/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \class AliITSAlignMille /// Alignment class for the ALICE ITS detector /// /// ITS specific alignment class which interface to AliMillepede. /// For each track ProcessTrack calculates the local and global derivatives /// at each hit and fill the corresponding local equations. Provide methods for /// fixing or constraining detection elements for best results. /// /// \author M. Lunardon (thanks to J. Castillo) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliITSAlignMilleModule.h" #include "AliITSAlignMille.h" #include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" #include "AliMillepede.h" #include "AliTrackPointArray.h" #include "AliAlignObjParams.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "AliTrackFitterRieman.h" /// \cond CLASSIMP ClassImp(AliITSAlignMille) /// \endcond Int_t AliITSAlignMille::fgNDetElem = ITSMILLE_NDETELEM; Int_t AliITSAlignMille::fgNParCh = ITSMILLE_NPARCH; AliITSAlignMille::AliITSAlignMille(const Char_t *configFilename, Bool_t initmille) : TObject(), fMillepede(0), fStartFac(16.), fResCutInitial(100.), fResCut(100.), fNGlobal(ITSMILLE_NDETELEM*ITSMILLE_NPARCH), fNLocal(4), fNStdDev(ITSMILLE_NSTDEV), fIsMilleInit(kFALSE), fParSigTranslations(0.0100), fParSigRotations(0.1), fTrack(NULL), fCluster(), fGlobalDerivatives(NULL), fSigmaXfactor(1.0), fSigmaZfactor(1.0), fTempAlignObj(NULL), fDerivativeXLoc(0), fDerivativeZLoc(0), fMinNPtsPerTrack(3), fInitTrackParamsMeth(1), fProcessedPoints(NULL), fTotBadLocEqPoints(0), fRieman(NULL), fRequirePoints(kFALSE), fTempExcludedModule(-1), fGeometryFileName("geometry.root"), fPreAlignmentFileName(""), fGeoManager(0), fCurrentModuleIndex(0), fCurrentModuleInternalIndex(0), fCurrentSensVolIndex(0), fNModules(0), fUseLocalShifts(kTRUE), fUseSuperModules(kFALSE), fUsePreAlignment(kFALSE), fUseSortedTracks(kTRUE), fBOn(kFALSE), fBField(0.0), fNSuperModules(0), fCurrentModuleHMatrix(NULL), fIsConfigured(kFALSE), fBug(0) { /// main constructor that takes input from configuration file fMillepede = new AliMillepede(); fGlobalDerivatives = new Double_t[fNGlobal]; for (Int_t i=0; iAccessPathName(st2)) { AliInfo("*** WARNING! *** geometry file not found! "); return -1; } fGeometryFileName=st2; InitGeometry(); } if (strstr(st,"PREALIGNMENT_FILE")) { sscanf(st,"%s %s",tmp,st2); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(st2)) { AliInfo("*** WARNING! *** prealignment file not found! "); return -1; } fPreAlignmentFileName=st2; itx=ApplyToGeometry(); if (itx) { AliInfo(Form("*** WARNING! *** error %d reading prealignment file! ",itx)); return -6; } } if (strstr(st,"SUPERMODULE_FILE")) { sscanf(st,"%s %s",tmp,st2); if (gSystem->AccessPathName(st2)) { AliInfo("*** WARNING! *** supermodule file not found! "); return -1; } if (LoadSuperModuleFile(st2)) return -1; } if (strstr(st,"SET_B_FIELD")) { sscanf(st,"%s %f",tmp,&f1); if (f1>0) { fBField = f1; fBOn = kTRUE; fNLocal = 5; // helices fRieman = new AliTrackFitterRieman(); } else { fBField = 0.0; fBOn = kFALSE; fNLocal = 4; } } if (strstr(st,"SET_PARSIG_TRA")) { sscanf(st,"%s %f",tmp,&f1); fParSigTranslations=f1; } if (strstr(st,"SET_PARSIG_ROT")) { sscanf(st,"%s %f",tmp,&f1); fParSigRotations=f1; } if (strstr(st,"SET_NSTDDEV")) { sscanf(st,"%s %d",tmp,&idx); fNStdDev=idx; } if (strstr(st,"SET_RESCUT_INIT")) { sscanf(st,"%s %f",tmp,&f1); fResCutInitial=f1; } if (strstr(st,"SET_RESCUT_OTHER")) { sscanf(st,"%s %f",tmp,&f1); fResCut=f1; } if (strstr(st,"SET_LOCALSIGMAFACTOR")) { sscanf(st,"%s %f %f",tmp,&f1,&f2); if (f1>0 && f2>0) { fSigmaXfactor=f1; fSigmaZfactor=f2; } } if (strstr(st,"SET_STARTFAC")) { sscanf(st,"%s %f",tmp,&f1); fStartFac=f1; } if (strstr(st,"REQUIRE_POINT")) { // syntax: REQUIRE_POINT where ndet updw nreqpts // where = LAYER or DETECTOR // ndet = detector number: 1-6 for LAYER and 1-3 for DETECTOR (SPD=1, SDD=2, SSD=3) // updw = 1 for Y>0, -1 for Y<0, 0 if not specified // nreqpts = minimum number of points of that type sscanf(st,"%s %s %d %d %d",tmp,st2,&itx,&ity,&itz); itx--; if (strstr(st2,"LAYER")) { if (itx<0 || itx>5) return -7; if (ity>0) fNReqLayUp[itx]=itz; else if (ity<0) fNReqLayDown[itx]=itz; else fNReqLay[itx]=itz; fRequirePoints=kTRUE; } else if (strstr(st2,"DETECTOR")) { // DETECTOR if (itx<0 || itx>2) return -7; if (ity>0) fNReqDetUp[itx]=itz; else if (ity<0) fNReqDetDown[itx]=itz; else