void TestEMCALData() { TH1F* hE = new TH1F("hEmcalHits", "Hits energy distribution in EMCAL", 100, 0., 10.) ; hE->Sumw2() ; TH1I* hM = new TH1I("hEmcalHitsMul", "Hits multiplicity distribution in EMCAL", 500, 0., 10000) ; hM->Sumw2() ; TH1I * dA = new TH1I("hEmcalDigits", "Digits amplitude distribution in EMCAL", 500, 0, 5000) ; dA->Sumw2() ; TH1I * dM = new TH1I("hEmcalDigitsMul", "Digits multiplicity distribution in EMCAL", 500, 0, 1000) ; dM->Sumw2() ; TH1F * sE = new TH1F("hEmcalSDigits", "SDigits energy distribution in EMCAL", 200, 0, 1000) ; sE->Sumw2() ; TH1I * sM = new TH1I("hEmcalSDigitsMul", "SDigits multiplicity distribution in EMCAL", 500, 0, 1000) ; sM->Sumw2() ; TH1F * cE = new TH1F("hEmcalRecPoints", "RecPoints energy distribution in EMCAL", 100, 0, 20) ; cE->Sumw2() ; TH1I * cM = new TH1I("hEmcalRecPointsMul", "RecPoints multiplicity distribution in EMCAL", 500, 0, 1000) ; cM->Sumw2() ; AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root",AliConfig::GetDefaultEventFolderName(),"read"); if (rl == 0x0) cout<<"Can not instatiate the Run Loader"< (rl->GetDetectorLoader("EMCAL")); //Load Hits rl->LoadHits("EMCAL"); //Load Digits rl->LoadDigits("EMCAL"); //Load SDigits rl->LoadSDigits("EMCAL"); //Load RecPoints rl->LoadRecPoints("EMCAL"); //one way to do it that works for all three AliEMCALHit* hit; AliEMCALDigit* dig; AliEMCALRecPoint* rp; rl->GetEvent(0); //Fill array of hits TClonesArray *hits = emcalLoader->Hits(); //Fill array of digits TClonesArray *digits = emcalLoader->Digits(); //Fill array of clusters TClonesArray *clusters = emcalLoader->RecPoints(); //Get hits from the list hM->Fill(hits->GetEntries()); for(Int_t ihit = 0; ihit< hits->GetEntries();ihit++){ //cout<<">> idig "<(hits->At(ihit)) ; if(hit != 0){ hE->Fill(hit->GetEnergy()); cout << "Hit info " << hit->GetId() << " " << hit->GetEnergy() << endl; } } //Get digits from the list dM->Fill(digits->GetEntries()); for(Int_t idig = 0; idig< digits->GetEntries();idig++){ //cout<<">> idig "<(digits->At(idig)) ; if(dig != 0){ dA->Fill(dig->GetAmp()); cout << "Digit info " << dig->GetId() << " " << dig->GetAmp() << endl; } } //Get clusters from the list cM->Fill(clusters->GetEntries()); for(Int_t iclu = 0; iclu< clusters->GetEntries();iclu++){ //cout<<">> idig "<(clusters->At(iclu)) ; if(rp != 0){ cE->Fill(rp->GetEnergy()); cout << "RecPoint info " << rp->GetAbsId() << " " << rp->GetEnergy() << endl; } } /* //another way to do it TTree *hTree = rl->GetTreeH("EMCAL",false); TTree *dTree = rl->GetTreeD("EMCAL",false); TTree *sTree = rl->GetTreeS("EMCAL",false); TTree *cTree = rl->GetTreeR("EMCAL",false); TObjArray *harr=NULL; TBranch *hbranch=hTree->GetBranch("EMCAL"); hbranch->SetAddress(&harr); TObjArray *darr=NULL; TBranch *dbranch=dTree->GetBranch("EMCAL"); dbranch->SetAddress(&darr); TObjArray *sarr=NULL; TBranch *sbranch=sTree->GetBranch("EMCAL"); sbranch->SetAddress(&sarr); TObjArray *carr=NULL; TBranch *cbranch=cTree->GetBranch("EMCALECARP"); cbranch->SetAddress(&carr); if(hbranch->GetEvent(0)) { for(Int_t ih = 0; ih < harr->GetEntriesFast(); ih++) { hM->Fill(harr->GetEntriesFast()); AliEMCALHit* hit =(AliEMCALHit*)harr->UncheckedAt(ih); if(hit != 0){ hE->Fill(hit->GetEnergy()); cout << "Hit info " << hit->GetId() << " " << hit->GetEnergy()*10.5 << endl; } } } if(dbranch->GetEvent(0)) { for(Int_t id = 0; id < darr->GetEntriesFast(); id++) { dM->Fill(darr->GetEntriesFast()); AliEMCALDigit* dig =(AliEMCALDigit*)darr->UncheckedAt(id); if(dig != 0){ dA->Fill(dig->GetAmp()); cout << "Digit info " << dig->GetId() << " " << dig->GetAmp() << endl; } } } if(sbranch->GetEvent(0)) { for(Int_t id = 0; id < sarr->GetEntriesFast(); id++) { sM->Fill(sarr->GetEntriesFast()); AliEMCALDigit* sdig =(AliEMCALDigit*)sarr->UncheckedAt(id); if(sdig != 0){ sE->Fill(sdig->GetAmp()/1.e+6); cout << "SDigit info " << sdig->GetId() << " " << sdig->GetAmp()/1.e+6 << endl; } } } if(cbranch->GetEvent(0)) { for(Int_t ic = 0; ic < carr->GetEntriesFast(); ic++) { cE->Fill(carr->GetEntriesFast()); AliEMCALRecPoint* rp =(AliEMCALRecPoint*)carr->UncheckedAt(ic); if(rp != 0){ cE->Fill(rp->GetEnergy()); cout << "RecPoint info " << rp->GetAbsId() << " " << rp->GetEnergy() << endl; } } } */ TCanvas *chits = new TCanvas("chits","Hits",20,20,800,400); chits->Divide(2,1); chits->cd(1); hE->Draw(); chits->cd(2); hM->Draw(); TCanvas *cdig = new TCanvas("cdig","Digits",20,40,800,400); cdig->Divide(2,1); cdig->cd(1); dA->Draw(); cdig->cd(2); dM->Draw(); /* TCanvas *csdig = new TCanvas("csdig","SDigits",20,60,800,400); csdig->Divide(2,1); csdig->cd(1); sE->Draw(); csdig->cd(2); sM->Draw(); */ TCanvas *cclu = new TCanvas("cclu","Clusters",20,60,800,400); cclu->Divide(2,1); cclu->cd(1); cE->Draw(); cclu->cd(2); cM->Draw(); }