// // This macro is a part of "Alice PPR fast flow analysis package" // // The macro draw event plane resolution for a given // multiplicity and V2. As source data it is using // "flowData" NTuple in "flowPicoEvent.root" file. // Data source structure have to be created // by AliFlowCreate.C and filed by AliFlowReconstruction.C // // INPUT PARAMETERS: // type: type of plot: // 0 - Event Plane Resolution // 1 - Sub-Events Correlation // 2 - V2 distribution // // info: if !0 display histogram info // // if (plotName != 0) two files are created in "plots" directory // plotName.eps and plotMame.gif // // Sylwester Radomski, GSI // mail: S.Radomski@gsi // 23. Oct. 2002 // AliFlowDist(int multiplicity, float trueV2, int type = 0, int info = 0, const char *plotName = 0) { gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); if (info) gStyle->SetOptStat(1110); else gStyle->SetOptStat(0); if (type > 2 || type < 0) { ::Error("AliFlowDrawSummary","Wrong Type [0-1] : %d", type); return; } const char *what[3] = {"Psi - truePsi>> htemp(40,-40,40)", "PsiA - PsiB >> htemp(40,-40,40)", "V2 >> htemp(40,0.0, 0.14)" }; const char *xTitle[3] = {"Event Plane Resolution [deg]", "Sub-Events Correlation [deg]", "V_{2}"}; const char *where = "Mult == %d && (trueV2 > %f) && (trueV2 < %f)"; TFile *inFile = new TFile("flowPicoEvent.root"); TNtuple *data = (TNtuple*) inFile->Get("flowData"); char buff[80]; sprintf(buff, where, multiplicity, trueV2-0.001, trueV2+0.001); data->Draw(what[type], buff, ""); TH1 *h = (TH1*)gPad->FindObject("htemp"); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xTitle[type]); gPad->SetTicks(1,1); //gPad->Update(); if (plotName) { char buffer[60]; sprintf(buffer, "plots/%s.eps", plotName); gPad->Print(buffer, "eps"); sprintf(buffer, "plots/%s.gif", plotName); gPad->Print(buffer, "gif"); } }