/**************************************************************************** * This macro performs track and vertex reconstruction in TPC and ITS. * * The ITS Kalman tracker V2 is feeded "with" parameterized TPC tracks. * * * * Reconstruction is performed in the following steps: * * 1) TPC tracking parameterization * * 2) ITS clusters: slow or fast * * 3) Primary vertex reconstruction * * - read from event header for Pb-Pb events * * - determined using points in pixels for pp/pA events * * 4) ITS track finding V2 * * - in pp/pA, redetermine the position of primary vertex * * using the reconstructed tracks * * 5) Create a reference file with simulation info (p,PDG...) * * * * If mode='A' all 5 steps are executed * * If mode='B' only steps 4-5 are executed * * * * Origin: A.Dainese, Padova, andrea.dainese@pd.infn.it * * (from AliTPCtest.C & AliITStestV2.C by I.Belikov) * ****************************************************************************/ // structure for track references typedef struct { Int_t lab; Int_t pdg; Int_t mumlab; Int_t mumpdg; Float_t Vx,Vy,Vz; Float_t Px,Py,Pz; } RECTRACK; //===== Functions definition ================================================= void CopyVtx(const Char_t *inName,const Char_t *outName); void ITSFindClustersV2(Char_t SlowOrFast,Char_t* path[1024]); void ITSFindTracksV2(Int_t *skipEvt,Char_t* path[1024]); void ITSMakeRefFile(Int_t *skipEvt,Char_t* path[1024]); void MarkEvtsToSkip(const Char_t *evtsName,Int_t *skipEvt); void PrimaryVertex(const Char_t *outName,Char_t vtxMode,Char_t* path[1024]); void TPCParamTracks(Int_t coll,Double_t Bfield,Char_t* path[1024]); Int_t UpdateEvtsToSkip(const Char_t *logName,const Char_t *evtsName); void VtxFromHeader(const Char_t *outName,Bool_t smear,Char_t* path[1024]); void VtxFromTracks(const Char_t *outName,Char_t* path[1024]); void ZvtxFromSPD(const Char_t *outName,Char_t* path[1024]); //============================================================================= // number of events to be processed Int_t gNevents; // magnetic field Double_t gBfieldValue; void AliBarrelRec_TPCparam(Int_t n=-1,Char_t mode='A',Char_t* path="./") { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONFIGURATION // // _Magnetic_field_ gBfieldValue = 0.4; // // _Type_of_collision_ (needed for TPC tracking parameterization) // Available choices: !!! ONLY B = 0.4 TESLA !!! // collcode = 0 -> PbPb6000 (HIJING with b<2fm) // collcode = 1 -> low multiplicity: pp or pA Int_t collcode = 0; // // _ITS_clusters_reconstruction_ // Available choices: (from AliITStestV2.C) // SlowOrFast = 's' slow points // SlowOrFast = 'f' fast points Char_t SlowOrFast = 'f'; // // _Primary_vertex_for_ITS_tracking_ // Available choices: // Vtx4Tracking = 'H' from event Header // --- for Pb-Pb --- // Vtx4Tracking = 'S' from event header + Smearing // (x=15,y=15,z=10) micron // --- for pp/pA --- // Vtx4Tracking = 'P' z from pixels, x,y in(0,0) Char_t Vtx4Tracking = 'H'; // _Primary_vertex_for_analysis_ (AliITSVertex stored in tracks file) // Available choices: // Vtx4Analysis = 'C' Copy the same used for tracking // --- for pp/pA --- // Vtx4Analysis = 'T' x,y,z from Tracks Char_t Vtx4Analysis = 'C'; // // END CONFIGURATION //--------------------------------------------------------------------- const Char_t *name=" AliBarrelRec_TPCparam"; printf("\n %s\n",name); gBenchmark->Start(name); if(n==-1) { // read number of events to be processed from file Char_t falice[1024]; sprintf(falice,"%s/galice.root",path); TFile *f = new TFile(falice); gAlice = (AliRun*)f->Get("gAlice"); n = gAlice->GetEventsPerRun(); delete gAlice; gAlice=0; f->Close(); delete f; printf(" All %d events in file will be processed\n",n); } gNevents = n; // conversion constant for kalman tracks AliKalmanTrack::SetConvConst(100/0.299792458/gBfieldValue); // Selection of execution mode switch(mode) { case 'A': // Build TPC tracks with parameterization TPCParamTracks(collcode,gBfieldValue,path); // ITS clusters ITSFindClustersV2(SlowOrFast,path); // Vertex