fNReqDet[itx]=itz; fRequirePoints=kTRUE; } } if (strstr(st,"SET_LOCAL_SHIFTS")) { // only enabled mode... fUseLocalShifts = kTRUE; } if (strstr(st,"MODULE_INDEX")) { // works only for sensitive modules f1=0; f2=0; sscanf(st,"%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f",tmp,&idx,&itx,&ity,&itz,&iph,&ith,&ips,&f1,&f2); if (idx<0 || idx>2197) return 1; // bad index voluid=GetModuleVolumeID(idx); if (!voluid || voluid>14300) return 1; // bad index fModuleIndex[nmod]=idx; fModuleVolumeID[nmod]=voluid; fFreeParam[nmod][0]=itx; fFreeParam[nmod][1]=ity; fFreeParam[nmod][2]=itz; fFreeParam[nmod][3]=iph; fFreeParam[nmod][4]=ith; fFreeParam[nmod][5]=ips; fMilleModule[nmod] = new AliITSAlignMilleModule(voluid); if (f1>0) fSensVolSigmaXfactor[idx]=f1; if (f2>0) fSensVolSigmaZfactor[idx]=f2; nmod++; } if (strstr(st,"MODULE_VOLUID")) { f1=0; f2=0; sscanf(st,"%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f",tmp,&idx,&itx,&ity,&itz,&iph,&ith,&ips,&f1,&f2); voluid=UShort_t(idx); if (voluid>14335 && fUseSuperModules) { // custom supermodule int ism=-1; for (int j=0; jGetVolumeID()) ism=j; } if (ism<0) return -1; // bad volid fModuleIndex[nmod]=fSuperModule[ism]->GetIndex(); fModuleVolumeID[nmod]=voluid; fFreeParam[nmod][0]=itx; fFreeParam[nmod][1]=ity; fFreeParam[nmod][2]=itz; fFreeParam[nmod][3]=iph; fFreeParam[nmod][4]=ith; fFreeParam[nmod][5]=ips; fMilleModule[nmod] = new AliITSAlignMilleModule(*fSuperModule[ism]); if (f1>0) { for (int kk=0; kkGetNSensitiveVolumes(); kk++) { idx=AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetIndexFromVolumeID(fMilleModule[nmod]->GetSensitiveVolumeVolumeID()[kk]); if (idx>=0) fSensVolSigmaXfactor[idx]=f1; } } if (f2>0) { for (int kk=0; kkGetNSensitiveVolumes(); kk++) { idx=AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetIndexFromVolumeID(fMilleModule[nmod]->GetSensitiveVolumeVolumeID()[kk]); if (idx>=0) fSensVolSigmaZfactor[idx]=f2; } } nmod++; } else { // sensitive volume idx=GetModuleIndex(voluid); if (idx<0 || idx>2197) return 1; // bad index fModuleIndex[nmod]=idx; fModuleVolumeID[nmod]=voluid; fFreeParam[nmod][0]=itx; fFreeParam[nmod][1]=ity; fFreeParam[nmod][2]=itz; fFreeParam[nmod][3]=iph; fFreeParam[nmod][4]=ith; fFreeParam[nmod][5]=ips; fMilleModule[nmod] = new AliITSAlignMilleModule(voluid); if (f1>0) fSensVolSigmaXfactor[idx]=f1; if (f2>0) fSensVolSigmaZfactor[idx]=f2; nmod++; } } //---------- } // end while fNModules = nmod; fNGlobal = fNModules*fgNParCh; fclose(pfc); return 0; } void AliITSAlignMille::SetRequiredPoint(Char_t* where, Int_t ndet, Int_t updw, Int_t nreqpts) { // set minimum number of points in specific detector or layer // where = LAYER or DETECTOR // ndet = detector number: 1-6 for LAYER and 1-3 for DETECTOR (SPD=1, SDD=2, SSD=3) // updw = 1 for Y>0, -1 for Y<0, 0 if not specified // nreqpts = minimum number of points of that type ndet--; if (strstr(where,"LAYER")) { if (ndet<0 || ndet>5) return; if (updw>0) fNReqLayUp[ndet]=nreqpts; else if (updw<0) fNReqLayDown[ndet]=nreqpts; else fNReqLay[ndet]=nreqpts; fRequirePoints=kTRUE; } else if (strstr(where,"DETECTOR")) { if (ndet<0 || ndet>2) return; if (updw>0) fNReqDetUp[ndet]=nreqpts; else if (updw<0) fNReqDetDown[ndet]=nreqpts; else fNReqDet[ndet]=nreqpts; fRequirePoints=kTRUE; } } Int_t AliITSAlignMille::GetModuleIndex(const Char_t *symname) { /// index from symname if (!symname) return -1; for (Int_t i=0; i<2198; i++) { if (!strcmp(symname,AliITSgeomTGeo::GetSymName(i))) return i; } return -1; } Int_t AliITSAlignMille::GetModuleIndex(UShort_t voluid) { /// index from volume ID AliGeomManager::ELayerID lay = AliGeomManager::VolUIDToLayer(voluid); if (lay<1|| lay>6) return -1; Int_t idx=Int_t(voluid)-2048*lay; if (idx>=AliGeomManager::LayerSize(lay)) return -1; for (Int_t ilay=1; ilay0 && layerId<7 && modId>=0 && modIdGetIndex()==index) return fSuperModule[i]->GetVolumeID(); } } return 0; } void AliITSAlignMille::InitGeometry() { /// initialize geometry AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(fGeometryFileName.Data()); fGeoManager = AliGeomManager::GetGeometry(); if (!fGeoManager) { AliInfo("Couldn't initialize geometry"); return; } // temporary align object, just use the rotation... fTempAlignObj=new AliAlignObjParams; } void AliITSAlignMille::Init(Int_t nGlobal, /* number of global paramers */ Int_t nLocal, /* number of local parameters */ Int_t nStdDev /* std dev cut */ ) { /// Initialization