/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Interface to AliMillePede2 alignment class for the ALICE ITS detector // // ITS specific alignment class which interface to AliMillepede. // For each track ProcessTrack calculates the local and global derivatives // at each hit and fill the corresponding local equations. Provide methods for // fixing or constraining detection elements for best results. // // author M. Lunardon (thanks to J. Castillo), ruben.shahoyan@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliITSAlignMille2.h" #include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h" #include "AliGeomManager.h" #include "AliMillePede2.h" #include "AliTrackPointArray.h" #include "AliAlignObjParams.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliTrackFitterRieman.h" #include "AliITSAlignMille2Constraint.h" #include "AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray.h" #include "AliITSresponseSDD.h" #include "AliITSTPArrayFit.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBStorage.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" ClassImp(AliITSAlignMille2) const Char_t* AliITSAlignMille2::fgkRecKeys[] = { "OCDB_PATH", "GEOMETRY_FILE", "SUPERMODULE_FILE", "CONSTRAINTS_REFERENCE_FILE", "PREALIGNMENT_FILE", "PRECALIBSDD_FILE", "INITCALBSDD_FILE", "INITDELTA_FILE", "SET_GLOBAL_DELTAS", "CONSTRAINT_LOCAL", "MODULE_VOLUID", "MODULE_INDEX", "SET_PSEUDO_PARENTS", "SET_TRACK_FIT_METHOD", "SET_MINPNT_TRA", "SET_NSTDDEV", "SET_RESCUT_INIT", "SET_RESCUT_OTHER", "SET_LOCALSIGMAFACTOR", "SET_STARTFAC", "SET_B_FIELD", "SET_SPARSE_MATRIX", "REQUIRE_POINT", "CONSTRAINT_ORPHANS", "CONSTRAINT_SUBUNITS", "APPLY_CONSTRAINT", "SET_EXTRA_CLUSTERS_MODE", "SET_USE_TPAFITTER", "SET_USE_LOCAL_YERROR", "SET_MIN_POINTS_PER_MODULE" }; const Char_t AliITSAlignMille2::fgkXYZ[] = "XYZ"; //======================================================================================================== AliITSAlignMille2* AliITSAlignMille2::fgInstance = 0; Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::fgInstanceID = 0; //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliITSAlignMille2::AliITSAlignMille2(const Char_t *configFilename,TList *userInfo ) : TObject(), fMillepede(0), fStartFac(16.), fResCutInitial(100.), fResCut(100.), fNGlobal(0), fNLocal(4), fNStdDev(3), fIsMilleInit(kFALSE), fAllowPseudoParents(kFALSE), // fTPAFitter(0), fCurrentModule(0), fTrack(0), fTrackBuff(0), fCluster(), fCurrentSensID(-1), fClusLoc(12*3), fClusGlo(12*3), fClusSigLoc(12*3), fGlobalDerivatives(0), fMeasLoc(0), fMeasGlo(0), fSigmaLoc(0), fConstrPT(-1), fConstrPTErr(-1), fConstrCharge(0), // fMinNPtsPerTrack(3), fInitTrackParamsMeth(1), fTotBadLocEqPoints(0), fRieman(0), // fConstraints(0), fCacheMatrixOrig(kMaxITSSensID+1), fCacheMatrixCurr(kMaxITSSensID+1), // fUseGlobalDelta(kFALSE), fTempExcludedModule(-1), // fDefCDBpath("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB"), fInitDeltaPath(""), fInitSDDRespPath(""), fPreCalSDDRespPath(""), fGeometryPath("geometry.root"), fPreDeltaPath(""), fConstrRefPath(""), fGeoManager(0), fIsConfigured(kFALSE), fPreAlignQF(0), // fCorrectSDD(0), fInitialRecSDD(0), fPrealignment(0), fConstrRef(0), fMilleModule(2), fSuperModule(2), fNModules(0), fNSuperModules(0), fUsePreAlignment(kFALSE), fUseLocalYErr(kFALSE), fBOn(kFALSE), fBField(0.0), fDataType(kCosmics), fMinPntPerSens(0), fBug(0), fMilleVersion(2), fExtraClustersMode(0) { /// main constructor that takes input from configuration file for (int i=3;i--;) fSigmaFactor[i] = 1.0; // // new RS for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { } for (int itp=0;itp=0) record.Remove(cmt); // skip comment record.ReplaceAll("\t"," "); record.ReplaceAll("\r"," "); record.Remove(TString::kBoth,' '); if (record.IsNull()) continue; // nothing to decode if (!keyws.IsNull() && !record.BeginsWith(keyws.Data())) continue; // specific record was requested // recElems = record.Tokenize(" "); recTitle = recElems->At(0)->GetName(); recTitle.ToUpper(); recOpt = recElems->GetLast()>0 ? recElems->At(1)->GetName() : ""; break; } if (rew || !recElems) rewind(stream); return recElems; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::CheckConfigRecords(FILE* stream) { TString record,recTitle; int lineCnt = 0; rewind(stream); while (record.Gets(stream)) { int cmt=record.Index("#"); lineCnt++; if (cmt>=0) record.Remove(cmt); // skip comment record.ReplaceAll("\t"," "); record.ReplaceAll("\r"," "); record.Remove(TString::kBoth,' '); if (record.IsNull()) continue; // nothing to decode // extract keyword int spc = record.Index(" "); if (spc>0) recTitle = record(0,spc); else recTitle = record; recTitle.ToUpper(); Bool_t strOK = kFALSE; for (int ik=kNKeyWords;ik--;) if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ik]) {strOK = kTRUE; break;} if (strOK) continue; // AliError(Form("Unknown keyword %s at line %d", recTitle.Data(),lineCnt)); return -1; // } // rewind(stream); return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::LoadConfig(const Char_t *cfile) { // return 0 if success // 1 if error in module index or voluid // FILE *pfc=fopen(cfile,"r"); if (!pfc) return -1; // TString record,recTitle,recOpt,recExt; Int_t nrecElems,irec; TObjArray *recArr=0; // fNModules = 0; Bool_t stopped = kFALSE; // if (CheckConfigRecords(pfc)<0) return -1; // while(1) { // // ============= 1: we read some important records in predefined order ================ // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[kOCDBPath]; if ( GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1) && !(fDefCDBpath=recOpt).IsNull() ) { AliInfo(Form("Configuration sets OCDB Def.Storage to %s",fDefCDBpath.Data())); AliCDBManager::Instance()->SetDefaultStorage( fDefCDBpath.Data() ); } // // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[kGeomFile]; if ( GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1) ) fGeometryPath = recOpt; if ( InitGeometry() ) { AliError("Failed to find/load Geometry"); stopped = kTRUE; break;} // // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[kSuperModileFile]; if ( !GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1) || recOpt.IsNull() || gSystem->AccessPathName(recOpt.Data()) || LoadSuperModuleFile(recOpt.Data())) { AliError("Failed to find/load SuperModules"); stopped = kTRUE; break;} // // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[kConstrRefFile]; // LOCAL_CONSTRAINTS are defined wrt these deltas if ( (recArr = GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1)) ) { if (recOpt.IsNull() || recOpt=="IDEAL") SetConstraintWrtRef( "IDEAL" ); else { for (int i=2;i<=recArr->GetLast();i++) {recOpt += " "; recOpt += recArr->At(i)->GetName();} // in case of OCDB string if ( SetConstraintWrtRef(recOpt.Data()) ) { AliError("Failed to load reference deltas for local constraints"); stopped = kTRUE; break;} } } // // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[kInitDeltaFile]; if ( (recArr = GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1)) && !recOpt.IsNull()) { for (int i=2;i<=recArr->GetLast();i++) {recOpt += " "; recOpt += recArr->At(i)->GetName();} // in case of OCDB string fInitDeltaPath = recOpt; AliInfo(Form("Configuration sets Production Deltas to %s",fInitDeltaPath.Data())); } // // if initial deltas were provided, load them, apply to geometry and store are "original" matrices if (CacheMatricesOrig()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[kPreDeltaFile]; if ( (recArr = GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1)) && !recOpt.IsNull()) { for (int i=2;i<=recArr->GetLast();i++) {recOpt += " "; recOpt += recArr->At(i)->GetName();} // in case of OCDB string fPreDeltaPath = recOpt; AliInfo(Form("Configuration sets PreAlignment Deltas to %s",fPreDeltaPath.Data())); } if (LoadDeltas(fPreDeltaPath,fPrealignment)) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} if (fPrealignment && ApplyToGeometry()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} // // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[kPreCalSDDFile]; if ( (recArr = GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1)) && !recOpt.IsNull() ) { for (int i=2;i<=recArr->GetLast();i++) {recOpt += " "; recOpt += recArr->At(i)->GetName();} // in case of OCDB string fPreCalSDDRespPath = recOpt; AliInfo(Form("Configuration sets PreCalibration SDD Response to %s",fPreCalSDDRespPath.Data())); } if (LoadSDDResponse(fPreCalSDDRespPath, fCorrectSDD) ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[ kInitCalSDDFile ]; if ( (recArr = GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1)) && !recOpt.IsNull()) { for (int i=2;i<=recArr->GetLast();i++) {recOpt += " "; recOpt += recArr->At(i)->GetName();} // in case of OCDB string fInitSDDRespPath = recOpt; AliInfo(Form("Configuration sets Production SDD Response to %s",fInitSDDRespPath.Data())); } if (LoadSDDResponse(fInitSDDRespPath, fInitialRecSDD) ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} // // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[ kGlobalDeltas ]; if ( GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,1) ) SetUseGlobalDelta(kTRUE); // // =========== 2: see if there are local gaussian constraints defined ===================== // Note that they should be loaded before the modules declaration // recTitle = fgkRecKeys[ kConstrLocal ]; while( (recArr=GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle,recOpt,0)) ) { nrecElems = recArr->GetLast()+1; if (recOpt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} // wrong name if (GetConstraint(recOpt.Data())) { AliError(Form("Existing constraint %s repeated",recOpt.Data())); stopped = kTRUE; break; } recExt = recArr->At(2)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} double val = recExt.Atof(); recExt = recArr->At(3)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} double err = recExt.Atof(); int nwgh = nrecElems - 4; double *wgh = new double[nwgh]; for (nwgh=0,irec=4;irecAt(irec)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} wgh[nwgh++] = recExt.Atof(); } if (stopped) {delete[] wgh; break;} // ConstrainLocal(recOpt.Data(),wgh,nwgh,val,err); delete[] wgh; // } // end while for loop over local constraints if (stopped) break; // // =========== 3: now read modules to align =================================== // rewind(pfc); // create fixed modules for (int j=0; jIsAlignable()) continue; AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = new AliITSAlignMille2Module(*proto); // the matrix might be updated in case some prealignment was applied, check TGeoHMatrix* mup = AliGeomManager::GetMatrix(mod->GetName()); if (mup) *(mod->GetMatrix()) = *mup; fMilleModule.AddAtAndExpand(mod,fNModules); mod->SetGeomParamsGlobal(fUseGlobalDelta); mod->SetUniqueID(fNModules++); mod->SetNotInConf(kTRUE); } // while( (recArr=GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle="",recOpt,0)) ) { if (!(recTitle==fgkRecKeys[ kModVolID ] || recTitle==fgkRecKeys[ kModIndex ])) continue; // Expected format: MODULE id tolX tolY tolZ tolPsi tolTh tolPhi [[sigX sigY sigZ] extra params] // where tol* is the tolerance (sigma) for given DOF. 0 means fixed // sig* is the scaling parameters for the errors of the clusters of this module // extra params are defined for specific modules, e.g. t0 and vdrift corrections of SDD // nrecElems = recArr->GetLast()+1; if (nrecElems<2 || !recOpt.IsDigit()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} int idx = recOpt.Atoi(); UShort_t voluid = (idx<=kMaxITSSensID) ? GetModuleVolumeID(idx) : idx; AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = 0; // if (voluid>=kMinITSSupeModuleID) { // custom supermodule mod = GetMilleModuleByVID(voluid); if (!mod) { // need to create for (int j=0; jGetVolumeID()) { mod = new AliITSAlignMille2Module(*GetSuperModule(j)); // the matrix might be updated in case some prealignment was applied, check TGeoHMatrix* mup = AliGeomManager::GetMatrix(mod->GetName()); if (mup) *(mod->GetMatrix()) = *mup; fMilleModule.AddAtAndExpand(mod,fNModules); mod->SetGeomParamsGlobal(fUseGlobalDelta); mod->SetUniqueID(fNModules++); break; } } } mod->SetNotInConf(kFALSE); } else if (idx<=kMaxITSSensVID) { mod = new AliITSAlignMille2Module(voluid); fMilleModule.AddAtAndExpand(mod,fNModules); mod->SetGeomParamsGlobal(fUseGlobalDelta); mod->SetUniqueID(fNModules++); } if (!mod) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} // bad volid // // geometry variation settings for (int i=0;i= nrecElems) break; recExt = recArr->At(irec)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} mod->SetFreeDOF(i, recExt.Atof() ); } if (stopped) break; // // scaling factors for cluster errors // first set default ones for (int i=0;i<3;i++) mod->SetSigmaFactor(i, fSigmaFactor[i]); for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { irec = i+8; if (irec >= nrecElems) break; recExt = recArr->At(irec)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} mod->SetSigmaFactor(i, recExt.Atof() ); } if (stopped) break; // // now comes special detectors treatment if (mod->IsSDD()) { double vl = 0; if (nrecElems>11) { recExt = recArr->At(11)->GetName(); if (recExt.IsFloat()) vl = recExt.Atof(); else {stopped = kTRUE; break;} irec = 11; } mod->SetFreeDOF(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0,vl); // vl = 0; if (nrecElems>12) { recExt = recArr->At(12)->GetName(); if (recExt.IsFloat()) vl = recExt.Atof(); else {stopped = kTRUE; break;} irec = 12; } mod->SetFreeDOF(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV,vl); } // mod->EvaluateDOF(); // // now check if there are local constraints on this module for (++irec;irecAt(irec)->GetName(); if (recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped=kTRUE;break;} AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray* cstr = (AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray*)GetConstraint(recExt.Data()); if (!cstr) { AliInfo(Form("No Local constraint %s was declared",recExt.Data())); stopped=kTRUE; break; } cstr->AddModule(mod); } if (stopped) break; } // end while for loop over modules if (stopped) break; // if (fNModules==0) {AliError("Failed to find any MODULE"); stopped = kTRUE; break;} BuildHierarchy(); // preprocess loaded modules // // =========== 4: the rest may come in arbitrary order ======================================= rewind(pfc); while ( (recArr=GetConfigRecord(pfc,recTitle="",recOpt,0))!