#ifndef ALITOFQATASK_H #define ALITOFQATASK_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //______________________________________________________________________________ // An analysis task to check the TOF performance in simulated data // //*-- Silvia Arcelli //-Distributions to monitor the quality of the track matching, Time, PID ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "AliAnalysisTask.h" class AliESD ; class AliTOFQATask : public AliAnalysisTask { public: AliTOFQATask(const char *name) ; //ctor AliTOFQATask(const AliTOFQATask & qatask); // copy constructor AliTOFQATask& operator=(const AliTOFQATask & qatask); // assignment operator virtual ~AliTOFQATask(); //dtor virtual void Exec(Option_t * opt = "") ; virtual void ConnectInputData(Option_t *) ; virtual void CreateOutputObjects() ; virtual void Terminate(Option_t * opt = "") ; private: Bool_t DrawHistos() ; void GetEfficiency() ; TTree * fChain ; //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain AliESD * fESD ; //! Declaration of leave types TObjArray * fOutputContainer ; //! output data container // Histograms TH1F * fhTOFMatch ; //Fraction of Matched tracks (kTIME) TH1F * fhESDeffPhi ; //Phi dst. of all ESD tracks (kTIME) TH1F * fhESDeffTheta ; //Theta dst. of all ESD tracks (kTIME) TH1F * fhESDeffMom ; //Mom. dst. of all ESD tracks (kTIME) TH1F * fhTOFeffPhi ; //Phi dst.of ESD tracks matched with TOF TH1F * fhTOFeffTheta ; //Theta dst.of ESD tracks matched with TOF TH1F * fhTOFeffMom ; //Mom. dst.of ESD tracks matched with TOF TH1F * fhTOFeffPhiMT ; //Phi dst.of ESD tracks, good match with TOF(MC) TH1F * fhTOFeffThetaMT;//Theta dst.of ESD tracks, good match with TOF(MC) TH1F * fhTOFeffMomMT ; //Mom.dst.of ESD tracks, good match with TOF(MC) TH1F * fhTOFsector ; //sector distr.of matched TOF pads TH1F * fhTOFsectorMT ; //sector distr.of TOF pads, good match (MC) TH1F * fhTOFTime ; //Time Distribution of TOF Clusters matched to tracks TH1F * fhTOFDeltaTime; //TOF-exp.Time (pion mass hypothesis) TH1F * fhTOFDeltaTimeMT; //TOF-exp.Time (pion mass), good match(MC) TH1F * fhTOFIDSpecies; //ID-Sample Composition TH2F * fhTOFMassVsMom; //Mass vs Momentum correlation TH1F * fhTOFMass; //reconstructed Mass from TOF // Some QA parameters Float_t fmatchFracMin; //Thresholds for QA checks (matched tracks) Float_t fmatchEffMin; //Thresholds for QA checks (matched tracks) Float_t ftimePeakMax; //Thresholds for QA checks (time spectrum) Float_t fmassPeakMax; //Thresholds for QA checks (mass spectrum) ClassDef(AliTOFQATask, 1); // TOF Quality Assurance analysis task }; #endif // ALITOFQATASK_H