of AliMillepede. Fix parameters, define constraints ... fMillepede->InitMille(nGlobal,nLocal,nStdDev,fResCut,fResCutInitial); fIsMilleInit = kTRUE; /// Fix non free parameters for (Int_t i=0; i1) fMillepede->SetIterations(fStartFac); } void AliITSAlignMille::AddConstraint(Double_t *par, Double_t value) { /// Constrain equation defined by par to value if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return; } fMillepede->SetGlobalConstraint(par, value); AliInfo("Adding constraint"); } void AliITSAlignMille::InitGlobalParameters(Double_t *par) { /// Initialize global parameters with par array if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return; } fMillepede->SetGlobalParameters(par); AliInfo("Init Global Parameters"); } void AliITSAlignMille::FixParameter(Int_t iPar, Double_t value) { /// Parameter iPar is encourage to vary in [-value;value]. /// If value == 0, parameter is fixed if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return; } fMillepede->SetParSigma(iPar, value); if (value==0) AliInfo(Form("Parameter %i Fixed", iPar)); } void AliITSAlignMille::ResetLocalEquation() { /// Reset the derivative vectors for(int i=0; iIsOpen()) return -2; TClonesArray *prea=(TClonesArray*)pref->Get("ITSAlignObjs"); if (!prea) return -3; Int_t nprea=prea->GetEntriesFast(); AliInfo(Form("Array of input misalignments with %d entries",nprea)); for (int ix=0; ixUncheckedAt(ix); Int_t index=AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetIndexFromVolumeID(preo->GetVolUID()); if (index>=0) { fPreAlignQF[index] = (int) preo->GetUniqueID(); //printf("index=%d QF=%d\n",index,preo->GetUniqueID()); } if (!preo->ApplyToGeometry()) return -4; } pref->Close(); delete pref; fUsePreAlignment = kTRUE; return 0; } Int_t AliITSAlignMille::GetPreAlignmentQualityFactor(Int_t index) { /// works for sensitive volumes if (!fUsePreAlignment || index<0 || index>2197) return -1; return fPreAlignQF[index]; } AliTrackPointArray *AliITSAlignMille::PrepareTrack(AliTrackPointArray *atp) { /// create a new AliTrackPointArray keeping only defined modules /// move points according to a given prealignment, if any /// sort alitrackpoints w.r.t. global Y direction, if selected AliTrackPointArray *atps=NULL; Int_t idx[20]; Int_t npts=atp->GetNPoints(); /// checks if AliTrackPoints belong to defined modules Int_t ngoodpts=0; Int_t intidx[20]; for (int j=0; jGetVolumeID()[j]); if (intidx[j]>=0) ngoodpts++; } AliDebug(3,Form("Number of points in defined modules: %d",ngoodpts)); // reject track if not enough points are left if (ngoodptsGetX()[i]; Float_t yy=atp->GetY()[i]; Float_t r=TMath::Sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy); int lay=-1; if (r<5) lay=0; else if (r>5 && r<10) lay=1; else if (r>10 && r<18) lay=2; else if (r>18 && r<30) lay=3; else if (r>30 && r<40) lay=4; else if (r>40) lay=5; if (lay<0) continue; int det=lay/2; //printf("Point %d - x=%f y=%f R=%f lay=%d det=%d\n",i,xx,yy,r,lay,det); if (yy>=0.0) { // UP point nlayup[lay]++; nlay[lay]++; ndetup[det]++; ndet[det]++; } else { nlaydown[lay]++; nlay[lay]++; ndetdown[det]++; ndet[det]++; } } // checks minimum values Bool_t isok=kTRUE; for (Int_t j=0; j<6; j++) { if (nlayup[j]GetY(),idx); // sort descending... Int_t npto=0; for (int i=0; iGetPoint(p,idx[i]); // prealign point if required // get IDEAL matrix TGeoHMatrix *svOrigMatrix = fMilleModule[intidx[idx[i]]]->GetSensitiveVolumeOrigGlobalMatrix(p.GetVolumeID()); // get back real local coordinates: use OriginalGlobalMatrix because AliTrackPoints were written // with idel geometry Double_t pg[3],pl[3]; pg[0]=p.GetX(); pg[1]=p.GetY(); pg[2]=p.GetZ(); AliDebug(3,Form("Global coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",pg[0],pg[1],pg[2])); svOrigMatrix->MasterToLocal(pg,pl); AliDebug(3,Form("Local coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",pl[0],pl[1],pl[2])); // update covariance matrix TGeoHMatrix hcov; Double_t hcovel[9]; hcovel[0]=double(p.GetCov()[0]); hcovel[1]=double(p.GetCov()[1]); hcovel[2]=double(p.GetCov()[2]); hcovel[3]=double(p.GetCov()[1]); hcovel[4]=double(p.GetCov()[3]); hcovel[5]=double(p.GetCov()[4]); hcovel[6]=double(p.GetCov()[2]); hcovel[7]=double(p.GetCov()[4]); hcovel[8]=double(p.GetCov()[5]); hcov.SetRotation(hcovel); // now rotate in local system hcov.Multiply(svOrigMatrix); hcov.MultiplyLeft(&svOrigMatrix->Inverse()); // now hcov is LOCAL COVARIANCE