#ifndef AliHMPIDDigit_h #define AliHMPIDDigit_h /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ // Class of HMPID to manage digits ---> pads //. //. //. #include //base class #include #include #include "TMath.h" //Mathieson() #include //Raw() #include "AliHMPIDParam.h" class TClonesArray; //Hit2Sdi() class AliHMPIDDigit :public AliDigit //TObject-AliDigit-AliHMPIDDigit { public: //ctor&dtor AliHMPIDDigit( ):AliDigit( ),fPad(AliHMPIDParam::Abs(-1,-1,-1,-1)),fQ(-1) {} //default ctor AliHMPIDDigit(Int_t pad,Int_t q,Int_t *t):AliDigit(t),fPad(pad ),fQ(q ) {} //digit ctor AliHMPIDDigit(const AliHMPIDDigit &d ):AliDigit(d),fPad(d.fPad),fQ(d.fQ) {} //copy ctor virtual ~AliHMPIDDigit() {} //dtor //framework part Bool_t IsSortable ( )const{return kTRUE;} //provision to use TObject::Sort() inline Int_t Compare (const TObject *pObj )const; //provision to use TObject::Sort() void Draw (Option_t *opt="" ); //TObject::Draw() overloaded void Print (Option_t *opt="" )const; //TObject::Print() overloaded //private part void AddTidOffset(Int_t offset ) {for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) if (fTracks[i]>0) fTracks[i]+=offset; } //needed for merging Int_t Ch ( )const{return AliHMPIDParam::A2C(fPad); } //chamber number Float_t LorsX ( )const{return AliHMPIDParam::LorsX(AliHMPIDParam::A2P(fPad),AliHMPIDParam::A2X(fPad)); } //center of the pad x, [cm] Float_t LorsY ( )const{return AliHMPIDParam::LorsY(AliHMPIDParam::A2P(fPad),AliHMPIDParam::A2Y(fPad)); } //center of the pad y, [cm] // inline Float_t IntMathieson(Float_t x,Float_t y )const; //Mathieson distribution Int_t PadPcX ( )const{return AliHMPIDParam::A2X(fPad);} //pad pc x # 0..79 Int_t PadPcY ( )const{return AliHMPIDParam::A2Y(fPad);} //pad pc y # 0..47 Int_t PadChX ( )const{return (Pc()%2)*AliHMPIDParam::kPadPcX+PadPcX();} //pad ch x # 0..159 Int_t PadChY ( )const{return (Pc()/2)*AliHMPIDParam::kPadPcY+PadPcY();} //pad ch y # 0..143 Int_t Pad ( )const{return fPad;} //absolute id of this pad Int_t Pc ( )const{return AliHMPIDParam::A2P(fPad);} //PC position number Float_t Q ( )const{return fQ;} //charge, [QDC] inline void Raw (UInt_t &w32,Int_t &ddl,Int_t &r,Int_t &d,Int_t &a)const; //digit->(w32,ddl,r,d,a) inline Bool_t Raw (UInt_t w32,Int_t ddl,AliRawReader *pRR); //(w32,ddl)->digit inline void Raw (Int_t ddl,Int_t r,Int_t d,Int_t a); //raw->abs pad number inline Bool_t Set (Int_t c,Int_t p,Int_t x,Int_t y,Int_t tid=0); //manual creation void SetQ (Float_t q ) {fQ=q;} //manual creation void SetNsig (Int_t sigmas ) {AliHMPIDParam::fgSigmas=sigmas;} //set n sigmas static void WriteRaw (TObjArray *pDigLst ); //write as raw stream enum EHMPIDRawError { kInvalidRawDataWord = 1 }; protected: //AliDigit has fTracks[3] Int_t fPad; //absolute pad number Float_t fQ; //QDC value, fractions are permitted for summable procedure ClassDef(AliHMPIDDigit,4) //HMPID digit class };//class AliHMPIDDigit //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t AliHMPIDDigit::Compare(const TObject *pObj) const { // Used in Sort() method to compare to objects. Note that abs pad structure is first x then y, hence will be sorted on column basis. // This feature is used in digitizer to facilitate finding of sdigits for the same pad since they all will come together after sorting. // Arguments: pObj - pointer to object to compare with // Retunrs: -1 if AbsPad less then in pObj, 1 if more and 0 if they are the same if (fPad==((AliHMPIDDigit*)pObj)->Pad()) return 0; else if(fPad >((AliHMPIDDigit*)pObj)->Pad()) return 1; else return -1; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Float_t AliHMPIDDigit::IntMathieson(Float_t