/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ */ #include "AliGenParam.h" #include "AliGenMUONlib.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliPythia.h" #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliGenParam) //------------------------------------------------------------ //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html //____________________________________________________________ //____________________________________________________________ AliGenParam::AliGenParam() :AliGenerator() { fPtPara = 0; fYPara = 0; fParam = jpsi_p; fAnalog = analog; SetCutOnChild(); } //____________________________________________________________ AliGenParam::AliGenParam(Int_t npart, Param_t param) // Double_t (*PtPara)(Double_t*, Double_t*), // Double_t (*YPara) (Double_t* ,Double_t*)) :AliGenerator(npart) { // // fName="HMESONpara"; // fTitle="Heavy Mesons Parametrisation"; fPtParaFunc = AliGenMUONlib::GetPt(param); fYParaFunc = AliGenMUONlib::GetY(param); fIpParaFunc = AliGenMUONlib::GetIp(param); fPtPara = 0; fYPara = 0; fParam = param; fAnalog = analog; fChildSelect.Set(5); for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) fChildSelect[i]=0; ForceDecay(); SetCutOnChild(); } //____________________________________________________________ AliGenParam::~AliGenParam() { delete fPtPara; delete fYPara; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliGenParam::Init() { SetMC(new AliPythia()); fPythia= (AliPythia*) fgMCEvGen; // End of the test !!! //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html fPtPara = new TF1("Pt-Parametrization",fPtParaFunc,fPtMin,fPtMax,0); fYPara = new TF1("Y -Parametrization",fYParaFunc,fYMin,fYMax,0); TF1* PtPara = new TF1("Pt-Parametrization",fPtParaFunc,0,15,0); TF1* YPara = new TF1("Y -Parametrization",fYParaFunc,-6,6,0); // // dN/dy| y=0 Double_t y1=0; Double_t y2=0; fdNdy0=fYParaFunc(&y1,&y2); // // Integral over generation region Float_t IntYS = YPara ->Integral(fYMin, fYMax); Float_t IntPt0 = PtPara->Integral(0,15); Float_t IntPtS = PtPara->Integral(fPtMin,fPtMax); Float_t PhiWgt=(fPhiMax-fPhiMin)/2./TMath::Pi(); if (fAnalog == analog) { fYWgt = IntYS/fdNdy0; fPtWgt = IntPtS/IntPt0; fParentWeight = fYWgt*fPtWgt*PhiWgt/fNpart; } else { fYWgt = IntYS/fdNdy0; fPtWgt = (fPtMax-fPtMin)/IntPt0; fParentWeight = fYWgt*fPtWgt*PhiWgt/fNpart; } // // particle decay related initialization fPythia->DefineParticles(); // semimuonic decays of charm and beauty fPythia->ForceDecay(fForceDecay); // switch (fForceDecay) { case semielectronic: case dielectron: case b_jpsi_dielectron: case b_psip_dielectron: fChildSelect[0]=11; break; case semimuonic: case dimuon: case b_jpsi_dimuon: case b_psip_dimuon: fChildSelect[0]=13; break; case pitomu: fChildSelect[0]=13; break; case katomu: fChildSelect[0]=13; break; } } //____________________________________________________________ void AliGenParam::Generate() { // Generate 'npart' of heavy mesons (J/Psi, upsilon or phi) in the // the desired theta, phi and momentum windows; Gaussian smearing // on the vertex is done if selected //printf("Generate !!