/************************************************************************** * This file is property of and copyright by the Experimental Nuclear * * Physics Group, Dep. of Physics * * University of Oslo, Norway, 2007 * * * * Author: Per Thomas Hille for the ALICE HLT Project.* * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * Please report bugs to perthi@fys.uio.no * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerComparison.h" #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerCrude.h" #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerKStandard.h" #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerFastFit.h" #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerNN.h" #include "AliCaloRawAnalyzerPeakFinder.h" #include "AliCaloFitResults.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TFile.h" #include using namespace std; AliCaloRawAnalyzerComparison::AliCaloRawAnalyzerComparison() : fMod(0), fMonCol1(1), fMonRow1(15), fMonCol2(1), fMonRow2(16) { // ctor fReferenceAnalyzer = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerKStandard(); AliCaloRawAnalyzerCrude *crude = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerCrude(); AliCaloRawAnalyzerKStandard *lms = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerKStandard(); AliCaloRawAnalyzerFastFit *fastfit = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerFastFit(); AliCaloRawAnalyzerNN *neuralnet = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerNN(); AliCaloRawAnalyzerPeakFinder *peakfinder = new AliCaloRawAnalyzerPeakFinder(); fReferenceAnalyzer->SetIsZeroSuppressed(); peakfinder ->SetIsZeroSuppressed(); lms ->SetIsZeroSuppressed(); fastfit ->SetIsZeroSuppressed(); neuralnet ->SetIsZeroSuppressed(); crude ->SetIsZeroSuppressed(); fRawAnalyzers.push_back( (AliCaloRawAnalyzer*)crude); fRawAnalyzers.push_back( (AliCaloRawAnalyzer*)lms); fRawAnalyzers.push_back( (AliCaloRawAnalyzer*)fastfit); fRawAnalyzers.push_back( (AliCaloRawAnalyzer*)neuralnet); fRawAnalyzers.push_back( (AliCaloRawAnalyzer*)peakfinder); InitHistograms( fRawAnalyzers, fReferenceAnalyzer ); } void AliCaloRawAnalyzerComparison::Evaluate( const vector &bunchvector, const UInt_t altrocfg1, const UInt_t altrocfg2, const int event, const int col, const int row ) { // evaluate methods // cout << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << endl; AliCaloFitResults ref = fReferenceAnalyzer->Evaluate( bunchvector, altrocfg1, altrocfg2 ); // AliCaloFitResults ref; for(int i=0; i < fRawAnalyzers.size(); i++ ) { AliCaloFitResults an = fRawAnalyzers.at(i)->Evaluate( bunchvector, altrocfg1, altrocfg2 ); // cout << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ":" << fRawAnalyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr() << " col = " << col << " row " << row << " amp= " << an.GetAmp() << endl ; // fAmplitudeVsEvent[i]->Fill( event, an.GetAmp() ); // fTofVsEvent[i]->Fill( event, an.GetTof() ); fRefAmpVsAnalyzers[i]->Fill(ref.GetAmp(), an.GetAmp() ); fRefTofVsAnalyzers[i]->Fill(ref.GetTof(), an.GetTof() ); fAmpDiff[i]->Fill(ref.GetAmp() - an.GetAmp() ); fTofDiff[i]->Fill(ref.GetTof() - an.GetTof() ); if(col == fMonCol1 && fMonRow1 == row ) { fAmplitudeVsEvent[i]->Fill( event, an.GetAmp() ); fTofVsEvent[i]->Fill( event, an.GetTof() ); fMon1[i] = an; } if(col == fMonCol2 && row == fMonRow2 ) { fMon2[i] = an; } if(row >= 0 && col >= 0 ) { fAmpHistograms[i][col][row]->Fill( an.GetAmp() ); } } } void AliCaloRawAnalyzerComparison::EventChanged() { // new event for(int i=0; i < fRawAnalyzers.size(); i++ ) { /* if( ( fMon1[i].GetAmp() > 50 && fMon2[i].GetAmp() > 50 ) && ( fMon1[i].GetAmp() < 1023 && fMon2[i].GetAmp() < 1023 ) ) { cout << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << fRawAnalyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr() << "\tamp1=" << fMon1[i].GetAmp() << "\tamp2 = " << fMon2[i].GetAmp() << endl; } */ if( fMon1[i].GetAmp() > 50 && fMon2[i].GetAmp() > 50 ) { // if( fMon1[i].GetTof() != fMon2[i].GetTof()) { // fTofResDifferential[i]->Fill( ( fMon1[i].GetTof() - fMon2[i].GetTof())/TMath::Sqrt(2) ); fTofResDifferential[i]->Fill( ( fMon1[i].GetTof() - fMon2[i].GetTof()) ); fTofResAbsolute[i]->Fill( fMon1[i].GetTof() ); } } } } void AliCaloRawAnalyzerComparison::WriteHistograms() { // write histograms TFile *f = new TFile("comparison2.root", "recreate"); /* for(int col=0; col < NZCOLSSMOD; col ++ ) { for(int row=0; row < NXROWSSMOD; row ++ ) { fAmpHistograms[col][row]->Write(); } } */ for(int i=0; i < fRawAnalyzers.size(); i++ ) { for(int col=0; col < NZCOLSSMOD; col ++ ) { for(int row=0; row < NXROWSSMOD; row ++ ) { fAmpHistograms[i][col][row]->Write(); } } fAmplitudeVsEvent[i]->Write(); fTofVsEvent[i]->Write(); fRefAmpVsAnalyzers[i]->Write(); fRefTofVsAnalyzers[i]->Write(); fAmpDiff[i]->Write(); fTofDiff[i]->Write(); fTofResDifferential[i]->Write(); fTofResAbsolute[i]->Write(); } f->Close(); } void AliCaloRawAnalyzerComparison::InitHistograms( vector analyzers, AliCaloRawAnalyzer* ref ) { // init histograms char tmpname[256]; /* for(int col=0; col < NZCOLSSMOD; col ++ ) { for(int row=0; row < NXROWSSMOD; row ++ ) { sprintf(tmpname, "z(col)%d_x(row)%d_amplitude;Counts;Amplitude/ADC counts", col, row); fAmpHistograms[col][row] = new TH1D(tmpname, tmpname, 1024, 0, 1023 ); } } */ // TH1D *fAmpHistograms[NZCOLSSMOD][NXROWSSMOD]; for(int i=0; i < analyzers.size(); i++ ) { for(int col=0; col < NZCOLSSMOD; col ++ ) { for(int row=0; row < NXROWSSMOD; row ++ ) { sprintf(tmpname, "z(col)%d_x(row)%d_amplitude_%s;Amplitude/ADC counts;Counts", col, row, analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr() ); fAmpHistograms[i][col][row] = new TH1D(tmpname, tmpname, 1024, 0, 1023 ); } } sprintf(tmpname, "%s_amplitude_vs_event_row%d_col%d;Event;Amplitude/ADC counts", analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr(), fMonRow1, fMonCol1 ); fAmplitudeVsEvent[i]=new TH2D(tmpname, tmpname, 8000, 0, 7999, 1024, 0, 1023 ); sprintf(tmpname, "%s_tof_vs_event_row%d_col%d;Event;Amplitude/ADC counts", analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr(), fMonRow1, fMonCol1 ); // fTofVsEvent[i]=new TH2D(tmpname, tmpname, 8000, 0, 7999, 2000, 3000, 5000); fTofVsEvent[i]=new TH2D(tmpname, tmpname, 8000, 0, 7999, 2000, 1000, 4000); sprintf(tmpname, "%s_vs_%s_ampltude; Amplitude_{%s}/ADC counts; Amplitude_{%s}/ADC counts", ref->GetAlgoAbbr(), analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr(), ref->GetAlgoAbbr(), analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr() ); fRefAmpVsAnalyzers[i] = new TH2D(tmpname, tmpname, 1024, 0, 1023, 1024, 0, 1023); sprintf(tmpname, "%s_vs_%s_tof; tof_{%s}/ns; tof_{%s}/ns", ref->GetAlgoAbbr(), analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr(), ref->GetAlgoAbbr(), analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr() ); fRefTofVsAnalyzers[i] = new TH2D(tmpname, tmpname, 500, 2000, 4999, 500, 2000, 4999 ); sprintf( tmpname, "%s-%s amplitude;counts;A_{%s} - A_{%s}", ref->GetAlgoAbbr(), analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr(), ref->GetAlgoAbbr(), analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr()); fAmpDiff[i] = new TH1D(tmpname, tmpname, 100, -10, 10 ); sprintf( tmpname, "%s-%s tof;counts;A_{%s} - A_{%s}", ref->GetAlgoAbbr(), analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr(), ref->GetAlgoAbbr(), analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr()); fTofDiff[i] = new TH1D(tmpname, tmpname, 1000, -5000, 5000 ); sprintf( tmpname, "%s Differential tof resolution (%d, %d) vs (%d, %d);#sigma_{tof}^{%s}/ns;Counts", analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr(), fMonCol1, fMonRow1, fMonCol2, fMonRow2, analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr() ); fTofResDifferential[i] = new TH1D(tmpname, tmpname, 1000, -250, 250 ); sprintf( tmpname, "%s Absolute tof distribution (%d, %d);#sigma_{tof}^{%s}/ns;Counts", analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr(), fMonCol1, fMonRow1, analyzers.at(i)->GetAlgoAbbr() ); fTofResAbsolute[i] = new TH1D(tmpname, tmpname, 2000 , -1000, 7000 ); } }