#include "FlukaMaterial.hh" #include "FlukaLowMat.hh" #include "WrapUtils.hh" #include "G4ios.hh" FlukaMaterialsTable FlukaMaterial::fFlukaMaterials; FlukaMaterialsIndexTable FlukaMaterial::fFlukaIndexMaterials; FlukaMaterial::FlukaMaterial(const G4String& name, G4int Z, G4double A, G4double density, G4int N): fName(name), fZ(Z), fA(A), fDensity(density), fN(N), fFlukaLowMat(0) { G4String testname(name); G4int matrep = 1; while (fFlukaMaterials[testname] && matrep < 100) { matrep++; char smatrep[3]; sprintf(smatrep,"%.2d",matrep); testname = name; if (testname.length() <= 6) testname += smatrep; else testname.replace(6,testname.length()-6, smatrep, 2); #ifdef G4GEOMETRY_DEBUG G4cout << "INFO: We found material \'" << name << " previously defined." << G4endl; G4cout << " Checking if \'" << testname << "\' exists." << G4endl; #endif } if (matrep > 99) { G4cerr << "ERROR: Too many materials with the same name. Exiting!" << G4endl; abort(); } fFlukaMaterials[testname] = this; if (name != testname) AddLowMat(testname); fIndex = fFlukaMaterials.size() + 2; fFlukaIndexMaterials[fIndex] = this; } FlukaMaterial::~FlukaMaterial() { delete fFlukaLowMat; } void FlukaMaterial::AddLowMat(const G4String& name) { fFlukaLowMat = new FlukaLowMat(name, this); } G4String FlukaMaterial::GetRealName() const { if (fFlukaLowMat) return fFlukaLowMat->GetName(); return GetName(); } std::ostream& FlukaMaterial::PrintMaterialsByName(std::ostream& os) { PrintHeader(os, "MATERIALS"); for (FlukaMaterialsIterator i = fFlukaMaterials.begin(); i != fFlukaMaterials.end(); i++) { FlukaMaterial* flumat = (*i).second; //if (flumat->GetZ()) //Skip materials that describe only compounds os << *flumat; } return os; } std::ostream& FlukaMaterial::PrintMaterialsByIndex(std::ostream& os) { PrintHeader(os, "MATERIALS"); for (FlukaMaterialsIndexIterator i = fFlukaIndexMaterials.begin(); i != fFlukaIndexMaterials.end(); i++) { FlukaMaterial* flumat = (*i).second; //if (flumat->GetZ()) //Skip materials that describe only compounds os << *flumat; } return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FlukaMaterial& material){ os << setw10 << "MATERIAL "; os.setf(static_cast(0),std::ios::floatfield); G4double Z = G4double(material.GetZ()); if (Z <= 0) os << setw10 << " "; else os << setw10 << setfixed << std::setprecision(1) << Z; G4double A = material.GetA(); if (A <= 0) os << setw10 << " "; else os << setw10 << std::setprecision(3) << A; G4double density = material.GetDensity(); if (density <=0) density = 0.999; os.setf(static_cast(0),std::ios::floatfield); os << setw10 << setscientific << std::setprecision(3) << density; os.setf(static_cast(0),std::ios::floatfield); os << setw10 << setfixed << std::setprecision(1) << G4double(material.GetIndex()); os << setw10 << " "; if (material.GetN()) os << setw10 << G4double(material.GetN()); else os << setw10 << " "; os << material.GetRealName().substr(0,8) << G4endl; if (material.GetLowMat() && material.GetZ() != 0) os << *(material.GetLowMat()); return os; }