SUBROUTINE ltran12 C c SUBROUTINE TRANS(icrf,irot) C==> TRANSformation to the Co-moving frame (icrf>0) and C Rotation to the system where (Pt || X),(irot=1). C-FSI *************************************************** IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) COMMON/FSI_MOM/P1X,P1Y,P1Z,E1,P1, ! momenta in NRF 1 P2X,P2Y,P2Z,E2,P2 COMMON/FSI_COOR/X1,Y1,Z1,T1,R1, ! 4-coord. of emis. 1 X2,Y2,Z2,T2,R2 ! points in NRF COMMON/FSI_PRF/PPX,PPY,PPZ,AK,AKS, ! momenta in PRF 1 X,Y,Z,T,RP,RPS COMMON/FSI_POC/AMN,AM1,AM2,CN,C1,C2,AC1,AC2 COMMON/FSI_P12/P12X,P12Y,P12Z,E12,P12,AM12,EPM COMMON/FSI_CVK/V,CVK C-FSI *************************************************** COMMON /PAIR/P12T,V12Z,GAMZ,V12T,CPHI,SPHI icrf=1 irot=1 C---> Particle energies --------- P1S=P1X*P1X+P1Y*P1Y+P1Z*P1Z P2S=P2X*P2X+P2Y*P2Y+P2Z*P2Z E1=DSQRT(AM1*AM1+P1S) E2=DSQRT(AM2*AM2+P2S) C---> Pair parameters ----------- E12=E1+E2 ! Energy P12X=P1X+P2X ! Px P12Y=P1Y+P2Y ! Py P12Z=P1Z+P2Z ! Pz P12S=P12X**2+P12Y**2+P12Z**2 P12 =DSQRT(P12S)! Momentum V12 =P12/E12 ! Velocity CTH =P12Z/P12 ! cos(theta) STH =DSQRT(1.D0-CTH**2) !sin V12Z=V12*CTH ! Longit. V GAMZ=1.D0/DSQRT(1.D0-V12Z**2) C-- V12T=V12*STH ! Transv. V in CMS (not needed) P12TS=P12X*P12X+P12Y*P12Y P12T=DSQRT(P12TS) !Pt C===> Azimuthal rotation (Pt||X) ============ IF(V12T.NE.0.D0) THEN CPHI=P12X/P12T ! cos(phi) SPHI=P12Y/P12T ! sin(phi) IF((irot.eq.1)) THEN CALL ROT8(P1X,P1Y,SPHI,CPHI,P1X,P1Y) CALL ROT8(P2X,P2Y,SPHI,CPHI,P2X,P2Y) CALL ROT8(X1,Y1,SPHI,CPHI,X1,Y1) CALL ROT8(X2,Y2,SPHI,CPHI,X2,Y2) END IF ELSE ! Rotation impossible CPHI=2.D0 ! to avoid SPHI=2.D0 ! using it ! END IF C===> Co-moving ref. frame ============ IF( THEN CALL LTR8(P1Z,E1,V12Z,GAMZ,P1Z,E1a) CALL LTR8(P2Z,E2,V12Z,GAMZ,P2Z,E2a) P1S=P1X*P1X+P1Y*P1Y+P1Z*P1Z P2S=P2X*P2X+P2Y*P2Y+P2Z*P2Z E1=DSQRT(AM1*AM1+P1S) E2=DSQRT(AM2*AM2+P2S) CALL LTR8(Z1,T1,V12Z,GAMZ,Z1,T1) CALL LTR8(Z2,T2,V12Z,GAMZ,Z2,T2) END IF C===> Pair reference frame ============ P1=DSQRT(P1S) P2=DSQRT(P2S) E12=E1+E2 P12X=P1X+P2X P12Y=P1Y+P2Y P12Z=P1Z+P2Z P12S=P12X**2+P12Y**2+P12Z**2 P12 =DSQRT(P12S) AM12S=E12*E12-P12S AM12=DSQRT(AM12S) EPM=E12+AM12 P112=P1X*P12X+P1Y*P12Y+P1Z*P12Z H1=(P112/EPM-E1)/AM12 PPX=P1X+P12X*H1 PPY=P1Y+P12Y*H1 PPZ=P1Z+P12Z*H1 EE=(E12*E1-P112)/AM12 AKS=EE**2-AM1**2 AK=DSQRT(AKS) CVK=(P12X*PPX+P12Y*PPY+P12Z*PPZ)/(P12*AK) V=P12/E12 V12T=P12T/SQRT(AM12S+P12TS) ! transverse velocity in LCMS C---> Coordinates ----------------------------- XS=X1-X2 YS=Y1-Y2 ZS=Z1-Z2 TS=T1-T2 RS12=XS*P12X+YS*P12Y+ZS*P12Z H1=(RS12/EPM-TS)/AM12 X=XS+P12X*H1 Y=YS+P12Y*H1 Z=ZS+P12Z*H1 T=(E12*TS-RS12)/AM12 RPS=X*X+Y*Y+Z*Z RP=DSQRT(RPS) RETURN END C==== SUBROUTINE LTR8(Z,T,BETA,GAMMA,ZT,TT) C===> Lorentz Transf. of Z(Pz) and T(E) to moving ref. frame.(REAL*8) CInp: Z,T-Zcoord,Time before tr., BETA,GAMMA- velocity, Lor.fact. COut: ZT,TT- " " after transformation. C==== =============================================================== IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) ZH=GAMMA*(Z-BETA*T) TT=GAMMA*(T-BETA*Z) ZT=ZH RETURN END C==== SUBROUTINE LTR4(Z,T,BETA,GAMMA,ZT,TT) C===> Lorentz Transf. of Z(Pz) and T(E) to moving ref. frame.(real*4) CInp: Z,T-Zcoord,Time before tr., BETA,GAMMA- velocity, Lor.fact. COut: ZT,TT- " " after transformation. C==== =============================================================== ZH=GAMMA*(Z-BETA*T) TT=GAMMA*(T-BETA*Z) ZT=ZH RETURN END C==== SUBROUTINE ROT8(X,Y,SF,CF,XR,YR) C===> Rotation with the angle f. (REAL*8) CInp: X,Y-coord. before rotation; SF=sin(f), CF=cos(f), COut: XR,YR - coordinates after rotation. C==== ================================================= IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) XH=X*CF+Y*SF !Y YR=Y*CF-X*SF ! _-X' XR=XH ! _- f RETURN !------> END ! X SUBROUTINE SETPDIST(R) C=====Just sets distance between particles IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) COMMON/FSI_PRF/PPX,PPY,PPZ,AK,AKS, ! momenta in PRF 1 X,Y,Z,T,RP,RPS RPS=R RP=R*R RETURN END