#include "AliPSQA.h" void PSQA() { // // Produce QA output of physics selection. // Opens selected files for QA, then processes the historgrams necessary, // prints results to a root file and/or text files specified by user. // // Please read the README in case the documentation provided in this macro, .h, and .cxx files is not enough! // //gROOT->LoadMacro("AliPSQA.cxx++g"); AliPSQA * QAobject = new AliPSQA; // Initialize relevant object // // configure relevant parameters // Bool_t runFromLocalInputFiles = kTRUE; // if kTRUE, run over either cache or test, otherwise use alien files Bool_t saveTxtFiles = kTRUE; Bool_t saveRootFile = kTRUE; Bool_t drawGraphs = kTRUE; // // settings // QAobject->InitializeRuns("../QAoutputPerPeriod/12d_Pass1/GoodRunList.list"); QAobject->SetLocalPath("../InputFilesFromGridPerPeriod/12d_Pass1/"); // Location of files to be processed locally (whether test or cache) QAobject->SetTxtOutDirectory("../QAoutputPerPeriod/12d_Pass1/"); // Path for macro output text files QAobject->SetRootOutDirectory("../QAoutputPerPeriod/12d_Pass1/"); // Path for macro output root files QAobject->SetOutRootName("LHC12d_PSQA.root"); // QAobject->SetPSInput(""); // Subdirectory for files to be processed, which pass to use QAobject->SetROOTInput("event_stat.root"); //root file to be processed QAobject->InitializeTriggers("triggerNames.list","triggerMaskChannels.list"); // trig names to be used, plus trig channels (fast vs regular) QAobject->InitializePlots("plots.list"); //Initialize macro with QA plots to be used QAobject->SetTxtFileName("PSQA_"); // This is appended with the run name and .txt // // enable settings // QAobject->SetLocalMode(runFromLocalInputFiles); QAobject->SetSaveQAValToTxtFile(saveTxtFiles); QAobject->SetSaveQAToROOTFile(saveRootFile); // // run and extract // Bool_t goodQACheck = QAobject->ComputeQAPerRun(); // // Print a list of the runs that failed, with some hint as to why they failed. Implementation file has comments. // QAobject->GetBadFiles()->Print(); // if (goodQACheck == kFALSE){return;} // No plots saved at all, skip altogether the option to plot all canvases. // QAobject->SetDrawAllTGraphs(drawGraphs); // If kTRUE, will draw all TGraphErrors saved in the ROOT file. if (QAobject->GetDrawAllTGraphs()){ QAobject->DrawAllTGraphs(); } };