=0 ) { // nrecElems = recArr->GetLast()+1; // // some simple flags ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kPseudoParents ]) SetAllowPseudoParents(kTRUE); // // some optional parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------- else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kTrackFitMethod ]) { if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsDigit() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} SetInitTrackParamsMeth(recOpt.Atoi()); } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kMinPntTrack ]) { if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsDigit() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} fMinNPtsPerTrack = recOpt.Atoi(); } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kNStDev ]) { if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsFloat() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} fNStdDev = (Int_t)recOpt.Atof(); } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kResCutInit ]) { if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsFloat() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} fResCutInitial = recOpt.Atof(); } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kResCutOther ]) { if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsFloat() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} fResCut = recOpt.Atof(); } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kLocalSigFactor ]) { //------------------------- for (irec=0;irec<3;irec++) if (nrecElems>irec+1) { fSigmaFactor[irec] = ((TObjString*)recArr->At(irec+1))->GetString().Atof(); if (fSigmaFactor[irec]<=0.) stopped = kTRUE; } if (stopped) break; } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kStartFactor ]) { //------------------------- if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsFloat() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} fStartFac = recOpt.Atof(); } // // pepo2708909 else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kExtraClustersMode ]) { //------------------------- if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsDigit() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} fExtraClustersMode = recOpt.Atoi(); } // endpepo270809 // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kBField ]) { //------------------------- if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsFloat() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} SetBField( recOpt.Atof() ); } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kSparseMatrix ]) { // matrix solver type // AliMillePede2::SetGlobalMatSparse(kTRUE); if (recOpt.IsNull()) continue; // solver type and settings if (recOpt == "MINRES") AliMillePede2::SetIterSolverType( AliMinResSolve::kSolMinRes ); else if (recOpt == "FGMRES") AliMillePede2::SetIterSolverType( AliMinResSolve::kSolFGMRes ); else {stopped = kTRUE; break;} // if (nrecElems>=3) { // preconditioner type recExt = recArr->At(2)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsDigit()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} AliMillePede2::SetMinResPrecondType( recExt.Atoi() ); } // if (nrecElems>=4) { // tolerance recExt = recArr->At(3)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} AliMillePede2::SetMinResTol( recExt.Atof() ); } // if (nrecElems>=5) { // maxIter recExt = recArr->At(4)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsDigit()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} AliMillePede2::SetMinResMaxIter( recExt.Atoi() ); } } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kRequirePoint ]) { //------------------------- // syntax: REQUIRE_POINT where ndet updw nreqpts // where = LAYER or DETECTOR // ndet = detector number: 1-6 for LAYER and 1-3 for DETECTOR (SPD=1, SDD=2, SSD=3) // updw = 1 for Y>0, -1 for Y<0, 0 if not specified // nreqpts = minimum number of points of that type if (nrecElems>=5) { recOpt.ToUpper(); int lr = ((TObjString*)recArr->At(2))->GetString().Atoi() - 1; int hb = ((TObjString*)recArr->At(3))->GetString().Atoi(); int np = ((TObjString*)recArr->At(4))->GetString().Atoi(); // int rtp = -1; // use for run type if (nrecElems>5) { TString tpstr = ((TObjString*)recArr->At(5))->GetString(); if ( tpstr.Contains("cosmics",TString::kIgnoreCase) ) rtp = kCosmics; else if ( tpstr.Contains("collision",TString::kIgnoreCase) ) rtp = kCollision; else {stopped = kTRUE; break;} } // int tpmn= rtp<0 ? 0 : rtp; int tpmx= rtp<0 ? kNDataType-1 : rtp; for (int itp=tpmn;itp<=tpmx;itp++) { fRequirePoints[itp]=kTRUE; if (recOpt == "LAYER") { if (lr<0 || lr>5) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} if (hb>0) fNReqLayUp[itp][lr]=np; else if (hb<0) fNReqLayDown[itp][lr]=np; else fNReqLay[itp][lr]=np; } else if (recOpt == "DETECTOR") { if (lr<0 || lr>2) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} if (hb>0) fNReqDetUp[itp][lr]=np; else if (hb<0) fNReqDetDown[itp][lr]=np; else fNReqDet[itp][lr]=np; } else {stopped = kTRUE; break;} } if (stopped) break; } else {stopped = kTRUE; break;} } // // global constraints on the subunits/orphans else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kConstrOrphans ]) { //------------------------ // expect CONSTRAINT_ORPHANS MEAN/MEDIAN Value parID0 ... parID1 ... if (nrecElems<4) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} recExt = recArr->At(2)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} double val = recExt.Atof(); UInt_t pattern = 0; for (irec=3;irecAt(irec)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsDigit()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} pattern |= 0x1 << recExt.Atoi(); } if (stopped) break; if (recOpt == "MEAN") ConstrainOrphansMean(val,pattern); else if (recOpt == "MEDIAN") ConstrainOrphansMedian(val,pattern); else {stopped = kTRUE; break;} } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kConstrSubunits ]) { //------------------------ // expect ONSTRAINT_SUBUNITS MEAN/MEDIAN Value parID0 ... parID1 ... VolID1 ... VolIDn - VolIDm if (nrecElems<5) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} recExt = recArr->At(2)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsFloat()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} double val = recExt.Atof(); UInt_t pattern = 0; for (irec=3;irecAt(irec)->GetName(); if (!recExt.IsDigit()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} int parid = recExt.Atoi(); if (paridAt(irec)->GetName(); if (recExt == "-") {rangeStart = curID; continue;} // range is requested else if (!recExt.IsDigit()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} else curID = recExt.Atoi(); // if (curID<=kMaxITSSensID) curID = GetModuleVolumeID(curID); // this was a range start or single int start; if (rangeStart>=0) {start = rangeStart+1; rangeStart=-1;} // continue the range else start = curID; // create constraint either for single module (or 1st in the range) for (int id=start;id<=curID;id++) { int id0 = IsVIDDefined(id); if (id0<0) {AliDebug(3,Form("Undefined module %d requested in the SubUnits constraint, skipping",id)); continue;} if (meanC) ConstrainModuleSubUnitsMean(id0,val,pattern); else ConstrainModuleSubUnitsMedian(id0,val,pattern); } } if (rangeStart>=0) stopped = kTRUE; // unfinished range if (stopped) break; } // // association of modules with local constraints else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kApplyConstr ]) { //------------------------ // expect APPLY_CONSTRAINT NAME [NAME1...] [VolID1 ... VolIDn - VolIDm] if (nrecElems<3) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} int nmID0=-1,nmID1=-1; for (irec=1;irecAt(irec)->GetName(); if (recExt.IsFloat()) break; // check if such a constraint was declared if (!GetConstraint(recExt.Data())) { AliInfo(Form("No Local constraint %s was declared",recExt.Data())); stopped=kTRUE; break; } if (nmID0<0) nmID0 = irec; nmID1 = irec; } if (stopped) break; // if (irec>=nrecElems) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} // no modules provided // // now read the list of modules to constrain int curID = -1; int rangeStart = -1; for (;irecAt(irec)->GetName(); if (recExt == "-") {rangeStart = curID; continue;} // range is requested else if (!recExt.IsDigit()) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} else curID = recExt.Atoi(); // if (curID<=kMaxITSSensID) curID = GetModuleVolumeID(curID); // // this was a range start or single int start; if (rangeStart>=0) {start = rangeStart+1; rangeStart=-1;} // continue the range else start = curID; // create constraint either for single module (or 1st in the range) for (int id=start;id<=curID;id++) { AliITSAlignMille2Module *md = GetMilleModuleByVID(id); if (!md) {AliDebug(3,Form("Undefined module %d requested in the Local constraint, skipping",id)); continue;} for (int nmid=nmID0;nmid<=nmID1;nmid++) ((AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray*)GetConstraint(recArr->At(nmid)->GetName()))->AddModule(md); } } if (rangeStart>=0) stopped = kTRUE; // unfinished range if (stopped) break; } // Do we use new TrackPointArray fitter ? else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kTPAFitter ]) { // expect SET_TPAFITTER fTPAFitter = new AliITSTPArrayFit(kNLocal); } // Do we use new local Y errors? else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kUseLocalYErr ]) { // expect SET_TPAFITTER fUseLocalYErr = kTRUE; } // else if (recTitle == fgkRecKeys[ kMinPointsSens ]) { //------------------------- if (recOpt.IsNull() || !recOpt.IsDigit() ) {stopped = kTRUE; break;} SetMinPointsPerSensor( recOpt.Atoi() ); } // else continue; // already processed record // } // end of while loop 4 over the various params // break; } // end of while(1) loop // fclose(pfc); if (stopped) { AliError(Form("Failed on record %s %s ...\n",recTitle.Data(),recOpt.Data())); return -1; } // if (CacheMatricesCurr()) return -1; SetUseLocalYErrors(fUseLocalYErr); // YErr used only with TPAFitter fIsConfigured = kTRUE; return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::BuildHierarchy() { // build the hieararhy of the modules to align // if (!GetUseGlobalDelta() && PseudoParentsAllowed()) { AliInfo("PseudoParents mode is allowed only when the deltas are global\n" "Since Deltas are local, switching to NoPseudoParents"); SetAllowPseudoParents(kFALSE); } // set parent/child relationship for modules to align AliInfo("Setting parent/child relationships\n"); // // 1) child -> parent reference for (int ipar=0;iparIsSensor()) continue; // sensor cannot be a parent // for (int icld=0;icldBelongsTo(parent)) continue; // child cannot have more sensors than the parent if (child->GetNSensitiveVolumes() > parent->GetNSensitiveVolumes()) continue; // AliITSAlignMille2Module* parOld = child->GetParent(); // is this parent candidate closer than the old parent ? if (parOld && parOld->GetNSensitiveVolumes()GetNSensitiveVolumes()) continue; // parOld is closer child->SetParent(parent); } // } // // add parent -> children reference for (int icld=0;icldGetParent(); if (parent) parent->AddChild(child); } // // reorder the modules in such a way that parents come first for (int icld=0;icldGetParent()) && (parent->GetUniqueID()>child->GetUniqueID()) ) { // swap fMilleModule[icld] = parent; fMilleModule[parent->GetUniqueID()] = child; child->SetUniqueID(parent->GetUniqueID()); parent->SetUniqueID(icld); child = parent; } // } // // Go over the child->parent chain and mark modules with explicitly provided sensors. // If the sensors of the unit are explicitly declared, all undeclared sensors are // suppresed in this unit. for (int icld=fNModules;icld--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* child = GetMilleModule(icld); AliITSAlignMille2Module* parent = child->GetParent(); if (!parent) continue; // // check if this parent was already processed if (!parent->AreSensorsProvided()) { parent->DelSensitiveVolumes(); parent->SetSensorsProvided(kTRUE); } // reattach sensors to parent for (int isc=child->GetNSensitiveVolumes();isc--;) { UShort_t senVID = child->GetSensVolVolumeID(isc); if (!parent->IsIn(senVID)) parent->AddSensitiveVolume(senVID); } } // } // pepo //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::SetCurrentModule(Int_t id) { // set the current supermodule // new meaning if (fMilleVersion>=2) { fCurrentModule = GetMilleModule(id); return; } // old meaning if (fMilleVersion<=1) { Int_t index=id; /// set as current the SuperModule that contains the 'index' sens.vol. if (index<0 || index>2197) { AliInfo("index does not correspond to a sensitive volume!"); return; } UShort_t voluid=AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetVolumeIDFromIndex(index); Int_t k=IsContained(voluid); if (k>=0){ fCurrentSensID = index; fCluster.SetVolumeID(voluid); fCluster.SetXYZ(0,0,0); InitModuleParams(); } else AliInfo(Form("module %d not defined\n",index)); } } // endpepo //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::SetRequiredPoint(Char_t* where, Int_t ndet, Int_t updw, Int_t nreqpts,Int_t runtype) { // set minimum number of points in specific detector or layer // where = LAYER or DETECTOR // ndet = detector number: 1-6 for LAYER and 1-3 for DETECTOR (SPD=1, SDD=2, SSD=3) // updw = 1 for Y>0, -1 for Y<0, 0 if not specified // nreqpts = minimum number of points of that type ndet--; int tpmn= runtype<0 ? 