/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Time Projection Chamber ADC bit compresion lookup table // // // // // Origin: Marian Ivanov , GSI Darmstadt // // // // /* Conversion equation: For AliTransBit_v1 dy/dx= Int_t(1+x/fX0) For AliTransBit_v2 y =(2**bit0) ln(1+x/fX0) / ln(1+(2**bit1-1)/fX0) where x0 is calculated in function GetOptimumX0() */ // Example Session // /* Int_t b0=10; // original number of bits Int_t b1=8; // compressed AliTransBit_v1 trans; Int_t x0=TMath::Nint(TMath::Exp(b0*TMath::Log(2))); Int_t x1=TMath::Nint(TMath::Exp(b1*TMath::Log(2))); trans.SetBits(b0,b1); trans.FindOptimumX0(); trans.Update(); cout< table1to0.txt for( Int_t i=0;i table0to1.txt for( Int_t i=0;i tabled.txt */ //Begin_Html // /* // */ //End_Html // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliTransBit.h" #include #include ClassImp(AliTransBit) ClassImp(AliTransBit_v1) ClassImp(AliTransBit_v2) AliTransBit::AliTransBit() { // // fTable0 = 0; fTable1 = 0; fBit0 = 10; fBit1 = 8; fX0 = 0; } AliTransBit::~AliTransBit() { // //default destructor if (fTable0!=0) delete [] fTable0; if (fTable1!=0) delete [] fTable1; } Double_t AliTransBit_v1::FindOptimumX0() { // //find x0 for which derivation at xder1 is equal 1 // Int_t x0=(Int_t)rint(exp(fBit0*log(2))); Int_t x1=(Int_t)rint(exp(fBit1*log(2))); fX0 = ((x1-2)*(x1-2)/2.)/(x0-x1-1); //starting fX0 Int_t digit=0; Int_t j; Double_t weight=1; for(j=0;(j<50)&&(digit!=(x0-1));j++){ Int_t olddigit=digit; digit=0; for (Int_t i=0; i1)&&(deriv<1)) ;x-=dx) { deriv = (x1-1)/( log(1.+x0/x) *x *(1+xder1/x)); } x+=dx/2.; fX0 = x; return fX0; } void AliTransBit_v2::Update() { // //construct lookup tables for loosy compresion from if (fX0<1) fX0 = FindOptimumX0(); //Float_t x0=(Int_t)rint(exp(fBit0*log(2))); //Float_t x1=(Int_t)rint(exp(fBit1*log(2))); Int_t x0=(Int_t)rint(exp(fBit0*log(2))); Int_t x1=(Int_t)rint(exp(fBit1*log(2))); //fTable0 - conversion from bit0 coding to bit1 coding if (fTable0!=0) delete fTable0; fTable0= new Int_t[x0]; //fTable1 - conversion table from bit1 to bit0 coding if (fTable1!=0) delete [] fTable1; fTable1= new Int_t[x1]; // Int_t i; for ( i=0; i=0) fTable1[old1] =(old0+i)/2; old0 = i; old1 = new1; } } fTable1[old1]=(Int_t)rint((Float_t)(old0+x0)/2); return; }