// some global var/constants const Int_t kNSM = 12; // const Int_t kNRCU = 2; const Int_t kNDTC = 40; // links for full SRU (corresponding to two readout crates or RCUs) AliCaloAltroMapping *fMapping[4]; // 1 for each side (A/C) and each RCU (0/1), i.e. 2*2 total const Int_t kNBranch = 2; const Int_t kNFEC = 10; // 0..9, when including LED Ref const Int_t kNChip = 5; // really 0,2..4, i.e. skip #1 const Int_t kNChan = 16; Float_t fMeanPed[kNSM][kNRCU][kNBranch][kNFEC][kNChip][kNChan]; Float_t fRmsPed[kNSM][kNRCU][kNBranch][kNFEC][kNChip][kNChan]; // const int kNStrips = 24; // per SM Int_t fHWAddrLEDRef[kNStrips][2]; // [2] is for Low/High gain const Bool_t kDebug = kFALSE; const Float_t kBadRMS = 20; // help methods void GetPedVal(const Int_t iSM, const Int_t igain, const TProfile2D *h2); void GetPedValLEDRef(const Int_t iSM, const Int_t igain, const TProfile *h); void PrintScript(const Int_t runno); void Clear(); Int_t GetHWAddress(Int_t iside, Int_t icol, Int_t irow, Int_t igain); Int_t GetHWAddressLEDRef(Int_t istrip, Int_t igain); void DecodeHWAddress(Int_t hwAddr, Int_t & branch, Int_t & FEC, Int_t & chip, Int_t & chan); void GetMapping(); void CreateMappingLEDRef(); // main method void GeneratePedestalScriptSRU(const char * filename = "EMCALPED.root") // from DA node { // get the DA info/object TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename); //TMP AliCaloCalibPedestal *emcCalibPedestal = AliCDBEntry->GetObject(); if (kDebug) { file->ls(); } int runno = emcCalibPedestal->GetRunNumber(); // Get mapping file info, and clear arrays Clear(); GetMapping(); CreateMappingLEDRef(); // Store the pedestal info for (Int_t iSM=0; iSMGetPedProfileLowGain(iSM) ); GetPedVal( iSM, 1, emcCalibPedestal->GetPedProfileHighGain(iSM) ); GetPedValLEDRef( iSM, 0, emcCalibPedestal->GetPedLEDRefProfileLowGain(iSM) ); GetPedValLEDRef( iSM, 1, emcCalibPedestal->GetPedLEDRefProfileHighGain(iSM) ); } // Generate the needed scripts PrintScript(runno); } void GetPedVal(const Int_t iSM, const Int_t igain, const TProfile2D *h2) { Int_t isect = iSM / 2; // Int_t iside = iSM % 2; // A or C side Int_t nCols = h2->GetNbinsX(); Int_t nRows = h2->GetNbinsY(); if (kDebug) { printf("GetPedVal: iSM %d isect %d iside %d igain %d nRows %d nCols %d\n", iSM, isect, iside, igain, nRows, nCols); } Int_t hwAddress = 0; Int_t iRCU = 0; Int_t branch = 0; Int_t FEC = 0; Int_t chip = 0; Int_t chan = 0; Int_t icol = 0; Int_t irow = 0; Int_t bin = 0; for (icol=0; icolFindBin(icol, irow); // store the values fMeanPed[iSM][iRCU][branch][FEC][chip][chan] = h2->GetBinContent(bin); fRmsPed[iSM][iRCU][branch][FEC][chip][chan] = h2->GetBinError(bin); // report bad RMS channels: if (h2->GetBinError(bin) > kBadRMS) { printf(" bad pedestal RMS: iSM %d icol %d irow %d igain %d iRCU %d branch %d FEC %d chip %d chan %d - mean %4.1f rms %4.1f\n", iSM, icol, irow, igain, iRCU, branch, FEC, chip, chan, h2->GetBinContent(bin), h2->GetBinError(bin)); } } } return; } void GetPedValLEDRef(const Int_t iSM, const Int_t igain, const TProfile *h) { Int_t isect = iSM / 2; // Int_t iside = iSM % 2; // A or C side Int_t nStrips = h->GetNbinsX(); if (kDebug) { printf("GetPedValLEDRef: iSM %d isect %d iside %d igain %d nStrips %d\n", iSM, isect, iside, igain, nStrips); } Int_t hwAddress = 0; Int_t iRCU = 0; // always true for LED Ref FEE Int_t branch = 0; Int_t FEC = 0; Int_t chip = 0; Int_t chan = 0; Int_t icol = 0; Int_t irow = 0; Int_t bin = 0; for (int istrip=0; istripFindBin(istrip); // store the values fMeanPed[iSM][iRCU][branch][FEC][chip][chan] = h->GetBinContent(bin); fRmsPed[iSM][iRCU][branch][FEC][chip][chan] = h->GetBinError(bin); } return; } void PrintScript(const int runno) { const char * sideStr[] = {"A","C"}; const char * branchStr[] = {"A","B"}; int VFPED = 0x06; int SRUAltroWrite = 0x40000000; int Port = 0x1001; // 4097 char dirname[40]; sprintf(dirname,"scriptsSRU_Run%d", runno); char cmd[500]; sprintf(cmd,"mkdir -p %s/SM{A,C}{0,1,2,3,4,5}", dirname); gSystem->Exec(cmd); sprintf(cmd,"echo \"cp info.txt GeneratePedestalScriptSRU.C %s/.