// $Id$ /* * Example macro to run the HLT Conformal mapping tracker embedded into * AliRoot reconstruction. The reconstruction is done from the TPC raw * data. * * Usage: *
 *   aliroot -b -q rec-hlt-tpc.C | tee rec-hlt-tpc.log
 *   aliroot -b -q rec-hlt-tpc.C'("./","decoder All")' | tee rec-hlt-tpc.log
* * The macro asumes raw data to be available in the rawx folders, either * simulated or real data. A different input can be specified as parameter *
 *   aliroot -b -q rec-hlt-tpc.C'("input.root")'
* * The second parameter changes which clusterfinder you use: * - decoder, uses TPCClusterFinderDecoder. This is default. * - packed, uses TPCClusterFinderPacked * * Also in the second parameter you can set which output you would like to have: * - ESD, gives you an ESD file. This is default. * - TrackHistogram, will run the TrackHistogram component, and give * root files with histograms. * - TrackDump, dumps the track struct to a text file. * - ClusterHisto, gives you histograms of the cluster. * - ClusterDump, dumps the cluster struct to text flie. * - All, gives you all 3 output. * * In the first section, an analysis chain is defined. The scale of the * chain can be defined by choosing the range of sectors and partitions. * * The reconstruction is steered by the AliReconstruction object in the * usual way. * * @ingroup alihlt_tpc * @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no */ void rec_hlt_tpc(const char* input="./", char* opt="decoder ESD") { if(!gSystem->AccessPathName("galice.root")){ cerr << "please delete the galice.root or run at different place." << endl; return; } if (!input) { cerr << "please specify input or run without arguments" << endl; return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // init the HLT system in order to define the analysis chain below // AliHLTSystem* gHLT=AliHLTPluginBase::GetInstance(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Setting up which output to give // Bool_t bUseClusterFinderDecoder=kTRUE; TString option="libAliHLTUtil.so libAliHLTRCU.so libAliHLTTPC.so loglevel=0x7c chains="; Bool_t esdout=kFALSE, dumpout=kFALSE, histout=kFALSE, chout=kFALSE, cdout=kFALSE; TString allArgs=opt; TString argument; TObjArray* pTokens=allArgs.Tokenize(" "); if (pTokens) { for (int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { argument=((TObjString*)pTokens->At(i))->GetString(); if (argument.IsNull()) continue; if (argument.Contains("-statistics=")) { argument.ReplaceAll("-statistics=", ""); if (argument.Contains("root")) { if (option.Length()>0) option+=","; option+="statroot"; } if (argument.Contains("raw")) { if (option.Length()>0) option+=","; option+="statraw"; } continue; } if (argument.CompareTo("decoder",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bUseClusterFinderDecoder = kTRUE; continue; } if (argument.CompareTo("packed",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { bUseClusterFinderDecoder = kFALSE; continue; } if (argument.CompareTo("trackhistogram",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { histout = kTRUE; if (option.Length()>0) option+=","; option+="histFile"; continue; } if (argument.CompareTo("trackdump",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { dumpout = kTRUE; if (option.Length()>0) option+=","; option+="dump"; continue; } if (argument.CompareTo("esd",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { esdout = kTRUE; if (option.Length()>0) option+=","; option+="sink1"; continue; } if (argument.CompareTo("clusterdump",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { cdout = kTRUE; if (option.Length()>0) option+=","; option+="cdump"; continue; } if (argument.CompareTo("clusterhisto",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { chout = kTRUE; if (option.Length()>0) option+=","; option+="chhisto"; continue; } if (argument.CompareTo("all",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0) { histout = kTRUE; dumpout = kTRUE; esdout = kTRUE; chout = kTRUE; cdout = kTRUE; if (option.Length()>0) option+=","; option+="sink1,histFile,dump,cdump,chhisto"; continue; } else { break; } } } if (!histout && !dumpout && !esdout && !chout && !cdout) { cout << "you need to specify an output option, on or more out of: ESD, TrackHistogram, TrackDump, ClusterHisto, ClusterDump" << endl; return; } if ((option.Contains("statroot") || option.Contains("statraw")) && !esdout) { cout << "!!!!!!!! Warning: HLT statistics are only collected for output type ESD !!!!!!!!" << endl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // define the analysis chain to be run // int iMinSlice=0; int iMaxSlice=35; int iMinPart=0; int iMaxPart=5; TString writerInput; TString