//-*- Mode: C++ -*- /** * @file makeConfigurationObjectTPCHWClusterFinder.C * @brief Creation of HLT component configuration objects in OCDB * *
 * Usage: aliroot -b -q makeConfigurationObjectTPCHWClusterFinder.C'("param", "uri", runMin, runMax)'
* * Create an OCDB entry with a TObjString containing param for * TPCHWClusterFinder * * Parameters:
* - param (opt) string to be stored in the TObjSting, default empty * - uri (opt) the OCDB URI, default $ALICE_ROOT * - runMin (opt) default 0 * - runMax (opt) default 999999999 * * Current Param : * - ""
 aliroot -b -q makeConfigurationObjectTPCHWClusterFinder.C 
* * @author Sergey Gorbunov * @ingroup alihlt_tpc */ void makeConfigurationObjectTPCHWClusterFinder(const Char_t* param="", const Char_t* cdbUri=NULL, Int_t runMin=0, Int_t runMax=AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()) { // -------------------------------------- // -- Setup CDB // -------------------------------------- AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); if (!man) { cerr << "Error : Can not get AliCDBManager" << end; exit; } TString storage; if (!man->IsDefaultStorageSet()) { if ( cdbUri ) { storage = cdbUri; if ( storage.Contains("://") == 0 ) { storage = "local://"; storage += cdbUri; } } else { storage="local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"; } man->SetDefaultStorage(storage); } else { storage = man->GetDefaultStorage()->GetURI(); } TString path("HLT/ConfigTPC/TPCHWClusterFinder"); // -------------------------------------- // -- Create Config Object // -------------------------------------- // here is the actual content of the configuration object TObjString configParam=param; TObject *configObj = static_cast(&configParam); // -------------------------------------- // -- Fill Object // -------------------------------------- if ( !configObj ) { cerr << "Error : No configuration object created" << endl; return; } AliCDBPath cdbPath(path); AliCDBId cdbId(cdbPath, runMin, runMax); AliCDBMetaData cdbMetaData; man->Put(configObj, cdbId, &cdbMetaData); printf("Adding %s type OCDB object to %s [%d,%d] in %s \n", configObj->ClassName(), path.Data(), runMin, runMax, storage.Data()); }