x,Float_t y)const { // Integration of Mathieson. // This is the answer to electrostatic problem of charge distrubution in MWPC described elsewhere. (NIM A370(1988)602-603) // Arguments: x,y- position of the center of Mathieson distribution // Returns: a charge fraction [0-1] imposed into the pad Float_t kK2=0.96242952, kSqrtK3 =0.77459667, kK4=0.37932926; Float_t ux1=kSqrtK3*TMath::TanH(kK2*(x-LorsX()+0.5*AliHMPIDParam::SizePadX())/0.445); Float_t ux2=kSqrtK3*TMath::TanH(kK2*(x-LorsX()-0.5*AliHMPIDParam::SizePadX())/0.445); Float_t uy1=kSqrtK3*TMath::TanH(kK2*(y-LorsY()+0.5*AliHMPIDParam::SizePadY())/0.445); Float_t uy2=kSqrtK3*TMath::TanH(kK2*(y-LorsY()-0.5*AliHMPIDParam::SizePadY())/0.445); return 4*kK4*(TMath::ATan(ux2)-TMath::ATan(ux1))*kK4*(TMath::ATan(uy2)-TMath::ATan(uy1)); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void AliHMPIDDigit::Raw(UInt_t &w32,Int_t &ddl,Int_t &r,Int_t &d,Int_t &a)const { // Convert digit structure to raw word format // Arguments: w32,ddl,r,d,a where to write the results // Returns: none Int_t y2a[6]={5,3,1,0,2,4}; ddl=2*Ch()+Pc()%2; //DDL# 0..13 Int_t tmp=1+Pc()/2*8+PadPcY()/6; r=(Pc()%2)? 25-tmp:tmp; //row r=1..24 d=1+PadPcX()/8; //DILOGIC# 1..10 a=y2a[PadPcY()%6]+6*(PadPcX()%8); //ADDRESS 0..47 w32=0; AliBitPacking::PackWord((UInt_t)fQ,w32, 0,11); // 0000 0rrr rrdd ddaa aaaa qqqq qqqq qqqq Qdc bits (00..11) counts (0..4095) AliBitPacking::PackWord( a ,w32,12,17); // 3322 2222 2222 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 DILOGIC address bits (12..17) counts (0..47) AliBitPacking::PackWord( d ,w32,18,21); // 1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210 DILOGIC number bits (18..21) counts (1..10) AliBitPacking::PackWord( r ,w32,22,26); // Row number bits (22..26) counts (1..24) } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bool_t AliHMPIDDigit::Raw(UInt_t w32,Int_t ddl, AliRawReader *pRR) { // Converts a given raw data word to a digit // Arguments: w32 - 32 bits raw data word // ddl - DDL idx 0 1 2 3 4 ... 13 // Returns: none Int_t r = AliBitPacking::UnpackWord(w32,22,26); assert(1<=r&&r<=24); // Row number (1..24) Int_t d = AliBitPacking::UnpackWord(w32,18,21); assert(1<=d&&d<=10); // 3322 2222 2222 1111 1111 1000 0000 0000 DILOGIC number (1..10) Int_t a = AliBitPacking::UnpackWord(w32,12,17); assert(0<=a&&a<=47); // 1098 7654 3210 9876 5432 1098 7654 3210 DILOGIC address (0..47) Int_t q = AliBitPacking::UnpackWord(w32, 0,11); assert(0<=q&&q<=4095); // 0000 0rrr rrdd ddaa aaaa qqqq qqqq qqqq Qdc (0..4095) if (r<1 || r>24 || d<1 || d>10 || a<0 || a>47 || q<0 || q>4095) { AliWarning(Form("Invalid raw data word %x",w32)); pRR->AddMajorErrorLog(kInvalidRawDataWord,Form("w=%x",w32)); return kFALSE; } Raw(ddl,r,d,a); fQ=q; return kTRUE; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void AliHMPIDDigit::Raw(Int_t ddl,Int_t r,Int_t d,Int_t a) { assert(0<=ddl&&ddl<=13); assert(1<=r&&r<=24); assert(1<=d&&d<=10); assert(0<=a&&a<=47); Int_t a2y[6]={3,2,4,1,5,0};//pady for a given address (for single DILOGIC chip) Int_t ch=ddl/2; Int_t tmp=(r-1)/8; Int_t pc=(ddl%2)? 5-2*tmp:2*tmp; Int_t px=(d-1)*8+a/6; tmp=(ddl%2)?(24-r):r-1; Int_t py=6*(tmp%8)+a2y[a%6]; fPad=AliHMPIDParam::Abs(ch,pc,px,py); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bool_t AliHMPIDDigit::Set(Int_t ch,Int_t pc,Int_t px,Int_t py,Int_t tid) { // Manual creation of digit // Arguments: ch,pc,px,py,qdc,tid // Returns: kTRUE if wrong digit if(pxAliHMPIDParam::kMaxPx) return kTRUE; if(pyAliHMPIDParam::kMaxPy) return kTRUE; fPad=AliHMPIDParam::Abs(ch,pc,px,py);fTracks[0]=tid; fQ=0; return kFALSE; } #endif