MATRIX // pepopepo if (fBug==1) { // correzione bug LAYER 5 SSD temporanea.. int ssdidx=AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetIndexFromVolumeID(p.GetVolumeID()); if (ssdidx>=500 && ssdidx<1248) { int ladder=(ssdidx-500)%22; if (ladder==18) p.SetVolumeID(AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetVolumeIDFromIndex(ssdidx+1)); if (ladder==19) p.SetVolumeID(AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetVolumeIDFromIndex(ssdidx-1)); } } /// get (evenctually prealigned) matrix of sens. vol. TGeoHMatrix *svMatrix = fMilleModule[intidx[idx[i]]]->GetSensitiveVolumeMatrix(p.GetVolumeID()); // modify global coordinates according with pre-aligment svMatrix->LocalToMaster(pl,pg); // now rotate in local system hcov.Multiply(&svMatrix->Inverse()); hcov.MultiplyLeft(svMatrix); // hcov is back in GLOBAL RF Float_t pcov[6]; pcov[0]=hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[0]; pcov[1]=hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[1]; pcov[2]=hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[2]; pcov[3]=hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[4]; pcov[4]=hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[5]; pcov[5]=hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[8]; p.SetXYZ(pg[0],pg[1],pg[2],pcov); AliDebug(3,Form("New global coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",pg[0],pg[1],pg[2])); atps->AddPoint(npto,&p); AliDebug(2,Form("Adding point[%d] = ( %f , %f , %f ) volid = %d",npto,atps->GetX()[npto],atps->GetY()[npto],atps->GetZ()[npto],atps->GetVolumeID()[npto] )); npto++; } return atps; } AliTrackPointArray *AliITSAlignMille::SortTrack(AliTrackPointArray *atp) { /// sort alitrackpoints w.r.t. global Y direction AliTrackPointArray *atps=NULL; Int_t idx[20]; Int_t npts=atp->GetNPoints(); AliTrackPoint p; atps=new AliTrackPointArray(npts); TMath::Sort(npts,atp->GetY(),idx); for (int i=0; iGetPoint(p,idx[i]); atps->AddPoint(i,&p); AliDebug(2,Form("Point[%d] = ( %f , %f , %f ) volid = %d",i,atps->GetX()[i],atps->GetY()[i],atps->GetZ()[i],atps->GetVolumeID()[i] )); } return atps; } Int_t AliITSAlignMille::InitModuleParams() { /// initialize geometry parameters for a given detector /// for current cluster (fCluster) /// fGlobalInitParam[] is set as: /// [tx,ty,tz,psi,theta,phi] /// /// return 0 if success if (!fGeoManager) { AliInfo("ITS geometry not initialized!"); return -1; } // now 'voluid' is the volumeID of a SENSITIVE VOLUME (coming from a cluster) // set the internal index (index in module list) UShort_t voluid=fCluster.GetVolumeID(); Int_t k=fNModules-1; while (k>=0 && !(fMilleModule[k]->IsIn(voluid)) ) k--; if (k<0) return -3; fCurrentModuleInternalIndex=k; // the internal index of the SUPERMODULE fCurrentModuleIndex=fMilleModule[k]->GetIndex(); // index of the SUPERMODULE // set the index Int_t index = GetModuleIndex(voluid); if (index<0) return -2; fCurrentSensVolIndex = index; // the index of the SENSITIVE VOLUME fModuleInitParam[0] = 0.0; fModuleInitParam[1] = 0.0; fModuleInitParam[2] = 0.0; fModuleInitParam[3] = 0.0; // psi (X) fModuleInitParam[4] = 0.0; // theta (Y) fModuleInitParam[5] = 0.0; // phi (Z) fCurrentModuleHMatrix = fMilleModule[fCurrentModuleInternalIndex]->GetMatrix(); for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++) fCurrentModuleTranslation[ii]=fCurrentModuleHMatrix->GetTranslation()[ii]; /// get (evenctually prealigned) matrix of sens. vol. TGeoHMatrix *svMatrix = fMilleModule[fCurrentModuleInternalIndex]->GetSensitiveVolumeMatrix(voluid); fMeasGlo[0] = fCluster.GetX(); fMeasGlo[1] = fCluster.GetY(); fMeasGlo[2] = fCluster.GetZ(); svMatrix->MasterToLocal(fMeasGlo,fMeasLoc); AliDebug(2,Form("Local coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",fMeasLoc[0] ,fMeasLoc[1] ,fMeasLoc[2] )); // set stdev from cluster TGeoHMatrix hcov; Double_t hcovel[9]; hcovel[0]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[0]); hcovel[1]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[1]); hcovel[2]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[2]); hcovel[3]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[1]); hcovel[4]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[3]); hcovel[5]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[4]); hcovel[6]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[2]); hcovel[7]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[4]); hcovel[8]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[5]); hcov.SetRotation(hcovel); // now