#ifndef CERNLIB_ISAJET_ISABNK_INC #define CERNLIB_ISAJET_ISABNK_INC * * * isabnk.inc * C COMMON/ISABNK/BANK,FILISA,FILIS2 SAVE /ISABNK/ CHARACTER*12 BANK CHARACTER*80 FILISA,FILIS2 C C If BANK='ISAP' Zebra bank ISAP (particles) will be written out C if BANK='ISAC' " ISAC (pseudo calorimeter) will be written out C If BANK='ISAL' " ISAL (leptons) will be written out C if BANK='ISAPISAC' both groups will be written out C if BANK='ISAPISACISAL' all groups will be written out C C FILISA= name of ISAJET events file (ZEBRA) C FILIS2= name of second file if needed for output C #endif