0 : runtype; int tpmx= runtype<0 ? kNDataType-1 : runtype; // for (int itp=tpmn;itp<=tpmx;itp++) { fRequirePoints[itp]=kTRUE; if (strstr(where,"LAYER")) { if (ndet<0 || ndet>5) return; if (updw>0) fNReqLayUp[itp][ndet]=nreqpts; else if (updw<0) fNReqLayDown[itp][ndet]=nreqpts; else fNReqLay[itp][ndet]=nreqpts; } else if (strstr(where,"DETECTOR")) { if (ndet<0 || ndet>2) return; if (updw>0) fNReqDetUp[itp][ndet]=nreqpts; else if (updw<0) fNReqDetDown[itp][ndet]=nreqpts; else fNReqDet[itp][ndet]=nreqpts; } } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::GetModuleIndex(const Char_t *symname) { /// index from symname if (!symname) return -1; for (Int_t i=0;i<=kMaxITSSensID; i++) { if (!strcmp(symname,AliITSgeomTGeo::GetSymName(i))) return i; } return -1; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::GetModuleIndex(UShort_t voluid) { /// index from volume ID AliGeomManager::ELayerID lay = AliGeomManager::VolUIDToLayer(voluid); if (lay<1|| lay>6) return -1; Int_t idx=Int_t(voluid)-2048*lay; if (idx>=AliGeomManager::LayerSize(lay)) return -1; for (Int_t ilay=1; ilay0 && layerId<7 && modId>=0 && modIdGetIndex()==index) return GetSuperModule(i)->GetVolumeID(); } } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::InitGeometry() { /// initialize geometry AliInfo("Loading initial geometry"); if (!fGeometryPath.IsNull() && gSystem->AccessPathName(fGeometryPath.Data()) ) { AliError(Form("Explicitly provided geometry file %s is not accessible",fGeometryPath.Data())); return -1; } // AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry(fGeometryPath.Data()); fGeoManager = AliGeomManager::GetGeometry(); if (!fGeoManager) { AliInfo("Couldn't initialize geometry"); return -1; } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::SetConstraintWrtRef(const char* reffname) { // Load the global deltas from this file. The local gaussian constraints on some modules // will be defined with respect to the deltas from this reference file, converted to local // delta format. Note: conversion to local format requires reloading the geometry! // AliInfo(Form("Loading reference deltas for local constraints from %s",reffname)); if (!fGeoManager) return -1; fConstrRefPath = reffname; if (fConstrRefPath == "IDEAL") { // the reference is the ideal geometry, just create dummy reference array fConstrRef = new TClonesArray("AliAlignObjParams",1); return 0; } if (LoadDeltas(fConstrRefPath,fConstrRef)) return -1; // // we need ideal geometry to convert global deltas to local ones if (fUsePreAlignment) { AliError("The call of SetConstraintWrtRef must be done before application of the prealignment"); return -1; } // AliInfo("Converting global reference deltas to local ones"); Int_t nprea = fConstrRef->GetEntriesFast(); for (int ix=0; ixAt(ix); if (!preo->ApplyToGeometry()) return -1; } // // now convert the global reference deltas to local ones for (int i=fConstrRef->GetEntriesFast();i--;) { AliAlignObjParams *preo = (AliAlignObjParams*)fConstrRef->At(i); TGeoHMatrix * mupd = AliGeomManager::GetMatrix(preo->GetSymName()); if (!mupd) { // this is not alignable entry, need to look in the supermodules for (int im=fNSuperModules;im--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetSuperModule(im); if ( strcmp(mod->GetName(), preo->GetSymName()) ) continue; mupd = mod->GetMatrix(); break; } if (!mupd) { AliError(Form("Failed to find the volume for reference %s",preo->GetSymName())); return -1; } } TGeoHMatrix preMat; preo->GetMatrix(preMat); // Delta_Glob TGeoHMatrix tmpMat = *mupd; // Delta_Glob * Delta_Glob_Par * M preMat.MultiplyLeft( &tmpMat.Inverse() ); // M^-1 * Delta_Glob_Par^-1 = (Delta_Glob_Par * M)^-1 tmpMat.MultiplyLeft( &preMat ); // (Delta_Glob_Par * M)^-1 * Delta_Glob * Delta_Glob_Par * M = Delta_loc preo->SetMatrix(tmpMat); // local corrections } // // we need to reload the geometry spoiled by this reference deltas... delete fGeoManager; AliInfo("Reloading initial geometry"); return InitGeometry(); // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::Init() { // perform global initialization // if (fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has been already initialized!"); return; } // range constraints in such a way that the childs are constrained before their parents // orphan constraints come last for (int ic=0;icGetModuleID()GetModuleID()) { // swap fConstraints[ic] = cst1; fConstraints[ic1] = cst0; } } } // if (!GetUseGlobalDelta()) { AliInfo("ATTENTION: The parameters are defined in the local frame, no check for degeneracy will be done"); for (int imd=fNModules;imd--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(imd); int npar = mod->GetNParTot(); // the parameter may have max 1 free instance, otherwise the equations are underdefined for (int ipar=0;iparIsFreeDOF(ipar)) continue; mod->SetParOffset(ipar,fNGlobal++); } } } else { // init millepede, decide which parameters are to be fitted explicitly for (int imd=fNModules;imd--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(imd); int npar = mod->GetNParTot(); // the parameter may have max 1 free instance, otherwise the equations are underdefined for (int ipar=0;iparIsFreeDOF(ipar)) continue; // fixed // int nFreeInstances = 0; // AliITSAlignMille2Module* parent = mod; Bool_t cstMeanMed=kFALSE,cstGauss=kFALSE; // Bool_t addToFit = kFALSE; // the parameter may be ommitted from explicit fit (if PseudoParentsAllowed is true) if // 1) it is not explicitly constrained or its does not participate in Gaussian constraint // 2) the same applies to all of its parents // 3) it has at least 1 unconstrained direct child while(parent) { if (!parent->IsFreeDOF(ipar)) {parent = parent->GetParent(); continue;} nFreeInstances++; if (IsParModConstrained(parent,ipar, cstMeanMed, cstGauss)) nFreeInstances--; if (cstGauss) addToFit = kTRUE; parent = parent->GetParent(); } if (nFreeInstances>1) { AliError(Form("Parameter#%d of module %s\nhas %d free instances in the " "unconstrained parents\nSystem is undefined",ipar,mod->GetName(),nFreeInstances)); exit(1); } // // i) Are PseudoParents allowed? if (!PseudoParentsAllowed()) addToFit = kTRUE; // ii) check if this module has no child with such a free parameter. Since the order of this check // goes from child to parent, by this moment such a parameter must have been already added else if (!IsParModFamilyVaried(mod,ipar)) addToFit = kTRUE; // no varied children at all else if (!IsParFamilyFree(mod,ipar,1)) addToFit = kTRUE; // no unconstrained direct children // otherwise the value of this parameter can be extracted from simple contraint and the values of // the relevant parameters of its children the fit is done. Hence it is not included if (!addToFit) continue; // // shall add this parameter to explicit fit // printf("Adding %s %d -> %d\n",mod->GetName(), ipar, fNGlobal); mod->SetParOffset(ipar,fNGlobal++); } } } // AliInfo(Form("Initializing Millepede with %d gpar, %d lpar and %d stddev ...",fNGlobal, kNLocal, fNStdDev)); fGlobalDerivatives = new Double_t[fNGlobal]; memset(fGlobalDerivatives,0,fNGlobal*sizeof(Double_t)); // fMillepede->InitMille(fNGlobal,kNLocal,fNStdDev,fResCut,fResCutInitial); fMillepede->SetMinPntValid(fMinPntPerSens); fIsMilleInit = kTRUE; // ResetLocalEquation(); AliInfo("Parameters initialized to zero"); // /// Fix non free parameters for (Int_t i=0; iGetNParTot(); j++) { if (mod->GetParOffset(j)<0) continue; // not varied FixParameter(mod->GetParOffset(j),mod->GetParConstraint(j)); fMillepede->SetParamGrID(i, mod->GetParOffset(j)); } } // // Set iterations if (fStartFac>1) fMillepede->SetIterations(fStartFac); // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::AddConstraint(Double_t *par, Double_t value, Double_t sigma) { /// Constrain equation defined by par to value if (!fIsMilleInit) Init(); fMillepede->SetGlobalConstraint(par, value, sigma); AliInfo("Adding constraint"); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::InitGlobalParameters(Double_t *par) { /// Initialize global parameters with par array if (!fIsMilleInit) Init(); fMillepede->SetGlobalParameters(par); AliInfo("Init Global Parameters"); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::FixParameter(Int_t iPar, Double_t value) { /// Parameter iPar is encourage to vary in [-value;value]. /// If value == 0, parameter is fixed if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return; } fMillepede->SetParSigma(iPar, value); if (IsZero(value)) AliInfo(Form("Parameter %i Fixed", iPar)); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ResetLocalEquation() { /// Reset the derivative vectors for(int i=kNLocal;i--;) fLocalDerivatives[i] = 0.0; memset(fGlobalDerivatives, 0, fNGlobal*sizeof(double) ); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::ApplyToGeometry() { // apply prealignment to ideal geometry Int_t nprea = fPrealignment->GetEntriesFast(); AliInfo(Form("Array of prealignment deltas: %d entries",nprea)); // for (int ix=0; ixAt(ix); Int_t index=AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetIndexFromVolumeID(preo->GetVolUID()); if (index>=0) { if (index>=fPreAlignQF.GetSize()) fPreAlignQF.Set(index+10); fPreAlignQF[index] = (int) preo->GetUniqueID()+1; } if (!preo->ApplyToGeometry()) { AliError(Form("Failed on ApplyToGeometry at %s",preo->GetSymName())); return -1; } } // fUsePreAlignment = kTRUE; return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::GetPreAlignmentQualityFactor(Int_t index) const { // quality factors from prealignment if (!fUsePreAlignment || index<0 || index>=fPreAlignQF.GetSize()) return -1; return fPreAlignQF[index]-1; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliTrackPointArray *AliITSAlignMille2::PrepareTrack(const AliTrackPointArray *atp) { /// create a new AliTrackPointArray keeping only defined modules /// move points according to a given prealignment, if any /// sort alitrackpoints w.r.t. global Y direction, if selected const Double_t kRad2L[6] = {5*5,10*10,18*18,30*30,40*40,60*60}; const Float_t kSensSigY2[6] = {200e-4*200e-4/12, 200e-4*200e-4/12, 300e-4*300e-4/12, 300e-4*300e-4/12, 300e-4*300e-4/12, 300e-4*300e-4/12}; // thickness^2/12 // fTrack = NULL; Int_t idx[20]; Short_t lrID[20]; Int_t npts=atp->GetNPoints(); TGeoHMatrix hcov; // /// checks if AliTrackPoints belong to defined modules Int_t ngoodpts=0; Int_t intidx[20]; for (int j=0; jGetVolumeID()[j]); if (intidx[j]<0) continue; ngoodpts++; Float_t xx=atp->GetX()[j]; Float_t yy=atp->GetY()[j]; Float_t r=xx*xx + yy*yy; int lay; for (lay=0;lay<6;lay++) if (r5) continue; lrID[j] = lay; } // AliDebug(3,Form("Number of points in defined modules: %d out of %d",ngoodpts,npts)); // pepo270809 Int_t nextra=0; // extra clusters selection mode if (fExtraClustersMode) { // 1 = keep one cluster, remove randomly the extra // 2 = keep one cluster, remove the internal one // 10 = keep tracks only if at least one extra is present int iextra1[20],iextra2[20],layovl[20]; // extra clusters mapping for (Int_t ipt=0; iptGetX()[ipt]; float p1y=atp->GetY()[ipt]; float p1z=atp->GetZ()[ipt]; int lay1=int(AliGeomManager::VolUIDToLayer(atp->GetVolumeID()[ipt])); float r1 = p1x*p1x + p1y*p1y; UShort_t volid1=atp->GetVolumeID()[ipt]; for (int ik=ipt+1; ikGetVolumeID()[ik])); // check if same layer if (lay2 != lay1) continue; UShort_t volid2=atp->GetVolumeID()[ik]; // check if different module if (volid1 == volid2) continue; float p2x=atp->GetX()[ik]; float p2y=atp->GetY()[ik]; float p2z=atp->GetZ()[ik]; float r2 = p2x*p2x + p2y*p2y; float dr= (p1x-p2x)*(p1x-p2x) + (p1y-p2y)*(p1y-p2y) + (p1z-p2z)*(p1z-p2z); // looks for pairs with dr<1 cm, same layer but different module if (dr<1.0) { // extra1 is the one with smaller radius in rphi plane if (r1Rndm()<0.5) intidx[iextra1[ie]]=-1; else intidx[iextra2[ie]]=-1; } } // mode=2: keep only one clusters and remove the other... if (fExtraClustersMode==2 && nextra) { for (int ie=0; ie=0) ngoodpts++; } } // endpepo270809 // reject track if not enough points are left if (ngoodpts> RS AliTrackPoint p; // check points in specific places if (fRequirePoints[fDataType]) { Int_t nlayup[6],nlaydown[6],nlay[6]; Int_t ndetup[3],ndetdown[3],ndet[3]; for (Int_t j=0; j<6; j++) {nlayup[j]=0; nlaydown[j]=0; nlay[j]=0;} for (Int_t j=0; j<3; j++) {ndetup[j]=0; ndetdown[j]=0; ndet[j]=0;} for (int i=0; iGetY()[i]; int lay = lrID[i]; int det=lay/2; //printf("Point %d - x=%f y=%f R=%f lay=%d det=%d\n",i,xx,yy,r,lay,det); if (yy>=0.0) { // UP point nlayup[lay]++; nlay[lay]++; ndetup[det]++; ndet[det]++; } else { nlaydown[lay]++; nlay[lay]++; ndetdown[det]++; ndet[det]++; } } // // checks minimum values Bool_t isok=kTRUE; for (Int_t j=0; j<6; j++) { if (nlayup[j]GetY(),idx); // sort descending... // Int_t npto=0; if (fClusLoc.GetSize()<3*npts) fClusLoc.Set(3*npts); if (fClusGlo.GetSize()<3*npts) fClusGlo.Set(3*npts); if (fClusSigLoc.GetSize()<3*npts) fClusSigLoc.Set(3*npts); // for (int i=0; iGetPoint(p,idx[i]); int sid = AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetIndexFromVolumeID(p.GetVolumeID()); // // prealign point if required // get matrix used to produce the digits AliITSAlignMille2Module *mod = GetMilleModule(intidx[idx[i]]); TGeoHMatrix *svOrigMatrix = GetSensorOrigMatrixSID(sid); //mod->GetSensitiveVolumeOrigGlobalMatrix(p.GetVolumeID()); // get back real local coordinate Double_t *pl = fClusLoc.GetArray() + npto*3; Double_t *pg = fClusGlo.GetArray() + npto*3; Double_t *sgl = fClusSigLoc.GetArray() + npto*3; pg[0]=p.GetX(); pg[1]=p.GetY(); pg[2]=p.GetZ(); AliDebug(3,Form("Global coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",pg[0],pg[1],pg[2])); svOrigMatrix->MasterToLocal(pg,pl); AliDebug(3,Form("Local coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",pl[0],pl[1],pl[2])); // // this is a temporary code to extract the drift speed used for given point if (p.GetDriftTime()>0) { // RRR // calculate the drift speed fDriftTime0[npto] = fInitialRecSDD ? fInitialRecSDD->GetTimeZero(sid) : 0.; double tdif = p.GetDriftTime() - fDriftTime0[npto]; if (tdif<=0) tdif = 1; double vdrift = (3.5085-TMath::Abs(pl[0]))/tdif; if (vdrift<0) vdrift = 0; // // TEMPORARY CORRECTION (if provided) -------------->>> if (fCorrectSDD) { float t0Upd = fCorrectSDD->GetTimeZero(sid); vdrift += fCorrectSDD->GetDeltaVDrift(sid); tdif = p.GetDriftTime() - t0Upd; // correct Xlocal pl[0] = TMath::Sign(3.5085 - vdrift*tdif,pl[0]); fDriftTime0[npto] = t0Upd; } // TEMPORARY CORRECTION (if provided) --------------<<< fDriftSpeed[npto] = TMath::Sign(vdrift,pl[0]); // } // update covariance matrix Double_t hcovel[9]; hcovel[0]=double(p.GetCov()[0]); hcovel[1]=double(p.GetCov()[1]); hcovel[2]=double(p.GetCov()[2]); hcovel[3]=double(p.GetCov()[1]); hcovel[4]=double(p.GetCov()[3]); hcovel[5]=double(p.GetCov()[4]); hcovel[6]=double(p.GetCov()[2]); hcovel[7]=double(p.GetCov()[4]); hcovel[8]=double(p.GetCov()[5]); hcov.SetRotation(hcovel); // if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>=2) { AliInfo("Original Global Cov Matrix"); printf("%+.4e %+.4e %+.4e\n%+.4e %+.4e\n%+.4e\n",hcovel[0],hcovel[1],hcovel[2],hcovel[4],hcovel[5],hcovel[8]); } // // now rotate in local system hcov.Multiply(svOrigMatrix); hcov.MultiplyLeft(&svOrigMatrix->Inverse()); // now hcov is LOCAL COVARIANCE MATRIX // apply sigma scaling Double_t *hcovscl = hcov.GetRotationMatrix(); if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>=2) { AliInfo("Original Local Cov Matrix"); printf("%+.4e %+.4e %+.4e\n%+.4e %+.4e\n%+.4e\n",hcovscl[0],hcovscl[1],hcovscl[2],hcovscl[4],hcovscl[5],hcovscl[8]); } hcovscl[4] = fUseLocalYErr ? kSensSigY2[lrID[idx[i]]] : 1E-8; // error due to the sensor thickness // for (int ir=3;ir--;) for (int ic=3;ic--;) { if (ir==ic) { if ( IsZero(hcovscl[ir*3+ic],1e-8) ) hcovscl[ir*3+ic] = 1E-8; else hcovscl[ir*3+ic] *= mod->GetSigmaFactor(ir)*mod->GetSigmaFactor(ic); //RRR sgl[ir] = TMath::Sqrt(hcovscl[ir*3+ic]); } else hcovscl[ir*3+ic] = 0; } // if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>=2) { AliInfo("Modified Local Cov Matrix"); printf("%+.4e %+.4e %+.4e\n%+.4e %+.4e\n%+.4e\n",hcovscl[0],hcovscl[1],hcovscl[2],hcovscl[4],hcovscl[5],hcovscl[8]); } // if (fBug==1) { // correzione bug LAYER 5 SSD temporanea.. int ssdidx=AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetIndexFromVolumeID(p.GetVolumeID()); if (ssdidx>=500 && ssdidx<1248) { int ladder=(ssdidx-500)%22; if (ladder==18) p.SetVolumeID(AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetVolumeIDFromIndex(ssdidx+1)); if (ladder==19) p.SetVolumeID(AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetVolumeIDFromIndex(ssdidx-1)); } } /// get (evenctually prealigned) matrix of sens. vol. TGeoHMatrix *svMatrix = GetSensorCurrMatrixSID(sid); //mod->GetSensitiveVolumeMatrix(p.GetVolumeID()); // modify global coordinates according with pre-aligment svMatrix->LocalToMaster(pl,pg); // now rotate in local system hcov.Multiply(&svMatrix->Inverse()); hcov.MultiplyLeft(svMatrix); // hcov is back in GLOBAL RF // cure once more for (int ir=3;ir--;) for (int ic=3;ic--;) if (IsZero(hcovscl[ir*3+ic])) hcovscl[ir*3+ic] = 0.; // printf("\nErrMatGlob: after\n"); hcov.Print(""); //RRR // if (AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>=2) { AliInfo("Modified Global Cov Matrix"); printf("%+.4e %+.4e %+.4e\n%+.4e %+.4e\n%+.4e\n",hcovscl[0],hcovscl[1],hcovscl[2],hcovscl[4],hcovscl[5],hcovscl[8]); } // Float_t pcov[6]; pcov[0]=hcovscl[0]; pcov[1]=hcovscl[1]; pcov[2]=hcovscl[2]; pcov[3]=hcovscl[4]; pcov[4]=hcovscl[5]; pcov[5]=hcovscl[8]; // p.SetXYZ(pg[0],pg[1],pg[2],pcov); // printf("New Gl coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",pg[0],pg[1],pg[2]); AliDebug(3,Form("New global coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",pg[0],pg[1],pg[2])); fTrack->AddPoint(npto,&p); AliDebug(2,Form("Adding point[%d] = ( %f , %f , %f ) volid = %d",npto,fTrack->GetX()[npto], fTrack->GetY()[npto],fTrack->GetZ()[npto],fTrack->GetVolumeID()[npto] )); // printf("Adding %d %d %f\n",npto, p.GetVolumeID(), p.GetY()); npto++; } // return fTrack; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliTrackPointArray *AliITSAlignMille2::SortTrack(const AliTrackPointArray *atp) { /// sort alitrackpoints w.r.t. global Y direction AliTrackPointArray *atps=NULL; Int_t idx[20]; Int_t npts=atp->GetNPoints(); AliTrackPoint p; atps=new AliTrackPointArray(npts); TMath::Sort(npts,atp->GetY(),idx); for (int i=0; iGetPoint(p,idx[i]); atps->AddPoint(i,&p); AliDebug(2,Form("Point[%d] = ( %f , %f , %f ) volid = %d",i,atps->GetX()[i],atps->GetY()[i],atps->GetZ()[i],atps->GetVolumeID()[i] )); } return atps; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::GetCurrentLayer() const { // get current layer id if (!fGeoManager) { AliInfo("ITS geometry not initialized!"); return -1; } return (Int_t)AliGeomManager::VolUIDToLayer(fCluster.GetVolumeID()); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::InitModuleParams() { /// initialize geometry parameters for a given detector /// for current cluster (fCluster) /// fGlobalInitParam[] is set as: /// [tx,ty,tz,psi,theta,phi] /// (old was [tx,ty,tz,theta,psi,phi] ROOT's angles...) /// *** At the moment: using Raffalele's angles definition *** /// /// return 0 if success /// If module is found but has no parameters to vary, return 1 if (!fGeoManager) { AliInfo("ITS geometry not initialized!"); return -1; } // now 'voluid' is the volumeID of a SENSITIVE VOLUME (coming from a cluster) // set the internal index (index in module list) UShort_t voluid=fCluster.GetVolumeID(); fCurrentSensID = AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetIndexFromVolumeID(voluid); // // IT IS VERY IMPORTANT: start from the end of the list, where the childs are located !!! Int_t k=fNModules-1; fCurrentModule = 0; // VERY IMPORTANT: if the sensors were explicitly provided, don't look in the supermodules while (k>=0 && ! (fCurrentModule=GetMilleModule(k))->IsIn(voluid)) k--; if (k<0) return -3; // for (int i=AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParTot;i--;) fModuleInitParam[i] = 0.0; // int clID = fCluster.GetUniqueID()-1; if (clID<0) { // external cluster fMeasGlo = &fExtClusterPar[0]; fMeasLoc = &fExtClusterPar[3]; fSigmaLoc = &fExtClusterPar[6]; fExtClusterPar[0] = fCluster.GetX(); fExtClusterPar[1] = fCluster.GetY(); fExtClusterPar[2] = fCluster.GetZ(); // TGeoHMatrix *svMatrix = fCurrentModule->GetSensitiveVolumeMatrix(voluid); svMatrix->MasterToLocal(fMeasGlo,fMeasLoc); TGeoHMatrix hcov; Double_t hcovel[9]; hcovel[0]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[0]); hcovel[1]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[1]); hcovel[2]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[2]); hcovel[3]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[1]); hcovel[4]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[3]); hcovel[5]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[4]); hcovel[6]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[2]); hcovel[7]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[4]); hcovel[8]=double(fCluster.GetCov()[5]); hcov.SetRotation(hcovel); // now rotate in local system hcov.Multiply(svMatrix); hcov.MultiplyLeft(&svMatrix->Inverse()); if (fSigmaLoc[0]<0.0010) fSigmaLoc[0]=0.0010; if (fSigmaLoc[2]<0.0010) fSigmaLoc[2]=0.0010; // } else { int offs = 3*clID; fMeasGlo = fClusGlo.GetArray() + offs; fMeasLoc = fClusLoc.GetArray() + offs; fSigmaLoc = fClusSigLoc.GetArray() + offs; } // // set minimum value for SigmaLoc to 10 micron if (fSigmaLoc[0]<0.0010) fSigmaLoc[0]=0.0010; if (fSigmaLoc[2]<0.0010) fSigmaLoc[2]=0.0010; // AliDebug(2,Form("Local coordinates of measured point : X=%f Y=%f Z=%f \n",fMeasLoc[0] ,fMeasLoc[1] ,fMeasLoc[2] )); AliDebug(2,Form("Setting StDev from CovMat : fSigmaLocX=%g fSigmaLocY=%g fSigmaLocZ=%g \n",fSigmaLoc[0] ,fSigmaLoc[1] ,fSigmaLoc[2] )); // return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::Print(Option_t*) const { // print current status printf("*** AliMillepede for ITS ***\n"); printf(" Number of defined super modules: %d\n",fNModules); printf(" Obtained parameters refer to %s Deltas\n",fUseGlobalDelta ? "GLOBAL":"LOCAL"); // if (fGeoManager) printf(" geometry loaded from %s\n",fGeometryPath.Data()); else printf(" geometry not loaded\n"); // if (fUsePreAlignment) printf(" using prealignment from %s \n",fPreDeltaPath.Data()); else printf(" prealignment not used\n"); // // if (fBOn) printf(" B Field set to %f T - using helices\n",fBField); else printf(" B Field OFF - using straight lines \n"); // if (fTPAFitter) printf(" Using AliITSTPArrayFit class for track fitting\n"); else printf(" Using StraightLine/Riemann fitter for track fitting\n"); // printf("Using local Y error due to the sensor thickness: %s\n",(fUseLocalYErr && fTPAFitter) ? "ON":"OFF"); // for (int itp=0;itp0) printf(" Layer %d : %d points with Y>0\n",i+1,fNReqLayUp[itp][i]); if (fNReqLayDown[itp][i]>0) printf(" Layer %d : %d points with Y<0\n",i+1,fNReqLayDown[itp][i]); if (fNReqLay[itp][i]>0) printf(" Layer %d : %d points \n",i+1,fNReqLay[itp][i]); } for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) { if (fNReqDetUp[itp][i]>0) printf(" Detector %d : %d points with Y>0\n",i+1,fNReqDetUp[itp][i]); if (fNReqDetDown[itp][i]>0) printf(" Detector %d : %d points with Y<0\n",i+1,fNReqDetDown[itp][i]); if (fNReqDet[itp][i]>0) printf(" Detector %d : %d points \n",i+1,fNReqDet[itp][i]); } } // printf("\n Millepede configuration parameters:\n"); printf(" init value for chi2 cut : %.4f\n",fStartFac); printf(" first iteration cut value : %.4f\n",fResCutInitial); printf(" other iterations cut value : %.4f\n",fResCut); printf(" number of stddev for chi2 cut : %d\n",fNStdDev); printf(" def.scaling for local sigmas : %.4f %.4f %.4f\n",fSigmaFactor[0],fSigmaFactor[1],fSigmaFactor[2]); printf(" min.tracks per module : %d\n",fMinPntPerSens); // printf("List of defined modules:\n"); printf(" intidx\tindex\tvoluid\tname\n"); for (int i=0; iGetIndex(),md->GetVolumeID(),md->GetName()); } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliITSAlignMille2Module *AliITSAlignMille2::GetMilleModuleByVID(UShort_t voluid) const { // return pointer to a defined supermodule // return NULL if error Int_t i=IsVIDDefined(voluid); if (i<0) return NULL; return GetMilleModule(i); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliITSAlignMille2Module *AliITSAlignMille2::GetMilleModuleBySymName(const Char_t* symname) const { // return pointer to a defined supermodule // return NULL if error UShort_t vid = AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetVolumeIDFromSymname(symname); if (vid>0) return GetMilleModuleByVID(vid); else { // this is not alignable module, need to look within defined supermodules int i = IsSymDefined(symname); if (i>=0) return GetMilleModule(i); } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliITSAlignMille2Module *AliITSAlignMille2::GetMilleModuleIfContained(const Char_t* symname) const { // return pointer to a defined/contained supermodule // return NULL otherwise int i = IsSymContained(symname); return i<0 ? 0 : GetMilleModule(i); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliAlignObjParams* AliITSAlignMille2::GetPrealignedObject(const Char_t* symname) const { // get delta from prealignment for given volume if (!fPrealignment) return 0; for (int ipre=fPrealignment->GetEntriesFast();ipre--;) { // was the corresponding object prealigned? AliAlignObjParams* preob = (AliAlignObjParams*)fPrealignment->At(ipre); if (!strcmp(preob->GetSymName(),symname)) return preob; } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliAlignObjParams* AliITSAlignMille2::GetConstrRefObject(const Char_t* symname) const { // get delta with respect to which the constraint is declared if (!fConstrRef) return 0; for (int ipre=fConstrRef->GetEntriesFast();ipre--;) { // was the corresponding object prealigned? AliAlignObjParams* preob = (AliAlignObjParams*)fConstrRef->At(ipre); if (!strcmp(preob->GetSymName(),symname)) return preob; } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSAlignMille2::InitRiemanFit() { // Initialize Riemann Fitter for current track // return kFALSE if error if (!fBOn) return kFALSE; Int_t npts=0; AliTrackPoint ap; npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); AliDebug(3,Form("Fitting track with %d points",npts)); if (!fRieman) fRieman = new AliTrackFitterRieman(); fRieman->Reset(); fRieman->SetTrackPointArray(fTrack); TArrayI ai(npts); for (Int_t ipt=0; iptGetVolumeID()[ipt]; // fit track with 5 params in his own tracking-rotated reference system // xc = -p[1]/p[0]; // yc = 1/p[0]; // R = sqrt( x0*x0 + y0*y0 - y0*p[2]); if (!fRieman->Fit(&ai,NULL,(AliGeomManager::ELayerID)1,(AliGeomManager::ELayerID)6)) { return kFALSE; } for (int i=0; i<5; i++) fLocalInitParam[i] = fRieman->GetParam()[i]; return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void trackFit2D(Int_t &, Double_t *, double &chi2, double *par, int flag) { // local function for minuit const double kTiny = 1.e-14; chi2 = 0; static AliTrackPoint pnt; static Bool_t fullErr2D; // if (flag==1) fullErr2D = kFALSE;//kTRUE; // fullErr2D = kTRUE; enum {kAX,kAZ,kBX,kBZ}; enum {kXX=0,kXY=1,kXZ=2,kYX=kXY,kYY=3,kYZ=4,kZX=kXZ,kZY=kYZ,kZZ=5}; // AliITSAlignMille2* alig = AliITSAlignMille2::GetInstance(); AliTrackPointArray* track = alig->GetCurrentTrack(); // int npts = track->GetNPoints(); for (int ip=0;ipGetPoint(pnt,ip); const float *cov = pnt.GetCov(); double y = pnt.GetY(); double dx = pnt.GetX() - (par[kAX]+y*par[kBX]); double dz = pnt.GetZ() - (par[kAZ]+y*par[kBZ]); double xxe = cov[kXX]; double zze = cov[kZZ]; double xze = cov[kXZ]; // if (fullErr2D) { xxe += par[kBX]*par[kBX]*cov[kYY]-2.*par[kBX]*cov[kXY]; zze += par[kBZ]*par[kBZ]*cov[kYY]-2.