rotate in local system hcov.Multiply(svMatrix); hcov.MultiplyLeft(&svMatrix->Inverse()); // set local sigmas fSigmaLoc[0] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[0])); fSigmaLoc[1] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[4])); fSigmaLoc[2] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(hcov.GetRotationMatrix()[8])); // set minimum value for SigmaLoc to 10 micron if (fSigmaLoc[0]<0.0010) fSigmaLoc[0]=0.0010; if (fSigmaLoc[2]<0.0010) fSigmaLoc[2]=0.0010; // multiply local sigmas by global factor fSigmaLoc[0] *= fSigmaXfactor; fSigmaLoc[2] *= fSigmaZfactor; // multiply local sigmas by individual factor fSigmaLoc[0] *= fSensVolSigmaXfactor[index]; fSigmaLoc[2] *= fSensVolSigmaZfactor[index]; AliDebug(2,Form("Setting StDev from CovMat : fSigmaLocX=%g fSigmaLocY=%g fSigmaLocZ=%g \n",fSigmaLoc[0] ,fSigmaLoc[1] ,fSigmaLoc[2] )); return 0; } void AliITSAlignMille::SetCurrentModule(Int_t index) { /// set as current the SuperModule that contains the 'index' sens.vol. if (index<0 || index>2197) { AliInfo("index does not correspond to a sensitive volume!"); return; } UShort_t voluid=GetModuleVolumeID(index); Int_t k=IsContained(voluid); if (k>=0){ fCluster.SetVolumeID(voluid); fCluster.SetXYZ(0,0,0); InitModuleParams(); } else AliInfo(Form("module %d not defined\n",index)); } void AliITSAlignMille::SetCurrentSensitiveModule(Int_t index) { /// set as current the SuperModule that contains the 'index' sens.vol. if (index<0 || index>2197) { AliInfo("index does not correspond to a sensitive volume!"); return; } UShort_t voluid=AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetVolumeIDFromIndex(index); Int_t k=IsDefined(voluid); if (k>=0){ fCluster.SetVolumeID(voluid); fCluster.SetXYZ(0,0,0); InitModuleParams(); } else AliInfo(Form("module %d not defined\n",index)); } void AliITSAlignMille::Print(Option_t*) const { /// print infos printf("*** AliMillepede for ITS ***\n"); printf(" number of defined super modules: %d\n",fNModules); if (fGeoManager) printf(" geometry loaded from %s\n",fGeometryFileName.Data()); else printf(" geometry not loaded\n"); if (fUseSuperModules) printf(" using custom supermodules ( %d defined )\n",fNSuperModules); else printf(" custom supermodules not used\n"); if (fUsePreAlignment) printf(" using prealignment from %s \n",fPreAlignmentFileName.Data()); else printf(" prealignment not used\n"); if (fBOn) printf(" B Field set to %f T - using Riemann's helices\n",fBField); else printf(" B Field OFF - using straight lines \n"); if (fUseLocalShifts) printf(" Alignment shifts will be computed in LOCAL RS\n"); else printf(" Alignment shifts will be computed in GLOBAL RS\n"); if (fRequirePoints) printf(" Required points in tracks:\n"); for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) { if (fNReqLayUp[i]>0) printf(" Layer %d : %d points with Y>0\n",i+1,fNReqLayUp[i]); if (fNReqLayDown[i]>0) printf(" Layer %d : %d points with Y<0\n",i+1,fNReqLayDown[i]); if (fNReqLay[i]>0) printf(" Layer %d : %d points \n",i+1,fNReqLay[i]); } for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { if (fNReqDetUp[i]>0) printf(" Detector %d : %d points with Y>0\n",i+1,fNReqDetUp[i]); if (fNReqDetDown[i]>0) printf(" Detector %d : %d points with Y<0\n",i+1,fNReqDetDown[i]); if (fNReqDet[i]>0) printf(" Detector %d : %d points \n",i+1,fNReqDet[i]); } printf("\n Millepede configuration parameters:\n"); printf(" init parsig for translations : %.4f\n",fParSigTranslations); printf(" init parsig for rotations : %.4f\n",fParSigRotations); printf(" init value for chi2 cut : %.4f\n",fStartFac); printf(" first iteration cut value : %.4f\n",fResCutInitial); printf(" other iterations cut value : %.4f\n",fResCut); printf(" number of stddev for chi2 cut : %d\n",fNStdDev); printf(" mult. fact. for local sigmas : %.4f %.4f\n",fSigmaXfactor, fSigmaZfactor); printf("List of defined modules:\n"); printf(" intidx\tindex\tvoluid\tname\n"); for (int i=0; iGetName()); } AliITSAlignMilleModule *AliITSAlignMille::GetMilleModule(UShort_t voluid) { // return pointer to a define supermodule // return NULL if error Int_t i=IsDefined(voluid); if (i<0) return NULL; return fMilleModule[i]; } AliITSAlignMilleModule *AliITSAlignMille::GetCurrentModule() { if (fNModules) return fMilleModule[fCurrentModuleInternalIndex]; return