/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2002, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // This is a set of histogram // utilities for the EMCAL // to make some common // functions easier // //*-- Authors: J.L. Klay (LLNL) & Aleksei Pavlinov (WSU) #include "AliEMCALHistoUtilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // color, line style and so on #include //#include "AliESDCaloCluster.h" //#include "AliEMCALRecPoint.h" //#include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" using namespace std; ClassImp(AliEMCALHistoUtilities) AliEMCALHistoUtilities::AliEMCALHistoUtilities(const char *name, const char *tit) : TNamed(name,tit) { // constructor } AliEMCALHistoUtilities::~AliEMCALHistoUtilities() { //destructor } TList* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::MoveHistsToList(const char* name, Bool_t putToBrowser) { // Move HIST to list gROOT->cd(); TIter nextHist(gDirectory->GetList()); TList *list = new TList; list->SetName(name); TObject *objHist; while((objHist=nextHist())){ if (!objHist->InheritsFrom("TH1")) continue; ((TH1*)objHist)->SetDirectory(0); // Remove from gROOT list->Add(objHist); gDirectory->GetList()->Remove(objHist); } if(putToBrowser) gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add((TObject*)list); return list; } void AliEMCALHistoUtilities::FillH1(TList *l, Int_t ind, Double_t x, Double_t w, Double_t error) { //fill 1d histogram static TH1* hid=0; static int bin=0; if(l == 0) return; if(ind>=0 && ind < l->GetSize()){ hid = (TH1*)l->At(ind); if(error <= 0.0) { // standard way hid->Fill(x,w); } else{ bin = hid->FindBin(x); hid->SetBinContent(bin,w); hid->SetBinError(bin,error); } } } void AliEMCALHistoUtilities::FillH2(TList *l, Int_t ind, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t w) { //fill 2d histogram static TH2* hid=0; if(l == 0) return; if(ind>=0 && ind < l->GetSize()){ hid = (TH2*)l->At(ind); hid->Fill(x,y,w); } } void AliEMCALHistoUtilities:: FillHnSparse(TList *l, Int_t ind, Double_t* x, Double_t w) { // Nov 02,2010: fill THnSparse hist static THnSparse* hsp=0; if(l==0 || x==0) return; if(ind>=0 && ind < l->GetSize()){ hsp = dynamic_cast(l->At(ind)); if(hsp) hsp->Fill(x,w); } } int AliEMCALHistoUtilities::SaveListOfHists(TList *mylist,const char* name,Bool_t kSingleKey,const char* opt) { //write histograms to file printf(" Name of out file |%s|\n", name); int save = 0; if(mylist && mylist->GetSize() && strlen(name)){ TString nf(name); if(nf.Contains(".root") == kFALSE) nf += ".root"; TFile file(nf.Data(),opt); TIter nextHist(mylist); TObject* objHist=0; int nh=0; if(kSingleKey) { file.cd(); mylist->Write(mylist->GetName(),TObject::kSingleKey); mylist->ls(); save = 1; } else { while((objHist=nextHist())) { // loop over list if(objHist->InheritsFrom("TH1")) { TH1* hid = (TH1*)objHist; file.cd(); hid->Write(); nh++; printf("Save hist. %s \n",hid ->GetName()); } } printf("%i hists. save to file -> %s\n", nh,file.GetName()); if(nh>0) save = 1; } file.Close(); } else { printf("AliEMCALHistoUtilities::SaveListOfHists : N O S A V I N G \n"); } return save; } void AliEMCALHistoUtilities::AddToNameAndTitle(TNamed *h, const char *name, const char *title) { // Oct 15, 2007 if(h==0) return; if(name && strlen(name)) h->SetName(Form("%s%s",h->GetName(),name)); if(title && strlen(title)) h->SetTitle(Form("%s%s",h->GetTitle(),title)); } void AliEMCALHistoUtilities::AddToNameAndTitleToList(TList *l, const char *name, const char *title) { // Oct 15, 2007 if(l==0) return; if(name || title) { for(int i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { TObject *o = l->At(i); if(o->InheritsFrom("TNamed")) { TNamed *h = dynamic_cast(o); AddToNameAndTitle(h, name, title); } } } } void AliEMCALHistoUtilities::ResetListOfHists(TList *l) { // Oct 15, 2007 if(l==0) return; for(int i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { TH1F* h = (TH1F*)l->At(i); h->Reset(); } } void AliEMCALHistoUtilities::Titles(TH1 *hid, const char *titx,const char *tity) { if(hid) { hid->SetXTitle(titx); hid->SetYTitle(tity); } else { printf(" TAliasPAI::titles() -> hid is 0 !