*par[kBZ]*cov[kZY]; xze += par[kBX]*par[kBZ]*cov[kYY]-cov[kYZ]*par[kBZ]-cov[kXY]*par[kBX]; } // double det = xxe*zze - xze*xze; if (det %+e\n",ip,dx,dz,xxeI,zzeI,xzeI, chi2); } // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::InitTrackParams(int meth) { /// initialize local parameters with different methods /// for current track (fTrack) Int_t npts=0; AliTrackPoint ap; double sX=0,sXY=0,sZ=0,sZY=0,sY=0,sYY=0,det=0; // simple linear interpolation // get local starting parameters (to be substituted by ESD track parms) // local parms (fLocalInitParam[]) are: // [0] = global x coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [1] = global z coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [2] = px/py // [3] = pz/py // test #1: linear fit in x(y) and z(y) npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); AliDebug(3,Form("*** initializing track with %d points ***",npts)); for (int i=npts;i--;) { sY += fTrack->GetY()[i]; sYY += fTrack->GetY()[i]*fTrack->GetY()[i]; sX += fTrack->GetX()[i]; sXY += fTrack->GetX()[i]*fTrack->GetY()[i]; sZ += fTrack->GetZ()[i]; sZY += fTrack->GetZ()[i]*fTrack->GetY()[i]; } det = sYY*npts-sY*sY; if (IsZero(det)) det = 1E-16; fLocalInitParam[0] = (sX*sYY-sY*sXY)/det; fLocalInitParam[2] = (sXY*npts-sY*sX)/det; // fLocalInitParam[1] = (sZ*sYY-sY*sZY)/det; fLocalInitParam[3] = (sZY*npts-sY*sZ)/det; // pepo200709 fLocalInitParam[4] = 0.0; // endpepo200709 AliDebug(2,Form("X = p0gx + ugx*Y : p0gx = %f ugx = %f\n",fLocalInitParam[0],fLocalInitParam[2])); // if (meth==1) return; // // perform full fit accounting for cov.matrix static TVirtualFitter *minuit = 0; static Double_t step[5] = {1E-3,1E-3,1E-4,1E-4,1E-5}; static Double_t arglist[10]; // if (!minuit) { minuit = TVirtualFitter::Fitter(0,4); minuit->SetFCN(trackFit2D); arglist[0] = 1; minuit->ExecuteCommand("SET ERR",arglist, 1); // arglist[0] = -1; minuit->ExecuteCommand("SET PRINT",arglist,1); // } // minuit->SetParameter(0, "ax", fLocalInitParam[0], step[0], 0,0); minuit->SetParameter(1, "az", fLocalInitParam[1], step[1], 0,0); minuit->SetParameter(2, "bx", fLocalInitParam[2], step[2], 0,0); minuit->SetParameter(3, "bz", fLocalInitParam[3], step[3], 0,0); // arglist[0] = 1000; // number of function calls arglist[1] = 0.001; // tolerance minuit->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD",arglist,2); // for (int i=0;i<4;i++) fLocalInitParam[i] = minuit->GetParameter(i); for (int i=0;i<4;i++) for (int j=0;j<4;j++) fLocalInitParEr[i][j] = minuit->GetCovarianceMatrixElement(i,j); /* double amin,edm,errdef; int nvpar,nparx; minuit->GetStats(amin,edm,errdef,nvpar,nparx); amin /= (2*npts - 4); printf("Mchi2: %+e\n",amin); */ // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::IsSymDefined(const Char_t* symname) const { // checks if supermodule with this symname is defined and return the internal index // return -1 if not. for (int k=fNModules;k--;) if (!strcmp(symname,GetMilleModule(k)->GetName())) return k; return -1; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::IsSymContained(const Char_t* symname) const { // checks if module with this symname is defined and return the internal index // return -1 if not. UShort_t vid = AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetVolumeIDFromSymname(symname); if (vid>0) return IsVIDContained(vid); // only sensors have real vid, but maybe we have a supermodule with fake vid? // IMPORTANT: always start from the end to start from the sensors return IsSymDefined(symname); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::IsVIDDefined(UShort_t voluid) const { // checks if supermodule 'voluid' is defined and return the internal index // return -1 if not. for (int k=fNModules;k--;) if (voluid==GetMilleModule(k)->GetVolumeID()) return k; return -1; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::IsVIDContained(UShort_t voluid) const { // checks if the sensitive module 'voluid' is contained inside a supermodule // and return the internal index of the last identified supermodule // return -1 if error // IMPORTANT: always start from the end to start from the sensors if (AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetIndexFromVolumeID(voluid)<0) return -1; for (int k=fNModules;k--;) if (GetMilleModule(k)->IsIn(voluid)) return k; return -1; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::GetRequestedModID(UShort_t voluid) const { // checks if the sensitive module 'voluid' is contained inside a supermodule // and return the internal index of the last identified supermodule // return -1 if error // IMPORTANT: always start from the end to start from the sensors if (AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetIndexFromVolumeID(voluid)<0) return -1; int k; for (k=fNModules;k--;) if (GetMilleModule(k)->IsIn(voluid)) break; if (k<0) return -1; AliITSAlignMille2Module* md = GetMilleModule(k); while (md && md->IsNotInConf()) md = md->GetParent(); return md ? md->GetUniqueID() : -1; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::CheckCurrentTrack() { /// checks if AliTrackPoints belongs to defined modules /// return number of good poins /// return 0 if not enough points Int_t npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); Int_t ngoodpts=0; // debug points for (int j=0; jGetVolumeID()[j])>=0) ngoodpts++; // if (ngoodptsGetNPoints(); AliDebug(2,Form("*** Input track with %d points ***",npts)); // preprocessing of the input track: keep only points in defined volumes, // move points if prealignment is set, sort by Yglo if required fTrack=PrepareTrack(track); if (!fTrack) { RemoveHelixFitConstraint(); return -1; } npts = fTrack->GetNPoints(); if (npts>kMaxPoints) { AliError(Form("Compiled with kMaxPoints=%d, current track has %d points",kMaxPoints,npts)); } AliDebug(2,Form("*** Processing prepared track with %d points ***",npts)); // if (fTPAFitter) { // use dediacted fitter // fTPAFitter->AttachPoints(fTrack); fTPAFitter->SetBz(fBField); fTPAFitter->SetTypeCosmics(IsTypeCosmics()); if (fInitTrackParamsMeth==1) fTPAFitter->SetIgnoreCov(); double chi2 = fTPAFitter->Fit(fConstrCharge,fConstrPT,fConstrPTErr); // // suppress eventual constraints to not affect fit of the next track RemoveHelixFitConstraint(); // if ( chi2<0 || (chi2>fStartFac && fTPAFitter->GetNIterations()>=fTPAFitter->GetMaxIterations()) ) { //RRR AliInfo("Track fit failed! skipping this track..."); fTrack->Print(""); fTPAFitter->FitHelixCrude(); fTPAFitter->SetFitDone(); fTPAFitter->Print(); fTPAFitter->Reset(); fTrack = NULL; return -5; } fNLocal = fTPAFitter->IsFieldON() ? 5:4; // Attantion: the fitter might have decided to work in line mode /* double *pr = fTPAFitter->GetParams(); printf("FtPar: %+.5e %+.5e %+.5e %+.5e | chi2:%.3e\n",pr[2],pr[0],pr[3],pr[1],chi2); // RRR */ } else { // if (!fBOn) { // straight lines // set local starting parameters (to be substituted by ESD track parms) // local parms (fLocalInitParam[]) are: // [0] = global x coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [1] = global z coord. of straight line intersection at y=0 plane // [2] = px/py // [3] = pz/py InitTrackParams(fInitTrackParamsMeth); /* double *pr = fLocalInitParam; printf("FtPar: %+.5e %+.5e %+.5e %+.5e |\n",pr[0],pr[1],pr[2],pr[3]); // RRR */ } else { // local parms (fLocalInitParam[]) are the Riemann Fitter params if (!InitRiemanFit()) { AliInfo("Riemann fit failed! skipping this track..."); fTrack=NULL; return -5; } } } // // printf("Params: "); for (int i=0;iGetPoint(fCluster,ipt); fCluster.SetUniqueID(ipt+1); AliDebug(2,Form("\n--- processing point %d --- \n",ipt)); // set geometry parameters for the the current module if (InitModuleParams()) continue; AliDebug(2,Form(" VolID=%d Index=%d InternalIdx=%d symname=%s\n", track->GetVolumeID()[ipt], fCurrentModule->GetIndex(), fCurrentModule->GetUniqueID(), AliGeomManager::SymName(track->GetVolumeID()[ipt]) )); AliDebug(2,Form(" Preprocessed Point = ( %f , %f , %f ) \n",fCluster.GetX(),fCluster.GetY(),fCluster.GetZ())); int res = fTPAFitter ? AddLocalEquationTPA(md[nloceq]) : AddLocalEquation(md[nloceq]); if (res<0) {fTotBadLocEqPoints++; nloceq = 0; break;} else if (res==0) nloceq++; else {nloceq++; ngloeq++;} } // end loop over points // fTrack=NULL; // not enough good points? if (nloceqSaveRecordData(); // RRR // return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::CalcIntersectionPoint(Double_t *lpar, Double_t *gpar) { /// calculate track intersection point in local coordinates /// according with a given set of parameters (local(4) and global(6)) /// and fill fPintLoc/Glo /// local are: pgx0, pgz0, ugx, ugz OR riemann fitters pars /// global are: tx,ty,tz,psi,theta,phi (Raff's delta angles in deg.) /// return 0 if success AliDebug(3,Form("lpar = %g %g %g %g %g\ngpar= %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",lpar[0],lpar[1],lpar[2],lpar[3],lpar[4],gpar[0],gpar[1],gpar[2],gpar[3],gpar[4],gpar[5])); AliDebug(3,Form("deltalpar = %g %g %g %g %g\n",lpar[0]-fLocalInitParam[0],lpar[1]-fLocalInitParam[1],lpar[2]-fLocalInitParam[2],lpar[3]-fLocalInitParam[3],lpar[4]-fLocalInitParam[4])); // prepare the TGeoHMatrix TGeoHMatrix *tempHMat = fCurrentModule->GetSensitiveVolumeModifiedMatrix(fCluster.GetVolumeID(),gpar, !fUseGlobalDelta); if (!tempHMat) return -1; Double_t v0g[3]; // vector with straight line direction in global coord. Double_t p0g[3]; // point of the straight line (glo) if (fBOn) { // B FIELD! AliTrackPoint prf; for (int ip=0; ip<5; ip++) fRieman->SetParam(ip,lpar[ip]); if (!fRieman->GetPCA(fCluster,prf)) { AliInfo(Form("error in GetPCA for point %d",fCluster.GetVolumeID())); return -3; } // now determine straight line passing tangent to fit curve at prf // ugx = dX/dY_glo = DeltaX/DeltaY_glo // mo' P1=(X,Y,Z)_glo_prf // => (x,y,Z)_trk_prf ruotando di alpha... Double_t alpha=fRieman->GetAlpha(); Double_t x1g = prf.GetX(); Double_t y1g = prf.GetY(); Double_t z1g = prf.GetZ(); Double_t x1t = x1g*TMath::Cos(alpha) + y1g*TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t y1t = -x1g*TMath::Sin(alpha) + y1g*TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t z1t = z1g; Double_t x2t = x1t+1.0; Double_t y2t = y1t+fRieman->GetDYat(x1t); Double_t z2t = z1t+fRieman->GetDZat(x1t); Double_t x2g = x2t*TMath::Cos(alpha) - y2t*TMath::Sin(alpha); Double_t y2g = x2t*TMath::Sin(alpha) + y2t*TMath::Cos(alpha); Double_t z2g = z2t; AliDebug(3,Form("Riemann frame: fAlpha = %f = %f ",alpha,alpha*180./TMath::Pi())); AliDebug(3,Form(" prf_glo=( %f , %f , %f ) prf_rf=( %f , %f , %f )\n", x1g,y1g,z1g, x1t,y1t,z1t)); AliDebug(3,Form(" mov_glo=( %f , %f , %f ) rf=( %f , %f , %f )\n",x2g,y2g,z2g, x2t,y2t,z2t)); if (TMath::Abs(y2g-y1g)<1e-15) { AliInfo("DeltaY=0! Cannot proceed..."); return -1; } // ugx,1,ugz v0g[0] = (x2g-x1g)/(y2g-y1g); v0g[1]=1.0; v0g[2] = (z2g-z1g)/(y2g-y1g); // point: just keep prf p0g[0]=x1g; p0g[1]=y1g; p0g[2]=z1g; } else { // staight line // vector of initial straight line direction in glob. coord v0g[0]=lpar[2]; v0g[1]=1.0; v0g[2]=lpar[3]; // intercept in yg=0 plane in glob coord p0g[0]=lpar[0]; p0g[1]=0.0; p0g[2]=lpar[1]; } AliDebug(3,Form("Line vector: ( %f , %f , %f ) point:( %f , %f , %f )\n",v0g[0],v0g[1],v0g[2],p0g[0],p0g[1],p0g[2])); // same in local coord. Double_t p0l[3],v0l[3]; tempHMat->MasterToLocalVect(v0g,v0l); tempHMat->MasterToLocal(p0g,p0l); if (TMath::Abs(v0l[1])<1e-15) { AliInfo("Track Y direction in local frame is zero! Cannot proceed..."); return -1; } // local intersection point fPintLoc[0] = p0l[0] - (v0l[0]/v0l[1])*p0l[1]; fPintLoc[1] = 0; fPintLoc[2] = p0l[2] - (v0l[2]/v0l[1])*p0l[1]; // global intersection point tempHMat->LocalToMaster(fPintLoc,fPintGlo); AliDebug(3,Form("Intesect. point: L( %f , %f , %f ) G( %f , %f , %f )\n",fPintLoc[0],fPintLoc[1],fPintLoc[2],fPintGlo[0],fPintGlo[1],fPintGlo[2])); return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::CalcDerivatives(Int_t paridx, Bool_t islpar) { /// calculate numerically (ROOT's style) the derivatives for /// local X intersection and local Z intersection /// parlist: local (islpar=kTRUE) pgx0, pgz0, ugx0, ugz0 OR riemann's params /// global (islpar=kFALSE) tx, ty, tz, psi, theta, phi (Raf's angles in deg) /// return 0 if success // copy initial parameters Double_t lpar[kNLocal]; Double_t gpar[kNParCh]; Double_t *derivative; for (Int_t i=0; iGetNParFree()==0) continue; nmodTested++; for (Int_t i=0; iGetParOffset(i)<0) continue; // this parameter is not explicitly fitted if (!dfDone[i]) { if (CalcDerivatives(i,kFALSE)) return -1; else { dfDone[i] = kTRUE; if (zeroX) zeroX = IsZero(fDerivativeGlo[i][0]); if (zeroZ) zeroZ = IsZero(fDerivativeGlo[i][2]); } } // m.fDerGlo[ifill][kX] = fDerivativeGlo[i][0]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kZ] = fDerivativeGlo[i][2]; m.fParMilleID[ifill++] = fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(i); } // // specific for special sensors if ( fCurrentModule->IsSDD() && (fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0)>=0 || fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV)>=0) ) { // // assume for sensor local xloc = xloc0 + V0*dT0+dV*(T-T0) // where V0 and T are the nominal drift velocity, time and time0 // and the dT0 and dV are the corrections: // dX/dT0 = dX/dxloc * dxloc/dT0 = dX/dxloc * V0 // dX/dV = dX/dxloc * dxloc/dV = dX/dxloc * (T-T0) // IMPORTANT: the geom derivatives are over the SENSOR LOCAL parameters // if (!dfDone[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0] || !dfDone[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV]) { // double dXdxlocsens=0., dZdxlocsens=0.; // // if the current module is the sensor itself and we work with local params, then // we can directly take dX/dxloc_sens dZ/dxloc_sens if (!fUseGlobalDelta && fCurrentModule->GetVolumeID()==fCluster.GetVolumeID()) { if (!dfDone[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFTX]) { CalcDerivatives(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFTX,kFALSE); dfDone[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFTX] = kTRUE; } dXdxlocsens = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFTX][0]; dZdxlocsens = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFTX][2]; } // else { // need to perform some transformations // fetch the jacobian of the transformation from the sensors local frame to the frame // where the parameters are defined: // Global: dX/dxloc_sens = dX/dxgl*dxgl/dxloc_sens + ...dX/dphigl*dphigl/dxloc_sens if (fUseGlobalDelta) fCurrentModule->CalcDerivGloLoc(fCluster.GetVolumeID(), AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFTX, jacobian); // Local: dX/dxloc_sens = dX/dxcurr*dxcurr/dxloc_sens +..