NULL; } void AliITSAlignMille::PrintCurrentModuleInfo() { /// Int_t k=fCurrentModuleInternalIndex; if (k<0 || k>=fNModules) return; fMilleModule[k]->Print(""); } Bool_t AliITSAlignMille::InitRiemanFit() { // Initialize Riemann Fitter for current track // return kFALSE if error if (!fBOn) return kFALSE; Int_t npts=0; AliTrackPoint ap; npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); AliDebug(3,Form("Fitting track with %d points",npts)); fRieman->Reset(); fRieman->SetTrackPointArray(fTrack); TArrayI ai(npts); for (Int_t ipt=0; iptGetVolumeID()[ipt]; // fit track with 5 params in his own tracking-rotated reference system // xc = -p[1]/p[0]; // yc = 1/p[0]; // R = sqrt( x0*x0 + y0*y0 - y0*p[2]); if (!fRieman->Fit(&ai,NULL,(AliGeomManager::ELayerID)1,(AliGeomManager::ELayerID)6)) { return kFALSE; } for (int i=0; i<5; i++) fLocalInitParam[i] = fRieman->GetParam()[i]; return kTRUE; } void AliITSAlignMille::InitTrackParams(int meth) { /// initialize local parameters with different methods /// for current track (fTrack) Int_t npts=0; TF1 *f1=NULL; TGraph *g=NULL; Float_t sigmax[20],sigmay[20],sigmaz[20]; AliTrackPoint ap; TGraphErrors *ge=NULL; switch (meth) { case 1: // simple linear interpolation // get local starting parameters (to be substituted by ESD track parms) // local parms (fLocalInitParam[]) are: // [0] = global x coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [1] = global z coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [2] = px/py // [3] = pz/py // test #1: linear fit in x(y) and z(y) npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); AliDebug(3,Form("*** initializing track with %d points ***",npts)); f1=new TF1("f1","[0]+x*[1]",-50,50); g=new TGraph(npts,fTrack->GetY(),fTrack->GetX()); g->Fit(f1,"RNQ"); fLocalInitParam[0] = f1->GetParameter(0); fLocalInitParam[2] = f1->GetParameter(1); AliDebug(2,Form("X = p0gx + ugx*Y : p0gx = %f +- %f ugx = %f +- %f\n",fLocalInitParam[0],f1->GetParError(0),fLocalInitParam[2],f1->GetParError(1))); delete g; g=NULL; g=new TGraph(npts,fTrack->GetY(),fTrack->GetZ()); g->Fit(f1,"RNQ"); fLocalInitParam[1] = f1->GetParameter(0); fLocalInitParam[3] = f1->GetParameter(1); AliDebug(2,Form("Z = p0gz + ugz*Y : p0gz=%f ugz=%f\n",fLocalInitParam[1],fLocalInitParam[3])); delete g; delete f1; break; case 2: // simple linear interpolation weighted using sigmas // get local starting parameters (to be substituted by ESD track parms) // local parms (fLocalInitParam[]) are: // [0] = global x coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [1] = global z coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [2] = px/py // [3] = pz/py // test #1: linear fit in x(y) and z(y) npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); AliDebug(3,Form("*** initializing track with %d points ***",npts)); for (Int_t isig=0; isigGetPoint(ap,isig); sigmax[isig]=ap.GetCov()[0]; if (sigmax[isig]<1.0e-07) sigmax[isig]=1.0e-07; // minimum sigma=3 mu sigmax[isig]=TMath::Sqrt(sigmax[isig]); sigmay[isig]=ap.GetCov()[3]; if (sigmay[isig]<1.0e-07) sigmay[isig]=1.0e-07; // minimum sigma=3 mu sigmay[isig]=TMath::Sqrt(sigmay[isig]); sigmaz[isig]=ap.GetCov()[5]; if (sigmaz[isig]<1.0e-07) sigmaz[isig]=1.0e-07; // minimum sigma=3 mu sigmaz[isig]=TMath::Sqrt(sigmaz[isig]); if (fTempExcludedModule>=0 && fTempExcludedModule==AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetIndexFromVolumeID(ap.GetVolumeID())) { sigmax[isig] *= 1000.; sigmay[isig] *= 1000.; sigmaz[isig] *= 1000.; fTempExcludedModule=-1; } } f1=new TF1("f1","[0]+x*[1]",-50,50); ge=new TGraphErrors(npts,fTrack->GetY(),fTrack->GetX(),sigmay,sigmax); ge->Fit(f1,"RNQ"); fLocalInitParam[0] = f1->GetParameter(0); fLocalInitParam[2] = f1->GetParameter(1); AliDebug(2,Form("X = p0gx + ugx*Y : p0gx = %f +- %f ugx = %f +- %f\n",fLocalInitParam[0],f1->GetParError(0),fLocalInitParam[2],f1->GetParError(1))); delete ge; ge=NULL; ge=new TGraphErrors(npts,fTrack->GetY(),fTrack->GetZ(),sigmay,sigmaz); ge->Fit(f1,"RNQ"); fLocalInitParam[1] = f1->GetParameter(0); fLocalInitParam[3] = f1->GetParameter(1); AliDebug(2,Form("Z = p0gz + ugz*Y : p0gz=%f ugz=%f\n",fLocalInitParam[1],fLocalInitParam[3])); delete ge; delete f1; break; } } Int_t AliITSAlignMille::IsDefined(UShort_t voluid) const { // checks if supermodule 'voluid' is defined and return the internal index // return -1 if error Int_t k=fNModules-1; while (k>=0 && !(voluid==fModuleVolumeID[k]) ) k--; if (k<0) return -1; return k; } Int_t AliITSAlignMille::IsContained(UShort_t voluid) const { // checks if the sensitive module 'voluid' is contained inside a supermodule and return the internal index of the last identified supermodule // return -1 if error if (AliITSAlignMilleModule::GetIndexFromVolumeID(voluid)<0) return -1; Int_t k=fNModules-1; while (k>=0 && !(fMilleModule[k]->IsIn(voluid)) ) k--; if (k<0) return -1; return k; } Bool_t AliITSAlignMille::CheckVolumeID(UShort_t voluid) const { /// check if a sensitive volume is contained inside one of the defined supermodules Int_t k=fNModules-1; while (k>=0 && !(fMilleModule[k]->IsIn(voluid)) ) k--; if (k>=0) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } Int_t AliITSAlignMille::CheckCurrentTrack() { /// checks if AliTrackPoints belongs to defined modules /// return number of good poins /// return 0 if not enough points Int_t npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); Int_t ngoodpts=0; // debug points for (int j=0; jGetVolumeID()[j]; if (CheckVolumeID(voluid)) { ngoodpts++; } } if (ngoodptsGetNPoints(); AliDebug(2,Form("*** Input track with %d points ***",npts)); // preprocessing of the input track: keep only points in defined volumes, // move points if prealignment is set, sort by Yglo if required fTrack=PrepareTrack(track); if (!fTrack) return -1; npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); AliDebug(2,Form("*** Processing prepared track with %d points ***",npts)); if (!fBOn) { // straight lines // set local starting parameters (to be substituted by ESD track parms) // local parms (fLocalInitParam[]) are: // [0] = global x coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [1] = global z coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [2] = px/py // [3] = pz/py InitTrackParams(fInitTrackParamsMeth); } else { // local parms (fLocalInitParam[]) are the Riemann Fitter params if (!InitRiemanFit()) { AliInfo("Riemann fit failed! skipping this track..."); delete fTrack; fTrack=NULL; return -5; } } Int_t nloceq=0; MilleData *md = new MilleData[npts]; for (Int_t ipt=0; iptGetPoint(fCluster,ipt); AliDebug(2,Form("\n--- processing point %d --- \n",ipt)); // set geometry parameters for the the current module if (InitModuleParams()) continue; AliDebug(2,Form(" VolID=%d Index=%d InternalIdx=%d symname=%s\n", track->GetVolumeID()[ipt], fCurrentModuleIndex ,fCurrentModuleInternalIndex, AliGeomManager::SymName(track->GetVolumeID()[ipt]) )); AliDebug(2,Form(" Preprocessed Point = ( %f , %f , %f ) \n",fCluster.GetX(),fCluster.GetY(),fCluster.GetZ())); if (!AddLocalEquation(md[nloceq])) { nloceq++; fProcessedPoints[fCurrentModuleInternalIndex]++; } else { fTotBadLocEqPoints++; } } // end loop over points delete fTrack; fTrack=NULL; // not enough good points! if (nloceqGetSensitiveVolumeModifiedMatrix(fCluster.GetVolumeID(),gpar); if (!fTempHMat) return -1; Double_t v0g[3]; // vector with straight line direction in global coord. Double_t p0g[3]; // point of the straight line (glo) if (fBOn) { // B FIELD! AliTrackPoint prf; for (int ip=0; ip<5; ip++) fRieman->SetParam(ip,lpar[ip]); if (!fRieman->GetPCA(fCluster,prf)) { AliInfo(Form("error in GetPCA for point %d",fCluster.GetVolumeID())); return -3; } // now determine straight line passing tangent to fit curve at prf // ugx = dX/dY_glo = DeltaX/DeltaY_glo // mo' P1=(X,Y,Z)_glo_prf // => (x,y,Z)_trk_prf ruotando di alpha... Double_t alpha=fRieman->GetAlpha(); Double_t x1g = prf.GetX(); Double_t y1g = prf.GetY(); Double_t z1g = prf.GetZ(); Double_t x1t = x1g*TMath::Cos(alpha) + y1g*TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t y1t = -x1g*TMath::Sin(alpha) + y1g*TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t z1t = z1g; Double_t x2t = x1t+1.0; Double_t y2t = y1t+fRieman->GetDYat(x1t); Double_t z2t = z1t+fRieman->GetDZat(x1t); Double_t x2g = x2t*TMath::Cos(alpha) - y2t*TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t y2g = x2t*TMath::Sin(alpha) + y2t*TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t z2g = z2t; AliDebug(3,Form("Riemann frame: fAlpha = %f = %f ",alpha,alpha*180./TMath::Pi())); AliDebug(3,Form(" prf_glo=( %f , %f , %f ) prf_rf=( %f , %f , %f )\n", x1g,y1g,z1g, x1t,y1t,z1t)); AliDebug(3,Form(" mov_glo=( %f , %f , %f ) rf=( %f , %f , %f )\n",x2g,y2g,z2g, x2t,y2t,z2t)); if (TMath::Abs(y2g-y1g)<1e-15) { AliInfo("DeltaY=0! Cannot