for ITS tracking Char_t fvertex[1024]; sprintf(fvertex,"%s/Vtx4Tracking.root",path); PrimaryVertex(fvertex,Vtx4Tracking,path); break; case 'B': printf(" ---> only tracking in ITS <---\n"); // Update list of events to be skipped if(!UpdateEvtsToSkip("itstracking.log","evtsToSkip.dat")) return; break; } // Mark events that have to be skipped (if any) Int_t *skipEvt = new Int_t[gNevents]; for(Int_t i=0; iAccessPathName("evtsToSkip.dat",kFileExists)) MarkEvtsToSkip("evtsToSkip.dat",skipEvt); // Tracking in ITS ITSFindTracksV2(skipEvt,path); // Vertex for analysis Char_t ftrack[1024]; sprintf(ftrack,"%s/AliITStracksV2.root",path); PrimaryVertex(ftrack,Vtx4Analysis,path); // Create ITS tracks reference file ITSMakeRefFile(skipEvt,path); delete [] skipEvt; gBenchmark->Stop(name); gBenchmark->Show(name); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CopyVtx(const Char_t *inName,const Char_t *outName) { // Open input and output files TFile *inFile = new TFile(inName); TFile *outFile = new TFile(outName,"update"); TDirectory *curdir; Char_t vname[20]; for(Int_t ev=0; evGet(vname); if(!vertex) continue; curdir = gDirectory; outFile->cd(); vertex->Write(); curdir->cd(); vertex = 0; } inFile->Close(); outFile->Close(); delete inFile; delete outFile; return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ITSFindClustersV2(Char_t SlowOrFast,Char_t* path="./") { printf("\n------------------------------------\n"); const Char_t *name="ITSFindClustersV2"; printf("\n %s\n",name); gBenchmark->Start(name); //--- taken from AliITStestV2.C-------------------------------------- // if (SlowOrFast=='f') { //cerr<<"Fast AliITSRecPoint(s) !\n"; //gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSHits2FastRecPoints.C"); //AliITSHits2FastRecPoints(); } else { gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSHits2SDigits.C"); AliITSHits2SDigits(); gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSSDigits2Digits.C"); AliITSSDigits2Digits(); //gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSDigits2RecPoints.C"); //AliITSDigits2RecPoints(); } gROOT->LoadMacro("./AliITSFindClustersV2.C"); AliITSFindClustersV2(SlowOrFast,gNevents,path); // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- gBenchmark->Stop(name); gBenchmark->Show(name); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t ITSFindTracksV2(Int_t *skipEvt,Char_t* path="./") { printf("\n------------------------------------\n"); const Char_t *name="ITSFindTracksV2"; printf("\n %s\n",name); gBenchmark->Start(name); Char_t ftrack[1024]; sprintf(ftrack,"%s/AliITStracksV2.root",path); TFile *outFile = new TFile(ftrack,"recreate"); Char_t fparam[1024]; sprintf(fparam,"%s/AliTPCtracksParam.root",path); TFile *inTPCtrks = new TFile(fparam); Char_t fvertex[1024]; sprintf(fvertex,"%s/Vtx4Tracking.root",path); TFile *inVertex = new TFile(fvertex); Char_t fcluster[1024]; sprintf(fcluster,"%s/AliITSclustersV2.root",path); TFile *inClusters = new TFile(fcluster); AliITSgeom *geom=(AliITSgeom*)inClusters->Get("AliITSgeom"); if(!geom) { printf("can't get ITS geometry !\n"); return;} Double_t vtx[3]; Int_t flag1stPass,flag2ndPass; Char_t vname[20]; // open logfile for done events FILE *logfile = fopen("itstracking.log","w"); // Instantiate AliITStrackerV2 AliITStrackerV2 tracker(geom); // loop on events for(Int_t ev=0; evGet(vname); if(vertex) { vertex->GetXYZ(vtx); delete vertex; } else { printf(" AliITSVertex not found for event %d\n",ev); printf(" Using (0,0,0) for ITS tracking\n"); vtx[0] = vtx[1] = vtx[2] = 0.; } flag1stPass=1; // vtx constraint flag2ndPass=0; // no vtx constraint // no vtx constraint if vertex not found if(vtx[2]<-999.) { flag1stPass=0; vtx[2]=0.; } tracker.SetVertex(vtx); // setup vertex constraint in the two tracking passes Int_t flags[2]; flags[0]=flag1stPass; tracker.SetupFirstPass(flags); flags[0]=flag2ndPass; tracker.SetupSecondPass(flags); // find the tracks tracker.Clusters2Tracks(inTPCtrks,outFile); } // loop on events