void MakeGRPRecoParam(AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t default=AliRecoParam::kLowMult) { //======================================================================== // // Steering macro for GRP reconstruction parameters // // //======================================================================== const char* macroname = "MakeGRPRecoParam.C"; // Activate CDB storage and load geometry from CDB AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if(!cdb->IsDefaultStorageSet()) cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://OCDB"); TObjArray *recoParamArray = new TObjArray(); { AliGRPRecoParam * param = AliGRPRecoParam::GetCosmicTestParam(); param->SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kCosmic); param->SetVertexerTracksConstraintITS(kFALSE); param->SetVertexerTracksConstraintTPC(kFALSE); recoParamArray->AddLast(param); } { // new settings for pass 2reco of Dec09 pp data AliGRPRecoParam * param = AliGRPRecoParam::GetLowFluxParam(); param->SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kLowMult); param->SetVertexerTracksConstraintITS(kTRUE); Double_t cutsITS[24]={0.1, 0.1, 0.5, //4, // minimum 4 clusters (default was 5) 3, // minimum 3 clusters (was 4) 1, 3., 100., 1000., 3., 30., 6, // 6: MultiVertexer (was 1) 4, // multivertexer settings 7., 1e3., 5.0, 0.05, 10e-4, 2., 10., 1., 50., 50., 0., 999999., 3. }; param->SetVertexerTracksCutsITS(24,cutsITS); param->SetVertexerTracksConstraintTPC(kTRUE); recoParamArray->AddLast(param); } { AliGRPRecoParam * param = AliGRPRecoParam::GetHighFluxParam(); param->SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kHighMult); param->SetVertexerTracksConstraintITS(kTRUE); Double_t cutsITS[24]={0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 4, // minimum 4 clusters (default was 5) 1, 3., 100., 1000., 3., 30., 1, 1, // multivertexer settings 7., 1e3., 5.0, 0.05, 10e-4, 2., 10., 1., 50., 0., 999999., 3. }; // faster finder algo for Iteration 0 param->SetVertexerTracksCutsITS(24,cutsITS); param->SetVertexerTracksConstraintTPC(kTRUE); recoParamArray->AddLast(param); } // Set the default Bool_t defaultIsSet = kFALSE; for(Int_t i =0; i < recoParamArray->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { AliDetectorRecoParam *par = (AliDetectorRecoParam *)recoParamArray->UncheckedAt(i); if (!par) continue; if (default & par->GetEventSpecie()) { par->SetAsDefault(); defaultIsSet = kTRUE; } } if (!defaultIsSet) { Error(macroname,"The default reconstruction parameters are not set! Exiting..."); return; } // save in CDB storage AliCDBMetaData *md= new AliCDBMetaData(); md->SetResponsible("Cvetan Cheshkov"); md->SetComment("GRP reconstruction parameters"); md->SetAliRootVersion(gSystem->Getenv("ARVERSION")); md->SetBeamPeriod(0); AliCDBId id("GRP/Calib/RecoParam",0,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); cdb->GetDefaultStorage()->Put(recoParamArray,id, md); return; }