/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2004, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /** @file AliFMDDetector.cxx @author Christian Holm Christensen @date Mon Mar 27 12:36:27 2006 @brief Sub-detector base class implementation @ingroup FMD_base */ //____________________________________________________________________ // // AliFMDDetector. // // Base class for concrete FMD detectors, like AliFMD1, AliFMD2, // AliFMD3. // Utility class to help implement the FMD geometry. This provides // the interface for the concrete geometry implementations of the FMD // sub-detectors. // // The AliFMDGeometry object owns the AliFMDDetector objects // // Latest changes by Christian Holm Christensen // #include // ROOT_TGeoManager #include // ROOT_TGeoPhysicalNode #include // ROOT_TGeoMatrix #include // ROOT_TMath #include "AliFMDDetector.h" // ALIFMDSUBDETECTOR_H #include "AliFMDRing.h" // ALIFMDRING_H #include "AliFMDDebug.h" // ALIFMDDEBUG_H ALILOG_H //==================================================================== ClassImp(AliFMDDetector) #if 0 ; // This is here to keep Emacs for indenting the next line #endif //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDDetector::AliFMDDetector(Int_t id, AliFMDRing* inner, AliFMDRing* outer) : TNamed(Form("FMD%d", id), "Forward multiplicity ring"), fId(id), fInnerZ(0.), fOuterZ(0.), fInnerHoneyLowR(0.), fInnerHoneyHighR(0.), fOuterHoneyLowR(0.), fOuterHoneyHighR(0.), fInner(inner), fOuter(outer), fInnerTransforms(0), fOuterTransforms(0) { // Constructor // // ID Id of detector (1,2, or 3) // INNER Inner ring geometry // OUTER Outer ring geometry (if any) // SetInnerHoneyLowR(0); SetInnerHoneyHighR(0); SetInnerZ(0); SetOuterZ(0); SetOuterHoneyLowR(0); SetOuterHoneyHighR(0); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDDetector::AliFMDDetector(const AliFMDDetector& other) : TNamed(other), fId(other.fId), fInnerZ(0.), fOuterZ(0.), fInnerHoneyLowR(0.), fInnerHoneyHighR(0.), fOuterHoneyLowR(0.), fOuterHoneyHighR(0.), fInner(other.fInner), fOuter(other.fOuter), fInnerTransforms(other.fInnerTransforms), fOuterTransforms(other.fOuterTransforms) { // Copy constructor SetInnerHoneyLowR(other.GetInnerHoneyLowR()); SetInnerHoneyHighR(other.GetInnerHoneyHighR()); SetInnerZ(other.GetInnerZ()); SetOuterZ(other.GetOuterZ()); SetOuterHoneyLowR(other.GetOuterHoneyLowR()); SetOuterHoneyHighR(other.GetOuterHoneyHighR()); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDDetector& AliFMDDetector::operator=(const AliFMDDetector& other) { // Assignment operator SetName(other.GetName()); SetTitle(other.GetTitle()); fId = other.fId; fInner = other.fInner; fOuter = other.fOuter; fInnerTransforms = other.fInnerTransforms; fOuterTransforms = other.fOuterTransforms; SetInnerHoneyLowR(other.GetInnerHoneyLowR()); SetInnerHoneyHighR(other.GetInnerHoneyHighR()); SetInnerZ(other.GetInnerZ()); SetOuterZ(other.GetOuterZ()); SetOuterHoneyLowR(other.GetOuterHoneyLowR()); SetOuterHoneyHighR(other.GetOuterHoneyHighR()); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDDetector::Init() { // Initialize. if (fInner) { SetInnerHoneyLowR(fInner->GetLowR() + 1.); SetInnerHoneyHighR(fInner->GetHighR() + 1.); } if (fOuter) { SetOuterHoneyLowR(fOuter->GetLowR() + 1.); SetOuterHoneyHighR(fOuter->GetHighR() + 1.); } } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDetector::HasAllTransforms(Char_t ring) const { // Check if we got all transformations for a given ring. Return // true in that case. AliFMDRing* r = GetRing(ring); if (!r) return kTRUE; TObjArray* matricies = (r == fInner ? fInnerTransforms : fOuterTransforms); if (!matricies) return kTRUE; if (matricies->GetEntries() == r->GetNModules()) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } #define IS_NODE_THIS(name) \ (name[0] == 'F' && name[2] == 'M' && name[1] == Char_t(48+fId) && \ (name[3] == 'T' || name[3] == 'B')) #define IS_NODE_SENSOR(name) \ (name[0] == 'F' && (name[2] == 'B' || name[2] == 'F') && name[3] == 'H') //#define IS_NODE_SENSOR(name) // (name[0] == 'F' && name[2] == 'S' && name[3] == 'E') #define IS_NODE_HALF(name) \ (name[0] == 