//-*- Mode: C++ -*- // $Id: $ #ifndef ALIHLTTRIGGERCOUNTERCOMPONENT_H #define ALIHLTTRIGGERCOUNTERCOMPONENT_H /* This file is property of and copyright by the ALICE HLT Project * * ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /// \file AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent.h /// \author Artur Szostak /// \date 3 Nov 2010 /// \brief Declaration of the AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent component class. #include "AliHLTProcessor.h" #include "AliHLTTriggerCounters.h" #include "THashTable.h" #include "TTimeStamp.h" #include "TMap.h" /** * \class AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent * This component is used to calculate online the trigger counters and rates for * output HLT and input CTP / HLT triggers. The component should be connected to * all the global trigger component instances in the chain and there should be * only one instance of AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent in the chain. If more instances * of AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent exist in the chain then the statistics will not * be calculated correctly. * *

General properties:

* * Component ID: \b HLTTriggerCounter
* Library: \b libAliHLTTrigger.so
* Input Data Types: kAliHLTDataTypeGlobalTrigger | kAliHLTDataTypeTriggerDecision
* Output Data Types: kAliHLTDataTypeInputTriggerCounters | kAliHLTDataTypeOutputTriggerCounters
* *

Mandatory arguments:

* None. * *

Optional arguments:

* \li -config filename
* Indicates the configuration macro file to use for the initial trigger counter lists. * \li -publishperiod period
* Sets the period between publishing of the trigger counters in seconds. * The default is to publish for every event. * \li -skipcdb
* If specified then the initial counter configuration is not loaded from the CDB. * \li -countfalseinputs
* Indicates that input triggers which have false decision results should also be counted. * \li -countfalseoutputs
* Indicates that output triggers which have false decision results should also be counted. * \li -integrationtime period
* Sets the default maximum integration time in seconds to use for measuring the counter rates. * *


* Can only be configured with the command line arguments. * *

Default CDB entries:

* HLT/ConfigHLT/HLTTriggerCounter - Contains the initial counter configuration. * *


* Can run up to 1.8kHz in the HLT online system. * *

Memory consumption:

* Negligible. * *

Output size:

