// @(#) $Id$ #ifndef ALILEVEL3_H #define ALILEVEL3_H #ifndef no_root #include #include #endif #ifdef use_newio class AliRunLoader; #endif #include "AliHLTDigitData.h" #include "AliHLTRootTypes.h" class AliHLTSpacePointData; class AliHLTDigitRowData; class AliHLTTrackSegmentData; class AliHLTDigitData; class AliHLTConfMapper; class AliHLTVertex; class AliHLTVertexFinder; class AliHLTTrackMerger; class AliHLTGlobalMerger; #ifndef no_root class TDirectory; #endif class AliHLTClustFinderNew; class AliHLTMerger; class AliHLTInterMerger; class AliHLTFileHandler; class AliHLTMemHandler; class AliHLTBenchmark; #ifdef no_root class AliLevel3 { #else class AliLevel3 : public TObject { #endif private: UInt_t fNTrackData; //count data AliHLTTrackSegmentData* fTrackData; //! AliHLTConfMapper *fTracker; //! AliHLTVertex *fVertex; //! AliHLTVertexFinder *fVertexFinder; //! AliHLTTrackMerger *fTrackMerger; //! AliHLTGlobalMerger *fGlobalMerger; //! AliHLTInterMerger *fInterMerger; //! AliHLTClustFinderNew *fClusterFinder; //! AliHLTMemHandler *fFileHandler; //! AliHLTBenchmark *fBenchmark;//! Int_t fEvent; //event number Int_t fNPatch; //number of patches Int_t fRow[6][2];//rows Float_t fEta[2]; //eta Char_t *fInputFile;//! #ifdef use_newio AliRunLoader *fRunLoader; //runloader #endif Char_t fPath[256]; //path to aliroot Char_t fWriteOutPath[256]; //path to store Bool_t fDoRoi; //do region of interest Bool_t fFindVertex; //find vertex Bool_t fDoNonVertex;//do non vertex pass Bool_t fPileUp; //do pileup Bool_t fNoCF; //dont do cluster finder Bool_t fUseBinary; //use binary input Bool_t fWriteOut; //write tracks static Bool_t fgDoVertexFit; //do vertex fix Bool_t fClusterDeconv; //do cluster deconv Float_t fXYClusterError; //Cluster error Float_t fZClusterError; //Cluster error void WriteSpacePoints(UInt_t npoints,AliHLTSpacePointData *points, Int_t slice,Int_t patch) const; Int_t WriteTracks(char *filename,AliHLTMerger *merger,char opt='o') const; void WriteResults(); void FitGlobalTracks(); void SetPath(char *p){sprintf(fPath,"%s",p);} public: AliLevel3 (); AliLevel3(Char_t *infile); #ifdef use_newio AliLevel3(AliRunLoader *rl); #endif virtual ~AliLevel3(); enum EFileType {kBinary, kBinary8, kRoot, kRaw, kDate, kRunLoader}; void Init(Char_t *path,EFileType filetype=kBinary,Int_t npatches=6); void SetMergerParameters(Double_t maxy=1.2,Double_t maxz=1.6,Double_t maxkappa=0.003, Double_t maxpsi=0.02,Double_t maxtgl=0.03); void SetTrackerParam(Int_t phi_segments=50,Int_t eta_segments=100, Int_t trackletlength=3,Int_t tracklength=5, Int_t rowscopetracklet=2,Int_t rowscopetrack=3, Double_t min_pt_fit=0,Double_t maxangle=1.31, Double_t goodDist=5,Double_t hitChi2Cut=10, Double_t goodHitChi2=20,Double_t trackChi2Cut=50, Int_t maxdist=50,Double_t maxphi=0.1,Double_t maxeta=0.1, Bool_t vertexconstraint=kTRUE); void SetClusterFinderParam(Float_t fXYError=0.2,Float_t fZError=0.3,Bool_t deconv=kTRUE); void ProcessEvent(Int_t first,Int_t last,Int_t event=0); void ProcessSlice(Int_t slice); void DoMc(char* file="point_mc.dat"); void DoNonVertexTracking() {fDoNonVertex=kTRUE;} void FindVertex() {fFindVertex=kTRUE;} void DoBench(char* name="benchmark"); void DoPileup() {fPileUp = kTRUE;} void NoCF() {fNoCF=kTRUE;} void DoRoi(Float_t e0=0.4,Float_t e1=0.5){fEta[0]=e0;fEta[1]=e1;fDoRoi=kTRUE;} void WriteFiles(Char_t *path="./"){fWriteOut = kTRUE; sprintf(fWriteOutPath,"%s",path);} static void SetVertexFit(Bool_t f) {fgDoVertexFit=f;} static Bool_t DoVertexFit() {return fgDoVertexFit;} ClassDef(AliLevel3,1) //Interface class for Level3-tracking }; #endif