'F' && name[2] == 'M' && (name[3] == 'B' || name[3] == 'T')) #define HALF_FORMAT "FMD/FMD%d_%c" #define SENSOR_FORMAT "FMD/FMD%d_%c/FMD%c_%02d" //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDDetector::InitTransformations() { // Find all local<->global transformations for this detector. if ((!fInner || (fInner && fInnerTransforms)) && (!fOuter || (fOuter && fOuterTransforms))) { AliFMDDebug(5, ("Transforms for FMD%d already registered", fId)); return; } AliFMDDebug(5, ("Initializing transforms for FMD%d", fId)); if (!gGeoManager) { AliFatal("No TGeoManager defined"); return; } // Implementation using alignable volume names. // Make container of transforms if (fInner && !fInnerTransforms) fInnerTransforms = new TObjArray(fInner->GetNModules()); if (fOuter && !fOuterTransforms) fOuterTransforms = new TObjArray(fOuter->GetNModules()); // Loop over bottom/top for (size_t ihalf = 0; ihalf < 2; ihalf++) { char half = (ihalf == 0 ? 'T' : 'B'); TString path(Form(HALF_FORMAT, fId, half)); TGeoPNEntry* entry = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntry(path.Data()); if (!entry) { AliError(Form("Alignable entry for half-detector \"%s\" not found!", path.Data())); continue; } TGeoPhysicalNode* pn = entry->GetPhysicalNode(); if (!pn) { AliWarning(Form("Making physical volume for \"%s\"", path.Data())); pn = gGeoManager->MakeAlignablePN(entry); if (!pn) { AliError(Form("No physical node for \"%s\"", path.Data())); continue; } } } // Loop over rings for (size_t iring = 0; iring < 2; iring++) { char ring = (iring == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); TObjArray* trans = 0; AliFMDRing* r = 0; switch (ring) { case 'I': r = fInner; trans = fInnerTransforms; break; case 'O': r = fOuter; trans = fOuterTransforms; break; } if (!r || !trans) continue; Int_t nModules = r->GetNModules(); if (nModules <= 0) continue; // Loop over bottom/top for (size_t ihalf = 0; ihalf < 2; ihalf++) { char half = (ihalf == 0 ? 'T' : 'B'); Int_t base = (half == 'T' ? 0 : nModules / 2); // Loop over modules in this half ring for (Int_t imod = 0; imod < nModules / 2; imod++) { // Find physical node entry TString path(Form(SENSOR_FORMAT, fId, half, ring, base+imod)); TGeoPNEntry* entry = gGeoManager->GetAlignableEntry(path.Data()); if (!entry) { AliError(Form("Alignable entry for sensor \"%s\" not found!", path.Data())); continue; } TGeoPhysicalNode* pn = entry->GetPhysicalNode(); if (!pn) { AliWarning(Form("Making physical volume for \"%s\"", path.Data())); pn = gGeoManager->MakeAlignablePN(entry); if (!pn) { AliError(Form("No physical node for \"%s\"", path.Data())); continue; } } const TGeoMatrix* pm = pn->GetMatrix(); if (!pm) { AliError(Form("No matrix for path \"%s\"", path.Data())); continue; } // Get transformation matrix for this node, and store it. TGeoMatrix* t = new TGeoHMatrix(*pm); trans->AddAt(t, base+imod); AliFMDDebug(5, ("Found matrix for path \"%s\": %p",path.Data(),pm)); } } } if (HasAllTransforms('I') && HasAllTransforms('O')) return; // Alternative implementation using TGeoIter. TGeoVolume* topVolume = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); if (!topVolume) { AliFatal("No top-level volume defined"); return; } // Make an iterator TGeoIterator next(topVolume); TGeoNode* node = 0; // Find the node corresponding to this detector, and then find the // sensor volumes Bool_t thisNodeFound = kFALSE; Bool_t allInners = HasAllTransforms('I'); Bool_t allOuters = HasAllTransforms('O'); while ((node = static_cast(next())) && !