// // $Id$ // // Small script to test consistency of writing and reading raw data. // /** Check raw data I/O @ingroup simple_script */ void RawTest() { gRandom->SetSeed(12345); Int_t sampleRate = 4; Int_t channelWidth = 128; Float_t shapingTime = 5; UInt_t maxAdc = (1 << 10); UInt_t threshold = 0; // (1 << 8); TArrayI outData(sampleRate * channelWidth); Float_t lastTotalCharge = 0; Int_t ok = 0; for (Int_t channel = 0; channel < channelWidth; channel++) { Float_t totalCharge = gRandom->Uniform(0, 1); for (Int_t sample = 0; sample < sampleRate; sample++) { Float_t time = Float_t(sample) / sampleRate + 1./sampleRate; Float_t charge = (totalCharge + (lastTotalCharge - totalCharge) * TMath::Exp(-shapingTime * time)); UInt_t adc = channel; // UInt_t(maxAdc * charge); outData[channel * sampleRate + sample] = adc; if (adc > threshold) ok++; } lastTotalCharge = totalCharge; } std::cout << "Total of " << outData.fN << " samples of which " << ok << " of them are above threshold (" << threshold << ")" << std::endl; { AliAltroBuffer buffer("FMD_4096.ddl", new AliFMDAltroMapping()); buffer.WriteDataHeader(kTRUE, kFALSE); buffer.WriteChannel(0, 0, 0, outData.fN, outData.fArray, threshold); buffer.Flush(); buffer.WriteDataHeader(kFALSE, kFALSE); } AliRawReader* reader = new AliRawReaderFile(-1); if (!reader) { std::cerr << "Failed to make AliRawReader" << endl; return 0; } AliFMDRawStream input(reader); // , sampleRate); reader->Select(12); // AliFMDParameters::kBaseDDL >> 8); Int_t oldDDL = -1; Int_t count = 0; UShort_t detector = 1; // Must be one here UShort_t oldDetector = 0; // Loop over data in file Bool_t next = kTRUE; // local Cache TArrayI counts(10); counts.Reset(-1); Int_t offset = 0; UInt_t ddl = 0; UInt_t rate = 0; UInt_t last = 0; UInt_t hwaddr = 0; UShort_t data[2048]; AliFMDParameters* pars = AliFMDParameters::Instance(); TArrayI inputData(sampleRate * channelWidth); Bool_t isGood = true; while (next) { isGood = input.ReadChannel(ddl, hwaddr, last, data); ddl = 0; std::cout << Form("Read channel %p 0x%x of size %d", ddl, hwaddr, last) << std::endl; UShort_t det, sec, str; Char_t ring; if (!pars->Hardware2Detector(ddl, hwaddr, det, ring, sec, str)) { std::cerr << Form("Failed to get detector id from DDL %d " "and hardware address 0x%x", ddl, hwaddr) << std::endl; continue; } rate = pars->GetSampleRate(det, ring, sec, str); Int_t stripMin = pars->GetMinStrip(det, ring, sec, str); Int_t stripMax = pars->GetMaxStrip(det, ring, sec, str); std::cout << Form("DDL 0x%04x, address 0x%03x maps to FMD%d%c[%2d,%3d]", ddl, hwaddr, det, ring, sec, str) << std::endl; // Loop over the `timebins', and make the digits for (size_t i = 0; i < last; i++) { Int_t in = data[i]; Int_t out = outData[channel * sampleRate + sample]; std::cout << "[\t" << channel << ",\t" << sample << "]\t" << out << "\t" << in << std::flush; if (out >= threshold && in != out) std::cout << "\tBad" << std::flush; } #if 0 next = input.Next(); if (!next) break; Int_t channel = input.Strip(); Int_t sample = input.Sample(); inputData[channel * sampleRate + sample] = input.Count(); count++; Int_t in = inputData[channel * sampleRate + sample]; Int_t out = outData[channel * sampleRate + sample]; std::cout << "[\t" << channel << ",\t" << sample << "]\t" << out << "\t" << in << std::flush; if (out >= threshold && in != out) std::cout << "\tBad" << std::flush; std::cout << std::endl; #endif } std::cout << "Read " << count << " values" << std::endl; #if 0 for (Int_t channel = channelWidth - 1; channel > 0; channel--) { for (Int_t sample = sampleRate - 1; sample > 0; sample--) { Int_t in = inputData[channel * sampleRate + sample]; Int_t out = outData[channel * sampleRate + sample]; std::cout << "[\t" << channel << ",\t" << sample << "]\t" << out << "\t" << in << std::flush; if (out >= threshold && in != out) std::cout << "\tBad" << std::flush; std::cout << std::endl; } } #endif } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //