/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ // Class to generate particles from using paramtrized pT and y distributions. // Distributions are obtained from pointer to object of type AliGenLib. // (For example AliGenMUONlib) // Decays are performed using Pythia. // andreas.morsch@cern.ch #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliDecayer.h" #include "AliGenMUONlib.h" #include "AliGenParam.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" ClassImp(AliGenParam) //------------------------------------------------------------ //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html //____________________________________________________________ AliGenParam::AliGenParam(): fPtParaFunc(0), fYParaFunc(0), fIpParaFunc(0), fPtPara(0), fYPara(0), fParam(0), fdNdy0(0.), fYWgt(0.), fPtWgt(0.), fBias(0.), fTrials(0), fDeltaPt(0.01), fDecayer(0) { // Default constructor } //____________________________________________________________ AliGenParam::AliGenParam(Int_t npart, AliGenLib * Library, Int_t param, const char* tname) :AliGenMC(npart), fPtParaFunc(Library->GetPt(param, tname)), fYParaFunc (Library->GetY (param, tname)), fIpParaFunc(Library->GetIp(param, tname)), fPtPara(0), fYPara(0), fParam(param), fdNdy0(0.), fYWgt(0.), fPtWgt(0.), fBias(0.), fTrials(0), fDeltaPt(0.01), fDecayer(0) { // Constructor using number of particles parameterisation id and library fName = "Param"; fTitle= "Particle Generator using pT and y parameterisation"; fAnalog = kAnalog; SetForceDecay(); } //____________________________________________________________ AliGenParam::AliGenParam(Int_t npart, Int_t param, const char* tname, const char* name): AliGenMC(npart), fPtParaFunc(0), fYParaFunc (0), fIpParaFunc(0), fPtPara(0), fYPara(0), fParam(param), fdNdy0(0.), fYWgt(0.), fPtWgt(0.), fBias(0.), fTrials(0), fDeltaPt(0.01), fDecayer(0) { // Constructor using parameterisation id and number of particles // fName = name; fTitle= "Particle Generator using pT and y parameterisation"; AliGenLib* pLibrary = new AliGenMUONlib(); fPtParaFunc = pLibrary->GetPt(param, tname); fYParaFunc = pLibrary->GetY (param, tname); fIpParaFunc = pLibrary->GetIp(param, tname); fAnalog = kAnalog; fChildSelect.Set(5); for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) fChildSelect[i]=0; SetForceDecay(); SetCutOnChild(); SetChildMomentumRange(); SetChildPtRange(); SetChildPhiRange(); SetChildThetaRange(); } //____________________________________________________________ AliGenParam::AliGenParam(Int_t npart, Int_t param, Double_t (*PtPara) (const Double_t*, const Double_t*), Double_t (*YPara ) (const Double_t* ,const Double_t*), Int_t (*IpPara) (TRandom *)) :AliGenMC(npart), fPtParaFunc(PtPara), fYParaFunc(YPara), fIpParaFunc(IpPara), fPtPara(0), fYPara(0), fParam(param), fdNdy0(0.), fYWgt(0.), fPtWgt(0.), fBias(0.), fTrials(0), fDeltaPt(0.01), fDecayer(0) { // Constructor // Gines Martinez 1/10/99 fName = "Param"; fTitle= "Particle Generator using pT and y parameterisation"; fAnalog = kAnalog; fChildSelect.Set(5); for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) fChildSelect[i]=0; SetForceDecay(); SetCutOnChild(); SetChildMomentumRange(); SetChildPtRange(); SetChildPhiRange(); SetChildThetaRange(); } //____________________________________________________________ AliGenParam::~AliGenParam() { // Destructor delete fPtPara; delete fYPara; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliGenParam::Init() { // Initialisation if (gMC) fDecayer = gMC->GetDecayer(); //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html char name[256]; sprintf(name, "pt-parameterisation for %s", GetName()); if (fPtPara) fPtPara->Delete(); fPtPara = new TF1(name, fPtParaFunc, fPtMin, fPtMax,0); gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fPtPara); // Set representation precision to 10 MeV Int_t npx= Int_t((fPtMax - fPtMin) / fDeltaPt); fPtPara->SetNpx(npx); sprintf(name, "y-parameterisation for %s", GetName()); if (fYPara) fYPara->Delete(); fYPara = new