/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** * This code defines the reconstructed v0 visualized with EVE * * Ludovic Gaudichet (gaudichet@to.infn.it) ************************************************************************/ #include "Track.h" #include "V0.h" #include "MCHelixLine.hi" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Reve; /*********************************************************************** * * V0 class * ************************************************************************/ const Float_t V0::fgkMassPion2 = 0.13956995*0.13956995; const Float_t V0::fgkMassProton2 = 0.93827231*0.93827231; ClassImp(Reve::V0) V0::V0() : RenderElement(), TPolyMarker3D(1), fV_neg(), fP_neg(), fV_pos(), fP_pos(), fV_v0(), fV0_birth(), fBeta_neg(0), fBeta_pos(0), fLabel_neg(0), fLabel_pos(0), fPathMarksNeg(), fPathMarksPos(), fRnrStyle(0), fPolyLineNeg(), fPolyLinePos(), fPolyLineV0(), fESDIndex(-1), fDaughterDCA(999), fCosPointingAngle(999), fDecayLength(0) {} V0::V0(Reve::RecTrack* tNeg, Reve::RecTrack* tPos, Reve::RecV0* v0, TrackRnrStyle* rs) : RenderElement(), TPolyMarker3D(1), fV_neg(v0->V_neg), fP_neg(v0->P_neg ), fV_pos(v0->V_pos ), fP_pos(v0->P_pos), fV_v0(v0->V_ca), fV0_birth(v0->V0_birth), fBeta_neg(tNeg->beta), fBeta_pos(tPos->beta), fLabel_neg(v0->d_label[0]), fLabel_pos(v0->d_label[1]), fPathMarksNeg(), fPathMarksPos(), fRnrStyle(rs), fPolyLineNeg(), fPolyLinePos(), fPolyLineV0(), fESDIndex(-1), fDaughterDCA(999), fCosPointingAngle(999), fDecayLength(0) { fMarkerColor = fRnrStyle->GetColor(); fPolyLineV0.SetLineColor(fMarkerColor); fPolyLinePos.SetLineColor(2); // red fPolyLineNeg.SetLineColor(7); // light blue fMainColorPtr = &fMarkerColor; fMarkerStyle = 20; fMarkerColor = 5; fMarkerSize = 0.3; } V0::~V0() { for (vpPathMark_i i=fPathMarksNeg.begin(); i!=fPathMarksNeg.end(); ++i) delete *i; for (vpPathMark_i i=fPathMarksPos.begin(); i!=fPathMarksPos.end(); ++i) delete *i; } void V0::Reset(TPolyLine3D* polyLine) { //polyLine->SetPolyLine(n_points); polyLine->SetPolyLine(0); } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0::SetDecayLength(Float_t primx, Float_t primy, Float_t primz) { Float_t dx = fV_v0.x-primx; Float_t dy = fV_v0.y-primy; Float_t dz = fV_v0.z-primz; fDecayLength = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); // This is probably wrong but I can only do this for now Float_t distNorm = fDecayLength/GetMomentum(); fV0_birth.x = fV_v0.x - distNorm*GetPx(); fV0_birth.y = fV_v0.y - distNorm*GetPy(); fV0_birth.z = fV_v0.z - distNorm*GetPz(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0::MakeTrack(vpPathMark_t& pathMark, Reve::Vector& vtx, Reve::Vector& p, Int_t charge, Float_t beta, TPolyLine3D& polyLine) { TrackRnrStyle& RS((fRnrStyle != 0) ? *fRnrStyle : TrackRnrStyle::fgDefStyle); Float_t px = p.x, py = p.y, pz = p.z; MCVertex mc_v0; mc_v0.x = vtx.x; mc_v0.y = vtx.y; mc_v0.z = vtx.z; mc_v0.t = 0; std::vector track_points; Bool_t decay = kFALSE; if ((TMath::Abs(vtx.z) > RS.fMaxZ) || (vtx.x*vtx.x + vtx.y*vtx.y > RS.fMaxR*RS.fMaxR)) goto make_polyline; if (TMath::Abs(RS.fMagField) > 1e-5) { // Charged particle in magnetic field Float_t a = RS.fgkB2C * RS.fMagField * charge; MCHelix helix(fRnrStyle, &mc_v0, TMath::C()*beta, &track_points, a); //m->cm helix.Init(TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py), pz); if(!pathMark.empty()){ for(std::vector::iterator i=pathMark.begin(); i!=pathMark.end(); ++i) { Reve::PathMark* pm = *i; if(RS.fFitDaughters && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Daughter){ if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto helix_bounds; //printf("%s fit daughter \n", fName.Data()); helix.LoopToVertex(p.x, p.y, p.z, pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); p.x -= pm->P.x; p.y -= pm->P.y; p.z -= pm->P.z; } if(RS.fFitDecay && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Decay){ if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto helix_bounds; helix.LoopToVertex(p.x, p.y, p.z, pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); decay = true; break; } } } helix_bounds: //go to bounds if(!decay || RS.fFitDecay == kFALSE){ helix.LoopToBounds(px,py,pz); // printf("%s loop to bounds \n",fName.Data() ); } } else { // Neutral particle or no field MCLine line(fRnrStyle, &mc_v0, TMath::C()*beta, &track_points); if(!pathMark.empty()) { for(std::vector::iterator i=pathMark.begin(); i!=pathMark.end(); ++i) { Reve::PathMark* pm = *i; if(RS.fFitDaughters && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Daughter){ if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto line_bounds; line.GotoVertex(pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); p.x -= pm->P.x; p.y -= pm->P.y; p.z -= pm->P.z; } if(RS.fFitDecay && pm->type == Reve::PathMark::Decay){ if(TMath::Abs(pm->V.z) > RS.fMaxZ || TMath::Sqrt(pm->V.x*pm->V.x + pm->V.y*pm->V.y) > RS.fMaxR ) goto line_bounds; line.GotoVertex(pm->V.x, pm->V.y, pm->V.z); decay = true; break; } } } line_bounds: if(!decay || RS.fFitDecay == kFALSE) line.GotoBounds(px,py,pz); } make_polyline: Reset(&polyLine); for(std::vector::iterator i=track_points.begin(); i!=track_points.end(); ++i) { polyLine.SetNextPoint(i->x,i->y, i->z); } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0::MakeV0path() { MCVertex mc_v0; mc_v0.x = fV_v0.x; mc_v0.y = fV_v0.y; mc_v0.z = fV_v0.z; mc_v0.t = 0; std::vector track_points; MCLine line(fRnrStyle, &mc_v0, TMath::C()*0.99, &track_points); line.GotoVertex(fV0_birth.x,fV0_birth.y,fV0_birth.z); Reset(&fPolyLineV0); for(std::vector::iterator i=track_points.begin(); i!=track_points.end(); ++i) { fPolyLineV0.SetNextPoint(i->x,i->y, i->z); } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0::MakeV0() { SetNextPoint(fV_v0.x, fV_v0.y, fV_v0.z); MakeTrack(fPathMarksNeg, fV_neg, fP_neg, -1, fBeta_neg, fPolyLineNeg); MakeTrack(fPathMarksPos, fV_pos, fP_pos, 1, fBeta_pos, fPolyLinePos); MakeV0path(); //fN = fPolyLineNeg.GetN(); } //______________________________________________________________________ Float_t V0::GetAlphaArmenteros() const { Float_t posXv0 = fP_pos.x*GetPx() + fP_pos.y*GetPy() + fP_pos.z*GetPz(); Float_t negXv0 = fP_neg.x*GetPx() + fP_neg.y*GetPy() + fP_neg.z*GetPz(); if (posXv0+negXv0 > 1.e-39) return (posXv0-negXv0)/(posXv0+negXv0); else return -999; } //______________________________________________________________________ Float_t V0::GetPtArmenteros() const { Float_t posXv0 = fP_pos.x*GetPx() + fP_pos.y*GetPy() + fP_pos.z*GetPz(); Float_t v0mom2 = GetP2(); if (v0mom2 > 1.e-39) return TMath::Sqrt( GetPosP2() - posXv0*posXv0/v0mom2 ) ; else return -999; } /*********************************************************************** * * V0List class * ************************************************************************/ ClassImp(Reve::V0List) //______________________________________________________________________ V0List::V0List() : RenderElement(), fTitle(), fRnrStyle(0), fRnrDaughters(kTRUE), fRnrV0vtx(kTRUE), fRnrV0path(kTRUE), fNegColor(0), fPosColor(0) { for (Int_t i=0; ifColor); fMin[0] = 0; fMax[0] = 10; // pt fMin[1] = 0; fMax[1] = 10; // K0s mass fMin[2] = 0; fMax[2] = 10; // lambda mass fMin[3] = 0; fMax[3] = 10; // anti-lambda mass fMin[4] = 0; fMax[4] = 10; // daughter DCA fMin[5] = 0.8; fMax[5] = 1; // cos of pointing angle fMin[6] = 0; fMax[6] = 200; // radius fMin[7] = -2; fMax[7] = 2; // PseudoRapidity fMin[8] = 0; fMax[8] = 10; // NegPt fMin[9] = -2; fMax[9] = 2; // NegPseudoRapidity fMin[10] = 0; fMax[10] = 10; // PosPt fMin[11] = -2; fMax[11] = 2; // PosPseudoRapidity fMin[12] = 0; fMax[12] = 1e5; // index, would be good to be able to adjust it char *ch = "ptV0"; fHist[0] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[0], fMax[0]); ch = "K0sMass"; fHist[1] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[1], fMax[1]); ch = "LambdaMass"; fHist[2] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[2], fMax[2]); ch = "AntiLambdaMass"; fHist[3] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[3], fMax[3]); ch = "daughterDCA"; fHist[4] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[4], fMax[4]); ch = "cosPointingAngle"; fHist[5] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[5], fMax[5]); ch = "radius"; fHist[6] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[6], fMax[6]); ch = "PseudoRapidity"; fHist[7] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[7], fMax[7]); ch = "NegPt"; fHist[8] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[8], fMax[8]); ch = "NegPseudoRapidity"; fHist[9] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[9], fMax[9]); ch = "PosPt"; fHist[10] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[10], fMax[10]); ch = "PosPseudoRapidity"; fHist[11] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[11], fMax[11]); ch = "v0Index"; fHist[12] = new TH1F(ch,ch, 100, fMin[12], fMax[12]); fMinX[0] = -1.2; fMaxX[0] = 1.2; fMinY[0] = 0; fMaxY[0] = 0.4; ch = "ArmenterosPodolansky"; fHist2D[0] = new TH2F(ch,ch, 70, fMinX[0], fMaxX[0], 70, fMinY[0], fMaxY[0]); for (Int_t i=0; iGetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); fHist[i]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); fHist[i]->SetStats(0); } for (Int_t i=0; iGetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); fHist2D[i]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); fHist2D[i]->SetStats(0); } } //______________________________________________________________________ V0List::~V0List() { for (Int_t i=0; iGetRnrSelf()) { ((V0*)(*i))->Paint(option); } } } if(fRnrDaughters) { for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->GetRnrSelf()) { ((V0*)(*i))->PaintDaughters(option); } } } if(fRnrV0path) { for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { if((*i)->GetRnrSelf()) { ((V0*)(*i))->PaintPath(option); } } } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::AddElement(RenderElement* el) { static const Exc_t eH("V0List::AddElement "); if (dynamic_cast(el) == 0) throw(eH + "new element not a V0."); RenderElement::AddElement(el); } void V0List::SetRnrV0vtx(Bool_t rnr) { fRnrV0vtx = rnr; gReve->Redraw3D(); } void V0List::SetRnrV0path(Bool_t rnr) { fRnrV0path = rnr; gReve->Redraw3D(); } void V0List::SetRnrDaughters(Bool_t rnr) { fRnrDaughters = rnr; gReve->Redraw3D(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::MakeV0s() { for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { ((V0*)(*i))->MakeV0(); } gReve->Redraw3D(); } void V0List::MakeMarkers() { gReve->Redraw3D(); } //_________________________________________________________________________ void V0List::AdjustHist(Int_t iHist) { if ((iHist<0)||(iHist>=fgkNcutVar)) return; if (! fHist[iHist]) return; TString name = fHist[iHist]->GetName(); Int_t nBin = fHist[iHist]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); delete fHist[iHist]; fHist[iHist] = new TH1F(name.Data(), name.Data(), nBin, GetMin(iHist), GetMax(iHist)); fHist[iHist]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); fHist[iHist]->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.07); fHist[iHist]->SetStats(0); } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::UnFill(V0* v0) { Int_t bin = fHist[0]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(v0->GetPt()); fHist[0]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[0]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[1]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetK0mass() ); fHist[1]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[1]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[2]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetLamMass() ); fHist[2]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[2]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[3]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetAntiLamMass() ); fHist[3]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[3]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[4]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetDaughterDCA() ); fHist[4]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[4]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[5]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetCosPointingAngle() ); fHist[5]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[5]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[6]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetRadius() );// radius fHist[6]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[6]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[7]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetPseudoRapidity() ); // PseudoRapidity fHist[7]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[7]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[8]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetNegPt() );// NegPt fHist[8]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[8]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[9]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetNegPseudoRapidity() );// NegPseudoRapidity fHist[9]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[9]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[10]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetPosPt() ); // PosPt fHist[10]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[10]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[11]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetPosPseudoRapidity() ); // PosPseudoRapidity fHist[11]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[11]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); bin = fHist[12]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetESDIndex() ); // ESD index fHist[12]->SetBinContent( bin, fHist[12]->GetBinContent(bin)-1 ); //--- bin = fHist2D[0]->GetXaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetAlphaArmenteros() ); Int_t binY = fHist2D[0]->GetYaxis()->FindBin( v0->GetPtArmenteros() ); fHist2D[0]->SetBinContent( bin, binY, fHist2D[0]->GetBinContent(bin,binY)-1 ); } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::Filter(V0* v0) { Float_t pt = v0->GetPt(); if ((ptfMax[0])) return; Float_t k0sMass = v0->GetK0mass(); if ( (k0sMassfMax[1]) ) return; Float_t lamMass = v0->GetLamMass(); if ( (lamMassfMax[2]) ) return; Float_t alamMass = v0->GetAntiLamMass(); if ( (alamMassfMax[3]) ) return; Float_t daughtDCA = v0->GetDaughterDCA(); if ( (daughtDCAfMax[4]) ) return; Float_t cosPointing = v0->GetCosPointingAngle(); if ( (cosPointingfMax[5]) ) return; Float_t radius = v0->GetRadius(); if ( (radiusfMax[6]) ) return; Float_t pseudoRapidity = v0->GetPseudoRapidity(); if ( (pseudoRapidityfMax[7]) ) return; Float_t negPt = v0->GetNegPt(); if ( (negPtfMax[8]) ) return; Float_t negPseudoRapidity = v0->GetNegPseudoRapidity(); if ( (negPseudoRapidityfMax[9]) ) return; Float_t posPt = v0->GetPosPt(); if ( (posPtfMax[10]) ) return; Float_t posPseudoRapidity = v0->GetPosPseudoRapidity(); if ( (posPseudoRapidityfMax[11]) ) return; Float_t esdIndex = v0->GetESDIndex(); if ( (esdIndexfMax[12]) ) return; Float_t alphaArm = v0->GetAlphaArmenteros(); // if ( (alphaArmfMaxX[0]) ) return; Float_t ptArm = v0->GetPtArmenteros(); // if ( (ptArmfMaxY[0]) ) return; v0->SetRnrSelf(kTRUE); fHist[0]->Fill(pt); fHist[1]->Fill(k0sMass); fHist[2]->Fill(lamMass); fHist[3]->Fill(alamMass); fHist[4]->Fill(daughtDCA); fHist[5]->Fill(cosPointing); fHist[6]->Fill(radius); fHist[7]->Fill(pseudoRapidity); fHist[8]->Fill(negPt); fHist[9]->Fill(negPseudoRapidity); fHist[10]->Fill(posPt); fHist[11]->Fill(posPseudoRapidity); fHist[12]->Fill(esdIndex); fHist2D[0]->Fill(alphaArm, ptArm); } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::FilterAll() { for (Int_t i=0; iReset(); for (Int_t i=0; iReset(); V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); Filter(myV0); } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::GetV0IndexRange(Int_t &imin, Int_t &imax) { Int_t index; V0* myV0; List_i i=fChildren.begin(); myV0 = (V0*)(*i); index = myV0->GetESDIndex(); imin = index; imax = index; for(; i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); index = myV0->GetESDIndex(); if (indeximax) imax = index; } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::PtFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[0] = min; fMax[0] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetPt(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::K0sMFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[1] = min; fMax[1] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetK0mass(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::LamMFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[2] = min; fMax[2] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetLamMass(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::ALamMFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[3] = min; fMax[3] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetAntiLamMass(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::CosPointingFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[5] = min; fMax[5] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetCosPointingAngle(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::DaughterDCAFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[4] = min; fMax[4] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetDaughterDCA(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::RadiusFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[6] = min; fMax[6] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetRadius(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::EtaFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[7] = min; fMax[7] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetPseudoRapidity(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::NegPtFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[8] = min; fMax[8] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetNegPt(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::NegEtaFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[9] = min; fMax[9] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetNegPseudoRapidity(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::PosPtFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[10] = min; fMax[10] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetPosPt(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::PosEtaFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[11] = min; fMax[11] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetPosPseudoRapidity(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } } //______________________________________________________________________ void V0List::IndexFilter(Float_t min, Float_t max) { fMin[12] = min; fMax[12] = max; Float_t val; Bool_t wasSelected; Bool_t isSelected; V0* myV0; for(List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { myV0 = (V0*)(*i); val = myV0->GetESDIndex(); wasSelected = myV0->GetRnrSelf(); isSelected = ( (val>=min) && (val<=max) ); if (wasSelected) { if (! isSelected) { UnFill(myV0); myV0->SetRnrSelf(isSelected); } } else { if (isSelected) Filter(myV0); } } }