mergerInput; TString histoInput; TString histogramHandlerInputClusterFinder; TString cdumpInput; for (int slice=iMinSlice; slice<=iMaxSlice; slice++) { TString trackerInput; for (int part=iMinPart; part<=iMaxPart; part++) { TString arg, publisher, cf; TString clusterHistoOutput; // raw data publisher components int ddlno=768; if (part>1) ddlno+=72+4*slice+(part-2); else ddlno+=2*slice+part; arg.Form("-minid %d -datatype 'DDL_RAW ' 'TPC ' -dataspec 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x -verbose", ddlno, slice, slice, part, part); publisher.Form("DP_%02d_%d", slice, part); AliHLTConfiguration pubconf(publisher.Data(), "AliRawReaderPublisher", NULL , arg.Data()); // cluster finder components cf.Form("CF_%02d_%d", slice, part); if (bUseClusterFinderDecoder) { AliHLTConfiguration cfconf(cf.Data(), "TPCClusterFinderDecoder", publisher.Data(), "-timebins 1001"); } else { AliHLTConfiguration cfconf(cf.Data(), "TPCClusterFinderPacked", publisher.Data(), "-timebins 1001 -sorted"); } if (trackerInput.Length()>0) trackerInput+=" "; trackerInput+=cf; if (writerInput.Length()>0) writerInput+=" "; writerInput+=cf; if (histoInput.Length()>0) histoInput+=" "; histoInput+=cf; if (cdumpInput.Length()>0) cdumpInput+=" "; cdumpInput+=cf; if(chout){ clusterHistoOutput.Form("CH_%02d_%d", slice, part); AliHLTConfiguration cfconf(clusterHistoOutput.Data(), "TPCClusterHisto", cf.Data(), ""); if (histogramHandlerInputClusterFinder.Length()>0) histogramHandlerInputClusterFinder+=" "; histogramHandlerInputClusterFinder+=clusterHistoOutput; } } TString tracker; // tracker finder components tracker.Form("TR_%02d", slice); AliHLTConfiguration trackerconf(tracker.Data(), "TPCSliceTracker", trackerInput.Data(), "-pp-run -solenoidBz 0.5"); if (writerInput.Length()>0) writerInput+=" "; writerInput+=tracker; if (mergerInput.Length()>0) mergerInput+=" "; mergerInput+=tracker; //add all slice tracks to histo input //if (histoInput.Length()>0) histoInput+=" "; //histoInput+=tracker; } // GlobalMerger component AliHLTConfiguration mergerconf("globalmerger","TPCGlobalMerger",mergerInput.Data(),""); //add all global tracks to histo input if (histoInput.Length()>0) histoInput+=" "; histoInput+="globalmerger"; // specify whether to write all blocks separately or merge the tracks // and convert to ESD bool writeBlocks=false; if(esdout){ if (writeBlocks) { // the writer configuration AliHLTConfiguration fwconf("sink1", "FileWriter" , writerInput.Data(), "-specfmt=_%d -subdir=out_%d -blcknofmt=_0x%x -idfmt=_0x%08x"); } else { //AliHLTConfiguration sink("sink1", "TPCEsdWriter" , "globalmerger", "-datafile AliHLTESDs.root"); // the esd converter configuration AliHLTConfiguration esdcconf("esd-converter", "TPCEsdConverter" , "globalmerger", ""); // the root file writer configuration AliHLTConfiguration sink("sink1", "EsdCollector" , "esd-converter", "-directory hlt-tpc-esd"); // optional component statistics AliHLTConfiguration statroot("statroot", "StatisticsCollector" , "esd-converter", "-file HLT.statistics.root -publish 0"); AliHLTConfiguration statraw("statraw", "FileWriter" , "esd-converter", "-datatype COMPSTAT PRIV -datafile HLT.statistics.raw -concatenate-blocks -concatenate-events"); } } //Chain with Track Histogram if(histout){ AliHLTConfiguration histoconf("histo","TPCTrackHisto",histoInput.Data(),""); AliHLTConfiguration fwconf("histFile", "ROOTFileWriter" , "histo", "-datafile TrackHisto -concatenate-events -overwrite"); } //Chain with Track Dump if(dumpout){ AliHLTConfiguration dumpconf("dump","TPCTrackDump","globalmerger","-directory TrackDump"); } if(chout){ AliHLTConfiguration cfconf("HHCF", "TPCHistogramHandler", histogramHandlerInputClusterFinder.Data(), "-use-general"); AliHLTConfiguration rootFileWriterClusters("chhisto", "ROOTFileWriter", "HHCF" , "-datafile histogramHandlerClusterFinder -concatenate-events -overwrite"); } if(cdout){ AliHLTConfiguration cdumpconf("cdump","TPCClusterDump",cdumpInput.Data(),"-directory ClusterDump"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Init and run the reconstruction // All but HLT reconstructio is switched off // AliReconstruction rec; rec.SetInput(input); rec.SetRunVertexFinder(kFALSE); rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("HLT"); rec.SetRunTracking(""); rec.SetLoadAlignFromCDB(0); rec.SetRunQA(":"); // NOTE: FillESD is a step in the AliReconstruction sequence and has // nothing to do with the fact that this macro writes ESD output // HLT processes the HLTOUT during FillESD and extracts data which // has already been prepared. This step is currently not necessary for // this macro rec.SetFillESD(""); rec.SetOption("HLT", option); rec.Run(); }