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); Float_t polar[3]= {0,0,0}; // Float_t origin[3], origin0[3]; Float_t pt, pl, ptot; Float_t phi, theta; Float_t p[3], pc[3], och[3], pch[10][3]; Float_t ty, xmt; Int_t nt, i, j, kfch[10]; Float_t wgtp, wgtch; Double_t dummy; static TClonesArray *particles; // if(!particles) particles=new TClonesArray("TParticle",1000); // Float_t random[6]; for (j=0;j<3;j++) origin0[j]=fOrigin[j]; if(fVertexSmear==perEvent) { gMC->Rndm(random,6); for (j=0;j<3;j++) { origin0[j]+=fOsigma[j]*TMath::Cos(2*random[2*j]*TMath::Pi())* TMath::Sqrt(-2*TMath::Log(random[2*j+1])); } } Int_t ipa=0; while (ipaGetBraPart(Ipart))*fParentWeight; Float_t am=fPythia->GetPMAS(fPythia->LuComp(Ipart),1); gMC->Rndm(random,2); // // phi phi=fPhiMin+random[0]*(fPhiMax-fPhiMin); // // y ty=Float_t(TMath::TanH(fYPara->GetRandom())); // // pT if (fAnalog == analog) { pt=fPtPara->GetRandom(); wgtp=fParentWeight; wgtch=fChildWeight; } else { pt=fPtMin+random[1]*(fPtMax-fPtMin); Double_t ptd=pt; wgtp=fParentWeight*fPtParaFunc(& ptd, &dummy); wgtch=fChildWeight*fPtParaFunc(& ptd, &dummy); } xmt=sqrt(pt*pt+am*am); pl=xmt*ty/sqrt(1.-ty*ty); theta=TMath::ATan2(pt,pl); if(thetafThetaMax) continue; ptot=TMath::Sqrt(pt*pt+pl*pl); if(ptotfPMax) continue; p[0]=pt*TMath::Cos(phi); p[1]=pt*TMath::Sin(phi); p[2]=pl; if(fVertexSmear==perTrack) { gMC->Rndm(random,6); for (j=0;j<3;j++) { origin0[j]= fOrigin[j]+fOsigma[j]*TMath::Cos(2*random[2*j]*TMath::Pi())* TMath::Sqrt(-2*TMath::Log(random[2*j+1])); } } // // use lujet to decay particle Float_t energy=TMath::Sqrt(ptot*ptot+am*am); fPythia->DecayParticle(Ipart,energy,theta,phi); // fPythia->LuList(1); //printf("origin0 %f %f %f\n",origin0[0],origin0[1],origin0[2]); //printf("fCutOnChild %d \n",fCutOnChild); // // select muons Int_t np=fPythia->ImportParticles(particles,"All"); //printf("np %d \n",np); Int_t ncsel=0; for (i = 1; iAt(i); Int_t kf = iparticle->GetPdgCode(); //printf("kf %d\n",kf); // // children if (ChildSelected(TMath::Abs(kf))) { pc[0]=iparticle->Px(); pc[1]=iparticle->Py(); pc[2]=iparticle->Pz(); och[0]=origin0[0]+iparticle->Vx()/10; och[1]=origin0[1]+iparticle->Vy()/10; och[2]=origin0[2]+iparticle->Vz()/10; if (fCutOnChild) { Float_t PtChild=TMath::Sqrt(pc[0]*pc[0]+pc[1]*pc[1]); Float_t PChild=TMath::Sqrt(PtChild*PtChild+pc[2]*pc[2]); Float_t ThetaChild=TMath::ATan2(PtChild,pc[2]); Float_t PhiChild=TMath::ATan2(pc[1],pc[0])+TMath::Pi(); Bool_t childok = ((PtChild > fPtMin && PtChild fPMin && PChild fThetaMin && ThetaChild fPhiMin && PhiChild 0) || !fCutOnChild){ ipa++; // // parent gAlice-> SetTrack(0,-1,Ipart,p,origin,polar,0,"Primary",nt,wgtp); iparent=nt; for (i=0; i< ncsel; i++) { gAlice->SetTrack(fTrackIt,iparent,kfch[i], &pch[i][0],och,polar, 0,"Decay",nt,wgtch); gAlice->KeepTrack(nt); } } // kinematic selection break; } // while } // event loop } Bool_t AliGenParam::ChildSelected(Int_t ip) { for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) { if (fChildSelect[i]==ip) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } Bool_t AliGenParam::KinematicSelection(TParticle *particle) { Float_t px=particle->Px(); Float_t py=particle->Py(); Float_t pz=particle->Pz(); // // momentum cut Float_t p=TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz); if (p > fPMax || p < fPMin) { // printf("\n failed p cut %f %f %f \n",p,fPMin,fPMax); return kFALSE; } Float_t pt=TMath::Sqrt(px*px+py*py); // // theta cut Float_t theta = Float_t(TMath::ATan2(Double_t(pt),Double_t(p))); if (theta > fThetaMax || theta < fThetaMin) { // printf("\n failed theta cut %f %f %f \n",theta,fThetaMin,fThetaMax); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; }