#include "isajet/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE SSHGM1(TAU,IFFF,RFFF) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C This subroutine uses the tau variable of the Higgs Hunters' C Guide. Many other authors, including the paper cited in C Higgs Hunters' Guide (PR. D. 38(11): 3481) and Collider Physics C by Barger and Phillips use the variable lambda C LAMBDA = ( MASS OF PARTICLE IN LOOP / MASS OF HIGGS )**2 C TAU = 4.0 * LAMBDA C Note also that what is defined as the f function by different C authors varies by a constant factor. For example, C f(Barger and Phillips) = -2 * f(Higgs Hunters' Guide) C C Bisset's FFF C----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(CERNLIB_IMPNONE) IMPLICIT NONE #endif DOUBLE PRECISION TAU,IFFF,RFFF,ETAP,ETAM,PI C PI=3.1415926536 IFFF=0.0 RFFF=0.0 IF(TAU.GE.1.0) THEN RFFF=(DASIN(DSQRT(1.0/TAU)))**2 IFFF=0.0D0 ELSE IF (TAU.LT.1.0) THEN ETAP=1.0D0+SQRT(1.0D0-TAU) ETAM=1.0D0-SQRT(1.0D0-TAU) RFFF=-((DLOG(ETAP/ETAM))**2-PI**2)/4.0D0 IFFF=PI*DLOG(ETAP/ETAM)/2.0D0 ENDIF RETURN END