// $Id$ //************************************************************************** //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* * //* Primary Authors: Thorsten Kollegger * //* for The ALICE HLT Project. * //* * //* Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * //* documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * //* without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * //* copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * //* appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * //* about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * //* provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * //************************************************************************** /// @file AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman.cxx /// @author Thorsten Kollegger, Matthias Richter /// @date 2011-08-10 /// @brief Deflater implementation using huffman code #include "AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman.h" #include "AliHLTHuffman.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TFile.h" #include #include #include /** ROOT macro for the implementation of ROOT specific class methods */ ClassImp(AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman) AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman(bool bTrainingMode) : AliHLTDataDeflater() , fHuffmanCoders() , fHuffmanCoderList(NULL) , fTrainingMode(bTrainingMode) { // see header file for class documentation // or // refer to README to build package // or // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt if (bTrainingMode) { HLTInfo("using DataDeflaterHuffman in training mode"); } } AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::~AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman() { // destructor if (fHuffmanCoderList) delete fHuffmanCoderList; fHuffmanCoderList=NULL; Clear(); } int AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::AddParameterDefinition(const char* name, unsigned bitLength) { /// search a parameter definition in the decoder configuration, and set the index /// array, return reference id if (IsTrainingMode()) return AddTrainingParameter(name, bitLength); if (!name) return -EINVAL; if (!fHuffmanCoderList) return -ENODEV; TObject* pObj=fHuffmanCoderList->FindObject(name); if (!pObj) { HLTError("can not find decoder of id '%s'", name); return -ENOENT; } AliHLTHuffman* pHuffman=dynamic_cast(pObj); if (!pHuffman) { HLTError("object %s has wrong type, expected AliHLTHuffman", name); return -EBADF; } if (pHuffman->GetMaxBits()!=bitLength) { HLTError("mismatch in bitlengt: can not use decoder %s of length %d for encoding of %d bits", pHuffman->GetName(), pHuffman->GetMaxBits(), bitLength); return -EPERM; } fHuffmanCoders.push_back(pHuffman); return fHuffmanCoders.size()-1; } int AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::InitDecoders(TList* decoderlist) { /// init list of decoders /// expects to be an external pointer, valid throughout the livetime of /// the instance if (!decoderlist) return -EINVAL; if (!fHuffmanCoderList) { fHuffmanCoderList=new TList; } else { if (fHuffmanCoderList->GetEntries()>0 && fHuffmanCoderList->IsOwner()) { HLTWarning("list of decoders owns already %d object(s), but disabling ownership now because of new external pointers"); } } if (!fHuffmanCoderList) return -ENOMEM; fHuffmanCoderList->SetOwner(kFALSE); TIter next(decoderlist); TObject* pObj=NULL; while ((pObj=next())!=NULL) { if (dynamic_cast(pObj)==NULL) continue; if (fHuffmanCoderList->FindObject(pObj->GetName())) { HLTError("duplicate entry of name '%s'", pObj->GetName()); return -EEXIST; } fHuffmanCoderList->Add(pObj); } return fHuffmanCoderList->GetEntries(); } bool AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::OutputParameterBits( int memberId, AliHLTUInt64_t const & value ) { // write huffman encoded bit pattern of a member to the current byte and position if (IsTrainingMode()) return AddTrainingValue(memberId, value); if (memberId>=(int)fHuffmanCoders.size()) { return false; } AliHLTUInt64_t length = 0; const std::bitset<64>& v=fHuffmanCoders[memberId]->Encode((value>fHuffmanCoders[memberId]->GetMaxValue())?fHuffmanCoders[memberId]->GetMaxValue():value, length); //cout << fHuffmanCoders[memberId]->GetName() << " value " << value << ": code lenght " << length << " " << v << endl; if (length>0) { return OutputBits(v, length); } return false; } int AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::AddTrainingParameter(const char* name, unsigned bitLength) { /// add a parameter definition for huffman training /// returns index in the array if (!fHuffmanCoderList) { fHuffmanCoderList=new TList; if (!fHuffmanCoderList) return -ENOMEM; // always set ownership for the new list since it is supposed to // contain only internal pointers fHuffmanCoderList->SetOwner(); } else if (!fHuffmanCoderList->IsOwner()) { // not sure about the pointers which are already in the list if (fHuffmanCoderList->GetEntries()>0) { HLTWarning("skip setting ownership because list contains already %d object(s), possible memory leak at cleanup"); } else { fHuffmanCoderList->SetOwner(); } } AliHLTHuffman* pHuffman=new AliHLTHuffman(name, bitLength); if (!pHuffman) return -ENOMEM; fHuffmanCoderList->Add(pHuffman); fHuffmanCoders.push_back(pHuffman); return fHuffmanCoders.size()-1; } bool AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::AddTrainingValue( int memberId, AliHLTUInt64_t const & value ) { /// add a training value for the specified parameter if (memberId>=(int)fHuffmanCoders.size()) { return false; } return fHuffmanCoders[memberId]->AddTrainingValue(value); } const TList* AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::GenerateHuffmanTree() { /// generate the huffman tree for (unsigned i=0; iGenerateHuffmanTree()) { HLTError("failed to generate huffman tree for parameter %s", fHuffmanCoders[i]->GetName()); } } return fHuffmanCoderList; } void AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::Clear(Option_t * option) { // internal cleanup AliHLTDataDeflater::Clear(option); } void AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::Print(Option_t *option) const { // print info Print(cout, option); } void AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::Print(ostream& out, Option_t * /*option*/) const { // print to stream out << "AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman:" << endl; for (vector::const_iterator it=fHuffmanCoders.begin(); it!=fHuffmanCoders.end(); it++) { (*it)->Print("short"); cout << endl; } if (fHuffmanCoders.size()==0 && fHuffmanCoderList && fHuffmanCoderList->GetEntries()>0) { TIter next(fHuffmanCoderList); TObject* pObj=NULL; while ((pObj=next())) { pObj->Print("short"); cout << endl; } } } TObject *AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::FindObject(const char *name) const { /// find object: 'DeflaterConfiguration' if (strcmp(name, "DeflaterConfiguration")==0) { for (unsigned i=0; iGenerateHuffmanTree()) { HLTError("generation of huffman tree for parameter '%s' failed", fHuffmanCoders[i]->GetName()); return NULL; } if (!fHuffmanCoders[i]->CheckConsistency()) { HLTError("consistency check of huffman tree for parameter '%s' failed", fHuffmanCoders[i]->GetName()); } } return fHuffmanCoderList; } return NULL; } void AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman::SaveAs(const char *filename, Option_t *option) const { /// save data according to option TString remainingOptions; bool bWriteHuffmanConf=false; // write the huffman configuration TString strOption(option); std::auto_ptr tokens(strOption.Tokenize(" ")); if (tokens.get()) { for (int i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++) { if (!tokens->At(i)) continue; const char* key=""; TString arg=tokens->At(i)->GetName(); key="huffmanconf"; if (arg.BeginsWith(key)) { bWriteHuffmanConf=true; continue; } if (!remainingOptions.IsNull()) remainingOptions+=" "; remainingOptions+=arg; } } if (bWriteHuffmanConf) { std::auto_ptr output(TFile::Open(filename, "RECREATE")); if (!output.get() || output->IsZombie()) { HLTError("can not open file %s from writing", filename); return; } if (!fHuffmanCoderList || fHuffmanCoderList->GetEntries()==0) { HLTError("no huffman instances available for writing"); return; } for (unsigned i=0; iGenerateHuffmanTree()) { HLTError("generation of huffman tree for parameter '%s' failed", fHuffmanCoders[i]->GetName()); } } output->cd(); fHuffmanCoderList->Write("DeflaterConfiguration", TObject::kSingleKey); output->Close(); } return AliHLTDataDeflater::SaveAs(remainingOptions); } ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const AliHLTDataDeflaterHuffman& me) { me.Print(out); return out; }