//$Id$ // Author: Constantin Loizides //*-- Copyright & copy CL #include #include #include #include #include "AliL3Logging.h" #include "AliL3Logger.h" #include "AliL3FFloat.h" /** \class AliL3FFloat //
// AliL3FFloat
// Fixed Floating Point class for debugging purposes.
// The class behaves like a normal Double_t class but
// calculates everything in respect to fDigits (eg. 
// fDigits=100 -> 2 digits behind the comma). Further-
// more it keeps the exact value in floating precision
// and gathers some statistical information about 
// its usage.
*/ ClassImp(AliL3FFloat) Int_t AliL3FFloat::fDigits = DEFDIG; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fMax = DEFMAX; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fMin = DEFMIN; Char_t AliL3FFloat::fQuery[10] = "%.2f"; #ifdef CALCSTATS Int_t AliL3FFloat::fN = 0; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fNRounded = 0; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fNOpAdds = 0; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fNOpMults = 0; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fNOpDivs = 0; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fNOpSubs = 0; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fNOverFlow = 0; Int_t AliL3FFloat::fNUnderFlow = 0; Double_t AliL3FFloat::fNDiff = 0; #endif AliL3FFloat::~AliL3FFloat() { #ifdef CALCSTATS fNDiff+=fabs(fVal-fExactVal); #endif } ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const AliL3FFloat &f) { // os << (Double_t)f << endl; os << (Double_t)f << "(" << f.fExactVal << ")"; return os; } AliL3FFloat operator + (const AliL3FFloat &f1,const AliL3FFloat &f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r+=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator + (const AliL3FFloat &f1,const Double_t f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r+=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator + (const Double_t f1,const AliL3FFloat &f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r+=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator + (const AliL3FFloat &f) { AliL3FFloat r(f); return r; } AliL3FFloat operator - (const AliL3FFloat &f1,const AliL3FFloat &f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r-=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator - (const AliL3FFloat &f1,const Double_t f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r-=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator - (const Double_t f1,const AliL3FFloat &f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r-=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator - (const AliL3FFloat &f) { AliL3FFloat r((-(Double_t)f)); return r; } AliL3FFloat operator * (const AliL3FFloat &f1,const AliL3FFloat &f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r*=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator * (const AliL3FFloat &f1,const Double_t f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r*=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator * (const Double_t f1,const AliL3FFloat &f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r*=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator / (const AliL3FFloat &f1,const AliL3FFloat &f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r/=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator / (const AliL3FFloat &f1,const Double_t f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r/=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat operator / (const Double_t f1,const AliL3FFloat &f2) { AliL3FFloat r(f1); r/=f2; return r; } AliL3FFloat& AliL3FFloat::operator += (const AliL3FFloat &f) { Double_t ev=fExactVal+f.GetExactVal(); Set(fVal+(Double_t)f); fExactVal=ev; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOpAdds++; #endif return *this; } AliL3FFloat& AliL3FFloat::operator += (const Double_t f) { Double_t ev=fExactVal+f; Set(fVal+Round(f)); fExactVal=ev; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOpAdds++; #endif return *this; } AliL3FFloat& AliL3FFloat::operator -= (const AliL3FFloat &f) { Double_t ev=fExactVal-f.GetExactVal(); Set(fVal-(Double_t)f); fExactVal=ev; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOpSubs++; #endif return *this; } AliL3FFloat& AliL3FFloat::operator -= (const Double_t f) { Double_t ev=fExactVal-f; Set(fVal-Round(f)); fExactVal=ev; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOpSubs++; #endif return *this; } AliL3FFloat& AliL3FFloat::operator *= (const AliL3FFloat &f) { Double_t ev=fExactVal*f.GetExactVal(); Set(fVal*(Double_t)f); fExactVal=ev; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOpMults++; #endif return *this; } AliL3FFloat& AliL3FFloat::operator *= (const Double_t f) { Double_t ev=fExactVal*f; Set(fVal*Round(f)); fExactVal=ev; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOpMults++; #endif return *this; } AliL3FFloat& AliL3FFloat::operator /= (const AliL3FFloat &f) { Double_t ev=fExactVal/f.GetExactVal(); Set(fVal/(Double_t)f); fExactVal=ev; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOpDivs++; #endif return *this; } AliL3FFloat& AliL3FFloat::operator /= (const Double_t f) { Double_t ev=fExactVal/f; Set(fVal/Round(f)); fExactVal=ev; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOpDivs++; #endif return *this; } inline void AliL3FFloat::Set(Double_t val) { fVal=Round(val); fExactVal=val; CheckBounds(); #ifdef CALCSTATS fN++; #endif } inline void AliL3FFloat::Set(AliL3FFloat &f) { fVal=(Double_t)f; fExactVal=f.GetExactVal(); CheckBounds(); #ifdef CALCSTATS fN++; #endif } #ifdef FASTWITHROUNDINDERROS inline Double_t AliL3FFloat::Round(Double_t val) { Int_t dummy=Int_t(fDigits*val); Double_t ret=(Double_t)(dummy)/fDigits; #ifdef CALCSTATS if(ret!=val) fNRounded++; #endif return ret; } #else inline Double_t AliL3FFloat::Round(Double_t val) { static Char_t strnum[100]; sprintf(strnum,fQuery,val); Double_t ret=atof(strnum); #ifdef CALCSTATS if(ret!=val) fNRounded++; #endif return ret; } #endif inline Bool_t AliL3FFloat::CheckUpperBound() { if(fVal>fMax){ fVal=fMax; #ifdef CALCSTATS fNOverFlow++; #endif return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } inline Bool_t AliL3FFloat::CheckLowerBound() { if(fVal0) prec=(Int_t)log10(fDigits); sprintf(fQuery,"%%.%df",prec); fMin=min; fMax=max; } void AliL3FFloat::PrintStat(){ #ifdef CALCSTATS cout << "fN: " << fN << endl; cout << "fNRounded: " << fNRounded << endl; cout << "fNOpAdds: " << fNOpAdds << endl; cout << "fNOpSubs: " << fNOpSubs << endl; cout << "fNOpMults: " << fNOpMults << endl; cout << "fNOpDivs: " << fNOpDivs << endl; cout << "fNOpOverFlow: " << fNOverFlow << endl; cout << "fNOpUnderFlow: " << fNUnderFlow << endl; if(fN) cout << "fNDiff: " << fNDiff/fN << endl; #else cerr << "Not compiled with #define CALCSTATS!" << endl; #endif }