* Same order of magnitude as the input data size. * * \ingroup alihlt_tpc_components */ class AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent : public AliHLTProcessor { public: AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent(); virtual ~AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent(); // Methods inherited from AliHLTComponent: virtual const char* GetComponentID(); virtual void GetInputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list); virtual AliHLTComponentDataType GetOutputDataType(); virtual int GetOutputDataTypes(AliHLTComponentDataTypeList& list); virtual void GetOutputDataSize(unsigned long& constBase, double& inputMultiplier); virtual AliHLTComponent* Spawn(); virtual Int_t DoInit(int argc, const char** argv); virtual Int_t DoDeinit(); /** * Returns a reference to the initial counter configuration to use. * This should be used in the configuration file passed to the component with * the -config option to setup the initial counter configuration. The following * is an example of such a config file. * \code * void SetupConfig() { * TMap& counters = AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent::InitialCounterConfig(); * counters.Add(new TObjString("TRIGGER-A"), new TObjString("Some input trigger")); * TObjString* outname = new TObjString("TRIGGER-B"); * outname->SetBit(1<<14); * counters.Add(outname, new TObjString("Some output trigger")); * } * \endcode */ static TMap& InitialCounterConfig() { fgInitialCounterConfig.SetOwner(kTRUE); // Make sure its the owner of all objects. return fgInitialCounterConfig; } protected: // Method inherited from AliHLTProcessor: virtual int DoEvent(const AliHLTComponentEventData& evtData, AliHLTComponentTriggerData& trigData); using AliHLTProcessor::DoEvent; private: /// Implements a ring buffer for old counter and time stamp values. class AliRingBuffer : public TObject { public: enum { /// The maximum number of time stamp entries held in the ring buffers for rate calculations. /// The uncertainty in the rate should be ~ rate/sqrt(kTimeStampEntries) kTimeStampEntries = 100 }; /// Constructor initialises the buffer AliRingBuffer(const char* counterName, Double_t startTime, Double_t maxIntegTime = 1.) : TObject(), fCounterName(counterName), fMaxIntegrationTime(maxIntegTime), fPos(0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < kTimeStampEntries; ++i) { fCounterBuffer[i] = 0; fTimeBuffer[i] = startTime; } } /// Overloaded new operator to catch and log memory allocation failures. void* operator new (std::size_t size) throw (std::bad_alloc); /// Symmetric delete operator for overloaded new. void operator delete (void* mem) throw (); /// Inherited form TObject. Returns the counter name this buffer is associated to. virtual const char* GetName() const { return fCounterName.Data(); } /// Inherited from TObject. Returns a hash value calculated from the counter name. virtual ULong_t Hash() const { return fCounterName.Hash(); } /// Returns the maximum integration time for this counter to compute the rate. Double_t MaxIntegrationTime() const { return fMaxIntegrationTime; } /// Returns the oldest counter value. ULong64_t OldestCounter() const { return fCounterBuffer[fPos]; } /// Returns the oldest time value. Double_t OldestTime() const { return fTimeBuffer[fPos]; } /** * Increments the buffer. The new time and counter values are put into the * current location to replace the existing values, then the current position * is incremented (and wrapped around if necessary). * \note All values that are older than the fMaxIntegrationTime are also replaced. * \param newCounter The new counter value to put into the buffer. * \param newTime The new time value to put into the buffer. */ void Increment(ULong64_t newCounter, Double_t newTime); /** * Replaces all values that are older than the fMaxIntegrationTime. * \param currentCounter The current counter's value. * \param newTime The new time value to put into the buffer. */ void Update(ULong64_t currentCounter, Double_t newTime); private: TString fCounterName; // The name of the counter. Double_t fMaxIntegrationTime; // The maximum integration time in seconds to calculate the rate. UInt_t fPos; // Current position in the buffers. ULong64_t fCounterBuffer[kTimeStampEntries]; // The counter elements of the buffer. Double_t fTimeBuffer[kTimeStampEntries]; // The time elements of the buffer. }; // Do not allow copying of this class. AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent(const AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent& obj); AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent& operator = (const AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent& obj); /// Updates the counter rate value. void UpdateCounterRate(AliHLTTriggerCounters::AliCounter* counter, AliRingBuffer* timeBuf, Double_t newTime); /// Updates the counter rate value when the counter was not incremented. void UpdateCounterRate2(AliHLTTriggerCounters::AliCounter* counter, AliRingBuffer* timeBuf, Double_t newTime); /// Loads the initial configuration of counters from the given CDB path. int LoadConfigFromCDB(const char* cdbPath); /// Loads the initial configuration of counters from the given configuration file. int LoadConfigFromFile(const char* configFile); /** * Sets the initial counter values from a TMap object containing name description pairs. * \param counters The list of counters to initialise. This TMap should contain TObjString * pairs where the key is the name of the counter and the TMap value is the description. * If the 14th bit is set in the key TObjString then the counter is considered an * output counter and an input counter otherwise. */ void SetInitialCounters(const TMap* counters); double fOutputMultiplier; //! Multiplier value for the output size estimate. AliHLTTriggerCounters fInputCounters; //! Input trigger counters. AliHLTTriggerCounters fOutputCounters; //! Output trigger counters. THashTable fInputTimes; //! Cyclic buffer storing the time stamps when the input counters were received. THashTable fOutputTimes; //! Cyclic buffer storing the time stamps when the output counters were received. Double_t fLastPublishTime; //! The last time the counters were pushed back to the output. Double_t fPublishPeriod; //! The time between calls to push back the counters to output. Double_t fDefaultMaxIntegrationTime; //! The maximum integration time to use for calculating the rates. bool fCountFalseInputs; //! Indicates if the false input trigger decisions should also be counted. bool fCountFalseOutputs; //! Indicates if the false output trigger decisions should also be counted. static const char* fgkConfigCDBPath; //! CDB configuration path. static TMap fgInitialCounterConfig; //! Initial configuration information for the counters. ClassDef(AliHLTTriggerCounterComponent, 0) // Component for counting HLT triggers. }; #endif // ALIHLTTRIGGERCOUNTERCOMPONENT_H