\n"); } } TLatex *AliEMCALHistoUtilities::Lat(const char *text, Float_t x,Float_t y, Int_t align, Float_t tsize, short tcolor) { // Oct 15, 2007 double y1=y; TLatex *latex = new TLatex; latex->SetTextAlign(align); latex->SetTextSize(tsize); latex->SetTextColor(tcolor); latex->DrawLatex(x, y1, text); printf(" AliEMCALHistoUtilities::lat() -> %s gPad->GetLogy() %i\n", text, gPad->GetLogy()); return latex; } TGraph *AliEMCALHistoUtilities::DrawGraph(Int_t n, Double_t *x, Double_t *y, Int_t markerColor, Int_t markerStyle, const char* opt, const char* tit, const char* xTit,const char* yTit, Int_t ifun, const char *optFit, const char *fun) { /* Drawing options chopt='L' : A simple polyline between every points is drawn chopt='F' : A fill area is drawn ('CF' draw a smooth fill area) chopt='A' : Axis are drawn around the graph chopt='C' : A smooth Curve is drawn chopt='*' : A Star is plotted at each point chopt='P' : Idem with the current marker chopt='B' : A Bar chart is drawn at each point chopt='1' : ylow=rwymin chopt='X+' : The X-axis is drawn on the top side of the plot. chopt='Y+' : The Y-axis is drawn on the right side of the plot. Fitting options The list of fit options is given in parameter option. option = "W" Set all errors to 1 = "U" Use a User specified fitting algorithm (via SetFCN) = "Q" Quiet mode (minimum printing) = "V" Verbose mode (default is between Q and V) = "B" Use this option when you want to fix one or more parameters and the fitting function is like "gaus","expo","poln","landau". = "R" Use the Range specified in the function range = "N" Do not store the graphics function, do not draw = "0" Do not plot the result of the fit. By default the fitted function is drawn unless the option"N" above is specified. = "+" Add this new fitted function to the list of fitted functions (by default, any previous function is deleted) = "C" In case of linear fitting, not calculate the chisquare (saves time) = "F" If fitting a polN, switch to minuit fitter = "ROB" In case of linear fitting, compute the LTS regression coefficients (robust(resistant) regression), using the default fraction of good points "ROB=0.x" - compute the LTS regression coefficients, using 0.x as a fraction of good points */ printf("AliEMCALHistoUtilities::drawGraph started \n"); printf("Drawing opt |%s| : Fitting opt |%s|\n", opt, optFit); TGraph *gr = new TGraph(n, x, y); gr->SetMarkerColor(markerColor); gr->SetLineColor(markerColor); gr->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle); gr->SetTitle(tit); gr->Draw(opt); TString ctmp(opt); if(ctmp.Contains("A")) { gr->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle(xTit); gr->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle(yTit); } ctmp = optFit; if(ifun>=0) { TString sf("pol"); sf += ifun; gr->Fit(sf.Data(),optFit); printf("\n ** Fit by Polynomial of degree %i : %s **\n", ifun, sf.Data()); } else if(!ctmp.Contains("no",TString::kIgnoreCase)){ printf("\n ** ifun %i : %s **\n", ifun, fun); gr->Fit(fun, optFit); } return gr; } TGraphErrors *AliEMCALHistoUtilities::DrawGraphErrors(const Int_t n,Double_t *x,Double_t *y,Double_t *ex, Double_t *ey, Int_t markerColor, Int_t markerStyle, const char* opt, const char* tit, const char* xTit,const char* yTit, Int_t ifun, const char *optFit, const char *fun) { // Oct 15, 2007 printf("AliEMCALHistoUtilities::drawGraphErrors started \n"); printf("Drawing opt |%s| : ifun %i: Fitting opt |%s|, fun |%s|\n", opt, ifun, optFit, fun); TGraphErrors *gr = new TGraphErrors(n, x,y,ex,ey); gr->SetMarkerColor(markerColor); gr->SetLineColor(markerColor); gr->SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle); if(tit&&strlen(tit)>0) gr->SetTitle(tit); TString ctmp(opt); if(ctmp.Contains("A")) { gr->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle(xTit); gr->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle(yTit); } if(ifun>0) { if(ifun != 999) { TString sf("pol"); sf += ifun; gr->Fit(sf.Data(),optFit); printf("\n ** Fit by Polynomial of degree %i : %s **\n", ifun, sf.Data()); } else { gr->Fit(fun, optFit); printf("\n ** Fit by %s **\n", fun); } } else { if(strlen(optFit)) { printf("\n ** ifun %i : %s **\n", ifun, fun); gr->Fit(fun, optFit); } } gr->Draw(opt); return gr; } TF1* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetResolutionFunction(const char *opt, TString &latexName) { // Oct 15, 2007 TString sopt(opt); sopt.ToUpper(); TF1 *fres=0; if (sopt.Contains("FRES1")) { fres = new TF1("fres","[0]+[1]/sqrt(x)", 0.0, 101.); latexName = "#frac{#sigma_{E}}{E} = A+#frac{B}{#sqrt{E}}"; } else if(sopt.Contains("FRES2")) { fres = new TF1("fres","sqrt([0]*[0]+[1]*[1]/x)", 0.0, 101.); latexName = "#sqrt{A^{2}+#frac{B^{2}}{E}}"; } if(fres) { fres->SetParName(0,"A"); fres->SetParName(1,"B"); fres->SetParameter(0, 2.0); fres->SetParameter(1, 6.6); fres->SetLineWidth(2); fres->SetLineColor(kRed); } return fres; } void AliEMCALHistoUtilities::InitChain(TChain *chain, const char* nameListOfFiles, Int_t nFileMax) { // Read name of files from text file with nameListOfFiles and added to the chain if(chain==0 || nameListOfFiles==0) return; ifstream fin; fin.open(nameListOfFiles); if (!fin.is_open()) { cout << "Input file "<Add(nf); nfiles++; cout<=nFileMax) break; } fin.close(); // cout << " \n ********** Accepted file "<< nfiles << "********* \n"<Print(); // chain->Lookup(); } //AliRunLoader* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::InitKinematics(const Int_t nev, const char* galiceName) //{ // // Oct 15, 2007 // // nev == 0 - new file // static AliRunLoader *rl = 0; // // if((rl == 0 || nev==0) && galiceName) { // //printf(" AliEMCALHistoUtilities::InitKinematics() : nev %i : rl %p : %s (IN)\n", // // nev, rl, galiceName); // if(rl) { // rl->UnloadgAlice(); // delete rl; // } // rl = AliRunLoader::Open(galiceName,AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(),"read"); // rl->LoadgAlice(); // obligatory // //printf(" AliEMCALHistoUtilities::InitKinematics() : nev %i : rl %p : %s (OUT)\n", // //nev, rl, galiceName); // } // if(rl) { // rl->GetEvent(nev); // rl->LoadKinematics(); // /* Get what you need after that // rl->LoadHits(); // AliStack *stack=rl->Stack(); // AliESDCaloCluster * clus = esd->GetCaloCluster(n); // Int_t label = clus->GetLabel(); // what is this // TParticle *primary=stack->Particle(label); // */ // } // return rl; //} //AliRunLoader* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetRunLoader(const Int_t nev, const Char_t* galiceName, // const Char_t* eventFolderName, AliRunLoader* rlOld) //{ // // Nov 26, 2007 // // nev == 0 - new file // AliRunLoader *rl = 0; // // if(nev==0 && galiceName) { // printf(" AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetLoader() : nev %i : %s (IN)\n", // nev, galiceName); // if(rlOld) { // rlOld->UnloadgAlice(); // delete rlOld; // } // TString folderName(eventFolderName); // if(folderName.Length() == 0) folderName = AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(); // rl = AliRunLoader::Open(galiceName, folderName.Data(),"read"); // rl->LoadgAlice(); // obligatory // printf(" AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetLoader() : nev %i : %s : %s (OUT)\n", // nev, galiceName, folderName.Data()); // } else { // rl = rlOld; // } // if(rl) rl->LoadgAlice(); // obligatory // // if(rl) rl->GetEvent(nev); // return rl; //} Double_t AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetMomentum(const char* nameListOfFiles) { // Get momentum value from string - like /....100GEV/.. Double_t p=-1; // negative if undefined TString st(nameListOfFiles); if(st.Length()>=5) { st.ToUpper(); Ssiz_t ind1 = st.Index("GEV"), ind2=0; if(ind1>0) { for(Int_t i=2; i<=10; i++) { ind2 = st.Index("/",ind1-i); if(ind2>0 && ind2%i\n", st.Data(), mom.Data(), p, ind2, ind1); } } return p; } int AliEMCALHistoUtilities::ParseString(const TString &topt, TObjArray &Opt) { // Moved from AliEMCALGeometry // Feb 06, 2006 Ssiz_t begin, index, end, end2; begin = index = end = end2 = 0; TRegexp separator("[^ ;,\\t\\s/]+"); while ( (begin < topt.Length()) && (index != kNPOS) ) { // loop over given options index = topt.Index(separator,&end,begin); if (index >= 0 && end >= 1) { TString substring(topt(index,end)); Opt.Add(new TObjString(substring.Data())); } begin += end+1; } return Opt.GetEntries(); } // Analysis utilites //Bool_t AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetLorentzVectorFromESDCluster(TLorentzVector &v, const AliESDCaloCluster* cl) //{ // // May 8, 2007 // static Double_t e=0.0; // static Float_t pos[3]; // static TVector3 gpos; // if(cl==0) return kFALSE; // // e = Double_t(cl->E()); // if(e<=0.0) { // printf(" negative cluster energy : %f \n", e); // return kFALSE; // } // cl->GetPosition(pos); // gpos.SetXYZ(Double_t(pos[0]), Double_t(pos[1]), Double_t(pos[2])); // gpos.SetMag(e); // v.SetVectM(gpos, 0.0); // // return kTRUE; //} //Bool_t AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetLorentzVectorFromRecPoint(TLorentzVector &v, const AliEMCALRecPoint *rp) //{ // // Jun 20, 2007 // static Double_t e=0.0; // static TVector3 gpos; // if(rp==0) return kFALSE; // // e = Double_t(rp->GetPointEnergy()); // if(e<=0.0) { // printf(" negative rec.point energy : %f \n", e); // return kFALSE; // } // rp->GetGlobalPosition(gpos); // gpos.SetMag(e); // v.SetVectM(gpos, 0.0); // // return kTRUE; //} // //// Drawing: // void AliEMCALHistoUtilities::DrawHist(TH1* hid,int lineWidth,int lineColor,const char* opt, int lineStyle) { // Oct 15, 2007 TString sopt; sopt = opt; if(!hid) return; printf(" Hist. %s : option |%s| \n", hid->GetName(), opt); if(hid && hid->GetEntries()>=1.) { if(lineWidth) hid->SetLineWidth(lineWidth); if(lineColor) hid->SetLineColor(lineColor); if(lineStyle) hid->SetLineStyle(lineStyle); if(sopt.Contains("stat",TString::kIgnoreCase)) hid->SetStats(kTRUE); hid->Draw(opt); } else { if (strcmp(opt,"empty")==0) hid->Draw(); else printf(" has fewer entries %i or hid is zero\n", (int) hid->GetEntries()); } } // //// Fitting: // TF1* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::Gausi(const char *addName,double xmi,double xma,double N,double mean,double sig,double width) { // Fit by gaus where first parameter is the number of events under ga // Oct 15, 2007 TString name("gi"); name += addName; TF1 *f = new TF1(name.Data(), Gi, xmi, xma, 4); f->SetParNames("INTEGRAL","MEAN","SIGMA","WIDTH"); f->SetParameter(0,N); f->SetParameter(1,mean); f->SetParameter(2,sig); f->FixParameter(3,width); // width of histogramm bin return f; } TF1* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::Gausi(const char *addName, double xmi, double xma, TH1 *h) { // You can change parameters after that if you don't like this assumption if(h) return Gausi(addName, xmi, xma, h->Integral(), h->GetMean(),h->GetRMS(), h->GetBinWidth(1)); else return 0; } TF1* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GausiPol2(const char *addName,double xmi,double xma, TF1 *g, TF1* bg) { // Fit by gaus where first parameter is the number of events under ga TString name("giPol2"); name += addName; TF1 *f = new TF1(name.Data(), GiPol2, xmi, xma, 7); f->SetParNames("INTEGRAL","MEAN","SIGMA","WIDTH","a0","a1","a2"); if(g) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) f->SetParameter(i, g->GetParameter(i)); f->FixParameter(3,g->GetParameter(3)); } if(bg) { for(int i=4; i<7; i++) f->SetParameter(i, bg->GetParameter(i+4)); } f->SetLineColor(kRed); return f; } Double_t AliEMCALHistoUtilities::Gi(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { // First parameter is integral (number events under gaus) // Forth parameter (par[3]) is width of histogram bin // gaus(0) is a substitute for [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2) static Double_t c = TMath::Sqrt(2.*TMath::Pi()), y=0.0, f=0.0; // sqrt(2.