\" > scp.sh", dirname); gSystem->Exec(cmd); sprintf(cmd,"echo \"scp -r -p %s aldaqacr50:pedestals/.\" >> scp.sh", dirname); gSystem->Exec(cmd); sprintf(cmd,"echo \"ssh -t aldaqacr50 \'cd pedestals; scp -r -p %s emc@alidcscom702:srudcs/scripts/pedestals/.\'\" >> scp.sh", dirname); gSystem->Exec(cmd); char filename[100]; char scriptLine[200]; Int_t iSM = 0; Int_t iRCU = 0; Int_t ibranch = 0; Int_t iFEC = 0; Int_t ichip = 0; Int_t ichan = 0; Int_t Ped = 0; Int_t iDTC = 0; for (iSM=0; iSM=27) { activeDTC[iDTC] = 1; } else { activeDTC[iDTC] = 0; } } } } } // OK, let's generate the files for all active FECs/DTCs for (iDTC=0; iDTC11)) { Ped = TMath::Nint(fMeanPed[iSM][iRCU][ibranch][iFEC][ichip][ichan]); // raise Ped value to max for channels with exceptionally large RMS if (fRmsPed[iSM][iRCU][ibranch][iFEC][ichip][ichan] > kBadRMS) { printf(" bad pedestal RMS: iSM %d iRCU %d ibranch %d iFEC %d ichip %d ichan %d - raising from %d to 0x3ff\n", iSM, iRCU, ibranch, iFEC, ichip, ichan, Ped); Ped = 0x3ff; } // int writeAddr = SRUAltroWrite | (ibranch << 16) | (iFEC << 12) | (ichip << 9) | (ichan << 5) | VFPED; sprintf(scriptLine, "%08x # Branch %s, Card %d, Altro %d, Chan %d", writeAddr, branchStr[ibranch], iFEC, ichip, ichan); fout << scriptLine << endl; int writeVal = Ped; sprintf(scriptLine, "%08x # Pedestal 0x%x = %d", writeVal, Ped, Ped); fout << scriptLine << endl; } } } } // chip fout.close(); } // iDTC }// iSM return; } void Clear() { for (Int_t iSM=0; iSM> 4) & 0x7; FEC = (hwAddr >> 7) & 0xf; branch = (hwAddr >> 11) & 0x1; return; } Int_t GetHWAddress(Int_t iside, Int_t icol, Int_t irow, Int_t igain, Int_t & iRCU) { iRCU = -111; //RCU0 if (0<=irow&&irow<8) iRCU=0; // first cable row else if (8<=irow&&irow<16 && 0<=icol&&icol<24) iRCU=0; // first half; //second cable row //RCU1 else if(8<=irow&&irow<16 && 24<=icol&&icol<48) iRCU=1; // second half; //second cable row else if(16<=irow&&irow<24) iRCU=1; // third cable row // swap for odd=C side, to allow us to cable both sides the same Int_t iRCUSide = iRCU; if (iside == 1) { iRCU = 1 - iRCU; iRCUSide = iRCU + 2; // to make it map file index } Int_t hwAddress = fMapping[iRCUSide]->GetHWAddress(irow, icol, igain); return hwAddress; } Int_t GetHWAddressLEDRef(Int_t istrip, Int_t igain) { Int_t iRCU = 0; // for both sides; LED ref info is the same for both sides Int_t caloflag = 3; // AliCaloRawStreamV3::kLEDMonData; Int_t hwAddress = fHWAddrLEDRef[istrip][igain]; return hwAddress; } void GetMapping() { TString sides[]={"A","C"}; // Read mapping files from $ALICE_ROOT/CALO/mapping/*.data TString path = gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"); path += "/EMCAL/mapping/RCU"; TString path2; for(Int_t j = 0; j < 2; j++){ // sides for(Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // RCU path2 = path; path2 += i; path2 += sides[j]; path2 += ".data"; if (kDebug) { printf("Mapping file: %s\n",path2.Data()); } fMapping[j*2 + i] = new AliCaloAltroMapping(path2.Data()); } } return; } void CreateMappingLEDRef() { Int_t iRCU = 0; // for both sides; LED ref info is the same for both sides Int_t caloflag = 3; // AliCaloRawStreamV3::kLEDMonData; Int_t maxAddr = 1 << 7; // LED Ref FEE is in FEC pos 0, i.e. addr space 0..127 int nLEDRefFEEChan = 0; Int_t branch = 0; Int_t FEC = 0; Int_t chip = 0; Int_t chan = 0; for (int hwaddr = 0; hwaddr11) ) { // actual installed LED Ref FEE channels int istrip = fMapping[iRCU]->GetPad(hwaddr); int igain = fMapping[iRCU]->GetPadRow(hwaddr); int iflag = fMapping[iRCU]->GetSector(hwaddr); if (iflag == caloflag) { fHWAddrLEDRef[istrip][igain] = hwaddr; nLEDRefFEEChan++; } } } if (kDebug) { cout << " nLEDRefFEEChan " << nLEDRefFEEChan << endl; } }