//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTALTROENCODER_H #define ALIHLTALTROENCODER_H //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* See cxx source for full Copyright notice * /** @file AliHLTAltroEncoder.h @author Matthias Richter @date @brief Encoder class for 10/40bit Altro Data format */ #include "AliHLTDataTypes.h" #include "AliHLTLogging.h" #include #define AliHLTUInt16MAX 0xffff class TArrayC; /** * @class AliHLTAltroEncoder * Encoder of the RCU/Altro data format. * The class allows to encodes data sets of channel, timebin and signal * value into the 10bit/40bit Altro format. It works on a provided buffer. * * Signal values can be added by using the AddSignal(AliHLTUInt16_t, AliHLTUInt16_t) * function. It functions works on a 'current channel'. If data is supposed to go into * a new channel, SetChannel(AliHLTUInt16_t) has to be used. * *
 *  AliHLTAltroEncoder encoder;
 *  encoder.SetBuffer(pBuffer, size);
 *  for (channel ...) {
 *    int channelAddress=...;
 *    ...
 *    for (int bunch=0; bunch
 * By default, the encoder provides only the ALTRO data, but not the common
 * data header (in AliRoot language AliRawDataHeader) nor the RCU trailer.
 * The CDH is 32 bytes long, the first 4 byte contain the data length excluding
 * the CDH itsself. The CDH can be set by SetCDH(AliHLTUInt8_t*, int).
 * The RCU trailer has varying formats, actually the last 4 byte are supposed
 * to contain the length of the trailer itsself. The first 4 byte contain the
 * number of 40bit ALTRO words. Currently, the RCU firmware adds only one 4 byte
 * word, the number of 40bit wirds. The trailer can be set using 
 * SetRCUTrailer(AliHLTUInt8_t*, int);
 * When using CDH and Trailer the Finalize() function must be called at the end
 * in order to copy the trailer and update the size members correctly.
 * @ingroup alihlt_rcu
class AliHLTAltroEncoder : AliHLTLogging {
  /** default constructor */
  /** constructor */
  AliHLTAltroEncoder(AliHLTUInt8_t* pBuffer, int iSize);
  /** destructor */
  virtual ~AliHLTAltroEncoder();

   * Set the target buffer.
  int SetBuffer(AliHLTUInt8_t* pBuffer, int iSize);

   * Add a signal value.
   * If the timebin is a consecutive timebin, the signal is added to the
   * current bunch. If not, the previous bunch is terminated and a new
   * one opened.
   * The first timebins decide whether the order is ascending or descending.
   * @param signal       10bit signal value
   * @param timebin      10bot time bin value
  int AddSignal(AliHLTUInt16_t signal, AliHLTUInt16_t timebin);

   * Set and terminate the current channel.
   * @param hwaddress    Hardware address of the channel
  int SetChannel(AliHLTUInt16_t hwaddress);

   * Add a signal value.
   * The function is a combination of ::AddSignal and ::SetChannel.
   * All signal of the same channel are added and if a new channel is detected,
   * the current one is terminated and a new one created.
   * @param signal       10bit signal value
   * @param timebin      10bot time bin value
   * @param hwaddress    Hardware address of the channel
   * @return number of 10bit words added
  int AddChannelSignal(AliHLTUInt16_t signal, AliHLTUInt16_t timebin, AliHLTUInt16_t hwaddress);

   * Get total number of 40bit Altro words
  int GetTotal40bitWords();

   * Sets the common data header at the beginning of the buffer
  int SetCDH(AliHLTUInt8_t* pCDH, int size);

   * Sets the RCU trailer at the end of the buffer
  int SetRCUTrailer(AliHLTUInt8_t* pTrailer, int size);

   * Finalize the encoded data.
   * Finish the last channel if open, copy RCU trailer if available and update
   * ALTRO word count in the trailer. Update the data length in the CDH if
   * available.
  int SetLength();

  int GetOffset(){return fOffset;}

   * Revert the 40 bit altro data
  void Revert40BitWords(Int_t CDHSize, Int_t trailerSize);

  void SetUse32BitFormat(Bool_t flag){f32BitFormat=flag;}

  void PrintDebug();

  void SetDDLid(Int_t ddl){fDDLid=ddl;}

  void SetSlice(UInt_t slice){fSlice=slice;}

  void SetPartition(UInt_t partition){fPartition=partition;}

  enum {
    kUnknownOrder = 0,

  /** copy constructor prohibited */
  AliHLTAltroEncoder(const AliHLTAltroEncoder&);
  /** assignment operator prohibited */
  AliHLTAltroEncoder& operator=(const AliHLTAltroEncoder&);

   * Add 10bit value to the buffer
  int Add10BitValue(AliHLTUInt16_t value);

   * Fill with 0x2aa paddings to reach complete 40bit word
  int Pad40Bit();

   * Finalize the current bunch
  int SetBunch();

  /// external data buffer
  AliHLTUInt8_t* fpBuffer; //!transient

  /// size of the data buffer
  int fBufferSize; //!transient

  /// the previous time bin
  AliHLTUInt16_t fPrevTimebin; //!transient

  /// length of the current bunch
  AliHLTUInt16_t fBunchLength; //!transient

  /// start of the current channel in 10bit word count
  AliHLTUInt16_t fChannelStart; //!transient

  /// the current channel
  AliHLTUInt16_t fChannel; //!transient

  /// list of already finished channels
  vector fChannels; //!transient

  /// current byte offset
  int fOffset; //!transient

  /// current 10bit word count
  int f10bitWords; //!transient

  /// time bin order
  int fOrder; //!transient
  /// common data header
  TArrayC* fpCDH; //!transient

  // size of CDH
  Int_t fCDHSize; //! transient

  /// RCU trailer
  TArrayC* fpRCUTrailer; //!transient

  Bool_t f32BitFormat;
  AliHLTUInt8_t *fPointerToCurrentAltroHeader;   //! transient Pointer to the AltroHeader of the current channel (pad)
  AliHLTUInt8_t *fPointerToCurrentBunchWord;     //! transient This points to the first 8 bit in the 32 bit word that contain the bunch length information 
  Int_t fWordLocationOfBunchCount;               //! Number containing information on which of the 3 10 bit words containing the bunch size 
  Int_t fNumberOfAltroHeadersInPayload;          //! transient
  Bool_t fFillWord;                              //! transient
  Int_t fDDLid;                                  //! transient
  UInt_t fSlice;                                 //! transient
  UInt_t fPartition;                             //! transient

  ClassDef(AliHLTAltroEncoder, 2);