+dX/dphicurr * dphicurr/dxloc_sens else fCurrentModule->CalcDerivCurLoc(fCluster.GetVolumeID(), AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFTX, jacobian); // for (int j=0;jGetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0)>=0) { m.fDerGlo[ifill][kX] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0][0]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kZ] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0][2]; m.fParMilleID[ifill++] = fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0); } // if (fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV)>=0) { m.fDerGlo[ifill][kX] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV][0]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kZ] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV][2]; m.fParMilleID[ifill++] = fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV); } } // m.fModuleID[m.fNModFilled++] = fCurrentModule->GetUniqueID(); } while( (fCurrentModule=fCurrentModule->GetParent()) ); // if (nmodTested>0 && zeroX) {AliInfo("Skipping: zero global X derivatives!");return -1;} if (nmodTested>0 && zeroZ) {AliInfo("Skipping: zero global Z derivatives!");return -1;} // // ok, can copy to m AliDebug(2,Form("Adding local equation X with fMeas=%.6f and fSigma=%.6f",(fMeasLoc[0]-fPintLoc0[0]), fSigmaLoc[0])); m.fMeas[kX] = fMeasLoc[0]-fPintLoc0[0]; m.fSigma[kX] = fSigmaLoc[0]; // AliDebug(2,Form("Adding local equation Z with fMeas=%.6f and fSigma=%.6f",(fMeasLoc[2]-fPintLoc0[2]), fSigmaLoc[2])); m.fMeas[kZ] = fMeasLoc[2]-fPintLoc0[2]; m.fSigma[kZ] = fSigmaLoc[2]; // m.fNGlobFilled = ifill; fCurrentModule = endModule; // status += Int_t(!zeroX && !zeroZ); // 0 - only locals, 1 locals + globals return status; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::AddLocalEquationTPA(Mille2Data &m) { /// Define local equation for current cluster in X Y and Z coor. /// and store them to memory /// return -1 in case of failure to build some equation /// 0 if no free global parameters were found but local eq is built /// 1 if both local and global eqs are built // int curpoint = fCluster.GetUniqueID()-1; TGeoHMatrix *tempHMat = GetSensorCurrMatrixSID(fCurrentSensID);// fCurrentModule->GetSensitiveVolumeMatrix(fCluster.GetVolumeID()); // fTPAFitter->GetDResDParams(&fDerivativeLoc[0][0], curpoint); // resid. derivatives over the track parameters for (Int_t i=fNLocal; i--;) tempHMat->MasterToLocalVect(fDerivativeLoc[i],m.fDerLoc[i]); // int status = 0; // derivatives over the global parameters ---------------------------------------->>> Double_t dRdP[3][3]; // derivative of local residuals vs local position Double_t dPdG[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom][3]; // derivatives of local position vs global params fTPAFitter->GetDResDPos(&fDerivativeGlo[0][0], curpoint); for (int i=3;i--;) tempHMat->MasterToLocalVect(fDerivativeGlo[i],dRdP[i]); // UInt_t ifill=0, dfDone = 0; m.fNModFilled = 0; // AliITSAlignMille2Module* endModule = fCurrentModule; // do { if (fCurrentModule->GetNParFree()==0) continue; status = 1; if (!fUseGlobalDelta) dfDone = 0; // for local deltas the derivatives at diff. levels are different Bool_t jacobOK = kFALSE; // for (Int_t i=0; iGetParOffset(i)<0) continue; // this parameter is not explicitly fitted // if (!TestWordBit(dfDone,i)) { // need to calculate new derivative if (!jacobOK) {fCurrentModule->CalcDerivDPosDPar(fCluster.GetVolumeID(),fMeasLoc,&dPdG[0][0]); jacobOK = kTRUE;} // dRes_j/dGlo_i = \sum_{k=1:3} dRes_j/dPos_k * dPos_k/dGlo_i fDerivativeGlo[i][kX] = dRdP[kX][kX]*dPdG[i][kX] + dRdP[kY][kX]*dPdG[i][kY] + dRdP[kZ][kX]*dPdG[i][kZ]; fDerivativeGlo[i][kY] = dRdP[kX][kY]*dPdG[i][kX] + dRdP[kY][kY]*dPdG[i][kY] + dRdP[kZ][kY]*dPdG[i][kZ]; fDerivativeGlo[i][kZ] = dRdP[kX][kZ]*dPdG[i][kX] + dRdP[kY][kZ]*dPdG[i][kY] + dRdP[kZ][kZ]*dPdG[i][kZ]; SetWordBit(dfDone,i); } // m.fDerGlo[ifill][kX] = fDerivativeGlo[i][kX]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kY] = fDerivativeGlo[i][kY]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kZ] = fDerivativeGlo[i][kZ]; m.fParMilleID[ifill++] = fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(i); // } // if ( fCurrentModule->IsSDD() ) { // specific for SDD // // assume for sensor local xloc = xloc0 + V0*dT0+dV*(T-T0) // where V0 and T are the nominal drift velocity, time and time0 // and the dT0 and dV are the corrections: // dX/dT0 = dX/dxloc * dxloc/dT0 = dX/dxloc * V0 // dX/dV = dX/dxloc * dxloc/dV = dX/dxloc * (T-T0) // IMPORTANT: the geom derivatives are over the SENSOR LOCAL parameters // if (fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0)>=0) { if (!TestWordBit(dfDone, AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0)) { double vdrift = GetVDriftSDD(); fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0][kX] = -dRdP[kX][kX]*vdrift; fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0][kY] = -dRdP[kX][kY]*vdrift; fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0][kZ] = -dRdP[kX][kZ]*vdrift; SetWordBit(dfDone, AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0); } m.fDerGlo[ifill][kX] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0][kX]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kY] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0][kY]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kZ] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0][kZ]; m.fParMilleID[ifill++] = fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0); } // if (fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV)>=0) { if (!TestWordBit(dfDone, AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV)) { double tdrift = TMath::Sign(GetTDriftSDD(), GetVDriftSDD()); fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV][kX] = dRdP[kX][kX]*tdrift; fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV][kY] = dRdP[kX][kY]*tdrift; fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV][kZ] = dRdP[kX][kZ]*tdrift; SetWordBit(dfDone, AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV); } m.fDerGlo[ifill][kX] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV][kX]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kY] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV][kY]; m.fDerGlo[ifill][kZ] = fDerivativeGlo[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV][kZ]; m.fParMilleID[ifill++] = fCurrentModule->GetParOffset(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV); } } // m.fModuleID[m.fNModFilled++] = fCurrentModule->GetUniqueID(); } while( (fCurrentModule=fCurrentModule->GetParent()) ); // // store first local residuals fTPAFitter->GetResiduals(fPintLoc , curpoint); // lab residuals for (int i=3;i--;) fPintLoc[i] = -fPintLoc[i]; tempHMat->MasterToLocalVect(fPintLoc,m.fMeas); // local residuals m.fSigma[kX] = fSigmaLoc[kX]; m.fSigma[kY] = fSigmaLoc[kY]; m.fSigma[kZ] = fSigmaLoc[kZ]; // m.fNGlobFilled = ifill; fCurrentModule = endModule; // return status; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::SetLocalEquations(const Mille2Data *marr, Int_t neq) { /// Set local equations with data stored in m /// return 0 if success // for (Int_t j=0; jSetLocalEquation(fGlobalDerivatives, fLocalDerivatives, m.fMeas[ic], m.fSigma[ic]); filled = kTRUE; // } // if (filled) for (int i=m.fNModFilled;i--;) GetMilleModule(m.fModuleID[i])->IncNProcessedPoints(); } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::GlobalFit() { /// Call global fit; Global parameters are stored in parameters if (!fIsMilleInit) Init(); // ApplyPreConstraints(); int res = fMillepede->GlobalFit(); AliInfo(Form("%s fitting global parameters!",res ? "Done":"Failed")); if (res) { // fetch the parameters for (int imd=fNModules;imd--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(imd); int nprocp = 0; for (int ip=mod->GetNParTot();ip--;) { int idp = mod->GetParOffset(ip); if (idp<0) continue; // was not in the explicit fit mod->SetParVal(ip,fMillepede->GetFinalParam(idp)); mod->SetParErr(ip,fMillepede->GetFinalError(idp)); int np = fMillepede->GetProcessedPoints(idp); if (TMath::Abs(np)>TMath::Abs(nprocp)) nprocp = np; } if (!mod->GetNProcessedPoints()) mod->SetNProcessedPoints(nprocp); } } ApplyPostConstraints(); return res; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::PrintGlobalParameters() { /// Print global parameters if (!fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has not been initialized!"); return; } fMillepede->PrintGlobalParameters(); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::LoadSuperModuleFile(const Char_t *sfile) { // load definitions of supermodules from a root file // return 0 if success TFile *smf=TFile::Open(sfile); if (!smf->IsOpen()) { AliInfo(Form("Cannot open supermodule file %s",sfile)); return -1; } TClonesArray *sma=(TClonesArray*)smf->Get("ITSMilleSuperModules"); if (!sma) { AliInfo(Form("Cannot find ITSMilleSuperModules array in file")); return -2; } Int_t nsma=sma->GetEntriesFast(); AliInfo(Form("Array of SuperModules with %d entries\n",nsma)); // // pepo200709 Char_t st[2048]; char symname[250]; // end pepo200709 UShort_t volid; TGeoHMatrix m; // for (Int_t i=0; iUncheckedAt(i); volid=a->GetVolUID(); strcpy(st,a->GetSymName()); a->GetMatrix(m); // sscanf(st,"%s",symname); // // decode module list char *stp=strstr(st,"ModuleList:"); if (!stp) return -3; stp += 11; int idx[2200]; char spp[200]; int jp=0; char cl[20]; strcpy(st,stp); int l=strlen(st); int j=0; int n=0; // while (j<=l) { if (st[j]==9 || st[j]==32 || st[j]==10 || st[j]==0) { spp[jp]=0; jp=0; if (strlen(spp)) { int k=strcspn(spp,"-"); if (k%d)",idx[j],kMaxITSSensID)); return -5; } } Int_t smindex=int(2198+volid-14336); // virtual index // fSuperModule.AddAtAndExpand(new AliITSAlignMille2Module(smindex,volid,symname,&m,n,volidsv),fNSuperModules); // fNSuperModules++; } // smf->Close(); // return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainModuleSubUnitsMean(Int_t idm, Double_t val, UInt_t pattern) { // require that sum of modifications for the childs of this module is = val, i.e. // the internal corrections moves the module as a whole by fixed value (0 by default). // pattern is the bit pattern for the parameters to constrain // if (fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has been already initialized: no constrain may be added!"); return; } if (!GetMilleModule(idm)->GetNChildren()) return; TString nm = "cstrSUMean"; nm += GetNConstraints(); AliITSAlignMille2Constraint *cstr = new AliITSAlignMille2Constraint(nm.Data(),AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMean, idm,val,pattern); cstr->SetConstraintID(GetNConstraints()); fConstraints.Add(cstr); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainModuleSubUnitsMedian(Int_t idm, Double_t val, UInt_t pattern) { // require that median of the modifications for the childs of this module is = val, i.e. // the internal corrections moves the module as a whole by fixed value (0 by default) // module the outliers. // pattern is the bit pattern for the parameters to constrain // The difference between the mean and the median will be transfered to the parent if (fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has been already initialized: no constrain may be added!"); return; } if (!GetMilleModule(idm)->GetNChildren()) return; TString nm = "cstrSUMed"; nm += GetNConstraints(); AliITSAlignMille2Constraint *cstr = new AliITSAlignMille2Constraint(nm.Data(),AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMedian, idm,val,pattern); cstr->SetConstraintID(GetNConstraints()); fConstraints.Add(cstr); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainOrphansMean(Double_t val, UInt_t pattern) { // require that median of the modifications for the supermodules which have no parents is = val, i.e. // the corrections moves the whole setup by fixed value (0 by default) modulo the outliers. // pattern is the bit pattern for the parameters to constrain // if (fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has been already initialized: no constrain may be added!"); return; } TString nm = "cstrOMean"; nm += GetNConstraints(); AliITSAlignMille2Constraint *cstr = new AliITSAlignMille2Constraint(nm.Data(),AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMean, -1,val,pattern); cstr->SetConstraintID(GetNConstraints()); fConstraints.Add(cstr); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainOrphansMedian(Double_t val, UInt_t pattern) { // require that median of the modifications for the supermodules which have no parents is = val, i.e. // the corrections moves the whole setup by fixed value (0 by default) modulo the outliers. // pattern is the bit pattern for the parameters to constrain // if (fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has been already initialized: no constrain may be added!"); return; } TString nm = "cstrOMed"; nm += GetNConstraints(); AliITSAlignMille2Constraint *cstr = new AliITSAlignMille2Constraint(nm.Data(),AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMedian, -1,val,pattern); cstr->SetConstraintID(GetNConstraints()); fConstraints.Add(cstr); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainLocal(const Char_t* name,Double_t *parcf,Int_t npar,Double_t val,Double_t err) { // apply constraint on parameters in the local frame if (fIsMilleInit) { AliInfo("Millepede has been already initialized: no constrain may be added!"); return; } AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray *cstr = new AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray(name,parcf,npar,val,err); cstr->SetConstraintID(GetNConstraints()); fConstraints.Add(cstr); } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ApplyGaussianConstraint(const AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray* cstr) { // apply the constraint on the local corrections of a list of modules int nmod = cstr->GetNModules(); double jacobian[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom][AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom]; // for (int imd=nmod;imd--;) { int modID = cstr->GetModuleID(imd); AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(modID); ResetLocalEquation(); int nadded = 0; double value = cstr->GetValue(); double sigma = cstr->GetError(); // // in case the reference (survey) deltas were imposed for Gaussian constraints // already accumulated corrections: they must be subtracted from the constraint value. if (IsConstraintWrtRef()) { // Double_t precal[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParTot]; Double_t refcal[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParTot]; for (int ip=AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParTot;ip--;) {precal[ip]=0; refcal[ip] = 0.;} // // check if there was a reference delta provided for this module AliAlignObjParams* parref = GetConstrRefObject(mod->GetName()); if (parref) parref->GetPars(refcal, refcal+3); // found reference delta // // extract already applied local corrections for this module if (fPrealignment) { // AliAlignObjParams *preo = GetPrealignedObject(mod->GetName()); if (preo) { TGeoHMatrix preMat,tmpMat = *mod->GetMatrix(); // Delta_Glob * Delta_Glob_Par * M preo->GetMatrix(preMat); // Delta_Glob preMat.MultiplyLeft( &tmpMat.Inverse() ); // M^-1 * Delta_Glob_Par^-1 = (Delta_Glob_Par * M)^-1 tmpMat.MultiplyLeft( &preMat ); // (Delta_Glob_Par * M)^-1 * Delta_Glob * Delta_Glob_Par * M = Delta_loc AliAlignObjParams algob; algob.SetMatrix(tmpMat); algob.GetPars(precal,precal+3); // local corrections for geometry } } // // subtract the contribution to constraint from precalibration for (int ipar=cstr->GetNCoeffs();ipar--;) value += (refcal[ipar]-precal[ipar])*cstr->GetCoeff(ipar); // } // if (fUseGlobalDelta) mod->CalcDerivLocGlo(&jacobian[0][0]); // for (int ipar=cstr->GetNCoeffs();ipar--;) { double coef = cstr->GetCoeff(ipar); if (IsZero(coef)) continue; // if (!fUseGlobalDelta || ipar>= AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom) { // // we are working with local params or if the given param is not related to geometry, // apply the constraint directly int parPos = mod->GetParOffset(ipar); if (parPos<0) continue; // not in the fit fGlobalDerivatives[parPos] += coef; nadded++; } else { // we are working with global params, while the constraint is on local ones -> jacobian for (int jpar=AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom;jpar--;) { int parPos = mod->GetParOffset(jpar); if (parPos<0) continue; fGlobalDerivatives[parPos] += coef*jacobian[ipar][jpar]; nadded++; } } } if (nadded) AddConstraint(fGlobalDerivatives, value, sigma); } // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ApplyPreConstraints() { // apply constriants which cannot be imposed after the fit int nconstr = GetNConstraints(); for (int i=0;iGetType() == AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray::kTypeGaussian) { ApplyGaussianConstraint( (AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray*)cstr); continue; } // if (cstr->GetType() == AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMedian) continue; // post type constraint // if (!fUseGlobalDelta) continue; // mean/med constraints must be applied to global deltas // apply constraint on the mean's before the fit int imd = cstr->GetModuleID(); if (imd>=0) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(imd); UInt_t pattern = 0; for (int ipar=mod->GetNParTot();ipar--;) { if (!cstr->IncludesParam(ipar)) continue; if (mod->GetParOffset(ipar)<0) continue; // parameter is not in the explicit fit -> post constraint pattern |= 0x1<SetApplied(ipar); } ConstrainModuleSubUnits(imd,cstr->GetValue(),pattern); // } else if (!PseudoParentsAllowed()) { ConstrainOrphans(cstr->GetValue(),(UInt_t)cstr->GetPattern()); cstr->SetApplied(-1); } } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ApplyPostConstraints() { // apply constraints which can be imposed after the fit int nconstr = GetNConstraints(); Bool_t convGlo = kFALSE; // check if there is something to do int ntodo = 0; for (int i=0;iGetType() == AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray::kTypeGaussian) continue; if (cstr->GetRemainingPattern() == 0) continue; ntodo++; } if (!ntodo) return; // if (!fUseGlobalDelta) { // need to convert to global params ConvertParamsToGlobal(); convGlo = kTRUE; } // for (int i=0;iGetType() == AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray::kTypeGaussian) continue; // int imd = cstr->GetModuleID(); // if (imd>=0) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(imd); UInt_t pattern = 0; for (int ipar=mod->GetNParTot();ipar--;) { if (cstr->IsApplied(ipar)) continue; if (!cstr->IncludesParam(ipar)) continue; if (!mod->IsFreeDOF(ipar)) continue; // parameter is fixed, will not apply constraint pattern |= 0x1<SetApplied(ipar); } if (pattern) PostConstrainModuleSubUnits(cstr->GetType(),cstr->GetModuleID(),cstr->GetValue(),pattern); // } else if (PseudoParentsAllowed()) { UInt_t pattern = (UInt_t)cstr->GetRemainingPattern(); PostConstrainOrphans(cstr->GetType(),cstr->GetValue(),pattern); cstr->SetApplied(-1); } } // if there was a conversion, rewind it if (convGlo) ConvertParamsToLocal(); // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainModuleSubUnits(Int_t idm, Double_t val, UInt_t pattern) { // require that sum of modifications for the childs of this module is = val, i.e. // the internal corrections moves the module as a whole by fixed value (0 by default). // pattern is the bit pattern for the parameters to constrain // // AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(idm); // for (int ip=0;ip>ip)&0x1) /*|| !parent->IsFreeDOF(ip)*/) continue; ResetLocalEquation(); int nadd = 0; for (int ich=mod->GetNChildren();ich--;) { int idpar = ((AliITSAlignMille2Module*)mod->GetChild(ich))->GetParOffset(ip); if (idpar<0) continue; fGlobalDerivatives[idpar] = 1.0; nadd++; } // if (nadd>0) { AddConstraint(fGlobalDerivatives,val); AliInfo(Form("Constrained param %d for %d submodules of module #%d: %s",ip,nadd,idm,mod->GetName())); } } // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainOrphans(Double_t val, UInt_t pattern) { // require that median of the modifications for the supermodules which have no parents is = val, i.e. // the corrections moves the whole setup by fixed value (0 by default) modulo the outliers. // pattern is the bit pattern for the parameters to constrain // for (int ip=0;ip>ip)&0x1) ) continue; ResetLocalEquation(); int nadd = 0; for (int imd=fNModules;imd--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(imd); if (mod->GetParent()) continue; // this is not an orphan int idpar = mod->GetParOffset(ip); if (idpar<0) continue; fGlobalDerivatives[idpar] = 1.0; nadd++; } if (nadd>0) { AddConstraint(fGlobalDerivatives,val); AliInfo(Form("Constrained param %d for %d orphan modules",ip,nadd)); } } // // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::PostConstrainModuleSubUnits(Int_t type,Int_t idm, Double_t val, UInt_t pattern) { // require that median or mean of the modifications for the childs of this module is = val, i.e. // the internal corrections moves the module as a whole by fixed value (0 by default) // module the outliers. // pattern is the bit pattern for the parameters to constrain // The difference between the mean and the median will be transfered to the parent // AliITSAlignMille2Module* parent = GetMilleModule(idm); int nc = parent->GetNChildren(); // double *tmpArr = new double[nc]; // for (int ip=0;ip>ip)&0x1) || !parent->IsFreeDOF(ip)) continue; // compute the mean and median of the deltas int nfree = 0; for (int ich=nc;ich--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* child = parent->GetChild(ich); // if (!child->IsFreeDOF(ip)) continue; tmpArr[nfree++] = child->GetParVal(ip); } double median=0,mean=0; for (int ic0=0;ic0tmpArr[ic1]) {double tv=tmpArr[ic0]; tmpArr[ic0]=tmpArr[ic1]; tmpArr[ic1]=tv;} } // int kmed = nfree/2; median = (tmpArr[kmed]+tmpArr[nfree-kmed-1])/2.; if (nfree>0) mean /= nfree; // double shift = val - (type==AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMean ? mean : median); // for (int ich=nc;ich--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* child = parent->GetChild(ich); // if (!child->IsFreeDOF(ip)) continue; child->SetParVal(ip, child->GetParVal(ip) + shift); npc++; } // parent->SetParVal(ip, parent->GetParVal(ip) - shift); AliInfo(Form("%s constraint: added %f shift to param[%d] of %d children of module %d: %s", type==AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMean ? "MEAN" : "MEDIAN",shift, ip,npc,idm,parent->GetName())); } delete[] tmpArr; // // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::PostConstrainOrphans(Int_t type,Double_t val, UInt_t pattern) { // require that median or mean of modifications for the supermodules which have no parents is = val, i.e. // the corrections moves the whole setup by fixed value (0 by default). // pattern is the bit pattern for the parameters to constrain // int nc = fNModules; // int norph = 0; for (int ich=nc;ich--;) if (!GetMilleModule(ich)->GetParent()) norph ++; if (!norph) return; double *tmpArr = new double[norph]; // for (int ip=0;ip>ip)&0x1)) continue; // compute the mean and median of the deltas int nfree = 0; for (int ich=nc;ich--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* child = GetMilleModule(ich); // if (child->GetParent() || !child->IsFreeDOF(ip)) continue; if (child->GetParent()) continue; tmpArr[nfree++] = child->GetParVal(ip); } double median=0,mean=0; for (int ic0=0;ic0tmpArr[ic1]) {double tv=tmpArr[ic0]; tmpArr[ic0]=tmpArr[ic1]; tmpArr[ic1]=tv;} } // int kmed = nfree/2; median = (tmpArr[kmed]+tmpArr[nfree-kmed-1])/2.; if (nfree>0) mean /= nfree; // double shift = val - (type==AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMean ? mean : median); // for (int ich=nc;ich--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* child = GetMilleModule(ich); // if (child->GetParent() || !child->IsFreeDOF(ip)) continue; if (child->GetParent()) continue; child->SetParVal(ip, child->GetParVal(ip) + shift); npc++; } // AliInfo(Form("%s constraint: added %f shift to param[%d] of %d orphan modules", type==AliITSAlignMille2Constraint::kTypeMean ? "MEAN" : "MEDIAN",shift, ip,npc)); } delete[] tmpArr; // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSAlignMille2::IsParModConstrained(const AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod,Int_t par, Bool_t &meanmed, Bool_t &gaussian) const { // check if par of the module participates in some constraint, and set the flag for their types meanmed = gaussian = kFALSE; // if ( mod->IsParConstrained(par) ) gaussian = kTRUE; // direct constraint on this param // for (int icstr=GetNConstraints();icstr--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Constraint* cstr = GetConstraint(icstr); // if (!cstr->IncludesModPar(mod,par)) continue; if (cstr->GetType()==AliITSAlignMille2ConstrArray::kTypeGaussian) gaussian = kTRUE; else meanmed = kTRUE; // if (meanmed && gaussian) break; // no sense to check further } // return meanmed||gaussian; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSAlignMille2::IsParModFamilyVaried(const AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod,Int_t par,Int_t depth) const { // check if parameter par is varied for this module or its children up to the level depth if (depth<0) return kFALSE; if (mod->GetParOffset(par)>=0) return kTRUE; for (int icld=mod->GetNChildren();icld--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* child = mod->GetChild(icld); if (IsParModFamilyVaried(child, par, depth-1)) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; // } /* //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSAlignMille2::IsParFamilyFree(AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod,Int_t par,Int_t depth) const { // check if parameter par is varied and is not subjected to gaussian constraint for the children up to the level depth if (depth<0) return kTRUE; for (int icld=mod->GetNChildren();icld--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* child = mod->GetChild(icld); //if (child->GetParOffset(par)<0) continue; // fixed Bool_t cstMM=kFALSE,cstGS=kFALSE; // does this child have gaussian constraint ? if (!IsParModConstrained(child,par,cstMM,cstGS) || !cstGS ) return kTRUE; // check its children if (!IsParFamilyFree(child,par,depth-1)) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; // } */ //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSAlignMille2::IsParFamilyFree(const AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod,Int_t par,Int_t depth) const { // check if parameter par is varied and is not subjected to gaussian constraint for the children up to the level depth if (depth<0) return kFALSE; for (int icld=mod->GetNChildren();icld--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* child = mod->GetChild(icld); //if (child->GetParOffset(par)<0) continue; // fixed Bool_t cstMM=kFALSE,cstGS=kFALSE; // does this child have gaussian constraint ? if (!IsParModConstrained(child,par,cstMM,cstGS) || !cstGS ) return kTRUE; // check its children if (IsParFamilyFree(child,par,depth-1)) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; // } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliITSAlignMille2::GetTDriftSDD() const { // obtain drift time corrected for t0 double t = fCluster.GetDriftTime(); return t - fDriftTime0[ fCluster.GetUniqueID()-1 ]; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliITSAlignMille2::GetVDriftSDD() const { // obtain corrected drift speed return fDriftSpeed[ fCluster.GetUniqueID()-1 ]; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliITSAlignMille2::FixedOrphans() const { // are there fixed modules with no parent (normally in such a case // the constraints on the orphans should not be applied if (!IsConfigured()) { AliInfo("Still not configured"); return kFALSE; } for (int i=0;iGetParent()==0 && md->GetNParFree()==0) return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConvertParamsToGlobal() { // convert params in local frame to global one double pars[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom]; for (int imd=fNModules;imd--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(imd); if (mod->GeomParamsGlobal()) continue; mod->GetGeomParamsGlo(pars); mod->SetParVals(pars,AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom); mod->SetGeomParamsGlobal(kTRUE); } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConvertParamsToLocal() { // convert params in global frame to local one double pars[AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom]; for (int imd=fNModules;imd--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* mod = GetMilleModule(imd); if (!mod->GeomParamsGlobal()) continue; mod->GetGeomParamsLoc(pars); mod->SetParVals(pars,AliITSAlignMille2Module::kMaxParGeom); mod->SetGeomParamsGlobal(kFALSE); } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::SetBField(Double_t b) { // set Bz value if (IsZero(b,1e-5)) { fBField = 0.0; fBOn = kFALSE; fNLocal = 4; } else { fBField = b; fBOn = kTRUE; fNLocal = 5; // helices } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::ProcessUserInfo(TList* userInfo) { // extract calibration information used for TrackPointArray creation from run info // if (!userInfo) { AliInfo("No UserInfo is provided"); return 0;} // TMap *cdbMap=0; TList* cdbList=0; TObjString *objStr,*keyStr; AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); // int run = userInfo->GetUniqueID(); AliInfo(Form("UserInfo corresponds to run#%d",run)); cdbMap = (TMap*)userInfo->FindObject("cdbMap"); if (!cdbMap) {AliInfo("No CDB Map found in UserInfo");} else { if ((objStr=(TObjString*)cdbMap->GetValue("default"))) { // first set default CDB path fDefCDBpath = objStr->GetString(); if (fDefCDBpath.BeginsWith("raw://")) fDefCDBpath = "raw://"; AliInfo(Form("Default CDB Storage from UserInfo: %s",fDefCDBpath.Data())); } man->SetDefaultStorage( fDefCDBpath.Data() ); // this may be overriden later by configuration file man->SetRun(run); // // set specific paths relevant for alignment TIter itMap(cdbMap); while( (keyStr=(TObjString*)itMap.Next()) ) { TString keyS = keyStr->GetString(); if ( keyS == "default" ) continue; man->SetSpecificStorage( keyS.Data(), cdbMap->GetValue(keyS)->GetName() ); } } // cdbList = (TList*)userInfo->FindObject("cdbList"); if (!cdbList) {AliInfo("No CDB List found in UserInfo");} else { // Deltas used for TrackPointArray production TIter itList(cdbList); while( (objStr=(TObjString*)itList.Next()) ) if (objStr->GetString().Contains("ITS/Align/Data")) { fInitDeltaPath = objStr->GetString(); AliInfo(Form("Production Misalignment from UserInfo: %s",fInitDeltaPath.Data())); break; } // SDD response (time0 and drift speed correction) used for TrackPointArray production itList.Reset(); while( (objStr=(TObjString*)itList.Next()) ) if (objStr->GetString().Contains("ITS/Calib/RespSDD")) { fInitSDDRespPath = objStr->GetString(); AliInfo(Form("Production SDD Response from UserInfo: %s",fInitSDDRespPath.Data())); break; } // } // TList *bzlst = (TList*)userInfo->FindObject("BzkGauss"); if (bzlst && bzlst->At(0)) { objStr = (TObjString*)bzlst->At(0); SetBField( objStr->GetString().Atof() ); AliInfo(Form("Magentic field from UserInfo: %+.2e",GetBField())); } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::LoadSDDResponse(TString& path, AliITSresponseSDD *&resp) { if (path.IsNull()) return 0; // AliCDBEntry *entry = 0; resp = 0; while(1) { if (path.BeginsWith("path: ")) { // must load from OCDB AliCDBId* cdbId = AliCDBId::MakeFromString( path.Data() ); entry = AliCDBManager::Instance()->Get( *cdbId ); delete cdbId; if (!entry) break; resp = (AliITSresponseSDD*) entry->GetObject(); entry->SetObject(NULL); entry->SetOwner(kTRUE); delete entry; break; } // if (gSystem->AccessPathName(path.Data())) break; TFile* precf = TFile::Open(path.Data()); if (precf->FindKey("AliITSresponseSDD")) resp = (AliITSresponseSDD*)precf->Get("AliITSresponseSDD"); else if (precf->FindKey("AliCDBEntry") && (entry=(AliCDBEntry*)precf->Get("AliCDBEntry"))) { resp = (AliITSresponseSDD*) entry->GetObject(); if (resp && resp->InheritsFrom(AliITSresponseSDD::Class())) entry->SetObject(NULL); else resp = 0; entry->SetOwner(kTRUE); delete entry; } // precf->Close(); delete precf; break; } // if (!resp) {AliError(Form("Failed to load SDD response from %s",path.Data())); return -1;} return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::LoadDeltas(TString& path, TClonesArray *&arr) { if (path.IsNull()) return 0; // AliCDBEntry *entry = 0; arr = 0; while(1) { if (path.BeginsWith("path: ")) { // must load from OCDB AliCDBId *cdbId = AliCDBId::MakeFromString( path.Data() ); entry = AliCDBManager::Instance()->Get( *cdbId ); delete cdbId; if (!entry) break; arr = (TClonesArray*) entry->GetObject(); entry->SetObject(NULL); entry->SetOwner(kTRUE); delete entry; break; } // if (gSystem->AccessPathName(path.Data())) break; TFile* precf = TFile::Open(path.Data()); if (precf->FindKey("ITSAlignObjs")) arr = (TClonesArray*)precf->Get("ITSAlignObjs"); else if (precf->FindKey("AliCDBEntry") && (entry=(AliCDBEntry*)precf->Get("AliCDBEntry"))) { arr = (TClonesArray*) entry->GetObject(); if (arr && arr->InheritsFrom(TClonesArray::Class())) entry->SetObject(NULL); else arr = 0; entry->SetOwner(kTRUE); delete entry; } precf->Close(); delete precf; break; } // if (!arr) {AliError(Form("Failed to load Deltas from %s",path.Data())); return -1;} return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::CacheMatricesCurr() { // build arrays for the fast access to sensor matrices from their sensor ID // TGeoHMatrix mdel; AliInfo("Building sensors current matrices cache"); // fCacheMatrixCurr.Delete(); for (int idx=0;idx<=kMaxITSSensID;idx++) { int volID = AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetVolumeIDFromIndex(idx); TGeoHMatrix *mcurr = new TGeoHMatrix(); AliITSAlignMille2Module::SensVolMatrix(volID, mcurr); fCacheMatrixCurr.AddAtAndExpand(mcurr,idx); // } // fCacheMatrixCurr.SetOwner(kTRUE); return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliITSAlignMille2::CacheMatricesOrig() { // build arrays for the fast access to sensor original matrices (used for production) // TGeoHMatrix mdel; AliInfo("Building sensors original matrices cache"); // fCacheMatrixOrig.Delete(); if (!fInitDeltaPath.IsNull()) { if (LoadDeltas(fInitDeltaPath,fPrealignment) || ApplyToGeometry()) { AliError("Failed to load/apply initial deltas used to produce points"); return -1;} } // for (int idx=0;idx<=kMaxITSSensID;idx++) { int volID = AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetVolumeIDFromIndex(idx); TGeoHMatrix *morig = new TGeoHMatrix(); if (fUsePreAlignment) AliITSAlignMille2Module::SensVolMatrix(volID,morig); else AliITSAlignMille2Module::SensVolOrigGlobalMatrix(volID,morig); fCacheMatrixOrig.AddAtAndExpand(morig,idx); } // fCacheMatrixOrig.SetOwner(kTRUE); if (fUsePreAlignment) { // the initial deltas were temporary attached to prealignment array, clean and reinitialize geometry delete fPrealignment; fPrealignment = 0; fUsePreAlignment = 0; InitGeometry(); } return 0; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::RemoveHelixFitConstraint() { // suppress constraint fConstrCharge = 0; fConstrPT = fConstrPTErr = -1; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainHelixFitPT(Int_t q,Double_t pt,Double_t pterr) { // constrain q and pT of the helical fit of the track (should be set before process.track) // fConstrCharge = q==0 ? q:TMath::Sign(1,q); fConstrPT = pt; fConstrPTErr = pterr; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliITSAlignMille2::ConstrainHelixFitCurv(Int_t q,Double_t crv,Double_t crverr) { // constrain charge and curvature of the helical fit of the track (should be set before process.track) // const double kCQConv = 0.299792458e-3;// R = PT/Bz/fgkCQConv with GeV,kGauss,cm fConstrCharge = q==0 ? q:TMath::Sign(1,q); if (crv<0 || IsZero(crv)) { fConstrPT = -1; fConstrPTErr = -1; } else { fConstrPT = 1./crv*fBField*kCQConv; fConstrPTErr = crverr>1e-10 ? fConstrPT/crv*crverr : 0.; } } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TClonesArray* AliITSAlignMille2::CreateDeltas() { // Create \Deltas for every explicitly or implicitly (via non-alignable volumes) varied // or prealigned module. // If the module has inded J in the hierarchy of alignable volumes (0 - the top, most // coarse level), then its Delta is expressed via MP2 \deltas (in global frame) and // prealignment \DeltaP's as: // \Delta_J = Y X Y^-1 // where X = \delta_J * \DeltaP_J // Y = Prod_{K=0,J-1} \delta_K // Note that \delta_L accounts not only for its own correction but also of all non-alignable // modules in the hierarchy chain from L up to the closest alignable: // while (parent && !parent->IsAlignable()) { // \delta_L->MultiplyLeft( \delta_parent ); // parent = parent->GetParent(); // } // Bool_t convLoc = kFALSE; if (!GetUseGlobalDelta()) { ConvertParamsToGlobal(); convLoc = kTRUE; } // AliAlignObjParams tempAlignObj; TGeoHMatrix tempMatX,tempMatY,tempMat1; // TClonesArray *array = new TClonesArray("AliAlignObjParams",10); TClonesArray &alobj = *array; int idx = 0; // TGeoManager* geoManager = AliGeomManager::GetGeometry(); int nalgtot = geoManager->GetNAlignable(); // for (int ialg=0;ialgGetAlignableEntry(ialg)->GetName(); // AliITSAlignMille2Module* md = GetMilleModuleBySymName(algname); // explicitly varied? AliITSAlignMille2Module* parent = md ? md->GetParent(): GetMilleModuleIfContained(algname); AliAlignObjParams* preob = GetPrealignedObject(algname); // was it prealigned ? // if (!preob && !md && (!parent || parent->IsAlignable())) continue; // noting to do // // create matrix X (see comment) ------------------------------------------------->>> // start from unity matrix tempMatX.Clear(); if (preob) { // account prealigngment preob->GetMatrix(tempMat1); tempMatX.MultiplyLeft(&tempMat1); } // if (md) { tempAlignObj.SetTranslation( md->GetParVal(0),md->GetParVal(1),md->GetParVal(2)); tempAlignObj.SetRotation( md->GetParVal(3),md->GetParVal(4),md->GetParVal(5)); tempAlignObj.GetMatrix(tempMat1); tempMatX.MultiplyLeft(&tempMat1); // acount correction to varied module } // // the corrections to all non-alignable modules from current on // till first alignable should add up to its matrix while (parent && !parent->IsAlignable()) { tempAlignObj.SetTranslation( parent->GetParVal(0),parent->GetParVal(1),parent->GetParVal(2)); tempAlignObj.SetRotation( parent->GetParVal(3),parent->GetParVal(4),parent->GetParVal(5)); tempAlignObj.GetMatrix(tempMat1); tempMatX.MultiplyLeft(&tempMat1); // add matrix of non-alignable module parent = parent->GetParent(); } // create matrix X (see comment) ------------------------------------------------<<< // // create matrix Y (see comment) ------------------------------------------------>>> // start from unity matrix tempMatY.Clear(); while ( parent ) { tempAlignObj.SetTranslation( parent->GetParVal(0),parent->GetParVal(1),parent->GetParVal(2)); tempAlignObj.SetRotation( parent->GetParVal(3),parent->GetParVal(4),parent->GetParVal(5)); tempAlignObj.GetMatrix(tempMat1); tempMatY.MultiplyLeft(&tempMat1); parent = parent->GetParent(); } // create matrix Y (see comment) ------------------------------------------------<<< // tempMatX.MultiplyLeft(&tempMatY); tempMatX.Multiply(&tempMatY.Inverse()); // if (tempMatX.IsIdentity()) continue; // do not store dummy matrices UShort_t vid = AliITSAlignMille2Module::GetVolumeIDFromSymname(algname); new(alobj[idx++]) AliAlignObjParams(algname,vid,tempMatX,kTRUE); // } // if (convLoc) ConvertParamsToLocal(); // return array; // } //_______________________________________________________________________________________ AliITSresponseSDD* AliITSAlignMille2::CreateSDDResponse() { // create object with SDD repsonse (t0 and vdrift corrections) accounting for // eventual precalibration // // if there was a precalibration provided, copy it to new arrray AliITSresponseSDD *precal = GetSDDPrecalibration(); if (!precal) precal = GetSDDInit(); AliITSresponseSDD *calibSDD = new AliITSresponseSDD(); // for (int ind=kSDDoffsID;indSetModuleTimeZero(ind, precal? precal->GetTimeZero(ind) : 0.); calibSDD->SetDeltaVDrift(ind, precal? precal->GetDeltaVDrift(ind) : 0.); } // Bool_t save = kFALSE; for (int imd=GetNModules();imd--;) { AliITSAlignMille2Module* md = GetMilleModule(imd); if (!md->IsSDD()) continue; if (md->IsFreeDOF(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0) || md->IsFreeDOF(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV)) save = kTRUE; // for (int is=0;isGetNSensitiveVolumes();is++) { int ind = md->GetSensVolIndex(is); float t0 = calibSDD->GetTimeZero(ind) + md->GetParVal(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFT0); float dv = calibSDD->GetDeltaVDrift(ind) + md->GetParVal(AliITSAlignMille2Module::kDOFDV); // calibSDD->SetModuleTimeZero(ind, t0); calibSDD->SetDeltaVDrift(ind, dv); } } // if (!save) { AliInfo("No free parameters for SDD calibration, nothing to save"); delete calibSDD; calibSDD = 0; } // return calibSDD; }