(allInners && allOuters)) { // Get nodes names const Char_t* name = node->GetName(); if (!name) continue; AliFMDDebug(50, ("Got volume %s", name)); // Check if this node is this detector // The base offset for numbers in the ASCII table is 48 if (IS_NODE_THIS(name)) { AliFMDDebug(20, ("Found detector node '%s' for FMD%d", name, fId)); thisNodeFound = kTRUE; } // if the detector was found, then we're on that branch, and we // check if this node represents a module in that branch. if (thisNodeFound && IS_NODE_SENSOR(name)) { AliFMDDebug(20, ("Found sensor node '%s' for FMD%d", name, fId)); // Get the ring Id. Char_t ringid = name[1]; // Get the approprate ring AliFMDRing* ring = GetRing(ringid); if (!ring) continue; // Check whether we have all the modules we need for this ring, // and if so, go on to the next node. Bool_t& done = (ring == fInner ? allInners : allOuters); if ((done = HasAllTransforms(ringid))) { AliFMDDebug(20, ("Already has all module transforms for ring %c", ringid)); continue; } // Get the approprate container TObjArray* matricies = (ringid == 'i' || ringid == 'I' ? fInnerTransforms : fOuterTransforms); // Get the copy (module) number, and check that it hasn't // already been added to the container. Int_t copy = node->GetNumber(); if (matricies->At(copy)) { AliWarning(Form("Have a transformation for module %d in ring %c", copy, ringid)); continue; } // Get the global transformation matrix, and store it. TGeoMatrix* trans = new TGeoHMatrix(*(next.GetCurrentMatrix())); matricies->AddAt(trans, copy); } } } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDDetector::SetAlignableVolumes() const { // Set alignable volumes. // This will define the alignable volumes. // That is currently, the modules and the half-rings. AliFMDDebug(10, ("Making alignable volumes for FMD%d", fId)); if (!gGeoManager) { AliFatal("No TGeoManager defined"); return; } TGeoVolume* topVolume = gGeoManager->GetTopVolume(); if (!topVolume) { AliFatal("No top-level volume defined"); return; } // Make an iterator TGeoIterator next(topVolume); next.Reset(topVolume); next.SetTopName(Form("/%s_1", topVolume->GetName())); TGeoNode* node = 0; Int_t nInnerSensor = (fInner ? fInner->GetNModules() : 0); Int_t nOuterSensor = (fOuter ? fOuter->GetNModules() : 0); // Find the node corresponding to this detector, and then find the // sensor volumes Bool_t thisNodeFound = kFALSE; Char_t thisHalf = '\0'; Int_t iInnerSensor = 0; Int_t iOuterSensor = 0; Bool_t hasTop = false; Bool_t hasBottom = false; TString path, align; while ((node = static_cast(next())) && (iInnerSensor < nInnerSensor || iOuterSensor < nOuterSensor || !hasBottom || !hasTop)) { // Get nodes names const Char_t* name = node->GetName(); if (!name) continue; AliFMDDebug((name[0] == 'F' ? 40 : 50), ("Got volume %s", name)); // Check if this node is this detector // The base offset for numbers in the ASCII table is 48 if (IS_NODE_THIS(name)) { AliFMDDebug(20, ("Found detector node '%s' for FMD%d", name, fId)); thisNodeFound = kTRUE; } // if a half ring is found, then we're on that branch, and we // check if this node represents a half ring on that branch if (thisNodeFound && IS_NODE_HALF(name)) { AliFMDDebug(30, ("Found half node '%s' for FMD%d", name, fId)); // Get the half Id. thisHalf = name[3]; // Check if we're done Bool_t done = (thisHalf == 'T' ? hasTop : hasBottom); if (done) { AliFMDDebug(20, ("Already has all halves for detector %c",name[1])); continue; } switch (thisHalf) { case 'T': hasTop = true; break; case 'B': hasBottom = true; break; default: AliWarning(Form("Unknown part '%c' of FMD%d", fId)); continue; // because the node is unknown. } // Get the node path next.GetPath(path); align = Form(HALF_FORMAT, fId, thisHalf); } // if the detector was found, then we're on that branch, and we // check if this node represents a module in that branch. if (thisNodeFound && thisHalf && IS_NODE_SENSOR(name)) { AliFMDDebug(30, ("Found sensor node '%s' for FMD%d", name, fId)); // Get the ring Id. Char_t ringid = name[1]; // check that the ring is valid if (!GetRing(ringid)) { AliWarning(Form("Invalid ring %c for FMD%d", ringid, fId)); continue; } // Check if we're done Bool_t done = false; switch (ringid) { case 'I': done = iInnerSensor >= nInnerSensor; break; case 'O': done = iOuterSensor >= nOuterSensor; break; default: continue; } if (done) { AliFMDDebug(20, ("Already has all sensor volumes for ring %c",ringid)); continue; } // Get the copy (module) number, and check that it hasn't // already been added to the container. Int_t copy = node->GetNumber(); next.GetPath(path); // path.Replace("ALIC", "/ALIC_1"); align = Form(SENSOR_FORMAT, fId, thisHalf, ringid, copy); switch (ringid) { case 