#include "AliHBTReaderInternal.h" #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliHBTRun.h" #include "AliHBTEvent.h" #include "AliHBTParticle.h" #include "AliHBTParticleCut.h" AliHBTReaderInternal nnn; ClassImp(AliHBTReaderInternal) /********************************************************************/ AliHBTReaderInternal::AliHBTReaderInternal() { fParticles = 0x0; fTracks = 0x0; fIsRead = kFALSE; } /********************************************************************/ AliHBTReaderInternal::AliHBTReaderInternal(const char *filename):fFileName(filename) { fParticles = new AliHBTRun(); fTracks = new AliHBTRun(); fIsRead = kFALSE; } /********************************************************************/ AliHBTReaderInternal::AliHBTReaderInternal(TObjArray* dirs, const char *filename): AliHBTReader(dirs),fFileName(filename) { fParticles = new AliHBTRun(); fTracks = new AliHBTRun(); fIsRead = kFALSE; } AliHBTReaderInternal::~AliHBTReaderInternal() { //desctructor delete fParticles; delete fTracks; } /********************************************************************/ AliHBTEvent* AliHBTReaderInternal::GetParticleEvent(Int_t n) { //returns Nth event with simulated particles if (!fIsRead) if(Read(fParticles,fTracks)) { Error("GetParticleEvent","Error in reading"); return 0x0; } return fParticles->GetEvent(n); } /********************************************************************/ AliHBTEvent* AliHBTReaderInternal::GetTrackEvent(Int_t n) { //returns Nth event with reconstructed tracks if (!fIsRead) if(Read(fParticles,fTracks)) { Error("GetTrackEvent","Error in reading"); return 0x0; } return fTracks->GetEvent(n); } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTReaderInternal::GetNumberOfPartEvents() { //returns number of events of particles if (!fIsRead) if ( Read(fParticles,fTracks)) { Error("GetNumberOfPartEvents","Error in reading"); return 0; } return fParticles->GetNumberOfEvents(); } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTReaderInternal::GetNumberOfTrackEvents() { //returns number of events of tracks if (!fIsRead) if(Read(fParticles,fTracks)) { Error("GetNumberOfTrackEvents","Error in reading"); return 0; } return fTracks->GetNumberOfEvents(); } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTReaderInternal::Read(AliHBTRun* particles, AliHBTRun *tracks) { //reads data and puts put to the particles and tracks objects //reurns 0 if everything is OK // cout<<"AliHBTReaderInternal::Read()"<Reset();//clear runs == delete all old events tracks->Reset(); Int_t currentdir = 0; Int_t Ndirs; if (fDirs) //if array with directories is supplied by user { Ndirs = fDirs->GetEntries(); //get the number if directories } else { Ndirs = 0; //if the array is not supplied read only from current directory } TClonesArray* pbuffer = new TClonesArray("AliHBTParticle",15000); TClonesArray* tbuffer = new TClonesArray("AliHBTParticle",15000); do //do{}while; is OK even if 0 dirs specified. In that case we try to read from "./" { if( (i=OpenFile(aFile, currentdir)) ) { Error("Read","Exiting due to problems with opening files. Errorcode %d",i); return i; } /***************************/ /***************************/ /***************************/ TTree* tree = (TTree*)aFile->Get("data"); if (tree == 0x0) { Error("Read","Can not get the tree"); return 1; } TBranch *trackbranch=tree->GetBranch("tracks");//get the branch with tracks if (trackbranch == 0x0) ////check if we got the branch {//if not return with error Warning("Read","Can't find a branch with tracks !\n"); } else { trackbranch->SetAddress(&tbuffer); } TBranch *partbranch=tree->GetBranch("particles");//get the branch with particles if (partbranch == 0x0) ////check if we got the branch {//if not return with error Warning("Read","Can't find a branch with particles !\n"); } else { partbranch->SetAddress(&pbuffer); } Nevents = (Int_t)tree->GetEntries(); cout<<"________________________________________________________\n"; cout<<"Found "<GetEvent(currentEvent); if (partbranch) { for(i = 0; i < pbuffer->GetEntries(); i++) { p = dynamic_cast(pbuffer->At(i)); if(p == 0x0) continue; //if returned pointer is NULL if(p->GetPDG() == 0x0) continue; //if particle has crezy PDG code (not known to our database) if(Pass(p)) continue; //check if we are intersted with particles of this type //if not take next partilce AliHBTParticle* part = new AliHBTParticle(*p); particles->AddParticle(currentEvent,part);//put track and particle on the run } cout<<"Read: "<GetNumberOfParticlesInEvent(currentEvent)<<" particles "; } else cout<<"Read: 0 particles "; if (trackbranch) { for(i = 0; i < tbuffer->GetEntries(); i++) { p = dynamic_cast(tbuffer->At(i)); if(p == 0x0) continue; //if returned pointer is NULL if(p->GetPDG() == 0x0) continue; //if particle has crezy PDG code (not known to our database) if(Pass(p)) continue; //check if we are intersted with particles of this type //if not take next partilce AliHBTParticle* part = new AliHBTParticle(*p); tracks->AddParticle(currentEvent,part);//put track and particle on the run } cout<GetNumberOfParticlesInEvent(currentEvent)<<" tracks"<Close(); aFile = 0x0; }while(currentdir < Ndirs); fIsRead = kTRUE; return 0; } /********************************************************************/ Int_t AliHBTReaderInternal::OpenFile(TFile*& aFile,Int_t event) { const TString& dirname = GetDirName(event); if (dirname == "") { Error("OpenFile","Can not get directory name"); return 4; } TString filename = dirname +"/"+ fFileName; aFile = TFile::Open(filename.Data()); if ( aFile == 0x0 ) { Error("OpenFiles","Can't open file with tacks named %s",filename.Data()); return 1; } if (!aFile->IsOpen()) { Error("OpenFiles","Can't open file with tacks named %s",filename.Data()); return 1; } return 0; } Int_t AliHBTReaderInternal::Write(AliHBTReader* reader,const char* outfile) { //reads tracks from runs and writes them to file Int_t i,j; TFile *histoOutput = TFile::Open(outfile,"recreate"); if (!histoOutput->IsOpen()) { cout<<"File is not opened"<SetOwner(); pbuffer->SetOwner(); TClonesArray &particles = *pbuffer; TClonesArray &tracks = *tbuffer; TString name("Tracks"); Int_t NT = reader->GetNumberOfTrackEvents(); Int_t NP = reader->GetNumberOfPartEvents(); Bool_t trck = (NT > 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t part = (NP > 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; TBranch *trackbranch = 0x0, *partbranch = 0x0; if (trck) trackbranch = tracktree->Branch("tracks","TClonesArray",&tbuffer); if (part) partbranch = tracktree->Branch("particles","TClonesArray",&pbuffer); if ( (trck) && (part) && (NP != NT)) { cerr<<"Warning number of track and particle events is different"<= NP ) N = NT; else N = NP; for ( i =0;i< N; i++) { if (trck && (i<=NT)) { AliHBTEvent* trackev = reader->GetTrackEvent(i); for ( j = 0; j< trackev->GetNumberOfParticles();j++) { cout<GetParticle(j))); } } cout<GetParticleEvent(i); cout<<"Dupa 2"<GetNumberOfParticles();j++) { cout<GetParticle(j))); } cout<cd(); tracktree->Fill(); cout<<"Dupa 40"<Delete(); pbuffer->Delete(); } histoOutput->cd(); cout<<"Dupa 5"<Write(0,TObject::kOverwrite); cout<<"Dupa 6"<Close(); return 0; }