void UpdateCDBCTPConfig(const char *CTPcfg, const char* cdbUri, const char* cfgFile){ // Produces a trigger configuration starting from a 'cfg' file in the // GRP/CTP folder (CTPcfg argument). Stores the configuration in the specified CDB. // The third argument allows to specify the config file against which // the trigger confiuration is checked. AliCDBManager* cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance(); // we set the default storage to the repository because some dets require // already at the time of geometry creation to find calibration objects in the cdb if(!cdb->IsDefaultStorageSet()) cdb->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT"); AliCDBStorage* storage = cdb->GetStorage(cdbUri); cdb->SetRun(0); AliCDBId id("GRP/CTP/Config",0,AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()); AliCDBMetaData *md= new AliCDBMetaData(); // Get root and AliRoot versions const char* rootv = gROOT->GetVersion(); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L $ALICE_ROOT/macros/GetARversion.C"); TString av(GetARversion()); md->SetAliRootVersion(av.Data()); md->SetComment(Form("Default CTP configuration for p-p mode produced with root version %s and AliRoot version %s",rootv,av.Data())); // construct the CTP configuration starting from GRP/CTP/.cfg file AliTriggerConfiguration *trconfig = AliTriggerConfiguration::LoadConfiguration(CTPcfg); if (!trconfig) { Printf("Invalid cfg file! Exiting..."); return; } if (!trconfig->CheckConfiguration(cfgFile)) { Printf("CTP configuration is incompatible with the specified Config.C and AliRoot version! Exiting..."); return; } Printf("Storing in CDB geometry produced with root version %s and AliRoot version %s",rootv,av.Data()); storage->Put(trconfig,id,md); // This is to allow macros lauched after this one in the same session to find the // newly produced geometry. storage->QueryCDB(cdb->GetRun()); }