> Title: Alignment of the EMCAL Supermodules for year 1 > Date: 21.05.2010 > Subdetector: EMCAL > Report URL: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1014917 > Version: 1 > General Observations: Surveyed points on the EMCAL support rails are the only reliable points to use. They are located at the rail ends, and we have a relationship between these survey marks and the modules, assuming that the detector as built matches the design. The relationship is based on a simplified 3D model of the supermodule, which is an 8 cornered box, where 4 corners coincide with the eta = 0 end of the modules and the other 4 corners are the survey marks. After entering the positions of the 4 survey marks, the 3D application CATIA gives the position of the 4 end module corners and the phi variation between 2 adjacent supermodules. The goal is to convert the points from CATIA to a transformation matrix for the center of each virtual (software) SuperModule. The virtual supermodules are also 8-cornered boxes, but the dimensions are determined differently. The x dimension matches the size of the strip modules, the y dimension is determined by the strip module size and placement (the angle of the strip module changes the position of its top-most edge), and the z length is currently 350.0 cm, which is approximately 42 cm longer than the active area of the physical supermodules. This extra length is a historical artifact from the development days of the detector. Point name format is SMVolumeID_CATIAPointID. > Coordinate System: ALICEPH > Units: m > Nr Columns: 7 > Column Names: (choose one) Point Name,XPH,YPH,ZPH,Point Type,PrecisionXY(mm),PrecisionZ(mm) > Data: 40960_00 -0.7095 4.3100 0.2155 T 1 2 40960_01 -0.7140 4.3020 3.2960 T 1 2 40960_10 0.7285 4.3305 0.2155 T 1 2 40960_11 0.7220 4.3240 3.2960 T 1 2 40961_00 0.7285 4.3305 0.2155 T 1 2 40961_01 0.7350 4.3370 -2.8650 T 1 2 40961_10 -0.7095 4.3100 0.2155 T 1 2 40961_11 -0.7050 4.3180 -2.8650 T 1 2 40962_00 -2.1565 3.7980 0.2195 T 1 2 40962_01 -2.1630 3.7920 3.2980 T 1 2 40962_10 -0.8055 4.2965 0.2195 T 1 2 40962_11 -0.8110 4.2890 3.2980 T 1 2 40963_00 -0.8055 4.2965 0.2195 T 1 2 40963_01 -0.8000 4.3040 -2.8590 T 1 2 40963_10 -2.1565 3.7980 0.2195 T 1 2 40963_11 -2.1500 3.8040 -2.8590 T 1 2