* $Id$ C********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE LUERRM_HIJING(MERR,CHMESS) C...Purpose: to inform user of errors in program execution. #include "lujets_hijing.inc" #include "ludat1_hijing.inc" CHARACTER CHMESS*(*) C...Write first few warnings, then be silent. IF(MERR.LE.10) THEN MSTU(27)=MSTU(27)+1 MSTU(28)=MERR IF(MSTU(25).EQ.1.AND.MSTU(27).LE.MSTU(26)) WRITE(MSTU(11),1000) & MERR,MSTU(31),CHMESS C...Write first few errors, then be silent or stop program. ELSEIF(MERR.LE.20) THEN MSTU(23)=MSTU(23)+1 MSTU(24)=MERR-10 IF(MSTU(21).GE.1.AND.MSTU(23).LE.MSTU(22)) WRITE(MSTU(11),1100) & MERR-10,MSTU(31),CHMESS IF(MSTU(21).GE.2.AND.MSTU(23).GT.MSTU(22)) THEN WRITE(MSTU(11),1100) MERR-10,MSTU(31),CHMESS WRITE(MSTU(11),1200) IF(MERR.NE.17) CALL LULIST_HIJING(2) STOP ENDIF C...Stop program in case of irreparable error. ELSE WRITE(MSTU(11),1300) MERR-20,MSTU(31),CHMESS STOP ENDIF C...Formats for output. 1000 FORMAT(/5X,'Advisory warning type',I2,' given after',I6, &' LUEXEC_HIJING calls:'/5X,A) 1100 FORMAT(/5X,'Error type',I2,' has occured after',I6, &' LUEXEC_HIJING calls:'/5X,A) 1200 FORMAT(5X,'Execution will be stopped after listing of last ', &'event!') 1300 FORMAT(/5X,'Fatal error type',I2,' has occured after',I6, &' LUEXEC_HIJING calls:'/5X,A/5X,'Execution will now be stopped!') RETURN END