fprintf(logfile,"%d\n",gNevents); //this means all evts are successfully completed fclose(logfile); delete geom; inTPCtrks->Close(); inClusters->Close(); inVertex->Close(); outFile->Close(); gBenchmark->Stop(name); gBenchmark->Show(name); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ITSMakeRefFile(Int_t *skipEvt,Char_t* path="./") { printf("\n------------------------------------\n"); const Char_t *name="ITSMakeRefFile"; printf("\n %s\n",name); gBenchmark->Start(name); Char_t fref[1024]; sprintf(fref,"%s/ITStracksRefFile.root",path); TFile *out = TFile::Open(fref,"recreate"); Char_t ftrack[1024]; sprintf(ftrack,"%s/AliITStracksV2.root",path); TFile *trk = TFile::Open(ftrack); Char_t falice[1024]; sprintf(falice,"%s/galice.root",path); TFile *kin = TFile::Open(falice); // Get gAlice object from file gAlice=(AliRun*)kin->Get("gAlice"); Int_t label; TParticle *Part; TParticle *Mum; RECTRACK rectrk; for(Int_t ev=0; evGetEvent(ev); trk->cd(); // Tree with ITS tracks char tname[100]; sprintf(tname,"TreeT_ITS_%d",ev); TTree *tracktree=(TTree*)trk->Get(tname); if(!tracktree) continue; AliITStrackV2 *itstrack=new AliITStrackV2; tracktree->SetBranchAddress("tracks",&itstrack); Int_t nentr=(Int_t)tracktree->GetEntries(); // Tree for true track parameters char ttname[100]; sprintf(ttname,"Tree_Ref_%d",ev); TTree *reftree = new TTree(ttname,"Tree with true track params"); reftree->Branch("rectracks",&rectrk,"lab/I:pdg:mumlab:mumpdg:Vx/F:Vy:Vz:Px:Py:Pz"); for(Int_t i=0; iGetEvent(i); label = TMath::Abs(itstrack->GetLabel()); Part = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(label); rectrk.lab=label; rectrk.pdg=Part->GetPdgCode(); rectrk.mumlab = Part->GetFirstMother(); if(Part->GetFirstMother()>=0) { Mum = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(Part->GetFirstMother()); rectrk.mumpdg=Mum->GetPdgCode(); } else { rectrk.mumpdg=-1; } rectrk.Vx=Part->Vx(); rectrk.Vy=Part->Vy(); rectrk.Vz=Part->Vz(); rectrk.Px=Part->Px(); rectrk.Py=Part->Py(); rectrk.Pz=Part->Pz(); reftree->Fill(); } // loop on tracks out->cd(); reftree->Write(); delete itstrack; delete reftree; } // loop on events trk->Close(); kin->Close(); out->Close(); gBenchmark->Stop(name); gBenchmark->Show(name); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MarkEvtsToSkip(const Char_t *evtsName,Int_t *skipEvt) { printf("\n------------------------------------\n"); printf("\nChecking for events to skip...\n"); Int_t evt,ncol; FILE *f = fopen(evtsName,"r"); while(1) { ncol = fscanf(f,"%d",&evt); if(ncol<1) break; skipEvt[evt] = 1; printf(" event %d will be skipped\n",evt); } fclose(f); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrimaryVertex(const Char_t *outName,Char_t vtxMode,Char_t* path="./") { printf("\n------------------------------------\n"); const Char_t *name="PrimaryVertex"; printf("\n %s\n",name); gBenchmark->Start(name); switch(vtxMode) { case 'H': printf(" ... from event header\n"); VtxFromHeader(outName,kFALSE,path); break; case 'S': printf(" ... from event header + smearing\n"); VtxFromHeader(outName,kTRUE); break; case 'P': printf(" ... z from pixels for pp/pA\n"); ZvtxFromSPD(outName); break; case 'T': printf(" ... from tracks for pp/pA\n"); VtxFromTracks(outName); break; case 'C': Char_t fvertex[1024]; sprintf(fvertex,"%s/Vtx4Tracking.root",path); printf(" ... copied from Vtx4Tracking.root to AliITStracksV2.root\n"); CopyVtx(fvertex,outName); break; } gBenchmark->Stop(name); gBenchmark->Show(name); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TPCParamTracks(Int_t coll,Double_t Bfield,Char_t* path="./") { printf("\n------------------------------------\n"); const Char_t *name="TPCParamTracks"; printf("\n %s\n",name); gBenchmark->Start(name); Char_t fparam[1024]; sprintf(fparam,"%s/AliTPCtracksParam.root",path); TFile *outFile=TFile::Open(fparam,"recreate"); Char_t falice[1024]; sprintf(falice,"%s/galice.root",path); TFile *inFile =TFile::Open(falice); AliTPCtrackerParam tracker(coll,Bfield,gNevents); tracker.BuildTPCtracks(inFile,outFile); delete