TF1(name, fYParaFunc, fYMin, fYMax, 0); gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fYPara); sprintf(name, "pt-for-%s", GetName()); TF1 ptPara(name ,fPtParaFunc, 0, 15, 0); sprintf(name, "y-for-%s", GetName()); TF1 yPara(name, fYParaFunc, -6, 6, 0); // // dN/dy| y=0 Double_t y1=0; Double_t y2=0; fdNdy0=fYParaFunc(&y1,&y2); // // Integral over generation region Float_t intYS = yPara.Integral(fYMin, fYMax,(Double_t*) 0x0,1.e-6); Float_t intPt0 = ptPara.Integral(0,15,(Double_t *) 0x0,1.e-6); Float_t intPtS = ptPara.Integral(fPtMin,fPtMax,(Double_t*) 0x0,1.e-6); Float_t phiWgt=(fPhiMax-fPhiMin)/2./TMath::Pi(); if (fAnalog == kAnalog) { fYWgt = intYS/fdNdy0; fPtWgt = intPtS/intPt0; fParentWeight = fYWgt*fPtWgt*phiWgt/fNpart; } else { fYWgt = intYS/fdNdy0; fPtWgt = (fPtMax-fPtMin)/intPt0; fParentWeight = fYWgt*fPtWgt*phiWgt/fNpart; } // // particle decay related initialization fDecayer->SetForceDecay(fForceDecay); fDecayer->Init(); // AliGenMC::Init(); } //____________________________________________________________ void AliGenParam::Generate() { // // Generate 'npart' of light and heavy mesons (J/Psi, upsilon or phi, Pion, // Kaons, Etas, Omegas) and Baryons (proton, antiprotons, neutrons and // antineutrons in the the desired theta, phi and momentum windows; // Gaussian smearing on the vertex is done if selected. // The decay of heavy mesons is done using lujet, // and the childern particle are tracked by GEANT // However, light mesons are directly tracked by GEANT // setting fForceDecay = nodecay (SetForceDecay(nodecay)) // // // Reinitialize decayer fDecayer->SetForceDecay(fForceDecay); fDecayer->Init(); // Float_t polar[3]= {0,0,0}; // Polarisation of the parent particle (for GEANT tracking) Float_t origin0[3]; // Origin of the generated parent particle (for GEANT tracking) Float_t pt, pl, ptot; // Transverse, logitudinal and total momenta of the parent particle Float_t phi, theta; // Phi and theta spherical angles of the parent particle momentum Float_t p[3], pc[3], och[3]; // Momentum, polarisation and origin of the children particles from lujet Double_t ty, xmt; Int_t nt, i, j; Float_t wgtp, wgtch; Double_t dummy; static TClonesArray *particles; // if(!particles) particles = new TClonesArray("TParticle",1000); TDatabasePDG *pDataBase = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); // Float_t random[6]; // Calculating vertex position per event for (j=0;j<3;j++) origin0[j]=fOrigin[j]; if(fVertexSmear==kPerEvent) { Vertex(); for (j=0;j<3;j++) origin0[j]=fVertex[j]; } Int_t ipa=0; // Generating fNpart particles fNprimaries = 0; while (ipaGetPartialBranchingRatio(iPart))*fParentWeight; TParticlePDG *particle = pDataBase->GetParticle(iPart); Float_t am = particle->Mass(); Rndm(random,2); // // phi phi=fPhiMin+random[0]*(fPhiMax-fPhiMin); // // y ty = TMath::TanH(fYPara->GetRandom()); // // pT if (fAnalog == kAnalog) { pt=fPtPara->GetRandom(); wgtp=fParentWeight; wgtch=fChildWeight; } else { pt=fPtMin+random[1]*(fPtMax-fPtMin); Double_t ptd=pt; wgtp=fParentWeight*fPtParaFunc(& ptd, &dummy); wgtch=fChildWeight*fPtParaFunc(& ptd, &dummy); } xmt=sqrt(pt*pt+am*am); if (TMath::Abs(ty)==1.) { ty=0.; Fatal("AliGenParam", "Division by 0: Please check you rapidity range !"); } pl=xmt*ty/sqrt((1.-ty)*(1.+ty)); theta=TMath::ATan2(pt,pl); // Cut on theta if(thetafThetaMax) continue; ptot=TMath::Sqrt(pt*pt+pl*pl); // Cut on momentum if(ptotfPMax) continue; // p[0]=pt*TMath::Cos(phi); p[1]=pt*TMath::Sin(phi); p[2]=pl; if(fVertexSmear==kPerTrack) { Rndm(random,6); for (j=0;j<3;j++) { origin0[j]= fOrigin[j]+fOsigma[j]*TMath::Cos(2*random[2*j]*TMath::Pi())* TMath::Sqrt(-2*TMath::Log(random[2*j+1])); } } // Looking at fForceDecay : // if fForceDecay != none Primary particle decays using // AliPythia and children are tracked by GEANT // // if fForceDecay == none Primary particle is tracked by GEANT // (In the latest, make sure that GEANT actually does all the decays you want) // Bool_t decayed = kFALSE; if (fForceDecay != kNoDecay) { // Using