//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id$ #ifndef ALIHLTBENCHEXTERNALTRACKCOMPONENT_H #define ALIHLTBENCHEXTERNALTRACKCOMPONENT_H //* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * //* ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * //* See cxx source for full Copyright notice * /** @file AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent.h @author Matthias Richter @date 2008-10-30 @brief Benchmark component for AliExternalTrackParam transportation. */ // visit http://web.ift.uib.no/~kjeks/doc/alice-hlt #include "AliHLTProcessor.h" class AliExternalTrackParam; class AliHLTExternalTrackParam; class TClonesArray; class TObjArray; class TRandom; class TList; /** * @class AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent * A component publishing arrays of randomly filled AliExternalTrackParam * structures in different forms. Currently supported is TClonesArray, * TObjArray, and C Array. * * The component can both publish and receive data blocks. If data blocks * are available on the input, the array is restored and forwarded in the * specified publishing mode with specified compression level. * *

General properties:

* * Component ID: \b BenchmarkAliExternalTrackParam
* Library: \b libAliHLTBenchmark.so
* Input Data Types: ::kAliHLTDataTypeTrack, ::kAliHLTDataTypeTObjArray
* Output Data Types: ::kAliHLTDataTypeTrack, ::kAliHLTDataTypeTObjArray
* *

Mandatory arguments:

* * By default, publishing of the array is switched off. It has to be enabled * by one of the three options * \li -tobjarray
* publish TObjArray * \li -tclonesarray
* publish TClonesArray * \li -carray
* publish as C-array * *

Optional arguments:

* * \li -maxsize max array size
* \li -minsize min array size
* * \li -rangemodulo count
* number of events after which the range is changed * \li -rangeoffset offset
* offset is added to min and max range after the specified number of * events. Idially, this offset is negative, causing decreasing range * over run time. * \li -rangefactor factor
* min and max range are multiplied by the factor (float) after the * specified number of events. * * \li -verbosity level
* different levels of verbosity: 0 (default) is silent * *


* * *

Default CDB entries:

* The component has no default CDB entries. * *


* * *

Memory consumption:

* * *

Output size:

* * * By using the range alterator options, the range can be changed after a * certain number of events. * * @ingroup alihlt_benchmark_components */ class AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent : public AliHLTProcessor { public: /** default constructor */ AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent(); /** destructor */ virtual ~AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent(); // interface functions: property getters const char* GetComponentID(); void GetInputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list); AliHLTComponentDataType GetOutputDataType(); int GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& tgtList); void GetOutputDataSize(unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier); AliHLTComponent* Spawn(); /** * Fill members of the track object with random float values. * @param track reference to AliExternalTrackParam object * @param fillCov number of elements of the covar members to be filled * max 15 */ static int FillRandom(AliExternalTrackParam* track, int fillCov=15); /** * Serialize an object or clones array of AliExternalTrackParam objects * to a buffer using the definition AliHLTExternalTrackParam. * @param pArray the array * @param buffer target buffer * @param size buffer size * @return bytes filled to the buffer, neg. error code if failed */ static int SerializeToStruct(const TObjArray* pArray, AliHLTUInt8_t* buffer, unsigned int size); /** * Translate AliHLTExternalTrackParam struct into objects. * The TObjArray can also be a TClonesArray and must have enough capacity. */ static int ReadFromStruct(TObjArray* pTgtArray, AliHLTExternalTrackParam* pArray, unsigned int arraySize); /** * Calculate a crc checksum for the object array */ static AliHLTUInt32_t CalcChecksum(const TObjArray* pArray); /** * Compare two arrays of AliExternalTrackParamElements */ static bool Compare(const TObjArray* array1, const TObjArray* array2); /** * Find object in the registry */ static TObject* FindObject(AliHLTUInt32_t id); enum { kPublishingOff = 0, ktobjarray = 1, ktclonesarray, kcarray, }; protected: // interface functions: processing int DoInit(int argc, const char** argv); int DoDeinit(); int DoEvent( const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, const AliHLTComponentBlockData* blocks, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData, AliHLTUInt8_t* outputPtr, AliHLTUInt32_t& size, AliHLTComponentBlockDataList& outputBlocks ); /** * Register object and create reference id * The registry is used for consistency checks in a single threaded system. * The dump component can access the original object and compare the two. */ AliHLTUInt32_t Register(TObject* pObject); /** * Remove object from registry */ int Unregister(TObject* pObject); private: /** copy constructor prohibited */ AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent(const AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent&); /** assignment operator prohibited */ AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent& operator=(const AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent&); /** verbosity */ int fVerbosity; //!transient /** disable global object registry, no check pf received objects */ bool fDisableRegistry; //! transient /** publishing mode: off, ktclonesarray, ktobjarray, kcarray */ int fMode; //! transient /** maximum array size */ int fMaxSize; //! transient /** minimum array size */ int fMinSize; //! transient /** event count for the next automatic change of range */ int fEventModulo; /** offset is added to range after fEventModulo events */ int fRangeOffset; /** range is multiplied after fEventModulo events */ float fRangeMultiplicator; /** the internal array */ TClonesArray* fpTcArray; //! transient /** TObjArray this publishing mode was used */ TObjArray* fpTObjArray; //! transient /** random number generator */ TRandom* fpDice; //! transient /** registry of object arrays */ static TList* fgpRegistry; //! transient ClassDef(AliHLTBenchExternalTrackComponent, 0); }; #endif