gAlice; gAlice=0; inFile->Close(); outFile->Close(); gBenchmark->Stop(name); gBenchmark->Show(name); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t UpdateEvtsToSkip(const Char_t *logName,const Char_t *evtsName) { if(!gSystem->AccessPathName(logName,kFileExists)) { FILE *ifile = fopen(logName,"r"); Int_t lEvt=0,nCol=1; while(nCol>0) { nCol = fscanf(ifile,"%d",&lEvt); } fclose(ifile); if(lEvt==gNevents) { printf(" All events already reconstructed\n"); return 0; } else { FILE *ofile = fopen("evtsToSkip.dat","a"); fprintf(ofile,"%d\n",lEvt); fclose(ofile); } } else { printf("File itstracking.log not found\n"); } return 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VtxFromHeader(const Char_t *outName,Bool_t smear,Char_t* path="./") { TDatime t; UInt_t seed = t.Get(); gRandom->SetSeed(seed); Char_t falice[1024]; sprintf(falice,"%s/galice.root",path); TFile *galice = new TFile(falice); TFile *outFile = new TFile(outName,"update"); TDirectory *curdir; Double_t pos[3],sigma[3]; if(smear) { sigma[0]=15.e-4; sigma[1]=15.e-4; sigma[2]=10.e-4; } else { sigma[0]=0.; sigma[1]=0.; sigma[2]=0.; } Char_t vname[20]; galice->cd(); for(Int_t ev=0; evGet("TE"); treeE->SetBranchAddress("Header",&header); treeE->GetEntry(ev); AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = header->GenEventHeader(); if(genHeader) { // get primary vertex position genHeader->PrimaryVertex(o); pos[0] = (Double_t)o[0]; pos[1] = (Double_t)o[1]; pos[2] = (Double_t)o[2]; if(smear) { pos[0] = gRandom->Gaus(pos[0],sigma[0]); pos[1] = gRandom->Gaus(pos[1],sigma[1]); pos[2] = gRandom->Gaus(pos[2],sigma[2]); } // create AliITSVertex AliITSVertex *vertex = new AliITSVertex(pos,sigma,vname); } else { printf(" ! event header not found : setting vertex to (0,0,0) !"); pos[0] = 0.; pos[1] = 0.; pos[2] = 0.; // create AliITSVertex AliITSVertex *vertex = new AliITSVertex(pos,sigma,vname); } delete header; // write AliITSVertex to file curdir = gDirectory; outFile->cd(); if(smear) { vertex->SetTitle("vertex from header, smeared"); } else { vertex->SetTitle("vertex from header"); } vertex->Write(); curdir->cd(); vertex = 0; } outFile->Close(); galice->Close(); delete outFile; delete galice; return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VtxFromTracks(const Char_t *outName,Char_t* path="./") { // Open input and output files Char_t ftrack[1024]; sprintf(ftrack,"%s/AliITStracksV2.root",path); TFile *inFile = new TFile(ftrack); TFile *outFile = new TFile(outName,"update"); // set AliRun object to 0 if(gAlice) gAlice = 0; // Create vertexer AliITSVertexerTracks *vertexer = new AliITSVertexerTracks(inFile,outFile,gBfieldValue); vertexer->SetFirstEvent(0); vertexer->SetLastEvent(gNevents-1); vertexer->SetDebug(0); vertexer->PrintStatus(); // Find vertices vertexer->FindVertices(); delete vertexer; inFile->Close(); outFile->Close(); delete inFile; delete outFile; return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ZvtxFromSPD(const Char_t *outName,Char_t* path="./") { // create fast RecPoints, which are used for vertex finding cerr<<"Fast AliITSRecPoint(s) !\n"; gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSHits2FastRecPoints.C"); AliITSHits2FastRecPoints(0,gNevents-1); // delphi ---> azimuthal range to accept tracklets // window ---> window in Z around the peak of tracklets proj. in mm Float_t delphi=0.05; Float_t window=3.; Float_t initx=0.; Float_t inity=0.; Char_t falice[1024]; sprintf(falice,"%s/galice.root",path); TFile *infile = new TFile(falice); TFile *outfile = new TFile(outName,"update"); AliITSVertexerPPZ *vertexer = new AliITSVertexerPPZ(infile,outfile,initx,inity); vertexer->SetFirstEvent(0); vertexer->SetLastEvent(gNevents-1); vertexer->SetDebug(0); vertexer->SetDiffPhiMax(delphi); vertexer->SetWindow(window); vertexer->PrintStatus(); vertexer->FindVertices(); delete vertexer; vertexer=0; outfile->Close(); infile->Close(); delete infile; delete outfile; return; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------