*pi) y = (x[0]-par[1])/par[2]; f = par[0]*par[3]/(par[2]*c) * TMath::Exp(-0.5*y*y); return f; } Double_t AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GiPol2(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { // First parameter is integral (number events under gaus) // Forth parameter (par[3]) is width of histogram bin // gaus(0) is a substitute for [0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])**2) // + pol2 -> 7 parameters static Double_t c = TMath::Sqrt(2.*TMath::Pi()), y=0.0, f=0.0; // sqrt(2.*pi) y = (x[0]-par[1])/par[2]; f = par[0]*par[3]/(par[2]*c) * TMath::Exp(-0.5*y*y); f += par[4] + par[5]*x[0] + par[6]*x[0]*x[0]; return f; } // Calibration stuff Double_t AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetCorrectionCoefficientForGamma1(const Double_t eRec) { // Correction to rec.energy - Jul 15, 2007 // E(gamma) = corr * E(eRec); /* corr = p0*(eRec-7.5)+p1*(eRec-7.5)*(eRec-7.5)+p2; 0.0=0.0 && eRec <=10.0) { corr = p0*(eRec-7.5) + p1*(eRec-7.5)*(eRec-7.5) + p2; } else if(eRec>10.0 && eRec <=105.0) { corr = p3 + p4*eRec + p5*eRec*eRec; } //printf(" eRec %f | corr %f \n", eRec, corr); return corr; } Double_t AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetCorrectedEnergyForGamma1(const Double_t eRec) { return GetCorrectionCoefficientForGamma1(eRec) * eRec; } // Trigger TList* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetTriggersListOfHists(const Int_t scale, const Int_t nTrig, const Bool_t toBrowser) { // Oct 22, 2007 - trigger technical assurance gROOT->cd(); TH1::AddDirectory(1); new TH1F("00_hXpos2x2", "X coord. of max Amp 2x2",100, -500., +500.); new TH1F("01_hYpos2x2", "Y coord. of max Amp 2x2",100, -500., +500.); new TH1F("02_hZpos2x2", "Z coord. of max Amp 2x2",100, -500., +500.); new TH1F("03_hXposnxn", "X coord. of max Amp NXN",100, -500., +500.); new TH1F("04_hYposnxn", "Y coord. of max Amp NXN",100, -500., +500.); new TH1F("05_hZposnxn", "Z coord. of max Amp NXN",100, -500., +500.); // May 7, 2008 - jet trigger new TH1F("06_hJetTriggerPhi", "%phi of COG of jet trigger patch", 110, 80., 190.); new TH1F("07_hJetTriggerEta", "%eta of COG of jet trigger patch", 70, -0.7, +0.7); // new TH1F("08_hMaxAmp2x2", "max Amp 2x2", 1000, 0.0, pow(2.,14.)); new TH1F("09_hAmpOutOf2x2", "Amp out of patch 2x2", 1000, 0.0, pow(2.,14.)); new TH1F("10_hMaxAmpnxn", "max Amp NXN", 1000, 0.0, pow(2.,14.)); new TH1F("11_hAmpOutOfnxn", "Amp out of patch nxn", 1000, 0.0, pow(2.,14.)); // May 7, 2008 - jet trigger for(Int_t i=0; i FillTriggersListOfHists() : list of hists undefined. \n"); return; } for(int i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { FillH1(l, i, double(triggerPosition->At(i))); } for(int i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { FillH1(l, triggerPosition->GetSize() + i, double(triggerAmplitudes->At(i)) ); } } // Jet(s) kinematics TList* AliEMCALHistoUtilities::GetJetsListOfHists(Int_t njet, Bool_t toBrowser) { // Oct 30, 2007 gROOT->cd(); TH1::AddDirectory(1); new TH1F("00_nJet", "number of jets in Pythia",5, -0.5, +4.5); int ic=1; for(Int_t ij=0; ijGetHeader(); // if (alih == 0) return; // // AliGenEventHeader * genh = alih->GenEventHeader(); // if (genh == 0) return; // // AliGenPythiaEventHeader* genhpy = dynamic_cast(genh); // if(genhpy==0) return; // Not Pythia // // Int_t nj = genhpy->NTriggerJets(); // FillH1(l, 0, double(nj)); // // TLorentzVector* jets[4]; // nj = nj>4?4:nj; // // int ic=1; // for (Int_t i=0; i< nj; i++) { // Float_t p[4]; // genhpy->TriggerJet(i,p); // jets[i] = new TLorentzVector(p); // FillH1(l, ic++, jets[i]->Eta()); // FillH1(l, ic++, jets[i]->Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg()); // FillH1(l, ic++, TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(jets[i]->Phi())*TMath::RadToDeg()); // FillH1(l, ic++, jets[i]->Pt()); // FillH1(l, ic++, jets[i]->E()); // // //printf(" %i pj %f %f %f %f : ic %i\n", i, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], ic); // if(ic >= l->GetSize()) break; // } // if(nj==1) { // Double_t eta=jets[0]->Eta(), phi=TVector2::Phi_0_2pi(jets[0]->Phi())*TMath::RadToDeg(); // if(TMath::Abs(eta)<0.5 && (phi>90.&&phi<180.)) { // goodJet = (*jets[0]); // } // } //}