lujet to decay particle Float_t energy=TMath::Sqrt(ptot*ptot+am*am); TLorentzVector pmom(p[0], p[1], p[2], energy); fDecayer->Decay(iPart,&pmom); // // select decay particles Int_t np=fDecayer->ImportParticles(particles); // Selecting GeometryAcceptance for particles fPdgCodeParticleforAcceptanceCut; if (fGeometryAcceptance) if (!CheckAcceptanceGeometry(np,particles)) continue; Int_t ncsel=0; Int_t* pFlag = new Int_t[np]; Int_t* pParent = new Int_t[np]; Int_t* pSelected = new Int_t[np]; Int_t* trackIt = new Int_t[np]; for (i=0; i1) { decayed = kTRUE; TParticle* iparticle = 0; Int_t ipF, ipL; for (i = 1; iAt(i); Int_t kf = iparticle->GetPdgCode(); Int_t ks = iparticle->GetStatusCode(); // flagged particle if (pFlag[i] == 1) { ipF = iparticle->GetFirstDaughter(); ipL = iparticle->GetLastDaughter(); if (ipF > 0) for (j=ipF-1; j .3 mum) if (ks != 1) { // TParticlePDG *particle = pDataBase->GetParticle(kf); Double_t lifeTime = fDecayer->GetLifetime(kf); // Double_t mass = particle->Mass(); // Double_t width = particle->Width(); if (lifeTime > (Double_t) fMaxLifeTime) { ipF = iparticle->GetFirstDaughter(); ipL = iparticle->GetLastDaughter(); if (ipF > 0) for (j=ipF-1; jPx(); pc[1]=iparticle->Py(); pc[2]=iparticle->Pz(); Bool_t childok = KinematicSelection(iparticle, 1); if(childok) { pSelected[i] = 1; ncsel++; } else { ncsel=-1; break; } // child kine cuts } else { pSelected[i] = 1; ncsel++; } // if child selection } // select muon } // decay particle loop } // if decay products Int_t iparent; if ((fCutOnChild && ncsel >0) || !fCutOnChild){ ipa++; // // Parent PushTrack(0, -1, iPart, p, origin0, polar, 0, kPPrimary, nt, wgtp, ((decayed)? 11 : 1)); pParent[0] = nt; KeepTrack(nt); fNprimaries++; // // Decay Products // for (i = 1; i < np; i++) { if (pSelected[i]) { TParticle* iparticle = (TParticle *) particles->At(i); Int_t kf = iparticle->GetPdgCode(); Int_t ksc = iparticle->GetStatusCode(); Int_t jpa = iparticle->GetFirstMother()-1; och[0] = origin0[0]+iparticle->Vx()/10; och[1] = origin0[1]+iparticle->Vy()/10; och[2] = origin0[2]+iparticle->Vz()/10; pc[0] = iparticle->Px(); pc[1] = iparticle->Py(); pc[2] = iparticle->Pz(); if (jpa > -1) { iparent = pParent[jpa]; } else { iparent = -1; } PushTrack(fTrackIt * trackIt[i], iparent, kf, pc, och, polar, 0, kPDecay, nt, wgtch, ksc); pParent[i] = nt; KeepTrack(nt); fNprimaries++; } // Selected } // Particle loop } // Decays by Lujet particles->Clear(); if (pFlag) delete[] pFlag; if (pParent) delete[] pParent; if (pSelected) delete[] pSelected; if (trackIt) delete[] trackIt; } // kinematic selection else // nodecay option, so parent will be tracked by GEANT (pions, kaons, eta, omegas, baryons) { gAlice->GetMCApp()-> PushTrack(fTrackIt,-1,iPart,p,origin0,polar,0,kPPrimary,nt,wgtp, 1); ipa++; fNprimaries++; } break; } // while } // event loop SetHighWaterMark(nt); AliGenEventHeader* header = new AliGenEventHeader("PARAM"); header->SetPrimaryVertex(fVertex); header->SetNProduced(fNprimaries); AddHeader(header); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliGenParam::GetRelativeArea(Float_t ptMin, Float_t ptMax, Float_t yMin, Float_t yMax, Float_t phiMin, Float_t phiMax) { // // Normalisation for selected kinematic region // Float_t ratio = fPtPara->Integral(ptMin,ptMax,(Double_t *)0,1.e-6) / fPtPara->Integral( fPtPara->GetXmin(), fPtPara->GetXmax(),(Double_t *)0,1.e-6) * fYPara->Integral(yMin,yMax,(Double_t *)0,1.e-6)/fYPara->Integral(fYPara->GetXmin(),fYPara->GetXmax(),(Double_t *)0,1.e-6) * (phiMax-phiMin)/360.; return TMath::Abs(ratio); } //____________________________________________________________________________________ void AliGenParam::Draw( const char * /*opt*/) { // // Draw the pT and y Distributions // TCanvas *c0 = new TCanvas("c0","Canvas 0",400,10,600,700); c0->Divide(2,1); c0->cd(1); fPtPara->Draw(); fPtPara->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("p_{T} (GeV)"); c0->cd(2); fYPara->Draw(); fYPara->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("y"); }