// $Id$ // Category: geometry // // Author: I. Hrivnacova // // Class AliDetSwitch // ------------------ // See the class description in the header file. #include "AliDetSwitch.h" #include "AliGlobals.h" //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliDetSwitch::AliDetSwitch(G4String detName, G4int nofVersions, G4int defaultVersion, AliModuleType modType, G4bool isStandalone) : fDetName(detName), fNofVersions(nofVersions), fDefaultVersion(defaultVersion), fIsStandalone(isStandalone), fType(modType), fSwitchedVersion(-1) { // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliDetSwitch::AliDetSwitch(const AliDetSwitch& right) { // // copy stuff *this = right; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliDetSwitch::~AliDetSwitch(){ // } // operators //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliDetSwitch& AliDetSwitch::operator=(const AliDetSwitch& right) { // check assignement to self if (this == &right) return *this; fDetName = right.fDetName; fNofVersions = right.fNofVersions; fDefaultVersion = right.fDefaultVersion; fSwitchedVersion = right.fSwitchedVersion; fType = right.fType; fIsStandalone = right.fIsStandalone; return *this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4int AliDetSwitch::operator==(const AliDetSwitch& right) const { // G4int returnValue = 0; if (fDetName == right.fDetName ) returnValue = 1; return returnValue; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ G4int AliDetSwitch::operator!=(const AliDetSwitch& right) const { // G4int returnValue = 1; if (*this == right) returnValue = 0; return returnValue; } // public methods //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliDetSwitch::SwitchOn(G4int iVersion) { // Switchs on the iVersion version. // --- if ((iVersion < 0) || (iVersion >= fNofVersions)) { G4String text = "Wrong version number for "; text = text + fDetName + "."; AliGlobals::Exception(text); } fSwitchedVersion = iVersion; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliDetSwitch::SwitchOnDefault() { // Switchs on the default version. // --- fSwitchedVersion = fDefaultVersion; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliDetSwitch::SwitchOff() { // No version is switched on. // --- fSwitchedVersion = -1; }