxy->Fill(x,y); hxz->Fill(x,z); printf("Rdemanded %f\n",r); printf("tpx %f tpy %f tpz %f Rt =%f\n", x,y,z,TMath::Hypot(x,y)); //BUT they are local!!!! t->PropagateTo(r); // Double_t phi = t->Phi(); Double_t rl = TMath::Hypot(t->GetX(),t->GetY());//real radius Double_t alpha = t->GetAlpha(); Double_t salpha = TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t calpha = TMath::Cos(alpha); x = t->GetX()*calpha - t->GetY()*salpha; y = t->GetX()*salpha + t->GetY()*calpha; z = t->GetZ(); printf("tx %f ty %f tz %f Rt = %f R from XY %f\n",x,y,z,TMath::Hypot(x,y),rl); printf("tpz - tz %f\n",z-t->GetZ()); printf("\n"); hxyt->Fill(x,y); hxzt->Fill(x,z); } rl->LoadTrackRefs(); TTree* treeTR = rl->TreeTR(); b = treeTR->GetBranch("TPC"); TClonesArray* trackrefs = new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference", 100); AliTrackReference* tref; b->SetAddress(&trackrefs); Int_t tlab = TMath::Abs(t->GetLabel()); Int_t netr = (Int_t)treeTR->GetEntries(); printf("Found %d entries in TR tree\n",netr); for (Int_t e = 0; e < netr; e++) { treeTR->GetEntry(e); tref = (AliTrackReference*)trackrefs->At(0); if (tref == 0x0) continue; if (tref->GetTrack() != tlab) continue; printf("Found %d entries in TR array\n",trackrefs->GetEntries()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < trackrefs->GetEntries(); i++) { tref = (AliTrackReference*)trackrefs->At(i); if (tref->GetTrack() != tlab) continue; x = tref->X(); y = tref->Y(); z = tref->Z(); printf("Track Ref: x %f y %f z %f\n",tref->X(),tref->Y(),tref->Z()); hxzTR->Fill(x,z); hxyTR->Fill(x,y); for (Int_t j = 1; j < 10; j++) { hxyTR->Fill(x, y+j*0.1); hxyTR->Fill(x, y-j*0.1); hxyTR->Fill(x+j*0.1,y); hxyTR->Fill(x-j*0.1,y); hxzTR->Fill(x,z-j*0.1); hxzTR->Fill(x,z+j*0.1); hxzTR->Fill(x-j*0.1,z); hxzTR->Fill(x+j*0.1,z); } } break; } hxz->Draw(""); // hxzt->Draw("same"); hxzTR->Draw("same"); delete rl; }