proceed..."); return -1; } // ugx,1,ugz v0g[0] = (x2g-x1g)/(y2g-y1g); v0g[1]=1.0; v0g[2] = (z2g-z1g)/(y2g-y1g); // point: just keep prf p0g[0]=x1g; p0g[1]=y1g; p0g[2]=z1g; } else { // staight line // vector of initial straight line direction in glob. coord v0g[0]=lpar[2]; v0g[1]=1.0; v0g[2]=lpar[3]; // intercept in yg=0 plane in glob coord p0g[0]=lpar[0]; p0g[1]=0.0; p0g[2]=lpar[1]; } AliDebug(3,Form("Line vector: ( %f , %f , %f ) point:( %f , %f , %f )\n",v0g[0],v0g[1],v0g[2],p0g[0],p0g[1],p0g[2])); // same in local coord. Double_t p0l[3],v0l[3]; fTempHMat->MasterToLocalVect(v0g,v0l); fTempHMat->MasterToLocal(p0g,p0l); if (TMath::Abs(v0l[1])<1e-15) { AliInfo("Track Y direction in local frame is zero! Cannot proceed..."); return -1; } // local intersection point fPintLoc[0] = p0l[0] - (v0l[0]/v0l[1])*p0l[1]; fPintLoc[1] = 0; fPintLoc[2] = p0l[2] - (v0l[2]/v0l[1])*p0l[1]; // global intersection point fTempHMat->LocalToMaster(fPintLoc,fPintGlo); AliDebug(3,Form("Intesect. point: L( %f , %f , %f ) G( %f , %f , %f )\n",fPintLoc[0],fPintLoc[1],fPintLoc[2],fPintGlo[0],fPintGlo[1],fPintGlo[2])); return 0; } Int_t AliITSAlignMille::CalcDerivatives(Int_t paridx, Bool_t islpar) { /// calculate numerically (ROOT's style) the derivatives for /// local X intersection and local Z intersection /// parlist: local (islpar=kTRUE) pgx0, pgz0, ugx0, ugz0 OR riemann's params /// global (islpar=kFALSE) tx, ty, tz, psi, theta, phi (Raf's angles in deg) /// return 0 if success // copy initial parameters Double_t lpar[ITSMILLE_NLOCAL]; Double_t gpar[ITSMILLE_NPARCH]; for (Int_t i=0; iSetLocalEquation(fGlobalDerivatives, fLocalDerivatives, m[j].measX, m[j].sigmaX); AliDebug(2,Form("setting local equation Z with fMeas=%.6f and fSigma=%.6f",m[j].measZ, m[j].sigmaZ)); // set equation for Zloc coordinate for (Int_t i=0; iSetLocalEquation(fGlobalDerivatives, fLocalDerivatives, m[j].measZ, m[j].sigmaZ); } } void AliITSAlignMille::LocalFit(Int_t iTrack, Double_t *lTrackParam, Int_t lSingleFit) { /// Call local fit for this track if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return; } Int_t iRes = fMillepede->LocalFit(iTrack,lTrackParam,lSingleFit); AliDebug(2,Form("iRes = %d",iRes)); if (iRes && !lSingleFit) { fMillepede->SetNLocalEquations(fMillepede->GetNLocalEquations()+1); } } void AliITSAlignMille::GlobalFit(Double_t *parameters,Double_t *errors,Double_t *pulls) { /// Call global fit; Global parameters are stored in parameters if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return; } fMillepede->GlobalFit(parameters,errors,pulls); AliInfo("Done fitting global parameters!"); } Double_t AliITSAlignMille::GetParError(Int_t iPar) { /// Get error of parameter iPar if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return 0; } Double_t lErr = fMillepede->GetParError(iPar); return lErr; } void AliITSAlignMille::PrintGlobalParameters() { /// Print global parameters if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return; } fMillepede->PrintGlobalParameters(); } // //_________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille::LoadSuperModuleFile(const Char_t *sfile) { // load definitions of supermodules from a root file // return 0 if success TFile *smf=TFile::Open(sfile); if (!smf->IsOpen()) { AliInfo(Form("Cannot open supermodule file %s",sfile)); return -1; } TClonesArray *sma=(TClonesArray*)smf->Get("ITSMilleSuperModules"); if (!sma) { AliInfo(Form("Cannot find ITSMilleSuperModules array in file")); return -2; } Int_t nsma=sma->GetEntriesFast(); AliInfo(Form("Array of SuperModules with %d entries\n",nsma)); Char_t st[250]; char symname[150]; UShort_t volid; TGeoHMatrix m; for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); volid=a->GetVolUID(); strcpy(st,a->GetSymName()); a->GetMatrix(m); sscanf(st,"%s",symname); // decode module list char *stp=strstr(st,"ModuleList:"); if (!stp) return -3; stp += 11; int idx[2200]; char spp[200]; int jp=0; char cl[20]; strcpy(st,stp); int l=strlen(st); int j=0; int n=0; while (j<=l) { if (st[j]==9 || st[j]==32 || st[j]==10 || st[j]==0) { spp[jp]=0; jp=0; if (strlen(spp)) { int k=strcspn(spp,"-"); if (k2197)",idx[j])); return -5; } } Int_t smindex=int(2198+volid-14336); // virtual index fSuperModule[fNSuperModules]=new AliITSAlignMilleModule(smindex,volid,symname,&m,n,volidsv); //------------- fNSuperModules++; } smf->Close(); fUseSuperModules=1; return 0; }