// @(#) $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTTPCDISPLAY_H #define ALIHLTTPCDISPLAY_H /** \class AliHLTTPCDisplay
// AliHLTTPCDisplay
// Display class for the HLT TPC events.
*/ // Author: Jochen Thaeder // Anders Vestbo //*-- Copyright © ALICE HLT Group #include #include #include #include class AliHLTTPCSpacePointData; class AliHLTTPCTrackArray; class AliHLTTPCDisplay : public TObject { public: AliHLTTPCDisplay(Char_t *gfile="$(ALIHLT_BASEDIR)/geo/alice.geom"); virtual ~AliHLTTPCDisplay(); // SETUP void SetupHistPadRow(); void SetupCluster(Int_t slice, Int_t patch, UInt_t nofClusters, AliHLTTPCSpacePointData* data); void SetupTracks(AliHLTTPCTrackArray *tracks); void FillPadRow(Int_t patch, ULong_t dataBlock, ULong_t dataLen); void ResetHistPadRow(); // DRAWER void Draw3D(); void DrawHistPadRow(); void DrawGeomSector(Int_t sector); void DrawHistPad1(); void DrawHistPad2(); void DrawHistPad3(); // SETTER void SetSliceArray(); void SetSlices(){fMinSlice = 0; fMaxSlice = 35; fSlicePair = kFALSE; SetSliceArray();} void SetSlices(Int_t s){fMinSlice = s; fMaxSlice = s; fSlicePair = kFALSE; SetSliceArray();} void SetSlices(Int_t mins, Int_t maxs){fMinSlice = mins; fMaxSlice = maxs; fSlicePair = kFALSE; SetSliceArray();} void SetSlicesPair(Int_t s){fMinSlice = s; fMaxSlice = s; fSlicePair = kTRUE; SetSliceArray();} void SetSlicesPair(Int_t mins, Int_t maxs){fMinSlice = mins; fMaxSlice = maxs; fSlicePair = kTRUE; SetSliceArray();} void SetPad(Int_t f){fPad = f;} void SetPadRow(Int_t f){fPadRow = f;} void SetSlicePadRow(Int_t f){fSlicePadRow = f;} void SetMinHits(Int_t f){fMinHits = f;} void SetPtThreshold(Float_t f){fPtThreshold = f;} void SetSwitches(Bool_t f1, Bool_t f2, Bool_t f3, Bool_t f4) {fSwitch3DTracks = f1; fSwitch3DCluster = f2; fSwitch3DPadRow = f3; fSwitch3DGeometry = f4;} void SetHistPadRowAxis(); void SetSelectTrack(Int_t f) {fSelectTrack = f;} void SetSelectTrackSlice(Int_t f) {fSelectTrackSlice = f;} void SetSelectTrackSwitch(Bool_t f) {fSelectTrackSwitch = f;} void SetSelectCluster(Int_t f) {fSelectCluster = f;} void SetInvert() {Int_t tmp = fBackColor; fBackColor = fLineColor; fLineColor = tmp; } void SetKeepView(Bool_t f){fKeepView = f;} // GETTER Int_t GetPadRow(){return fPadRow;} Int_t GetSlicePadRow(){return fSlicePadRow;} Int_t GetNPads(){return fNPads;} Int_t GetBackColor() {return fBackColor;} private: Bool_t LoadGeometrie(Char_t *gfile); AliHLTTPCDisplay(const AliHLTTPCDisplay &/*d*/):TObject(){;} AliHLTTPCDisplay& operator=(const AliHLTTPCDisplay &/*d*/){return *this;} AliHLTTPCSpacePointData *fClusters[36][6]; AliHLTTPCTrackArray *fTracks; UInt_t fNcl[36][6];//number of cluster TH1F *fHistrawcl; // histogram for cluster in padrow TH2F *fHistraw; // histogram for signals in padrow TH1F *fHistpad1; // histogram for pad in padrow TH1F *fHistpad2; // histogram for pad in padrow TH1F *fHistpad3; // histogram for pad in padrow TGeometry *fGeom; // geometry Int_t fBackColor; // Background color Int_t fLineColor; // Line color Bool_t fKeepView; // Keep View when redisplaying Int_t fPad; // pad Int_t fPadRow; // padrow Int_t fSlicePadRow;// slice where padrow is in Int_t fNPads; // number of pads in padrow Int_t fNTimes; // number of timebins Int_t fMinHits; // minimum cluster per track Float_t fPtThreshold;// pt threshold for tracks Bool_t fSelectTrackSwitch;// switch ti single track mode Int_t fSelectTrack;// select single track Int_t fSelectTrackSlice; // select slice for single track Int_t fSelectCluster; // select all=0, used=1, unused=2 cluster Int_t fMinSlice; //min slice Int_t fMaxSlice; //max slice Bool_t fSlicePair; //draw pair of slices; Bool_t fSliceArray[36];//Array if slice should be drawn or not Bool_t fDrawGeo; Int_t fcolorbin[20]; // number of entries per colorbin Int_t fbinct[20]; // index of colorbin Float_t *fpmarr[20]; // contains point data Bool_t fSwitch3DCluster; Bool_t fSwitch3DTracks; Bool_t fSwitch3DPadRow; Bool_t fSwitch3DGeometry; ClassDef(AliHLTTPCDisplay,1) //Display class }; #endif