/************************************************************************* * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // This is a TTask that makes SDigits out of Hits // A Summable Digits is the sum of all hits originating // from one in one tower of the EMCAL // A threshold for assignment of the primary to SDigit is applied // SDigits are written to TreeS, branch "EMCAL" // AliEMCALSDigitizer with all current parameters is written // to TreeS branch "AliEMCALSDigitizer". // Both branches have the same title. If necessary one can produce // another set of SDigits with different parameters. Two versions // can be distunguished using titles of the branches. // User case: // root [0] AliEMCALSDigitizer * s = new AliEMCALSDigitizer("galice.root") // Warning in : object already instantiated // root [1] s->ExecuteTask() // // Makes SDigitis for all events stored in galice.root // root [2] s->SetPedestalParameter(0.001) // // One can change parameters of digitization // root [3] s->SetSDigitsBranch("Redestal 0.001") // // and write them into the new branch // root [4] s->ExeciteTask("deb all tim") // // available parameters: // deb - print # of produced SDigitis // deb all - print # and list of produced SDigits // tim - print benchmarking information // //*-- Author : Sahal Yacoob (LBL) // based on : AliPHOSSDigitzer // Modif: // August 2002 Yves Schutz: clone PHOS as closely as possible and intoduction // of new IO (à la PHOS) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include "TFile.h" #include "TTask.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TFolder.h" #include "TBenchmark.h" #include "TGeometry.h" // --- Standard library --- #include // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliEMCALDigit.h" #include "AliEMCALGeometry.h" #include "AliEMCALGetter.h" #include "AliEMCALHit.h" #include "AliEMCALSDigitizer.h" ClassImp(AliEMCALSDigitizer) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALSDigitizer::AliEMCALSDigitizer():TTask("AliEMCALSDigitizer","") { // ctor InitParameters() ; fDefaultInit = kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALSDigitizer::AliEMCALSDigitizer(const char* headerFile, const char *sDigitsTitle, const Bool_t toSplit): TTask(sDigitsTitle, headerFile) { // ctor InitParameters() ; fToSplit = toSplit ; Init(); fDefaultInit = kFALSE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliEMCALSDigitizer::~AliEMCALSDigitizer() { // dtor fSplitFile = 0 ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALSDigitizer::Init(){ // Initialization: open root-file, allocate arrays for hits and sdigits, // attach task SDigitizer to the list of EMCAL tasks // // Initialization can not be done in the default constructor //============================================================= YS // The initialisation is now done by the getter if( strcmp(GetTitle(), "") == 0 ) SetTitle("galice.root") ; AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::GetInstance(GetTitle(), GetName(), fToSplit) ; if ( gime == 0 ) { cerr << "ERROR: AliEMCALSDigitizer::Init -> Could not obtain the Getter object !" << endl ; return ; } gime->PostSDigits( GetName(), GetTitle() ) ; fSplitFile = 0 ; if(fToSplit){ // construct the name of the file as /path/EMCAL.SDigits.root // First - extract full path if necessary TString sDigitsFileName(GetTitle()) ; Ssiz_t islash = sDigitsFileName.Last('/') ; if(islash(gROOT->GetFile(sDigitsFileName.Data())); if(!fSplitFile) fSplitFile = TFile::Open(sDigitsFileName.Data(),"update") ; } TString sdname(GetName() ); sdname.Append(":") ; sdname.Append(GetTitle() ) ; SetName(sdname) ; gime->PostSDigitizer(this) ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALSDigitizer::InitParameters() { fA = 0; fB = 10000000.; fTowerPrimThreshold = 0.01 ; fPreShowerPrimThreshold = 0.0001 ; fPhotonElectronFactor = 5000. ; // photoelectrons per GeV fSplitFile = 0 ; fToSplit = kFALSE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALSDigitizer::Exec(Option_t *option) { // Collects all hits in the same active volume into digit if( strcmp(GetName(), "") == 0 ) Init() ; if (strstr(option, "print") ) { Print("") ; return ; } if(strstr(option,"tim")) gBenchmark->Start("EMCALSDigitizer"); //Check, if this branch already exits AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::GetInstance() ; if(gime->BranchExists("SDigits") ) return; TString sdname(GetName()) ; sdname.Remove(sdname.Index(GetTitle())-1) ; Int_t nevents = gime->MaxEvent() ; Int_t ievent ; for(ievent = 0; ievent < nevents; ievent++){ gime->Event(ievent,"H") ; const TClonesArray * hits = gime->Hits() ; TClonesArray * sdigits = gime->SDigits(sdname.Data()) ; sdigits->Clear(); Int_t nSdigits = 0 ; //Collects all hits in the same active volume into digit //Now make SDigits from hits, for EMCAL it is the same, so just copy Int_t nPrim = static_cast((gAlice->TreeH())->GetEntries()) ; // Attention nPrim is the number of primaries tracked by Geant // and this number could be different to the number of Primaries in TreeK; Int_t iprim ; for ( iprim = 0 ; iprim < nPrim ; iprim++ ) { //=========== Get the EMCAL branch from Hits Tree for the Primary iprim gime->Track(iprim) ; Int_t i; for ( i = 0 ; i < hits->GetEntries() ; i++ ) { AliEMCALHit * hit = dynamic_cast(hits->At(i)) ; AliEMCALDigit * curSDigit = 0 ; AliEMCALDigit * sdigit = 0 ; Bool_t newsdigit = kTRUE; // Assign primary number only if deposited energy is significant if( (!hit->IsInPreShower() && hit->GetEnergy() > fTowerPrimThreshold) || (hit->IsInPreShower() && hit->GetEnergy() > fPreShowerPrimThreshold)) curSDigit = new AliEMCALDigit( hit->GetPrimary(), hit->GetIparent(),Layer2TowerID(hit->GetId(),hit->IsInPreShower()), Digitize(hit->GetEnergy()), hit->GetTime() ) ; else curSDigit = new AliEMCALDigit( -1 , -1 , Layer2TowerID(hit->GetId(),hit->IsInPreShower()), Digitize(hit->GetEnergy()), hit->GetTime() ) ; Int_t check = 0 ; for(check= 0; check < nSdigits ; check++) { sdigit = dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(check)) ; if( sdigit->GetId() == curSDigit->GetId()) { // Are we in the same tower or the same preshower ? *sdigit = *sdigit + *curSDigit; newsdigit = kFALSE; } } if (newsdigit) { new((*sdigits)[nSdigits]) AliEMCALDigit(*curSDigit); nSdigits++ ; } delete curSDigit ; } // loop over all hits (hit = deposited energy/layer/entering particle) } // loop over iprim sdigits->Sort() ; nSdigits = sdigits->GetEntriesFast() ; fSDigitsInRun += nSdigits ; sdigits->Expand(nSdigits) ; const AliEMCALGeometry * geom = gime->EMCALGeometry() ; if (nSdigits != 0 ) { Int_t lastPreShowerIndex = nSdigits - 1 ; if (!(dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(lastPreShowerIndex))->IsInPreShower())) lastPreShowerIndex = -2; Int_t firstPreShowerIndex = 100000 ; Int_t index ; AliEMCALDigit * sdigit = 0 ; for ( index = 0; index < nSdigits ; index++) { sdigit = dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(index) ) ; if (sdigit->IsInPreShower() ){ firstPreShowerIndex = index ; break ; } } AliEMCALDigit * preshower ; AliEMCALDigit * tower ; Int_t lastIndex = lastPreShowerIndex +1 ; for (index = firstPreShowerIndex ; index <= lastPreShowerIndex; index++) { preshower = dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(index) ); Bool_t towerFound = kFALSE ; Int_t jndex ; for (jndex = 0; jndex < firstPreShowerIndex; jndex++) { tower = dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(jndex) ); if ( (preshower->GetId() - (geom->GetNZ() * geom->GetNPhi()) ) == tower->GetId() ) { Float_t towerEnergy = static_cast(tower->GetAmp()) ; Float_t preshoEnergy = static_cast(preshower->GetAmp()) ; towerEnergy +=preshoEnergy ; *tower = *tower + *preshower ; // and add preshower multiplied by layer ratio to tower tower->SetAmp(static_cast(TMath::Ceil(towerEnergy))) ; towerFound = kTRUE ; } } if ( !towerFound ) { new((*sdigits)[lastIndex]) AliEMCALDigit(*preshower); AliEMCALDigit * temp = dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(lastIndex)) ; temp->SetId(temp->GetId() - (geom->GetNZ() * geom->GetNPhi()) ) ; lastIndex++ ; } } sdigits->Sort() ; Int_t NPrimarymax = -1 ; Int_t i ; for (i = 0 ; i < sdigits->GetEntriesFast() ; i++) { sdigit = dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(i)) ; sdigit->SetIndexInList(i) ; } for (i = 0 ; i < sdigits->GetEntriesFast() ; i++) { if (((dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(i)))->GetNprimary()) > NPrimarymax) NPrimarymax = ((dynamic_cast(sdigits->At(i)))->GetNprimary()) ; } } //Now write SDigits if(gAlice->TreeS() == 0 || (fSplitFile)) //<--- To be checked: we should not create TreeS if it is already here gAlice->MakeTree("S",fSplitFile); if(fSplitFile) fSplitFile->cd() ; //First list of sdigits Int_t bufferSize = 32000 ; TBranch * sdigitsBranch = gAlice->TreeS()->Branch("EMCAL",&sdigits,bufferSize); sdigitsBranch->SetTitle(sdname); //NEXT - SDigitizer Int_t splitlevel = 0 ; AliEMCALSDigitizer * sd = this ; TBranch * sdigitizerBranch = gAlice->TreeS()->Branch("AliEMCALSDigitizer","AliEMCALSDigitizer", &sd,bufferSize,splitlevel); sdigitizerBranch->SetTitle(sdname); sdigitsBranch->Fill() ; sdigitizerBranch->Fill() ; gAlice->TreeS()->AutoSave() ; if(strstr(option,"deb")) PrintSDigits(option) ; } if(strstr(option,"tim")){ gBenchmark->Stop("EMCALSDigitizer"); cout << "AliEMCALSDigitizer:" << endl ; cout << " took " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("EMCALSDigitizer") << " seconds for SDigitizing " << gBenchmark->GetCpuTime("EMCALSDigitizer") << " seconds per event " << endl ; cout << endl ; } } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALSDigitizer::SetSDigitsBranch(const char * title ){ // Setting title to branch SDigits TString stitle(title) ; // check if branch with title already exists TBranch * sdigitsBranch = static_cast(gAlice->TreeS()->GetListOfBranches()->FindObject("EMCAL")) ; TBranch * sdigitizerBranch = static_cast(gAlice->TreeS()->GetListOfBranches()->FindObject("AliEMCALSDigitizer")) ; const char * sdigitsTitle = sdigitsBranch ->GetTitle() ; const char * sdigitizerTitle = sdigitizerBranch ->GetTitle() ; if ( stitle.CompareTo(sdigitsTitle)==0 || stitle.CompareTo(sdigitizerTitle)==0 ){ cerr << "ERROR: AliEMCALSdigitizer::SetSDigitsBranch -> Cannot overwrite existing branch with title " << title << endl ; return ; } cout << "AliEMCALSdigitizer::SetSDigitsBranch -> Changing SDigits file from " << GetName() << " to " << title << endl ; SetName(title) ; // Post to the WhiteBoard AliEMCALGetter * gime = AliEMCALGetter::GetInstance() ; gime->PostSDigits( title, GetTitle()) ; } //__________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALSDigitizer::Print(Option_t* option)const { // Prints parameters of SDigitizer cout << "------------------- "<< GetName() << " -------------" << endl ; cout << " Writing SDigitis to branch with title " << GetName() << endl ; cout << " with digitization parameters A = " << fA << endl ; cout << " B = " << fB << endl ; cout << " Threshold for Primary assignment in Tower = " << fTowerPrimThreshold << endl ; cout << " Threshold for Primary assignment in PreShower = " << fPreShowerPrimThreshold << endl ; cout << "---------------------------------------------------"<SDigits(sdname.Data()) ; cout << "AliEMCALSDigitiser: event " << gAlice->GetEvNumber() << endl ; cout << " Number of entries in SDigits list " << sdigits->GetEntriesFast() << endl ; cout << endl ; if(strstr(option,"all")||strstr(option,"EMC")){ //loop over digits AliEMCALDigit * digit; cout << "SDigit Id " << " Amplitude " << " Time " << " Index " << " Nprim " << " Primaries list " << endl; Int_t index ; for (index = 0 ; index < sdigits->GetEntries() ; index++) { digit = dynamic_cast( sdigits->At(index) ) ; cout << setw(6) << digit->GetId() << " " << setw(10) << digit->GetAmp() << " " << digit->GetTime() << setw(6) << digit->GetIndexInList() << " " << setw(5) << digit->GetNprimary() <<" "; Int_t iprimary; for (iprimary=0; iprimaryGetNprimary(); iprimary++) cout << " " << digit->GetPrimary(iprimary+1) << " "; cout << endl; } cout <EMCALGeometry(); Int_t ieta = ((ihit-1)/geom->GetNPhi())%geom->GetNZ(); // eta Tower Index Int_t iphi = (ihit-1)%(geom->GetNPhi())+1; //phi Tower Index Int_t it = -10; Int_t ipre = 0; if (preshower)ipre = 1; if (iphi > 0 && ieta >= 0){ it = iphi+ieta*geom->GetNPhi() + ipre*geom->GetNPhi()*geom->GetNZ(); return it; }else{ cerr << " AliEMCALSDigitizer::Layer2TowerID() -- there is an error "<< endl << "Eta number = " << ieta << "Phi number = " << iphi << endl ; return it; } // end if iphi>0 && ieta>0 } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ // void AliEMCALSDigitizer::TestTowerID(void) // { // Int_t j; // Bool_t preshower = kFALSE; // for (j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j++){ // loop over hit id // Int_t i; // for (i = 0 ; i <= 2 ; i++){ // loop over // Int_t k = i*96*144+j*144+1; // cout << " Hit Index = " << k << " " << j*10 << " TOWERID = " << Layer2TowerID(k, preshower) << endl ; // } // } // } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliEMCALSDigitizer::UseHitsFrom(const char * filename) { SetTitle(filename) ; Init() ; }