'I': iInnerSensor++; break; case 'O': iOuterSensor++; break; } } if (!align.IsNull() && !path.IsNull()) { AliFMDDebug(20, ("Got %s -> %s", path.Data(), align.Data())); TGeoPNEntry* entry = gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(align.Data(),path.Data()); if(!entry) AliFatal(Form("Alignable entry %s not created. " "Volume path %s not valid", align.Data(),path.Data())); #ifdef MAKE_ALIGNABLE_PHYSICAL TGeoPhysicalNode* phys = gGeoManager->MakeAlignablePN(entry); if (!phys) AliWarning(Form("Physical node entry %s not created. " "Volume path %s not valid", align.Data(),path.Data())); #endif align = ""; } AliFMDDebug(20, ("FMD%d: top: %d bottom: %d Inner: %d/%d Outer %d/%d", fId, hasTop, hasBottom, iInnerSensor, nInnerSensor, iOuterSensor, nOuterSensor)); } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDRing* AliFMDDetector::GetRing(Char_t id) const { // Get the specified ring // // ID Id of ring ('I' or 'O') // switch (id) { case 'i': case 'I': return GetInner(); case 'o': case 'O': return GetOuter(); } return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDDetector::GetRingZ(Char_t id) const { // Get the z-coordinate specified ring // // ID Id of ring ('I' or 'O') // switch (id) { case 'i': case 'I': return GetInnerZ(); case 'o': case 'O': return GetOuterZ(); } return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________ TGeoMatrix* AliFMDDetector::FindTransform(Char_t ring, UShort_t sector) const { // Find the transformation that corresponds to sector sector in ring // ring. TObjArray* matricies = 0; switch (ring) { case 'i': case 'I': matricies = fInnerTransforms; break; case 'o': case 'O': matricies = fOuterTransforms; break; } if (!matricies) { AliWarning(Form("Unknown ring %c of FMD%d", ring, fId)); return 0; } UInt_t module = sector / 2; TGeoMatrix* m = static_cast(matricies->At(module)); if (!m) { AliWarning(Form("No matrix found for sector %d in FMD%d%c", sector, fId, ring)); return 0; } return m; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDDetector::Detector2XYZ(Char_t ring, UShort_t sector, UShort_t strip, Double_t& x, Double_t& y, Double_t& z) const { // Translate detector coordinates (this,ring,sector,strip) into // (x,y,z) coordinates (in global reference frame) AliFMDRing* r = GetRing(ring); if (!r) { AliWarning(Form("No such ring FMD%d%c ", fId, ring)); return; } TGeoMatrix* m = FindTransform(ring, sector); if (!m) { AliWarning(Form("No transfrmation found for FMD%d%c[%02d]", fId, ring, sector)); return; } Double_t rho = r->GetStripRadius(strip); Double_t phi = ((sector % 2) - .5) * r->GetTheta(); Double_t siThick = r->GetSiThickness(); #if 0 Double_t modThick = (siThick + r->GetPrintboardThickness() + r->GetCopperThickness() + r->GetChipThickness() + r->GetSpacing()); #endif AliFMDDebug(30, ("Rho %7.3f, angle %7.3f", rho, phi)); Double_t local[] = { rho * TMath::Cos(phi * TMath::DegToRad()), rho * TMath::Sin(phi * TMath::DegToRad()), /* -modThick + */ siThick / 2 }; Double_t master[3]; AliFMDDebug(30, ("Local (%7.3f,%7.3f,%7.3f)",local[0], local[1], local[2])); m->LocalToMaster(local, master); AliFMDDebug(30, ("Master (%7.3f,%7.3f,%7.3f)", master[0],master[1],master[2])); x = master[0]; y = master[1]; z = master[2]; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDDetector::XYZ2Detector(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Char_t& ring, UShort_t& sector, UShort_t& strip) const { // Translate (x,y,z) coordinates (in global reference frame) into // detector coordinates (this,ring,sector,strip). AliFMDRing* rng = 0; ring = -1; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { rng = GetRing(j == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); if (!rng) continue; Double_t ringZ = GetRingZ(j == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); Double_t modSpace = TMath::Sign(rng->GetModuleSpacing(), ringZ); if (TMath::Abs(z - ringZ) < 0.01 || TMath::Abs(z - ringZ + modSpace) < 0.01) break; rng = 0; } if (rng && rng->XYZ2Detector(x, y, z - GetRingZ(rng->GetId()), sector, strip)) { ring = rng->GetId(); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //