To enable the EMCAL jet trigger you need to 0) install FastJet and define $FASTJET 1) rename the CMakelibAliHLTFJW.pkg.noFJ in CMakelibAliHLTFJW.pkg this will build the FastJet library 2) uncomment the line with # AliHLTTriggerFastJet.h in CMakelibAliHLTTrigger.pkg 3) eneble the corresponding pragma directive in trigger/AliHLTTriggerLinkDef.h 4) uncomment the lines //#include "AliHLTTriggerFastJet.h" //pHandler->AddComponent(new AliHLTTriggerFastJet); in trigger/AliHLTTriggerAgent.cxx problems questions "Federico Ronchetti" "Leonidas Xaplanteris"